439 research outputs found

    Long-Term Memory Guidance of Visuospatial Attention in a Change-Detection Paradigm

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    Visual task performance is generally stronger in familiar environments. One reason for this familiarity benefit is that we learn where to direct our visual attention and effective attentional deployment enhances performance. Visual working memory plays a central role in supporting long-term memory guidance of visuospatial attention. We modified a change detection task to create a new paradigm for investigating long-term memory guidance of attention. During the training phase, subjects viewed images in a flicker paradigm and were asked to detect between one and three changes in the images. The test phase required subjects to detect a single change in a one-shot change detection task in which they held all possible locations of changes in visual working memory and deployed attention to those locations to determine if a change occurred. Subjects detected significantly more changes in images for which they had been trained to detect the changes, demonstrating that memory of the images guided subjects in deploying their attention. Moreover, capacity to detect changes was greater for images that had multiple changes during the training phase. In Experiment 2, we observed that capacity to detect changes for the 3-studied change condition increased significantly with more study exposures and capacity was significantly higher than 1, indicating that subjects were able to attend to more than one location. Together, these findings suggest memory and attentional systems interact via working memory such that long-term memory can be used to direct visual spatial attention to multiple locations based on previous experience. © 2014 Rosen, Stern and Somers

    Functional correlates of optic flow motion processing in Parkinson’s disease

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    The visual input created by the relative motion between an individual and the environment, also called optic flow, influences the sense of self-motion, postural orientation, veering of gait, and visuospatial cognition. An optic flow network comprising visual motion areas V6, V3A, and MT+, as well as visuo-vestibular areas including posterior insula vestibular cortex (PIVC) and cingulate sulcus visual area (CSv), has been described as uniquely selective for parsing egomotion depth cues in humans. Individuals with Parkinson’s disease (PD) have known behavioral deficits in optic flow perception and visuospatial cognition compared to age- and education-matched control adults (MC). The present study used functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) to investigate neural correlates related to impaired optic flow perception in PD. We conducted fMRI on 40 non-demented participants (23 PD and 17 MC) during passive viewing of simulated optic flow motion and random motion. We hypothesized that compared to the MC group, PD participants would show abnormal neural activity in regions comprising this optic flow network. MC participants showed robust activation across all regions in the optic flow network, consistent with studies in young adults, suggesting intact optic flow perception at the neural level in healthy aging. PD participants showed diminished activity compared to MC particularly within visual motion area MT+ and the visuo-vestibular region CSv. Further, activation in visuo-vestibular region CSv was associated with disease severity. These findings suggest that behavioral reports of impaired optic flow perception and visuospatial performance may be a result of impaired neural processing within visual motion and visuo-vestibular regions in PD.Published versio

    Luciferase-Based Screen for Post-translational Control Factors in the Regulation of the Pseudo-Response Regulator PRR7

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    Control of protein turnover is a key post-translational control point in the oscillatory network of the circadian clock. Some elements, such as TOC1 and PRR5 are engaged by a well-described F-box protein, ZEITLUPE, dedicated to their proteolytic turnover to shape their expression profile to a specific time of night. For most other clock components the regulation of their protein abundance is unknown, though turnover is often rapid and often lags the cycling of the respective mRNA. Here we report the design and results of an unbiased genetic screen in Arabidopsis to uncover proteolytic regulatory factors of PSEUDO-RESPONSE REGULATOR 7 (PRR7), a transcriptional repressor that peaks in the late afternoon. We performed EMS mutagenesis on a transgenic line expressing a PRR7::PRR7-luciferase (PRR7-LUC) translational fusion that accurately recapitulates the diurnal and circadian oscillations of the endogenous PRR7 protein. Using continuous luciferase imaging under constant light, we recovered mutants that alter the PRR7-LUC waveform and some that change period. We have identified novel alleles of ELF3 and ELF4, core components of the ELF3-ELF4-LUX Evening Complex (EC), that dampen the oscillation of PRR7-LUC. We report the characterization of two new hypomorphic alleles of ELF3 that help to understand the relationship between molecular potency and phenotype

    Functional Network Reconfiguration Supporting Memory-Guided Attention

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    Studies have identified several brain regions whose activations facilitate attentional deployment via long-term memories. We analyzed task-based functional connectivity at the network and node-specific level to characterize large-scale communication between brain regions underlying long-term memory guided attention. We predicted default mode, cognitive control, and dorsal attention subnetworks would contribute differentially to long-term memory guided attention, such that network-level connectivity would shift based on attentional demands, requiring contribution of memory-specific nodes within default mode and cognitive control subnetworks. We expected that these nodes would increase connectivity with one another and with dorsal attention subnetworks during long-term memory guided attention. Additionally, we hypothesized connectivity between cognitive control and dorsal attention subnetworks facilitating external attentional demands. Our results identified both network-based and node-specific interactions that facilitate different components of LTM-guided attention, suggesting a crucial role across the posterior precuneus and restrosplenial cortex, acting independently from the divisions of default mode and cognitive control subnetworks. We found a gradient of precuneus connectivity, with dorsal precuneus connecting to cognitive control and dorsal attention regions, and ventral precuneus connecting across all subnetworks. Additionally, retrosplenial cortex showed increased connectivity across subnetworks. We suggest that connectivity from dorsal posterior midline regions is critical for the integration of external information with internal memory that facilitates long-term memory guided attention

