4,530 research outputs found

    Terahertz Quantum Cascade Lasers - The Past, Present, and Potential Future

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    Since their first demonstration in 2002, the development of terahertz frequency quantum cascade lasers has been extremely rapid. We overview some of the advances that have taken place and which have made the terahertz quantum cascade laser such a ubiquitous source. We also consider potential future directions for terahertz quantum cascade laser technology, including its use in satellite-borne instrumentation for future Earth observation and planetary science missions

    Does a novel X-ray imaging technology provide a substantial radiation dose reduction for patients in trans-catheter aortic valve implantation procedures?

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    Purpose: Modern interventional X-ray equipment employs image processing to permit reduction in radiation whilst retaining sufficient image quality. The aim of this study was to investigate whether our recently-installed system (AlluraClarity, Philips Healthcare) which contains advanced real-time image noise reduction algorithms and anatomy-specific X-ray optimization (beam filtering, grid switch, pulse width, spot size, detector and image processing engine), affected patient procedure dose and overall procedure duration in routine trans-catheter aortic valve implantation (TAVI) procedures. Methods: Patient dose for 42 TAVI patients from the AlluraClarity cardiac catheterisation lab and from a reference system (Axiom Artis, Siemens Healthcare) in the same cardiology department was recorded. Median values from the two X-ray systems were compared using the Wilcoxon statistical test. Results: Total patient procedure dose medians were 4016 and 7088 cGy cm2 from the AlluraClarity and reference systems respectively. AlluraClarity median patient doses were 3405 cGy cm2 and 783.5 cGy cm2 from fluoroscopy and digital image acquisition respectively. Reference median patient doses were 4928 cGy cm2 and 2511 cGy cm2 from fluoroscopy and digital image acquisition respectively. All differences in patient dose were significant at the 5% level. Median total fluoroscopy times [min:sec] were 19:57 and 20:20 for the AlluraClarity and reference systems respectively. Conclusion: The AlluraClarity cardiac catheterisation lab had 43% lower total patient procedure dose for TAVI patients than the reference lab; fluoroscopy and digital image acquisition doses were 31% and 69% lower respectively. In terms of total fluoroscopy time, there was no statistically significant difference between the two labs

    Image quality based x-ray dose control in cardiac imaging

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    An automated closed-loop dose control system balances the radiation dose delivered to patients and the quality of images produced in cardiac x-ray imaging systems. Using computer simulations, this study compared two designs of automatic x-ray dose control in terms of the radiation dose and quality of images produced. The first design, commonly in x-ray systems today, maintained a constant dose rate at the image receptor. The second design maintained a constant image quality in the output images. A computer model represented patients as a polymethylmetacrylate phantom (which has similar x-ray attenuation to soft tissue), containing a detail representative of an artery filled with contrast medium. The model predicted the entrance surface dose to the phantom and contrast to noise ratio of the detail as an index of image quality. Results showed that for the constant dose control system, phantom dose increased substantially with phantom size (x5 increase between 20cm and 30 cm thick phantom), yet the image quality decreased by 43% for the same thicknesses. For the constant quality control, phantom dose increased at a greater rate with phantom thickness (>x10 increase between 20 cm and 30 cm phantom). Image quality based dose control could tailor the x-ray output to just achieve the quality required, which would reduce dose to patients where the current dose control produces images of too high quality. However, maintaining higher levels of image quality for large patients would result in a significant dose increase over current practice

    Resolving MISS conceptions and misconceptions: A geological approach to sedimentary surface textures generated by microbial and abiotic processes

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    The rock record contains a rich variety of sedimentary surface textures on siliciclastic sandstone, siltstone and mudstone bedding planes. In recent years, an increasing number of these textures have been attributed to surficial microbial mats at the time of deposition, resulting in their classification as microbially induced sedimentary structures, or MISS. Research into MISS has developed at a rapid rate, resulting in a number of misconceptions in the literature. Here, we attempt to rectify these MISS misunderstandings. The first part of this paper surveys the stratigraphic and environmental range of reported MISS, revealing that contrary to popular belief there are more reported MISS-bearing rock units of Phanerozoic than Precambrian age. Furthermore, MISS exhibit a pan-environmental and almost continuous record since the Archean. Claims for the stratigraphic restriction of MISS to intervals prior to the evolution of grazing organisms or after mass extinction events, as well as claims for the environmental restriction of MISS, appear to result from sampling bias. In the second part of the paper we suggest that raised awareness of MISS has come at the cost of a decreasing appreciation of abiotic processes that may create morphologically similar features. By introducing the umbrella term ‘sedimentary surface textures’, of which MISS are one subset, we suggest a practical methodology for classifying such structures in the geological record. We illustrate how elucidating the formative mechanisms of ancient sedimentary surface textures usually requires consideration of a suite of sedimentological evidence from surrounding strata. Resultant interpretations, microbial or non-microbial, should be couched within a reasonable degree of uncertainty. This approach recognizes that morphological similarity alone does not constitute scientific proof of a common origin, and reinstates a passive descriptive terminology for sedimentary surface textures that cannot be achieved with the current MISS lexicon. It is hoped that this new terminology will reduce the number of overly sensational and misleading claims of MISS occurrence, and permit the means to practically separate initial observation from interpretation. Furthermore, this methodology offers a scientific approach that appreciates the low likelihood of conclusively identifying microbial structures from visual appearance alone, informing the search for true MISS in Earth's geological record and potentially on other planetary bodies such as Mars.Instances of sedimentary surface textures in the field were identified coincidentally during multiple seasons of varied field investigations primarily funded for NSD by a variety of organisations including a George Frederic Matthew Research Grant from the New Brunswick Museum for 2012, and a Discovery Grant from the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada to MRG. AGL is supported by the Natural Environment Research Council [grant number NE/L011409/1].This is the final version of the article. It first appeared from Elsevier via http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.earscirev.2016.01.00

