4,740 research outputs found

    Stockmarket comovements revisited

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    We revisit the issue of comovements of emerging and developed stockmarkets, and provide a simultaneous treatment of data for the eighties and nineties. We show that while emerging markets experience greater instability in the long term than their developed counterparts, there is room for short-term strategies to take advantage of profit opportunities in the emerging markets, especially in India.

    The measurement of physical activity and sedentary behaviour in a sample of 2 to 3 year old South Asian and White British children

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    Background: Studies have reported that preschool children may not be sufficiently active according to guidelines. This is worrying because early childhood is a critical period for the establishment of sedentary behaviour (SB) and physical activity (PA) habits, which have immediate and long term influences on health. The majority of evidence on levels, determinants, and health consequences of SB and PA in young children is, however, based on subjective measures in predominately White children aged three years or older. Aims: To 1) assess the feasibility and acceptability of using three different accelerometers in South Asian and White British 2-3 year olds and their parents; 2) calibrate and validate the accelerometers to measure SB and PA in 2-3 year olds; 3) investigate the influence of 5-, 10-, and 15-second epochs on time spent in SB, light PA, and moderate-to-vigorous PA (MVPA) in 2-3 year olds; and 4) assess the feasibility of measuring the habitual SB and PA with the ActiGraph GT3X+ accelerometer in South Asian and White British 2-3 year olds and their parents. Methods: Focus groups were performed with 17 South Asian and White British mothers and the audio-recordings were transcribed verbatim and analysed with thematic analysis (Aim 1). To calibrate the three accelerometers against direct observation (Aim 2), semi-structured activity sessions were run with 18 South Asian and White British 2-3 year olds. Mixed-effects regression and receiver-operating characteristics (ROC) curve analysis were used to generate prediction equations and 5- and 10-second cut-points to assess children s SB and PA. Validity of the generated cut-points against direct observation (Aim 2) was assessed in a separate sample of 20 White British and Black African 2-3 year olds during free-play, using Cohen s kappa, ROC curve analysis, Bland-Altman plots, and Lin s concordance coefficient. Differences in estimated time spent in SB, light PA and MVPA from 5-, 10- and 15-second epochs were tested with repeated-measures ANOVA and paired t-tests in the calibration sample (Aim 3). A pilot study was conducted with 120 South Asian and White British families from a birth cohort study to address aim 4. Study intake and compliance with an 8-day measurement protocol were calculated, and differences between ethnicities were assessed with the Chi-square test. Results: The ActiGraph GT3X+ was the most widely accepted accelerometer, with the least amount of issues raised by mothers. Practical and software issues with the Actiheart and activPAL3 during the calibration phase resulted in insufficient good quality data collected, which made it unfeasible to calibrate both monitors. The overall 5-second Axis1 cut-points for the ActiGraph GT3X+ provided a valid tool to measure the SB and total PA of 2-3 year olds in free-living conditions. Using 10- and 15-second epochs overestimated children s light PA and underestimated time spent in SB and MVPA. Less South Asian than White British families were recruited into the study, and less South Asian than White British children complied with the 8-day measurement protocol. There were no ethnic differences in the number of children and parents providing enough accelerometry data (i.e. ≥3 valid days), or the number of parents complying with the measurement protocol. Conclusions: The results demonstrated that it is feasible to use the ActiGraph GT3X+ to assess the habitual SB and PA of a bi-ethnic sample of 2-3 year old children and their parents. The accurate assessment of SB and PA in 2-3 year olds using the overall 5-second Axis1 cut-points developed and validated in this thesis will enable researchers to investigate the levels, determinants, and health consequences of SB and PA. Such research will inform public health policies and interventions to improve children s health

    Decision-Making Attitudes in the Beef Chain Industry Innovation Adoption: Brazilian Case Studies

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    The research objective was to analyze the attitudes of decision-makers in the innovation adoption process in the Brazilian beef chain industry. The study’s approach was qualitative and exploratory, using multiple cases in the beef chain industry. To reach the objective, 17 rural properties in the Brazilian state of Mato Grosso do Sul were investigated. Unstructured interviews were conducted to map the decision-makers’ attitudes regarding the innovation adoption process. Content analysis was performed using the ATLAS.TI software. Findings: The attitudes of the decision makers to evaluate the internal environmental conditions showed the characteristics of informality, slowness, centralization, and conservatism. The factors that affect the innovation adoption were the cost-benefit ratio analysis, the cohesion and connection between what already exists in the organization and the innovative technology, and the uncertainties regarding the return on investment. Originality: The Brazilian Beef Chain has been suffering competition in the domestic and foreign market. Beef Chain can find in innovation a mechanism that allows it to improve its strategic position and thus remain competitive. The findings enabled the proposal of an innovation adoption model based on the attitudes of the decision-makers for the beef chain industry.