    Modelling of plant circadian clock for characterizing hypocotyl growth under different light quality conditions

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    To meet the ever-increasing global food demand, the food production rate needs to be increased significantly in the near future. Speed breeding is considered as a promising agricultural technology solution to achieve the zero-hunger vision as specified in the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 2. In speed breeding, the photoperiod of the artificial light has been manipulated to enhance crop productivity. In particular, regulating the photoperiod of different light qualities rather than solely white light can further improve speed breading. However, identifying the optimal light quality and the associated photoperiod simultaneously remains a challenging open problem due to complex interactions between multiple photoreceptors and proteins controlling plant growth. To tackle this, we develop a first comprehensive model describing the profound effect of multiple light qualities with different photoperiods on plant growth (i.e. hypocotyl growth). The model predicts that hypocotyls elongated more under red light compared to both red and blue light. Drawing similar findings from previous related studies, we propose that this might result from the competitive binding of red and blue light receptors, primarily Phytochrome B (phyB) and Cryptochrome 1 (cry1) for the core photomorphogenic regulator, CONSTITUTIVE PHOTOMORPHOGENIC 1 (COP1). This prediction is validated through an experimental study on Arabidopsis thaliana. Our work proposes a potential molecular mechanism underlying plant growth under different light qualities and ultimately suggests an optimal breeding protocol that takes into account light quality

    Inbreeding Avoidance Influences the Viability of Reintroduced Populations of African Wild Dogs (Lycaon pictus)

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    The conservation of many fragmented and small populations of endangered African wild dogs (Lycaon pictus) relies on understanding the natural processes affecting genetic diversity, demographics, and future viability. We used extensive behavioural, life-history, and genetic data from reintroduced African wild dogs in South Africa to (1) test for inbreeding avoidance via mate selection and (2) model the potential consequences of avoidance on population persistence. Results suggested that wild dogs avoided mating with kin. Inbreeding was rare in natal packs, after reproductive vacancies, and between sibling cohorts (observed on 0.8%, 12.5%, and 3.8% of occasions, respectively). Only one of the six (16.7%) breeding pairs confirmed as third-order (or closer) kin consisted of animals that were familiar with each other, while no other paired individuals had any prior association. Computer-simulated populations allowed to experience inbreeding had only a 1.6% probability of extinction within 100 years, whereas all populations avoiding incestuous matings became extinct due to the absence of unrelated mates. Populations that avoided mating with first-order relatives became extinct after 63 years compared with persistence of 37 and 19 years for those also prevented from second-order and third-order matings, respectively. Although stronger inbreeding avoidance maintains significantly more genetic variation, our results demonstrate the potentially severe demographic impacts of reduced numbers of suitable mates on the future viability of small, isolated wild dog populations. The rapid rate of population decline suggests that extinction may occur before inbreeding depression is observed

    The transcriptional repressor complex FRS7-FRS12 regulates flowering time and growth in Arabidopsis

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    Most living organisms developed systems to efficiently time environmental changes. The plant-clock acts in coordination with external signals to generate output responses determining seasonal growth and flowering time. Here, we show that two Arabidopsis thaliana transcription factors, FAR1 RELATED SEQUENCE 7 (FRS7) and FRS12, act as negative regulators of these processes. These proteins accumulate particularly in short-day conditions and interact to form a complex. Loss-of-function of FRS7 and FRS12 results in early flowering plants with overly elongated hypocotyls mainly in short days. We demonstrate by molecular analysis that FRS7 and FRS12 affect these developmental processes in part by binding to the promoters and repressing the expression of GIGANTEA and PHYTOCHROME INTERACTING FACTOR 4 as well as several of their downstream signalling targets. Our data reveal a molecular machinery that controls the photoperiodic regulation of flowering and growth and offer insight into how plants adapt to seasonal changes

    Cost-effective circadian mechanism: rhythmic degradation of circadian proteins spontaneously emerges without rhythmic post-translational regulation

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    Circadian protein oscillations are maintained by the lifelong repetition of protein production and degradation in daily balance. It comes at the cost of ever-replayed, futile protein synthesis each day. This biosynthetic cost with a given oscillatory protein profile is relievable by a rhythmic, not constant, degradation rate that selectively peaks at the right time of day but remains low elsewhere, saving much of the gross protein loss and of the replenishing protein synthesis. Here, our mathematical modeling reveals that the rhythmic degradation rate of proteins with circadian production spontaneously emerges under steady and limited activity of proteolytic mediators and does not necessarily require rhythmic post-translational regulation of previous focus. Additional (yet steady) post-translational modifications in a proteolytic pathway can further facilitate the degradation's rhythmicity in favor of the biosynthetic cost saving. Our work is supported by animal and plant circadian data, offering a generic mechanism for potentially widespread, time-dependent protein turnover