454 research outputs found

    Microbial-Induced Heterogeneity in the Acoustic Properties of Porous Media

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    It is not known how biofilms affect seismic wave propagation in porous media. Such knowledge is critical for assessing the utility of seismic techniques for imaging biofilm development and their effects in field settings. Acoustic wave data were acquired over a two-dimensional region of a microbial-stimulated sand column and an unstimulated sand column. The acoustic signals from the unstimulated column were relatively uniform over the 2D scan region. The data from the microbial-stimulated column exhibited a high degree of spatial heterogeneity in the acoustic wave amplitude, with some regions exhibiting significant increases in attenuation while others exhibited decreases. Environmental scanning electron microscopy showed differences in the structure of the biofilm between regions of increased and decreased acoustic wave amplitude. We conclude from these observations that variations in microbial growth and biofilm structure cause heterogeneity in the elastic properties of porous media with implications for the validation of bioclogging models

    Partnering with patients to design a prehabilitation program for optimizing the patient experience through general surgery

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    The objective of this study was to explore patients’ experiences when preparing for and undergoing general surgery at a large tertiary hospital. Findings aimed to inform the development of a prehabilitation program to empower patients to optimize their recovery and enhance their experience of general surgery. A qualitative exploratory research approach was utilized. Patients (\u3e18 years) attending for elective general surgery between May and July 2018 were invited to participate. Four focus groups (n=18) and an interview were conducted to reach saturation. Deductive content analysis was used to map responses against theoretical determinants of health behavior change. Patients described their overall experience of general surgery as positive but provided key insights about the surgical journey that impacted their capability, opportunity and motivation to optimally engage and address their recovery. Interaction and information from health professionals, understanding expectations, timely access to treatment and support of family members greatly enhanced their experience. Lack of personalized exercise and nutrition prescriptions, access to shared patient experiences of the surgical journey and not being asked about personal goals were key inhibitors. Patients also expressed feelings of frustration and anxiety regarding hospital procedures, including repetitive gathering of information and poor communication across departments. Patients’ experiences of the surgical journey identified gaps that impacted their capability, opportunity and motivation to effectively prepare and rehabilitate, that could be addressed by a multimodal prehabilitation program. Intervention options at patient and policy level were identified for trial to enhance the patient experience of general surgery. Experience Framework This article is associated with the Patient, Family & Community Engagement lens of The Beryl Institute Experience Framework (https://www.theberylinstitute.org/ExperienceFramework). Access other PXJ articles related to this lens. Access other resources related to this lens

    De l’agressivitĂ© Ă  la maternitĂ©. Étude longitudinale sur 30 ans auprĂšs de filles agressives devenues mĂšres : trajectoires de leur agressivitĂ© durant l’enfance, indicateurs de leurs caractĂ©ristiques parentales et dĂ©veloppement de leurs enfants

