88 research outputs found

    Just for you at Christmas

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    Danzy, Richard

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    Co. C. 317 Medical Battalionhttps://dh.howard.edu/prom_corres/1026/thumbnail.jp

    Danzy, Richard

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    Co. C 317 Med. Battalion, Fort Huachuca, Arizonahttps://dh.howard.edu/prom_members/1017/thumbnail.jp

    Female Rhesus Macaques (Macaca mulatta) Sexual Skin Color Variability

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    Many primate species use colorful signals to communicate sexual receptivity, rank, pregnancy, health, and developmental maturity. Reproductive coloration may not be limited to signaling sexual receptivity or pregnancy, but may also communicate aspects of female quality. Our preliminary study examined the relationships between female sexual skin coloration, mating status, and female traits, including age and dominance rank. The study took place at the Cayo Santiago (CS) facility in Puerto Rico; data were collected May through August of 2006. We examined two questions: 1) Is sexual skin coloration related to mating status?; and 2) Are inter-and intra-individual color differences related to female traits? Facial coloration was not significantly related to mating status; genital saturation was significantly higher among mating females and among high-ranking females. Age was negatively correlated with both genital hue and genital saturation range; older females had more restricted coloration and younger females had more variable color. These preliminary results suggest that female coloration may reliably indicate aspects of female quality or condition to conspecifics, including potential mates

    Passing as Danzy Senna

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    Caucasia, written by Danzy Senna, is part of a growing sub-genre of African-American novels, some of which announce their themes by their titles: White Boys, by Reginald McKnight; The White Boy Shuffle, by Paul Beatty; The Last Integrationist, by Jake Lamar; and Negrophobia, by Darius James, to name a few. Caucasia is a Post-Soul novel that explores the world of mullatos - both cultural and racial. But even though artists such as Kara Walker, photographer Lorna Simpson, and essayist Lisa Jones also explore the vicissitudes of post-Civil Rights Movement Black identity, in Black fiction its been pretty much a boys\u27 club

    Comparative growth and static allometry in the genus Chlorocebus

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    Characterizing variation in growth across populations is critical to understanding multiple aspects of development in primates, including within-taxon developmental plasticity and the evolution of life history patterns. Growth in wild primates has often been reported and directly compared across larger taxonomic groups and within social groups, but comparisons are rarely investigated across widely dispersed populations of a single taxon. With the Vervet Phenome-Genome Project and the International Vervet Research Consortium, we trapped 936 vervet monkeys of all ages representing three populations (Kenyan pygerythrus, South African pygerythrus, and sabaeus from St. Kitts & Nevis). We gathered 10 different body measurements from each including mass, body breadth and length, segmental limb lengths, and chest circumference. To gain a better understanding of how ontogenetic patterns vary in these populations, we calculated bivariate allometry coefficients, derived using PCA on log-transformed and z-standardized trait values, and compared them to isometric vector coefficients. Within all population samples, around weaning age most traits showed a negative allometric relationship to body length. As each population ages, however, distinct patterns emerge, showing population differences in onset and intensity of growth among traits. In concordance with other analyses on growth in these populations, our results suggest that there exist relative differences in patterns of growth between Chlorocebus populations, further suggesting selection for unique developmental pathways in each

    Quantitative Assessment of the Effects of Postnatal Lead Exposure on the Habituation of Motor Activity in Rats

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    Despite the steady decrease in the use of lead in gasoline, the total production of lead in the U. S. has not changed significantly in the last 30 years (Schlag, 1987). However, there has been a considerable change in lead-use patterns. Schlag (1987) reports that the primary use of lead is for the manufacture of storage batteries (72%) and secondarily for gasoline (7%). However, in spite of the consistent volume in the total production of lead, Bogden et al. (1997) points out that the elimination of lead in gasoline in the 1970s, and Reduced use of lead in other sources of exposure such as outdoor paint, printing inks, and solder tin cans used for food storage, has resulted in well-documented and substantial decreases in blood-lead concentrations of all age groups in the United States. Yet despite these efforts, some segments of the population, young children in particular, continue to be exposed to excessive levels of lead from paint chips, soil, and various other sources.Master of Science in Public Healt

