113 research outputs found

    Le terme in Europa tra letteratura e medicina

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    A partire dal tardo Medioevo, la frequentazione dei bagni termali, caduti in abbandono alla fine dell'impero romano, riprende e dà origine a una letteratura scientifica sulle acque. Nel suo duplice aspetto, di una pratica sociale dei bagni e di una letteratura medica delle acque, la rinascita non manca di riflettersi in un immaginario letterario più ampio e a carattere sovranazionale, che interessa dapprima l'Italia, poi il resto d'Europa (soprattutto di lingua tedesca) e, infine, l'Inghilterra. Questa prima fase della storia dei bagni, che sichiude con la pubblicazione del corpus veneto dei Balnea (1553), vede gli autori fare delle terme, un po' in tutta Europa, un elemento di ispirazione. L'articolo documenta questo scambio incrociato tra pratica sociale, testi medici e letteratura in un periodo che va dal De balneis puteolanis di Pietro da Eboli (sec. XII ex.) al primo testo inglese sulle terme di William Turner (1562).A partir de la Baixa Edat Mitjana, el costum dels banys termals, caiguts en abandó a finals de l'imperi romà, revifa i dona origen a una literatura científica sobre les aigues. Aquest ressurgiment, en el doble aspecte de práctica social dels banys i de literatura mèdica de les aigues, es reflecteix en un imaginari literari més ampli i de caràcter internacional, que interessa d'entrada Italia, després la resta d'Europa (sobretot la de parla alemanya) i, finalment, Inglaterra. En aquesta primera fase de la història dels banys, que es tanca amb la publicació del corpus venecià Balnea (1553), els autors fan dels banys, una mica a tot Europa, un element d'inspiració. L'article documenta aquest intercanvi creuat entre pràctica social, textos mèdics i literatura sobre un període que va del De balneis puteolanis de Pere d'Eboli (finals s. XII) al primer text inglès sobre els banys de William Turner (1562).From the late Middle Ages onwards, thermal baths, which had fallen out of favour at the end of the Roman Empire, became fashionable again and gave rise to scientific studies on the health-benefits of water-cures. The double dimension of the actual practice of taking the waters and the medical texts themselves was reflected in the vast amount of literature which was produced on the topic throughout Europe, beginning with Italy and then especially in Germany and in England by the mid- 6th century. This initial phase in the history of baths, which ended with the publication of the Venetian Corpus Balnea (1553), saw authors in most parts of Europe make baths a major source of inspiration. With the help of a few founding texts on the period which goes from De Balneis puteolanis by Peter of Eboli (end of the 12th century) to the first thermal texts in English by William Turner (1562), this article traces this exchange between medecine and literature.A partir de la Baja Edad Media, la costumbre de los baños termales, caídos en el abandono a finales del imperio romano, se retoma dando origen a una literatura científica sobre las aguas. Este resurgimiento, en su doble aspecto de práctica social de los baños y de literatura médica de las aguas, se refleja en un imaginario literario más amplio y de carácter internacional, que de entrada afecta a Italia, luego al resto de Europa (sobre todo la de habla alemana) y, finalmente, a Inglaterra. En esta primera fase de la historia de los baños, que se cierra con la publicación del corpus veneciano Balnea (1553), los autores hacen de los baños, un poco en toda Europa, un elemento de inspiración. El artículo documenta este intercambio cruzado entre práctica social, textos médicos y literatura sobre un período que va del De balneis puteolanis de Pedro de Éboli (finales s. XII) al primer texto inglés sobre los baños de William Turner (1562)


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    Questo numero di Italique raccoglie i contributi dell’incontro ginevrino su Poesia en travesti. Spazio, cifre e statuto del codice bucolico tra Boccaccio e Marino (Ginevra-Cologny 21-22 aprile 2016), cui si aggiungono la presentazione di Étienne Barilier del volume La Renaissance à pleines mains, edito dalla «Fondation Barbier- Mueller pour l’Étude de la poésie italienne de la Renaissance» nel 2016, e la conferenza Barbier-Mueller tenuta da Carlo Vecce nell’aprile del 2017. Vicende e modalità..