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    L’agressivitĂ© chez les filles tend Ă  ne pas se manifester de la mĂȘme façon que chez les garçons ; de plus, elle suit une trajectoire longitudinale particuliĂšre. Les filles agressives envers leurs pairs ne se caractĂ©risent pas tant par leurs manifestations de dĂ©linquance et de criminalité ; elles s’orientent plutĂŽt vers une trajectoire de troubles sociaux et de santĂ© mentale qui, Ă  terme, compromet leur avenir scolaire, social et professionnel, de mĂȘme que leur Ă©tat de santĂ© physique. Les compĂ©tences parentales des filles agressives, de mĂȘme que le fonctionnement de leur famille, peuvent aussi ĂȘtre affectĂ©es ; dans ce cas, c’est la socialisation, la santĂ© et le dĂ©veloppement de toute une nouvelle gĂ©nĂ©ration d’enfants qui sont menacĂ©s. La Concordia Longitudinal Risk Project (EnquĂȘte longitudinale sur les risques, UniversitĂ© Concordia) suit un Ă©chantillon intergĂ©nĂ©rationnel de 1 770 sujets vivant Ă  MontrĂ©al, dont un sous-Ă©chantillon de plus de 200 filles dites trĂšs agressives, et le compare avec un Ă©chantillon de garçons agressifs et un groupe tĂ©moin composĂ© d’enfants des deux sexes. Les participants sont suivis de l’enfance Ă  l’ñge adulte sur une pĂ©riode de 30 ans. Le prĂ©sent article dĂ©crit les trajectoires Ă  long terme des filles agressives et les consĂ©quences de cette agressivitĂ© sur une large variĂ©tĂ© d’élĂ©ments psychosociaux et de santĂ© comme la maternitĂ© et la transmission des risques Ă  la prochaine gĂ©nĂ©ration. Plus particuliĂšrement, nous souhaitons : (1) Ă©tablir les trajectoires des filles qui mĂšnent de l’agressivitĂ© dans l’enfance au dĂ©veloppement nĂ©gatif Ă  l’ñge adulte, (2) Ă©tablir les indicateurs de santĂ© et les facteurs physiologiques connexes qui comportent des risques pour les filles agressives et leurs enfants et (3) Ă©valuer comment l’agressivitĂ© Ă  l’enfance se rĂ©percute sur le rĂŽle maternel et le dĂ©veloppement de la prochaine gĂ©nĂ©ration. Enfin, les retombĂ©es de nos conclusions seront discutĂ©es.Childhood aggression in girls may take different forms and follow different longitudinal trajectories from those typical of aggressive boys. Even when overt delinquency and criminality are avoided, girls who are aggressive towards their peers may follow a life course involving continuing social and mental health problems. From a longterm perspective, academic, social, health, and occupational achievement are likely to be negatively affected. Family functioning and parenting abilities may also be compromised, placing the offspring of these girls, a subsequent generation, at risk for social, health, and developmental problems. The Concordia Longitudinal Risk Project, which follows an intergenerational sample of 1770 inner-city Montrealers, includes a sub-sample of over 200 highly aggressive girls, with comparison groups of aggressive boys and normative children of both genders. Participants have been followed over a 30-year period, from childhood into adulthood. The present paper describes the long-term trajectories and sequelae of girlhood aggression in the context of a broad range of negative psychosocial and health outcomes, including parenting and the inter generational transfer of risk to offspring. More specifically, (1) trajectories by which childhood aggression places girls at risk for negative developmental outcomes are outlined, (2) health behaviours and physiological correlates that signify risk to aggressive girls and their offspring are delineated, and (3) pathways through which girlhood aggression influences parenting and offspring development are elucidated. Implications of these findings are discussed

    Microbial-Induced Heterogeneity in the Acoustic Properties of Porous Media

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    Abstract It is not known how biofilms affect seismic wave propagation in porous media. Such knowledge is critical for assessing the utility of seismic techniques for imaging biofilm development and their effects in field settings. Acoustic wave data were acquired over a two-dimensional region of a microbial-stimulated sand column and an unstimulated sand column. The acoustic signals from the unstimulated column were relatively uniform over the 2D scan region. The data from the microbial-stimulated column exhibited a high degree of spatial heterogeneity in the acoustic wave amplitude, with some regions exhibiting significant increases in attenuation while others exhibited decreases. Environmental scanning electron microscopy showed differences in the structure of the biofilm between regions of increased and decreased acoustic wave amplitude. We conclude from these observations that variations in microbial growth and biofilm structure cause heterogeneity in the elastic properties of porous media with implications for the validation of bioclogging models. INDEX TERMS: 5102 Acoustic properties, 0416 Biogeophysics, 0463 Microbe/mineral interactions

    Medical and Financial Risks Associated with Surgery in the Elderly Obese

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    OBJECTIVE: To study the medical and financial outcomes associated with surgery in elderly obese patients and to ask if obesity itself influences outcomes above and beyond the effects from comorbidities that are known to be associated with obesity. BACKGROUND: Obesity is a surgical risk factor not present in Medicare\u27s risk adjustment or payment algorithms, as BMI is not collected in administrative claims. METHODS: A total of 2045 severely or morbidly obese patients (BMI ≄ 35 kg/m, aged between 65 and 80 years) selected from 15,914 elderly patients in 47 hospitals undergoing hip and knee surgery, colectomy, and thoracotomy were matched to 2 sets of 2045 nonobese patients (BMI = 20-30 kg/m). A limited match controlled for age, sex, race, procedure, and hospital. A complete match also controlled for 30 additional factors such as diabetes and admission clinical data from chart abstraction. RESULTS: Mean BMI in the obese patients was 40 kg/m compared with 26 kg/m in the nonobese. In the complete match, obese patients displayed increased odds of wound infection: OR (odds ratio) = 1.64 (95% CI: 1.21, 2.21); renal dysfunction: OR = 2.05 (1.39, 3.05); urinary tract infection: OR = 1.55 (1.24, 1.94); hypotension: OR = 1.38 (1.07, 1.80); respiratory events: OR = 1.44 (1.19, 1.75); 30-day readmission: OR = 1.38 (1.08, 1.77); and a 12% longer length of stay (8%, 17%). Provider costs were 10% (7%, 12%) greater in obese than in nonobese patients, whereas Medicare payments increased only 3% (2%, 5%). Findings were similar in the limited match. CONCLUSIONS: Obesity increases the risks and costs of surgery. Better approaches are needed to reduce these risks. Furthermore, to avoid incentives to underserve this population, Medicare should consider incorporating incremental costs of caring for obese patients into payment policy and include obesity in severity adjustment models

