17 research outputs found

    Distribution and behavior of the lithogenic tracers aluminium and titanium in the upper water column of the Atlantic Ocean

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    The present thesis investigates the potential suitability of surface water dissolved titanium (Ti) concentrations as complementary dust tracer to dissolved aluminium (Al). Both metals reflect variations in the dust deposition into the surface ocean over different time scales, with seasonal timescales for Al and longer temporal scales for Ti. In order to lay the basis for future estimations of dust deposition from surface water concentrations of both metals, the behavior of Al and Ti is examined in the upper water column of the Atlantic Ocean. Detailed insights are given into the size distribution, removal processes and residence times of Al and Ti, in regions that largely differ in atmospheric inputs and biological productivity

    Verteilung und Verhalten der lithogenen Tracer Aluminium und Titan in der oberen WassersÀule des Atlantischen Ozeans

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    The present thesis investigates the potential suitability of surface water dissolved titanium (Ti) concentrations as complementary dust tracer to dissolved aluminium (Al). Both metals reflect variations in the dust deposition into the surface ocean over different time scales, with seasonal timescales for Al and longer temporal scales for Ti. In order to lay the basis for future estimations of dust deposition from surface water concentrations of both metals, the behavior of Al and Ti is examined in the upper water column of the Atlantic Ocean. Detailed insights are given into the size distribution, removal processes and residence times of Al and Ti, in regions that largely differ in atmospheric inputs and biological productivity.Die vorliegende Dissertation untersucht die potentielle Eignung von gelösten Titan (Ti) Konzentrationen im OberflĂ€chenozean als komplementĂ€rer Staubtracer zu gelöstem Aluminium (Al). Beide Metalle spiegeln Variationen im Staubeintrag in den OberflĂ€chenozean ĂŒber unterschiedliche Zeitskalen wieder, mit saisonalen Zeiskalen im Fall von Al und lĂ€ngeren Zeitskalen im Fall von Ti. Um eine Grundlage fĂŒr zukĂŒnftige AbschĂ€tzungen des Staubeintrags anhand der Konzentrationen beider Metalle im OberflĂ€chenwasser zu schaffen, wird das Verhalten von Al und Ti in der oberen WassersĂ€ule des Atlantischen Ozeans betrachtet. Detaillierte Einblicke in die GrĂ¶ĂŸenverteilung, Entfernungsprozesse und Verweilzeiten von Al und Ti werden fĂŒr Regionen gegeben, die sich deutlich hinsichtlich der atmosphĂ€rischen EintrĂ€ge und der biologischen ProduktivitĂ€t unterscheiden

    Impacts of dust deposition on dissolved trace metal concentrations (Mn, Al and Fe) during a mesocosm experiment

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    The deposition of atmospheric dust is the primary process supplying trace elements abundant in crustal rocks (e.g. Al, Mn and Fe) to the surface ocean. Upon deposition, the residence time in surface waters for each of these elements differs according to their chemical speciation and biological utilization. Presently, however, the chemical and physical processes occurring after atmospheric deposition are poorly constrained, principally because of the difficulty in following natural dust events in situ. In the present work we examined the temporal changes in the biogeochemistry of crustal metals (in particular Al, Mn and Fe) after an artificial dust deposition event. The experiment was contained inside trace metal clean mesocosms (0–12.5 m depths) deployed in the surface waters of the northwestern Mediterranean, close to the coast of Corsica within the frame of the DUNE project (a DUst experiment in a low Nutrient, low chlorophyll Ecosystem). Two consecutive artificial dust deposition events, each mimicking a wet deposition of 10 g m−2 of dust, were performed during the course of this DUNE-2 experiment. The changes in dissolved manganese (Mn), iron (Fe) and aluminum (Al) concentrations were followed immediately after the seeding with dust and over the following week. The Mn, Fe and Al inventories and loss or dissolution rates were determined. The evolution of the inventories after the two consecutive additions of dust showed distinct behaviors for dissolved Mn, Al and Fe. Even though the mixing conditions differed from one seeding to the other, Mn and Al showed clear increases directly after both seedings due to dissolution processes. Three days after the dust additions, Al concentrations decreased as a consequence of scavenging on sinking particles. Al appeared to be highly affected by the concentrations of biogenic particles, with an order of magnitude difference in its loss rates related to the increase of biomass after the addition of dust. In the case of dissolved Fe, it appears that the first dust addition resulted in a decrease as it was scavenged by sinking dust particles, whereas the second seeding induced dissolution of Fe from the dust particles due to the excess Fe binding ligand concentrations present at that time. This difference, which might be related to a change in Fe binding ligand concentration in the mesocosms, highlights the complex processes that control the solubility of Fe. Based on the inventories at the mesocosm scale, the estimations of the fractional solubility of metals from dust particles in seawater were 1.44 ± 0.19% and 0.91 ± 0.83% for Al and 41 ± 9% and 27 ± 19% for Mn for the first and the second dust addition. These values are in good agreement with laboratory-based estimates. For Fe no fractional solubility was obtained after the first seeding, but 0.12 ± 0.03% was estimated after the second seeding. Overall, the trace metal dataset presented here makes a significant contribution to enhancing our knowledge on the processes influencing trace metal release from Saharan dust and the subsequent processes of bio-uptake and scavenging in a low nutrient, low chlorophyll are

    Surface water dissolved aluminum and titanium: Tracers for specific time scales of dust deposition to the Atlantic?