    In memoriam Thierry Barbier-Mueller (1960-2023)

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    Thierry Barbier-Mueller (1960-2023) © Pierre Albouy À l’âge de soixante-deux ans, Thierry Barbier-Mueller s’en est allé, soudainement, dans la nuit du 24 janvier, à la suite d’un arrêt cardiaque. Il est difficile d’accepter, ou simplement d’imaginer, la disparition d’un homme tellement à l’aise avec soi-même et avec les autres, discret sur sa vie privée autant que généreux pour ce qui est du temps qu’il accordait à la Fondation. En plus de la société immobilière familiale, comptant plus de d..

    Hommages à Jean Paul Barbier-Mueller

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    Jean Paul Barbier-Mueller (17 mai 1930 – 22 décembre 2016) Jean Paul Barbier-Mueller, le fondateur et, depuis vingt ans, le bienfaiteur de la Fondation Barbier-Mueller pour l’étude de la poésie italienne de la Renaissance est mort à Genève, la ville où il a toujours vécu, le 22 décembre 2016, à l’âge de 86 ans. Cette revue ainsi que la collection de livres rares qui l’accompagne lui doivent l’existence. Il n’a cessé d’enrichir le fonds et de veiller à son rayonnement. Avec lui, la Fondation ..

    To metabolomics and beyond: a technological portfolio to investigate cancer metabolism

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    Tumour cells have exquisite flexibility in reprogramming their metabolism in order to support tumour initiation, progression, metastasis and resistance to therapies. These reprogrammed activities include a complete rewiring of the bioenergetic, biosynthetic and redox status to sustain the increased energetic demand of the cells. Over the last decades, the cancer metabolism field has seen an explosion of new biochemical technologies giving more tools than ever before to navigate this complexity. Within a cell or a tissue, the metabolites constitute the direct signature of the molecular phenotype and thus their profiling has concrete clinical applications in oncology. Metabolomics and fluxomics, are key technological approaches that mainly revolutionized the field enabling researchers to have both a qualitative and mechanistic model of the biochemical activities in cancer. Furthermore, the upgrade from bulk to single-cell analysis technologies provided unprecedented opportunity to investigate cancer biology at cellular resolution allowing an in depth quantitative analysis of complex and heterogenous diseases. More recently, the advent of functional genomic screening allowed the identification of molecular pathways, cellular processes, biomarkers and novel therapeutic targets that in concert with other technologies allow patient stratification and identification of new treatment regimens. This review is intended to be a guide for researchers to cancer metabolism, highlighting current and emerging technologies, emphasizing advantages, disadvantages and applications with the potential of leading the development of innovative anti-cancer therapies

    Lopinavir/Ritonavir and Darunavir/Cobicistat in Hospitalized COVID-19 Patients: Findings From the Multicenter Italian CORIST Study

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    Background: Protease inhibitors have been considered as possible therapeutic agents for COVID-19 patients. Objectives: To describe the association between lopinavir/ritonavir (LPV/r) or darunavir/cobicistat (DRV/c) use and in-hospital mortality in COVID-19 patients. Study Design: Multicenter observational study of COVID-19 patients admitted in 33 Italian hospitals. Medications, preexisting conditions, clinical measures, and outcomes were extracted from medical records. Patients were retrospectively divided in three groups, according to use of LPV/r, DRV/c or none of them. Primary outcome in a time-to event analysis was death. We used Cox proportional-hazards models with inverse probability of treatment weighting by multinomial propensity scores. Results: Out of 3,451 patients, 33.3% LPV/r and 13.9% received DRV/c. Patients receiving LPV/r or DRV/c were more likely younger, men, had higher C-reactive protein levels while less likely had hypertension, cardiovascular, pulmonary or kidney disease. After adjustment for propensity scores, LPV/r use was not associated with mortality (HR = 0.94, 95% CI 0.78 to 1.13), whereas treatment with DRV/c was associated with a higher death risk (HR = 1.89, 1.53 to 2.34, E-value = 2.43). This increased risk was more marked in women, in elderly, in patients with higher severity of COVID-19 and in patients receiving other COVID-19 drugs. Conclusions: In a large cohort of Italian patients hospitalized for COVID-19 in a real-life setting, the use of LPV/r treatment did not change death rate, while DRV/c was associated with increased mortality. Within the limits of an observational study, these data do not support the use of LPV/r or DRV/c in COVID-19 patients

