454 research outputs found

    A Study of Psychological Conflict as a Lesbian in Annie on My Mind Novel by Nancy Garden

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    In life, there are so many problems. Problems also happen in novel. We find various kinds of problems in novel which reflect the main characters\u27 daily life. The problems are sometimes in the form of psychological conflict. this kind of conflict is harder to solve especially for minority people such as lesbian. It is interesting to study about psychological conflict in novel, especially in Nancy Garden novel entitled Annie On My Mind. The novel is about Liza Winthrop as the main character faces her problem as a lesbian. This novel also was banned and burnt because Nancy garden was the first author for young adults to create a lesbian love story. Therefore, the researcher has been interested in studying this problem by formulating three research problems such as: (1) How is psychological background of Liza Winthrop as the main character in Annie On My Mind novel by Nancy Garden? (2) What are psychological conflicts that Liza Winthrop got when she realized that she fall in love with Annie Kenyon in Annie On My Mind novel by Nancy Garden? (3) How Liza Winthrop character in the Annie On My Mind novel by Nancy Garden overcomes her psychological conflict ? The research design which used in this research is descriptive qualitative research since the researcher intends to describe psychological backgorund, psychological conflict, and the way overcome the conflict. The data in this research analyzed into six steps, i.e data collection, data analysis, data reduction, data display, conclusion drawing, and data reportation. The researcher found there are five of Liza\u27s Winthrop character or psychological background that is formed based on her life environment. Those are introvert, masculin, responsible, idealis, and kind-heart person. Those Liza Winthrop\u27s psychological background influence Liza in overcome her psychological conflict which there are two of the most of psychological conflict faced by her, they are approach-approach conflict and double approach-avoidance conflict. Finally, the researcher really hopes for the student to learn fiction deeply and enjoyed analyzing literary works. And for the lecturer in English Literature Department, lecturer can give explanation about analyzing another aspect in the literary works in order students will not bored in learning or studying fiction. Last, but not least, for the further researcher, they could take different way in analyzing the literary works

    Kajian Wacana Puisi Hamidase Kokoro Karya Shuntaro Tanikawa: sebuah Analisis Stilistika

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    Poetry is a literary work that uses a style that is distinctive. Style in a literary is inportant role to attract and impress the reader. Therefore, the review of literature that emphasizes the beauty of the language style of Stylistics is very important so that the function of literary works can be achieved to the maximum. This study examines the value of aesthetics in poetry Hamidase Stylistics Kokoro Shuntaro Tanikawa's work in a collection of poems titled Suki (2006). Analytic description of the methods and concepts Sudjiman Stylistics (1995) is used in reviewing the language of the poet's style to achieve his idea. Poetry Hamidase Kokoro's style or stistika poet looks at the ingenuity connotative and denotative use of diction, special words, and words are close to children to beautify and confirmed the meaning of the words and sentences. While the level of the sentence, the poet uses the inversion, interrogative sentence, ellipse, hyperbola, and repetition. The poetry used style of figurative language or words as simple as personofikasi, sinedoke, senestesia, and the paradox is used to increase the aesthetic value of poetry

    Analisis Strategi E-promotion Jasa Make-up Artist melalui Instgram (Studi pada Chels Makeup Artist di Bandar Lampung)

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    This study aims to analyze the e-promotion strategy carried out by chels.makeupartist through instragam. . The research method that used  is qualitative research with content analysis approach model and the main data source in this study is Instagram.   The findings in this study are the promotional strategies conducted by chels.makeupartist are social media strategies, especially Instagram. In this social media strategy it contains advertising, publicity and sales promotions for either the services or goods offered. The promotion is done by displaying the portfolio of services that have been done on the Instagram account they have

    Peran Pejabat Pembuat Akta Tanah dalam Melaksanakan Prosedur Pendaftaran Hak Tanggungan dalam Proses Pengikatan Kredit Pemilikan Rumah pada Bank Konvensional

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    Amelia Sabita Damayanti, Hukum Administrasi Negara, Fakultas Hukum Universitas Brawijaya, Februari 2013, PERAN PEJABAT PEMBUAT AKTA TANAH DALAM MELAKSANAKAN PROSEDUR PENDAFTARAN HAK TANGGUNGAN DALAM PROSES PENGIKATAN KREDIT PEMILIKAN RUMAH PADA BANK KONVENSIONAL, Dr. Moh. Fadli, S.H.MHum, Lutfi Effendi, S.H., M.Hum.Pemberian kredit merupakan aktivitas paling pokok dari perbankan sebagai akibat dari salah satu fungsi intermediasi bank, fungsi ini adalah Perbankan mampu menghimpun simpanan masyarakat dari pihak-pihak yang kelebihan dana, dan kemudian menyalurkannya kepada pihak-pihak yang membutuhkan dana, baik untuk keperluan modal kerja, investasi dan konsumsi. Karena tidak semua masyarakat dapat membeli rumah secara tunai, serta taraf hidup atau kemampuan ekonomi masyarakat tidak semuanya sama, agar semua masyarakat dapat mempunyai rumah yang layak maka pemerintah beserta bank bekerjasama untuk memberikan Kredit Pemilikan Rumah kepada masyarakat. Adanya Kredit Pemilikan Rumah ini maka sangatlah membantu bagi masyarakat golongan ekonomi menengah kebawah. Disamping itu Kredit Pemilikan Rumah merupakan kredit jangka panjang dan dapat juga digunakan sebagai investasi bagi sebagian kalangan masyarakat.Kredit Pemilikan Rumah adalah suatu fasilitas kredit yang diberikan oleh perbankan kepada para nasabah perorangan yang akan membeli atau memperbaiki rumah. Pada proses Kredit Pemilikan Rumah ini, pihak bank juga bekerja sama dengan Pejabat Pembuat Akta Tanah (PPAT) yang disebut juga dengan pejabat publik yaitu1 pejabat umum yang diberi kewenangan untuk membuat akta-akta otentik mengenai perbuatan hukum tertentu dan mengenai hak atas tanah atau hak milik atas satuan rumah susun. Peran PPAT juga diperlukan dalam proses ini