    The Nature of Infrared Emission in the Local Group Dwarf Galaxy NGC 6822 As Revealed by Spitzer

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    We present Spitzer imaging of the metal-deficient (Z ~30% Z_sun) Local Group dwarf galaxy NGC 6822. On spatial scales of ~130 pc, we study the nature of IR, H alpha, HI, and radio continuum emission. Nebular emission strength correlates with IR surface brightness; however, roughly half of the IR emission is associated with diffuse regions not luminous at H alpha (as found in previous studies). The global ratio of dust to HI gas in the ISM, while uncertain at the factor of ~2 level, is ~25 times lower than the global values derived for spiral galaxies using similar modeling techniques; localized ratios of dust to HI gas are about a factor of five higher than the global value in NGC 6822. There are strong variations (factors of ~10) in the relative ratios of H alpha and IR flux throughout the central disk; the low dust content of NGC 6822 is likely responsible for the different H alpha/IR ratios compared to those found in more metal-rich environments. The H alpha and IR emission is associated with high-column density (> ~1E21 cm^-2) neutral gas. Increases in IR surface brightness appear to be affected by both increased radiation field strength and increased local gas density. Individual regions and the galaxy as a whole fall within the observed scatter of recent high-resolution studies of the radio-far IR correlation in nearby spiral galaxies; this is likely the result of depleted radio and far-IR emission strengths in the ISM of this dwarf galaxy.Comment: ApJ, in press; please retrieve full-resolution version from http://www.astro.wesleyan.edu/~cannon/pubs.htm

    Resource: A multi‐species multi‐timepoint transcriptome database and webpage for the pineal gland and retina

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    The website and database https://snengs.nichd.nih.gov provides RNA sequencing data from multi-species analysis of the pineal glands from zebrafish (Danio rerio), chicken (White Leghorn), rat (Rattus novegicus), mouse (Mus musculus), rhesus macaque (Macaca mulatta), and human (Homo sapiens); in most cases, retinal data are also included along with results of the analysis of a mixture of RNA from tissues. Studies cover day and night conditions; in addition, a time series over multiple hours, a developmental time series and pharmacological experiments on rats are included. The data have been uniformly re-processed using the latest methods and assemblies to allow for comparisons between experiments and to reduce processing differences. The website presents search functionality, graphical representations, Excel tables, and track hubs of all data for detailed visualization in the UCSC Genome Browser. As more data are collected from investigators and improved genomes become available in the future, the website will be updated. This database is in the public domain and elements can be reproduced by citing the URL and this report. This effort makes the results of 21st century transcriptome profiling widely available in a user-friendly format that is expected to broadly influence pineal research.Fil: Chang, Eric. National Instituto of Child Health & Human Development; Estados UnidosFil: Fu, Cong. National Instituto of Child Health & Human Development; Estados UnidosFil: Coon, Steven L.. National Instituto of Child Health & Human Development; Estados UnidosFil: Alon, Shahar. No especifĂ­ca;Fil: Bozinoski, Marjan. No especifĂ­ca;Fil: Breymaier, Matthew. National Instituto of Child Health & Human Development; Estados UnidosFil: Bustos, Diego Martin. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones CientĂ­ficas y TĂ©cnicas. Centro CientĂ­fico TecnolĂłgico Conicet - Mendoza. Instituto de HistologĂ­a y EmbriologĂ­a de Mendoza Dr. Mario H. Burgos. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Ciencias MĂ©dicas. Instituto de HistologĂ­a y EmbriologĂ­a de Mendoza Dr. Mario H. Burgos; ArgentinaFil: Clokie, Samuel J.. National Instituto of Child Health & Human Development; Estados UnidosFil: Gothilf, Yoav. No especifĂ­ca;Fil: Esnault, Caroline. National Instituto of Child Health & Human Development; Estados UnidosFil: Iuvone, P. Michael. Emory University School of Medicine; Estados UnidosFil: Mason, Christopher E.. No especifĂ­ca;Fil: Ochocinska, Margaret J.. National Instituto of Child Health & Human Development; Estados UnidosFil: Tovin, Adi. No especifĂ­ca;Fil: Wang, Charles. Loma Linda University; Estados UnidosFil: Xu, Pinxian. No especifĂ­ca;Fil: Zhu, Jinhang. No especifĂ­ca;Fil: Dale, Ryan. National Instituto of Child Health & Human Development; Estados UnidosFil: Klein, David C.. National Instituto of Child Health & Human Development; Estados Unido