    O Pai que não é Patrão: Vivência de Sujeitos Terceirizados no Ministério Público do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul

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    A redução da oferta de empregos e o capitalismo flexível vêm ensejando a prática de diferentes vínculos trabalhistas, tais como a terceirização, os contratos com cooperativas e os contratos temporários. É objetivo deste trabalho investigar como um grupo de terceirizados, prestadores de serviços gerais no Ministério Público do Rio Grande do Sul (MP), vivencia o prazer e o sofrimento no trabalho, em especial em relação à sua condição trabalhista. Os dados obtidos nas vinte entrevistas realizadas com esta finalidade foram analisados pelo método de análise de conteúdo, e apontaram para cinco categorias: o pai que não é o patrão e o patrão que não é o pai; a precarização do emprego e a redução dos postos de trabalho; as defesas contra o sofrimento; quando as defesas falham; o sentimento de inferioridade e a identidade negada; sonhar é preciso. Conclui-se que os terceirizados vivenciam sofrimento psíquico decorrente da precarização trabalhista. Além disto, o estudo identificou vínculos tênues entre as empresas de terceirização e os terceirizados, cujas necessidades são parcialmente supridas pelo próprio MP

    Autoestima e autoimagem dos adolescentes praticantes e não praticantes de handebol

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    The purpose of this study was to look at the self-esteem and self-image of two groups of adolescents: i) practitioners of handball from the School St. Louis, Brusque / SC and ii) not practitioners of this sport, from the Elementary School Teacher Patrick Teixeira Brazil, St. John the Baptist / SC. The work was characterized as a descriptive field study. The sample consisted of 25 adolescents aged 13 to 14 years. We used a structured questionnaire related the self-image and self esteem (Stobaus). Quantitative data were analyzed according to the content and object of the study. Data revealed that the self-image of most practitioners and not practitioners wasnt either high or low, but rather average. However, regarding self-esteem, most of handball practitioners ranked also quite average while those not involved in the sport had a lower perception of themselves.Este estudo tem por objetivo investigar a autoestima e autoimagem dos adolescentes que jogam handebol em escolas Brusque / SC e os não praticam esta modalidade esportiva na cidade Sâo Joâo Batista / SC. Caracterizou-se como um estudo de campo do tipo descritivo. A amostra foi composta por 25 adolescentes com idade entre 13-14 anos. Foi utilizado um formulário estruturado com questões relacionada autoimagem e autoestima (Stobaus). Com os dados quantitativos revelou-se que a imagem da maioria dos praticantes e não praticantes são o andebol média. Em termos de auto-estima, observou-se que a maioria dos praticantes de handebol é normal e auto-estima da maioria handball não praticante é baixo.Este estudio tuvo por objeto investigar la autoestima y autoimagen de los adolescentes practicantes de balonmano de la escuela de San Luis, Brusque / SC y de no practicantes de dicha modalidad deportiva de la escuela de San Juan Bautista / SC. El estudio se considera un estudio de campo de tipo descriptivo. La muestra estuvo compuesta por 25 jóvenes de 13-14 años. Utilizamos un cuestionario estructurado relacionado con la autoimagen y la autoestima (Stobaus). Los datos cuantitativos pusieron de manifiesto que la autoimagen de la mayoría de los practicantes y de los no practicantes se situaba en los rangos intermedios. En lo concerniente a la autoestima, se observó que la mayoría de los practicantes obtienen unas puntaciones igualmente normales-intermedias, mientras que las de los no participantes son bajas

    Modelos multidimensionais de avaliação de desempenho para o sector público: o caso dos serviços policiais

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    A introdução das reformas da Nova Gestão Pública (NGP), nos últimos anos, surgem no sentido de introduzir maior eficiência e eficácia no desempenho das organizações públicas, através de uma nova filosofia de gestão, assente, entre outros aspectos, na avaliação do desempenho baseada em outputs e outros. O desenvolvimento de adequados sistemas de avaliação de desempenho para o sector público tem suscitado o interesse da comunidade académica. O foco é colocado na medida dos outputs (produtos e serviços) e dos outcomes (impactos) e não na medida dos inputs (dotações orçamentais), como acontece tradicionalmente. Este artigo constitui uma revisão da literatura sobre os tipos de modelos de avaliação de desempenho utilizados nas organizações públicas, a utilidade da medida de desempenho para a tomada de decisão e a análise de alguns casos de estudo, especialmente nas forças policiais, sobre a implementação de modelos multidimensionais como o Balanced Scorecard (BSC)

    Use of performance measurement in the public sector: the case of the police service

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    Many public organisations have been under great pressure in recent years to increase the efficiency and transparency of outputs, to rationalise the use of public resources, and to increase the quality of service delivery. In this context, public organisations were encouraged to introduce the New Public Management reforms with the goal of improving the efficiency and effectiveness of the performance organisation through a new public management model. This new public management model is based on measurement by outputs and outcomes, a clear definition of responsibilities, the transparency and accountability of governmental activities, and on a greater value for citizens. What type of performance measurement systems are used in police services? Are they multidimensional models with an integration of financial and non financial measures? Based on the literature review, we see that multidimensional models, like the Balanced Scorecard, are important in many public organisations, like municipalities, universities, and hospitals. Police services are characterised by complex and diverse objectives and stakeholders. Therefore, performance measurement of these public services calls for a specific analysis. Based on a nationwide survey of all police chiefs of the Portuguese police force, we find that employee performance measurement is the main form of measurement. Also, we propose a strategic map for the Portuguese police service