    Analisis dan Perancangan Sistem Informasi Akuntansi Pengelolaan Tabungan Siswa pada SD Ar-Raudah Bandarlampung

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    Application of information technology in an organization is very important to facilitate and accelerate the management of activities that occur. This is the basis for the development of accounting information systems for managing student savings at SD Ar-Raudah Bandarlampung. Management of student savings is still done manually so that calculation errors often occur, filling in data when reporting savings and less responsive when searching for data. In addition, administrative staff also needs a long time to produce savings reports per student and overall savings report. The purpose of developing student savings information system is to facilitate administration staff in making reports and to minimize errors in recording student savings.Penerapan teknologi informasi dalam suatu organisasi sangatlah penting untuk mempermudah dan mempercepat pengelolaan aktivitas yang terjadi. Hal ini yang menjadikan dasar dalam pengembangan sistem informasi akuntansi pengelolaan tabungan siswa di SD Ar-Raudah Bandarlampung. Pengelolaan tabungan siswa saat ini masih dilakukan secara manual sehingga sering terjadi kesalahan perhitungan, pengisian data saat pelaporan tabungan dan kurang responsif ketika pencarian data. Selain itu, staff administrasi juga membutuhkan waktu yang lama untuk menghasilkan laporan tabungan per siswa dan laporan tabungan keseluruhan. Dengan dikembangkan sistem informasi tabungan siswa ini, diharapkan tidak ada lagi terjadi kesalahan dalam penghitungan tabungan siswa dan mempermudah staff administrasi dalam pembuatan laporan tabungan siswa

    Senam Aerobic Low Impact dan Slow Deep Breathing (SDB) terhadap Perubahan Tekanan Darah pada Pasien dengan Hipertensi

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    This study aims to determine the effectiveness of low-impact aerobics and slow deep breathing on changes in blood pressure in patients with hypertension in the working area of Antang Public Health Center Makassar City. This research method uses a quasi-experimental method with a pre-test-post-test design. The results showed that the low-impact aerobic exercise intervention group decreased systolic blood pressure by five mmHg and diastolic by 7.86 mmHg. In comparison, the slow deep breathing group experienced a decrease in systolic blood pressure by 12.14 mmHg and diastolic by five mmHg. In conclusion, low impact aerobic exercise and slow deep breathing effectively lower blood pressure.   Keywords: Hypertension, Low Impact Aerobic Gymnastics, Slow Deep Berathin

    Characterization of Lactic Acid Bacteria as Probiotic Candidate to Overcome the Salmonellosis in Broiler

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    Can endanger human health if they contain antibiotic residues in livestock products that can cause resistance to germs in the human body when consuming them. Along with the enactment of a policy to limit the use of antibiotics in animal feed, the use of probiotics as a substitute is urgently needed. This research has been conducted in the Research Center for Veterinary Science inorder to produce probiotic candidates to control the growth of Salmonella sp in chickens that have the potential to pollute the environment and cause foodborne disease. Research on probiotics in chicken has conducted in Indonesian Research Center for Veterinary Science in order to produce probiotic candidates to control the growth of Salmonella sp. in chicken that potentially contaminated the environment causing foodborne disease. The present study aims to evaluate the probiotic potential of indigenous bacteria isolated from cattle in Bogor and select candidates to be used as probiotic. The study was initiated by screening localisolates for probiotic, following by inhibition test against a target of pathogenic bacteria (Salmonella enterica serotype of Typhimurium B0046/ATCC 13311 and serotype of Enteritidis B2893/ATCC 13076), pathogenicity in vitro, survival in thechicken gut, and the lifespan in the lyophilized container. The results showed that six isolates bacteria consisting of Aerococcus viridans B2776, Bifidobacterium dentium B2754 and B2755, Enterococcus faecium B2758, Lactobacillus casei B2752, and Streptococcus uberis B2757 had been selected as the candidate for probiotics. They had specifications namely: anti-microbialsubstance (in vitro) against S. enterica serotype Typhimurium BCC B0046 and serotype Enteritidis BCC B2893, not pathogenic, able to form colonies in intestinal broilers for 40 days with concentrations of >1010 CFU/gram with lifespan up to one year (lyophilized), using protectant serum of inositol 5% or 7,5% skim milk at 5C with concentrations >log10 CFU/ml. The potentialcharacteristics qualified them as probiotics against pathogenic bacteria and could be used to control salmonellosis in the broiler
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