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    Surface water distributions of dissolved Al (dAl) and dissolved Ti (dTi) were investigated along a meridional Atlantic transect and related to dust deposition estimates. In the zone of Saharan dust deposition, highest dAl concentrations occurred in the tropical salinity minimum and suggest increasing Al dissolution from Saharan aerosols with wet deposition. By contrast, the dTi distribution is not related to precipitation but agrees with the pattern of annual dust deposition. In the zone of Patagonian dust deposition, elevated dTi concentrations contrasted with decreased dAl concentrations, indicating excess dAl scavenging onto biogenic particles in surface waters. Estimated residence times range from months to years for dAl and are ∌10 times higher for dTi. This suggests that dAl reflects seasonal changes in dust deposition, while dTi is related to longer temporal scales. However, spatial variations in input and removal processes complicate the quantification of dust deposition from surface water concentrations

    Low colloidal associations of aluminium and titanium in surface waters of the tropical Atlantic

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    The distribution of dissolved, soluble and colloidal fractions of Al and Ti was assessed by ultrafiltration studies in the upper water column of the eastern tropical North Atlantic. The dissolved fractions of both metals were found to be dominated by the soluble phase smaller than 10 kDa. The colloidal associations were very low (0.2–3.4%) for Al and not detectable for Ti. These findings are in some contrast to previous estimations for Ti and to the predominant occurrence of both metals as hydrolyzed species in seawater. However, low tendencies to form inorganic colloids can be expected, as in seawater dissolved Al and dissolved Ti are present within their inorganic solubility levels. In addition, association with functional organic groups in the colloidal phase is unlikely for both metals. Vertical distributions of the dissolved fractions showed surface maxima with up to 43 nM of Al and 157 pM of Ti, reflecting their predominant supply from atmospheric sources to the open ocean. In the surface waters, excess dissolved Al over dissolved Ti was present compared to the crustal source, indicating higher solubility and thus elevated inputs of dissolved Al from atmospheric mineral particles. At most stations, subsurface minima of Al and Ti were observed and can be ascribed to scavenging processes and/or biological uptake. The dissolved Al concentrations decreased by 80–90% from the surface maximum to the subsurface minimum. Estimated residence times in the upper 100 m of the water column ranged between 1.6 and 4 years for dissolved Al and between 14 and 17 years for dissolved Ti. The short residence times are in some contrast to the low colloidal associations of Al and Ti and the assumed role of colloids as intermediates in scavenging processes. This suggests that either the removal of both metals occurs predominantly via direct transfer of the hydrolyzed species into the particulate fraction or that the colloidal phase is rapidly turned over in the upper water column

    Particulate and dissolved aluminum and titanium in the upper water column of the Atlantic Ocean

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    This study investigates the oceanic behavior of the lithogenic trace elements Al and Ti in the upper 200 m of the Atlantic Ocean. The distribution of both metals in the dissolved and particulate phases was assessed along an E-W transect in the eastern tropical North Atlantic (December 2009) and along a meridional Atlantic transect (April-May 2010). The surface water concentrations of particulate and dissolved Al and Ti reflected the previously observed pattern of atmospheric inputs into the Atlantic Ocean. Subsurface minima at stations with pronounced fluorescence maxima were observed, suggesting a link between biological productivity and the removal of both dissolved and particulate Al and Ti. This may include uptake mechanisms, adsorption and aggregation processes on biogenic particle surfaces and the formation of large, fast sinking biogenic particles, e.g., fecal pellets. Residence times in the upper water column (100 m) of the tropical and subtropical North Atlantic were estimated to range in the order of days to weeks in the particulate phases (Al: 3-22 days, Ti: 4-37 days) and were 0.9-3.8 years for Al and 10-31 years for Ti in the dissolved phases. Longer residence times in both phases in the South Atlantic are consistent with lower biological productivity and decreased removal rates. In the upper water column, Al was predominantly present in the dissolved form, whereas Ti mostly occurred in the particulate form. Largest deviations in the partition coefficients between the particulate and dissolved phases were found in the surface waters, together with excess dissolved Al over Ti compared to the crustal source. This likely reflects elevated dissolution of Al compared to Ti from atmospheric mineral particle

    Temporal Changes in trace metal concentrations during an artificial dust deposition to Large Mesocosms (DUNE-2 Experiment)

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    The deposition of atmospheric dust is one of the main external source to the ocean for elements abundant in crustal rocks. Once deposited the residence time of these elements in surface waters differs according to their chemical speciation and biological ultilization. In the present work we examined the temporal changes in the concentrations of Iron, Maganese and Aluminium within large mesocosms after the seeding with simulated aeolian dust of surface waters of the northwestern Mediterranean. Two artificial deposition events were performed during the course of this experiment: for each artificial Saharan dust fertilization to the mesocoms the changes in Mn, Fe and Al chemistry were followed over the following week. In this presentation, we will present results from this mesocosm experiment focusing on the similarities and differences between these 3 elements. This trace metal dataset makes a significant contribution to enhance our knowledge about the release of trace metals from Saharan dust in a low nutrient low chlorophyll area and the subsequent processes of biouptake and scavenging