    Performance measurement of the portuguese police force using the balanced scorecard

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    As a result of reforms brought about by the New Public Management (NPM) movement, public organizations have felt the need to develop adequate information systems to improve the policy process decision-making and to introduce resource allocation based on outputs and outcomes. The objective is to increase efficiency, effectiveness, and the quality of the public service with improved management costs. What is the role of the BSC in the performance measurement of the Portuguese Police System? And to extent are police agents willing to comply with BSC requirements? The first study of its kind in Portugal, this paper proposes to analyze the BSC´s place in the police management and police predisposition to apply the BSC as a performance measurement system in the Portuguese Police. Using a unique data set assembled by way of a nationwide survey sent to all the police chiefs of the four branches of the Portuguese police, we estimate an ordered logit regression model. We find that prior knowledge of the BSC, as well as the impact of the NPM issues, are important determinants of the predisposition to apply the BSC.Center for Research in Public Policy and Administration (NEAPP).Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT)

    Caracterização estrutural e bioquímica do colmo das espécies brasileiras do gênero Saccharum L. (POACEAE)

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    Devido à sua posição de destaque na economia global, a cultura da cana-de-açúcar é constantemente estudada em programas de melhoramento, acreditamos que as espécies nativas de Saccharum podem servir como diversidade de germoplasma, uma vez que em várias outras culturas é comum a utilização de espécies nativas não cultivadas. No Brasil ocorrem três espécies nativas de Saccharum (S. angustifolium, S. asperum e S. villosum), mas as informações sobre elas são escassas e a identificação é baseada nas inflorescências e lâminas foliares, estruturas que nem sempre estão presentes ou portando as características diagnósticas. A anatomia pode ser uma ferramenta para subsidiar a taxonomia das gramíneas, para as espécies supracitadas há poucos estudos anatômicos, e estes não apresentam fins taxonômicos. Este trabalho teve como objetivo descrever a estrutura do colmo, quantificar açúcares solúveis, amido, lignina e silício e analisar a organização das paredes celulares dessas espécies nativas, tendo como parâmetro duas cultivares de cana-de-açúcar (RB 86-7515 e SP 79-1011) para auxiliar a implementação de novas estratégias de melhoramento da cultura da cana-de-açúcar. Dentre as espécies, S. villosum é a que apresenta maior distribuição geográfica, sendo que diferentes populações desta espécie podem apresentar alta variabilidade em suas características anatômicas e morfológicas, o que pode dificultar sua identificação. A epiderme foi o tecido que mostrou maior diversidade, populações de S. villosum de uma mesma região podem possuir diferentes tipos de tricomas e proporções distintas de esclerênquima, enquanto populações de regiões distantes podem ser bastante semelhantes. Saccharum asperum possui células comuns longas maiores, enquanto as células silicificadas, espinhos, microtricomas e macrotricomas são menores e significativamente diferentes das demais espécies. Os maiores microtricomas estão presentes em S. angustifolium. É proposta uma nova espécie para o gênero, suas principais diferenças em relação às demais já descritas estão relacionadas a maiores complexos estomáticos, comprimento total e espessura da parede do colmo e comprimento dos 2º e 3º entrenós. Saccharum villosum apresenta a maior quantidade de características desejáveis para melhoria da cultura da cana-de-açúcar, como espessura das paredes secundárias das fibras, baixos teores de amido e lignina insolúvel. _______________________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACTDue to its prominent position in the global economy, sugarcane culture is constantly studied in breeding programs, we believe that Saccharum native species can be used as germplasm diversity, as in many others cultures it is common the use of uncultivated natives. In Brazil there are three native species of Saccharum (S. angustifolium, S. asperum and S. villosum), but information about them is scarce and identification is based on inflorescence and leaf blades, structures that are not always present or carrying the diagnostic features. The anatomy can be a tool to support the taxonomy of grasses, for the above species there are few anatomical studies, and they didn`t have taxonomic purposes. This study aimed to describe the structure of the stem, quantify soluble sugars, starch, lignin and silicon and analyze the organization of the cell walls of these native species, having as parameter two cultivars of sugarcane (RB 86-7515 and SP 79 -1011) to help to implement new strategies to improve the culture of sugarcane. Among the species, S. villosum is the one with the greatest geographic distribution, and different populations of this species may exhibit high variability in their anatomical and morphological characteristics, which can hinder identification. Epidermis is the tissue that showed greater diversity, populations of S. villosum from the same region may have different types of trichomes and different proportions of sclerenchyma, while populations in distant areas may be quite similar. Saccharum asperum has the largest epidermal long cells while silica cells, prickles, micro and macro-hairs are smaller and significantly different from the other species. The largest micro-hairs are present in S. angustifolium. It is proposed a new species for the genus, its main differences from the others already described are related to higher stomatal complexes, total length, culm wall thickness and length of the 2nd and 3rd internodes. Saccharum villosum has the highest number of desirable features to improve sugarcane culture such as thickness of the secondary wall of the fiber, little starch and insoluble lignin