30,376 research outputs found

    A partial velocity approach to subcycling structural dynamics

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    Subcycling, or the use of different timesteps at different nodes, can be an effective way of improving the computational efficiency of explicit transient dynamic structural solutions. The method that has been most widely adopted uses a nodal partition. extending the central difference method, in which small timestep updates are performed interpolating on the displacement at neighbouring large timestep nodes. This approach leads to narrow bands of unstable timesteps or statistical stability. It also can be in error due to lack of momentum conservation on the timestep interface. The author has previously proposed energy conserving algorithms that avoid the first problem of statistical stability. However, these sacrifice accuracy to achieve stability. An approach to conserve momentum on an element interface by adding partial velocities is considered here. Applied to extend the central difference method. this approach is simple. and has accuracy advantages. The method can be programmed by summing impulses of internal forces, evaluated using local element timesteps, in order to predict a velocity change at a node. However, it is still only statistically stable, so an adaptive timestep size is needed to monitor accuracy and to be adjusted if necessary. By replacing the central difference method with the explicit generalized alpha method. it is possible to gain stability by dissipating the high frequency response that leads to stability problems. However. coding the algorithm is less elegant, as the response depends on previous partial accelerations. Extension to implicit integration, is shown to be impractical due to the neglect of remote effects of internal forces acting across a timestep interface. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved

    Diagrammatic Coupled Cluster Monte Carlo

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    We propose a modified coupled cluster Monte Carlo algorithm that stochastically samples connected terms within the truncated Baker--Campbell--Hausdorff expansion of the similarity transformed Hamiltonian by construction of coupled cluster diagrams on the fly. Our new approach -- diagCCMC -- allows propagation to be performed using only the connected components of the similarity-transformed Hamiltonian, greatly reducing the memory cost associated with the stochastic solution of the coupled cluster equations. We show that for perfectly local, noninteracting systems, diagCCMC is able to represent the coupled cluster wavefunction with a memory cost that scales linearly with system size. The favorable memory cost is observed with the only assumption of fixed stochastic granularity and is valid for arbitrary levels of coupled cluster theory. Significant reduction in memory cost is also shown to smoothly appear with dissociation of a finite chain of helium atoms. This approach is also shown not to break down in the presence of strong correlation through the example of a stretched nitrogen molecule. Our novel methodology moves the theoretical basis of coupled cluster Monte Carlo closer to deterministic approaches.Comment: 31 pages, 6 figure

    A Chandra ACIS view of the Thermal Composite Supernova Remnant 3C391

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    We present a 60 ks Chandra ACIS-S observation of the thermal composite supernova remnant 3C391. The southeast-northwest elongated morphology is similar to that previously found in radio and X-ray studies. This observation unveils a highly clumpy structure of the remnant. Detailed spatially resolved spectral analysis for the small-scale features reveals that the interior gas is generally of normal metal abundance and has approached or basically reached ionization equilibrium. The hydrogen column density increases from southeast to northwest. Three mechanisms, radiative rim, thermal conduction, and cloudlet evaporation, may all play roles in the X-ray appearance of 3C391 as a "thermal composite" remnant, but there are difficulties with each of them in explaining some physical properties. Comparatively, the cloudlet evaporation model is favored by the main characteristics such as the highly clumpy structure and the uniform temperature and density distribution over most of the remnant. The directly measured postshock temperature also implies a young age, about 4 kyr, for the remnant. The postshock gas pressure derived from the NE and SW rims, which harbor maser spots, is consistent with the estimate for the maser regions. An unresolved X-ray source is observed on the northwest border and its spectrum is best fitted by a power-law.Comment: aastex, 27 pages (including 4 figures), to appear in the ApJ 1 Dec. 2004, v616 issu

    Implicit finite element study of non-steady effects in cold roll forming

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    The ability of ABAQUS Standard to obtain a non-steady implicit solution to the problem of cold roll forming a channel section is investigated. A solution can be found with careful selection of parameters, but solutions are unacceptably slow for commercial use. The implicit solutions show buckling on the first pass that does not develop into an edge wave, in contrast to a published explicit solution. Faster solutions to steady rolling can be obtained using ALE models that permit convection of stress in the direction of rolling

    U. S. labor supply and demand in the long run

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    In this paper we model U.S. labor supply and demand in considerable detail in order to capture the enormous heterogeneity of the labor force and its evolution over the next 25 years. We represent labor supplies for a large number of demographic groups as responses to prices of leisure and consumption goods and services. The price of leisure is an after-tax wage rate, while the final prices of goods and services reflect the supply prices of the industries that produce them. By including demographic characteristics among the determinants of household preferences, we incorporate the expected demographic transition into our long-run projections of the U.S. labor market.Labor supply ; Labor market

    When is S=A/4?