    ECMO for COVID-19 patients in Europe and Israel

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    Since March 15th, 2020, 177 centres from Europe and Israel have joined the study, routinely reporting on the ECMO support they provide to COVID-19 patients. The mean annual number of cases treated with ECMO in the participating centres before the pandemic (2019) was 55. The number of COVID-19 patients has increased rapidly each week reaching 1531 treated patients as of September 14th. The greatest number of cases has been reported from France (n = 385), UK (n = 193), Germany (n = 176), Spain (n = 166), and Italy (n = 136) .The mean age of treated patients was 52.6 years (range 16–80), 79% were male. The ECMO configuration used was VV in 91% of cases, VA in 5% and other in 4%. The mean PaO2 before ECMO implantation was 65 mmHg. The mean duration of ECMO support thus far has been 18 days and the mean ICU length of stay of these patients was 33 days. As of the 14th September, overall 841 patients have been weaned from ECMO support, 601 died during ECMO support, 71 died after withdrawal of ECMO, 79 are still receiving ECMO support and for 10 patients status n.a. . Our preliminary data suggest that patients placed on ECMO with severe refractory respiratory or cardiac failure secondary to COVID-19 have a reasonable (55%) chance of survival. Further extensive data analysis is expected to provide invaluable information on the demographics, severity of illness, indications and different ECMO management strategies in these patients

    Els banys a Europa entre literatura i medicina

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    A partir de la Baixa Edat Mitjana, el costum dels banys termals, caiguts en abandó a finals de l'imperi romà, revifa i dona origen a una literatura científica sobre les aigues.  Aquest ressurgiment, en el doble aspecte de práctica social dels banys i de literatura mèdica de les aigues, es reflecteix en un imaginari literari més ampli i de caràcter internacional, que interessa d'entrada Italia, després la resta d'Europa (sobretot la de parla alemanya) i, finalment, Inglaterra. En aquesta primera fase de la història dels banys, que es tanca amb la publicació del corpus venecià Balnea (1553), els autors fan dels banys, una mica a tot Europa, un element d'inspiració. L'article documenta aquest intercanvi creuat entre pràctica social, textos mèdics i literatura sobre un període que va del De balneis puteolanis de Pere d'Eboli (finals s. XII) al primer text inglès sobre els banys de William Turner (1562)

    Il "De balneis" di Conrad Gessner, L'Italia e l'"Internazionale" medico-umanistica delle terme

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    Analyse du traité thermal de Conrad Gessner, De Germaniae et Helvetiae thermis (1553) dans ses relations avec la tradition médico-thermale européenne et notamment des médecins italiens du Moyen Age et de la Renaisssanc

    Nota su una recente edizione degli "Amorum libri" di Boiardo

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    Analyse approfondie de la nouvelle édition commentée des "Amorum libri tres" de Matteo Maria Boiardo, par les soins de Tiziano Zanato (Turin, Einaudi, 1998). L'article met en valeur les connexions de ces textes avec l'histoire littéraire que les notes du commentaire signalent et en ajoute d'autres, dans le domaine de la poésie provençale et de la poésie humaniste latine, ainsi que sur le plan de la métrique des textes. La très raffinée expérience lyrique de Boiardo est confrontée avec celle, proposée dans ces mêmes années à Florence par Laurent de Médicis ou avec celle d'autres poètes du second Quattrocento: Angelo Galli, Giusto de' Conti, l'"anonimo Costabili" ou Tito Vespasiano Strozzi
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