    The static allometry of sexual and non-sexual traits in vervet monkeys

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    Sexual traits vary tremendously in static allometry. This variation may be explained in part by body size-related differences in the strength of selection. We tested this hypothesis in two populations of vervet monkeys, using estimates of the level of condition dependence for different morphological traits as a proxy for body size-related variation in the strength of selection. In support of the hypothesis, we found that the steepness of allometric slopes increased with the level of condition dependence. One trait of particular interest, the penis, had shallow allometric slopes and low levels of condition dependence, in agreement with one of the most consistent patterns yet detected in the study of allometry, namely that of genitalia exhibiting shallow allometries.This research was supported by NIH grant R01RR0163009

    A new hotspot for Temminck’s Red Colobus (Piliocolobus badius temminckii) in The Gambia: the feasibility of a community approach to conservation

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    The geographic range and abundance of Temminck’s red colobus, Piliocolobus badius temminckii, in The Gambia is not well documented. In March 2019, line transect surveys were conducted at a number of data deficient forests in The Gambia to establish species presence or absence, contribute to a greater understanding of the species at a national scale and identify prior- ity sites for conservation. One area around Sambel Kunda in the Central River Region was found to be exceptionally productive with an observed Temminck’s red colobus population of 587 individuals, a maximum group size of 60, and connectivity to robust populations along a riparian corridor to the east. Surveys were supported by the collation of community perceptions using prin- ciples of Rapid Assessment Program (RAP) methodology to evaluate the feasibility of an integrated community development and primate conservation project. The results of interviews and meetings in the Sambel Kunda area revealed an absence of hunting and increasing population trends for all primate species, including red colobus. Excepting the Central River Region, Temminck’s red colobus populations were otherwise in decline or locally extinct, predominantly as a result of indiscriminate hunting to protect agricultural crops. Meetings with the Village Development Committees confirmed that the greatest proximal threat to red colobus in the study area was the rapid escalation in forest clearance to produce charcoal for local markets and timber for export to offset climate-change-induced declines in agricultural revenues. Local Gambians are aware that they urgently need to adopt sustainable forestry practices to mitigate climate change impacts and protect timber and non-timber resources but are currently unsure how they would develop and implement such a model. Given the uncertainty and complex nature of the range-wide threats facing the red colobus populations, we suggest prioritizing the Sambel Kunda area as a site of international importance for the protection and recovery of this Critically Endangered species. A community approach to the conservation of red colobus in the Sambel Kunda area should be implemented without delay through site designation, capacity building for biodiversity monitoring, sustainable for- estry practices, community engagement and education and by growing awareness of Temminck’s red colobus as a flagship species

    Student Self-Disclosure and Faculty Compassion in Online Classrooms

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    Compassion fatigue is well documented among professionals working in social service fields such as healthcare, emergency response, social work, and education. In higher education, there is a growing demand for faculty led student mental health support and life coaching services to support student retention and success. Students in online settings tend to disclose personally traumatic experiences and circumstances more openly in communications with faculty to seek support and extensions. In this study, we surveyed faculty to explore the relationship between student self-disclosure and faculty compassion fatigue in online classrooms. We hypothesized that student self-disclosure of personal challenges is common and may be related to faculty compassion fatigue and burnout. Results supported the hypothesis that student self-disclosure of personal challenges and trauma was common, experienced by 96% of surveyed faculty. Most faculty had low to average compassion fatigue scores; however, demographic and professional factors were associated with faculty compassion fatigue and burnout. Younger faculty, less experienced faculty, and female faculty had higher levels of compassion fatigue and burnout than older faculty, more experienced faculty, and male faculty. This study provides insight into the personal challenges and trauma students self-disclose to faculty, faculty variables that are associated with disclosure, and the impact student disclosure may have on faculty. Keywords: online teaching, compassion fatigue, student support, self-disclosure, faculty trainin
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