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    Black hole entropy and its relation to the horizon area are considered. More precisely, the conditions and specifications that are expected to be required for the assignment of entropy, and the consequences that these expectations have when applied to a black hole are explored. In particular, the following questions are addressed: When do we expect to assign an entropy?; when are entropy and area proportional? and, what is the nature of the horizon? It is concluded that our present understanding of black hole entropy is somewhat incomplete, and some of the relevant issues that should be addressed in pursuing these questions are pointed out.Comment: 14 pages, no figures. Revtex file. Manuscript edited and discussion expanded. References added, conclusions unchanged. Version to be published in MPL

    A discrete time-dependent method for metastable atoms in intense fields

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    The full-dimensional time-dependent Schrodinger equation for the electronic dynamics of single-electron systems in intense external fields is solved directly using a discrete method. Our approach combines the finite-difference and Lagrange mesh methods. The method is applied to calculate the quasienergies and ionization probabilities of atomic and molecular systems in intense static and dynamic electric fields. The gauge invariance and accuracy of the method is established. Applications to multiphoton ionization of positronium and hydrogen atoms and molecules are presented. At very high intensity above saturation threshold, we extend the method using a scaling technique to estimate the quasienergies of metastable states of the hydrogen molecular ion. The results are in good agreement with recent experiments.Comment: 10 pages, 9 figure, 4 table

    Behavior of nozzles and acoustic liners in three dimensional acoustic fields

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    Theoretical values of the admittances of various nozzles were computed and compared with the corresponding experimental values. The existing data reduction scheme was corrected and all available experimental data has been rechecked and corrected whenever necessary; the updated experimental admittance values are presented. An analysis associated with the frequency sensitivity of experimental admittance values was initiated and the analog-to-digital Data Reduction Program which has become operational is discussed. Fourteen nozzle tests were conducted during this report period

    Is strong CP invariance due to a massless up quark?

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    A standing mystery in the Standard Model is the unnatural smallness of the strong CP violating phase. A massless up quark has long been proposed as one potential solution. A lattice calculation of the constants of the chiral Lagrangian essential for the determination of the up quark mass, 2 alpha_8 - alpha_5, is presented. We find 2 alpha_8 - alpha_5 = 0.29 +/- 0.18, which corresponds to m_u / m_d = 0.410 +/- 0.036. This is the first such calculation using a physical number of dynamical light quarks, N_f = 3.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev. Lett., corrected small normalization error in f_pi (conclusions were unaffected), improved lattice spacing analysis, improved finite volume analysi

    Predicting spatial spread of rabies in skunk populations using surveillance data reported by the public

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    Background: Prevention and control of wildlife disease invasions relies on the ability to predict spatio-temporal dynamics and understand the role of factors driving spread rates, such as seasonality and transmission distance. Passive disease surveillance (i.e., case reports by public) is a common method of monitoring emergence of wildlife diseases, but can be challenging to interpret due to spatial biases and limitations in data quantity and quality. Methodology/Principal findings: We obtained passive rabies surveillance data from dead striped skunks (Mephitis mephitis) in an epizootic in northern Colorado, USA. We developed a dynamic patch-occupancy model which predicts spatio-temporal spreading while accounting for heterogeneous sampling. We estimated the distance travelled per transmission event, direction of invasion, rate of spatial spread, and effects of infection density and season. We also estimated mean transmission distance and rates of spatial spread using a phylogeographic approach on a subsample of viral sequences from the same epizootic. Both the occupancy and phylogeographic approaches predicted similar rates of spatio-temporal spread. Estimated mean transmission distances were 2.3 km (95% Highest Posterior Density (HPD95): 0.02, 11.9; phylogeographic) and 3.9 km (95% credible intervals (CI95): 1.4, 11.3; occupancy). Estimated rates of spatial spread in km/year were: 29.8 (HPD95: 20.8, 39.8; phylogeographic, branch velocity, homogenous model), 22.6 (HPD95: 15.3, 29.7; phylogeographic, diffusion rate, homogenous model) and 21.1 (CI95: 16.7, 25.5; occupancy). Initial colonization probability was twice as high in spring relative to fall. Conclusions/Significance: Skunk-to-skunk transmission was primarily local (< 4 km) suggesting that if interventions were needed, they could be applied at the wave front. Slower viral invasions of skunk rabies in western USA compared to a similar epizootic in raccoons in the eastern USA implies host species or landscape factors underlie the dynamics of rabies invasions. Our framework provides a straightforward method for estimating rates of spatial spread of wildlife diseases