    Little Things

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    We present LITTLE THINGS (Local Irregulars That Trace Luminosity Extremes, The HI Nearby Galaxy Survey) that is aimed at determining what drives star formation in dwarf galaxies. This is a multi-wavelength survey of 37 Dwarf Irregular and 4 Blue Compact Dwarf galaxies that is centered around HI-line data obtained with the National Radio Astronomy Observatory (NRAO) Very Large Array (VLA). The HI-line data are characterized by high sensitivity (less than 1.1 mJy/beam per channel), high spectral resolution (less than or equal to 2.6 km/s), and high angular resolution (~6 arcseconds. The LITTLE THINGS sample contains dwarf galaxies that are relatively nearby (less than or equal to 10.3 Mpc; 6 arcseconds is less than or equal to 300 pc), that were known to contain atomic hydrogen, the fuel for star formation, and that cover a large range in dwarf galactic properties. We describe our VLA data acquisition, calibration, and mapping procedures, as well as HI map characteristics, and show channel maps, moment maps, velocity-flux profiles, and surface gas density profiles. In addition to the HI data we have GALEX UV and ground-based UBV and Halpha images for most of the galaxies, and JHK images for some. Spitzer mid-IR images are available for many of the galaxies as well. These data sets are available on-line.Comment: In press in A

    Alcohol consumption and cognitive performance: a <scp>M</scp> endelian randomization study

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    Aims: To use Mendelian randomization to assess whether alcohol intake was causally associated with cognitive function. Design: Mendelian randomization using a genetic variant related to alcohol intake (ADH1B rs1229984) was used to obtain unbiased estimates of the association between alcohol intake and cognitive performance. Setting: Europe. Participants: More than 34000 adults. Measurements: Any versus no alcohol intake and units of intake in the previous week was measured by questionnaire. Cognitive function was assessed in terms of immediate and delayed word recall, verbal fluency and processing speed. Findings: Having consumed any versus no alcohol was associated with higher scores by 0.17 standard deviations (SD) [95% confidence interval (CI)=0.15, 0.20] for immediate recall, 0.17 SD (95% CI=0.14, 0.19) for delayed recall, 0.17 SD (95% CI=0.14, 0.19) for verbal fluency and 0.12 SD (95% CI=0.09, 0.15) for processing speed. The minor allele of rs1229984 was associated with reduced odds of consuming any alcohol (odds ratio=0.87; 95% CI=0.80, 0.95; P=0.001; R2=0.1%; F-statistic=47). In Mendelian randomization analysis, the minor allele was not associated with any cognitive test score, and instrumental variable analysis suggested no causal association between alcohol consumption and cognition: -0.74 SD (95% CI=-1.88, 0.41) for immediate recall, -1.09 SD (95% CI=-2.38, 0.21) for delayed recall, -0.63 SD (95% CI=-1.78, 0.53) for verbal fluency and -0.16 SD (95% CI=-1.29, 0.97) for processing speed. Conclusions: The Mendelian randomization analysis did not provide strong evidence of a causal association between alcohol consumption and cognitive ability

    Reducing recurrent care proceedings: initial evidence from new interventions

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    The English family justice system faces a crisis of recurrence. As many as one in four birth mothers involved in public law care proceedings in English family courts are likely to reappear in a subsequent set of proceedings within seven years. These mothers are involved in up to one-third of total care applications, as they are – by definition – linked to more than one child . Few birth mothers experiencing the removal of a child to care are offered any follow-up support, despite often facing multiple challenges including poverty, addiction, domestic violence and mental health problems. Since 2011, however, a number of new services have been established to begin to address their unmet needs. This article summarises the findings of the first academic-led evaluation of two of these initiatives. Presenting evidence from a mixed-methods evaluative study, it concludes that the new services were able to foster relationships that ‘worked’ in reducing recurrent proceedings. None of the women engaging with the services went on to experience what could be described as a ‘rapid repeat pregnancy’ within the evaluation window. Just as significantly, a number of clients reported some improvement in their psychological functioning, and the practitioners involved reported positively on their experience of delivering and managing innovative services. The article closes with a discussion of the challenges of evaluating personalised, strengths-based interventions and the possibilities of evidencing empowerment in these cases