    Label-free electrochemical biosensors for clinical diagnostic

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    We present the development of a high sensitivity, label-free, biosensor platform suitable for multiplexed point-of-care diagnostics. A sensor surface based on a carboxy-terminated oligo ethylene-glycol (OEG) self-assembled monolayer (SAM) was developed and fully characterised. Optimal conditions for antibody immobilisation were found for a buffer pH approximately one unit below the pI of the antibody, which yielded both higher antibody density on the sensor surface as well as higher sensor response to the antigen. At the same time the surface showed good resistance to non-specific adsorption of high concentrations of proteins. A non-faradaic electrochemical impedance spectroscopy biosensor to detect human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) in full serum was demonstrated as a proof of concept. By using the phase of the impedance at 100 mHz as the sensor response, a linear relationship of the phase shift vs the logarithm of hCG concentration was established between 26 fM and 0.26 nM with a sensitivity of 0.6 degree per decade, which is a significant improvement over current state-of-the-art biosensor systems

    Crystallisation of Aspirin via Simulated Pulmonary Surfactant Monolayers and Lung-Specific Additives

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    Pain is a prevalent condition that can have a serious impact upon the socioeconomic function of a population. Numerous methods exist to administer analgesic medication (e.g. aspirin) to the body however inherent drawbacks limit patient acceptability. The inhaled route offers promise to facilitate the administration of medication to the body. Here, we consider the crystallisation behaviour of aspirin, our model therapeutic agent, when in contact with material of relevance to the lung. Thus, our approach aims to better understand the interaction between drug substances and the respiratory tract. Langmuir monolayers composed of a mixed surfactant system were supported on an aqueous subphase containing aspirin (7.5mg/ml). The surfactant film was compressed to either 5mN/m (i.e. inhalation end point) or 50mN/m (i.e. exhalation end point), whilst located within a humid environment for 16 hours. Standard cooling crystallisation procedures were employed to produce control samples. Antisolvent crystallisation in the presence or absence of lung-specific additives was conducted. All samples were analysed via scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and X-ray diffraction (XRD). Drug-surfactant interactions were confirmed via condensed Langmuir isotherms. SEM analysis revealed plate-like morphology. The crystallisation route dictated both the crystal habit and particle size distribution. Dominant reflections were the (100) and (200) aspects. The main modes of interaction were hydrogen bonding, hydrophobic associations and van der Waals forces. Here, we have demonstrated the potential of antisolvent crystallisation with lung-specific additives to achieve control over drug crystal morphology. The approach taken can be applied in respirable formulation engineering

    A dynamic spatial model of conflict escalation

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    In both historical and modern conflicts, space plays a critical role in how interactions occur over time. Despite its importance, the spatial distribution of adversaries has often been neglected in mathematical models of conflict. In this paper, we propose an entropy-maximising spatial interaction method for disaggregating the impact of space, employing a general notion of ‘threat’ between two adversaries. This approach addresses a number of limitations that are associated with partial differential equation approaches to spatial disaggregation. We use this method to spatially disaggregate the Richardson model of conflict escalation, and then explore the resulting model with both analytical and numerical treatments. A bifurcation is identified that dramatically influences the resulting spatial distribution of conflict and is shown to persist under a range of model specifications. Implications of this finding for real-world conflicts are discussed

    Multimode, Aperiodic Terahertz Surface-Emitting Laser Resonators

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    Quasi-crystal structures are conventionally built following deterministic generation rules although they do not present a full spatial periodicity. If used as laser resonators, they open up intriguing design possibilities that are simply not possible in conventional periodic photonic crystals: the distinction between symmetric (vertically radiative but low quality factor Q) and anti-symmetric (non-radiative, high Q) modes is indeed here fully overcome, offering a concrete perspective of highly efficient vertical emitting resonators. We here exploit electrically pumped terahertz quantum cascade heterostructures to devise two-dimensional seven-fold quasi-crystal resonators, exploiting rotational order or irregularly distributed defects. By lithographically tuning the lattice quasi-periodicity and/or the hole radius of the imprinted patterns, efficient multimode surface emission with a rich sequence of spectral lines distributed over a 2.9–3.4 THz bandwidth was reached. We demonstrated multicolor emission with 67 mW of peak optical power, slope efficiencies up to ≈70 mW/A, 0.14% wall plug efficiencies and beam profile results of the rich quasi-crystal Fourier spectrum that, in the case of larger rotational order, can reach very low divergence
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