38 research outputs found

    Marine actinomycetes from Madeira Archipelago preliminary taxonomic studies

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    Financial support from Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT) and FEDER (through grant n° PTDC/QUI-QUI/119116/2010, and projects PEst-C/EQB/LA0006/2011 and Pest-OE/BIA/UI0457/2011-CREM), and the EU 7th Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013) under grant agreement n° PCOFUND-GA-2009-246542 and nº 269138-NanoGuard. We thank W. Fenical, P. R. Jensen and C. A. Kauffman, from SIO, CA, USA and P. Castilho from Universidade da Madeira, Portugal for the logistic support during sampling collection.publishersversionpublishe

    Voluntariado: Missão e Dádiva

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    O Estudo de Investigação “VOLUNTARIADO, missão e dádiva” foi desenvolvido pela Fundação FÉ e COOPERAÇÃO – FEC – durante o Ano Europeu do Voluntariado (AEV 2011) em parceria com a Escola Superior de Educação Paula Frassinetti, com o objetivo de conhecer melhor o voluntariado missionário em Portugal e os seus agentes – OS VOLUNTÁRIOS.FEC – Fundação Fé e Cooperaçã

    Hydrothermal pretreatment of several lignocellulosic mixtures containing wheat straw and two hardwood residues available in Southern Europe

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    This work studied the processing of biomass mixtures containing three lignocellulosic materials largely available in Southern Europe, eucalyptus residues (ER), wheat straw (WS) and olive tree pruning (OP). The mixtures were chemically characterized, and their pretreatment, by autohydrolysis, evaluated within a severity factor (log R0) ranging from 1.73 up to 4.24. A simple modeling strategy was used to optimize the autohydrolysis conditions based on the chemical characterization of the liquid fraction. The solid fraction was characterized to quantify the polysaccharide and lignin content. The pretreatment conditions for maximal saccharides recovery in the liquid fraction were at a severity range (log R0) of 3.65–3.72, independently of the mixture tested, which suggests that autohydrolysis can effectively process mixtures of lignocellulosic materials for further biochemical conversion processes

    Biorefining strategy for maximal monosaccharide recovery from three different feedstocks: eucalyptus residues, wheat straw and olive tree pruning

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    This work proposes the biorefining of eucalyptus residues (ER), wheat straw (WS) and olive tree pruning (OP) combining hydrothermal pretreatment (autohydrolysis) with acid post-hydrolysis of the liquid fraction and enzymatic hydrolysis of the solid fraction towards maximal recovery of monosaccharides from those lignocellulose materials. Autohydrolysis of ER, WS and OP was performed under non-isothermal conditions (195–230 C) and the non-cellulosic saccharides were recovered in the liquid fraction while cellulose and lignin remained in the solid fraction. The acid post-hydrolysis of the soluble oligosaccharides was studied by optimizing sulfuric acid concentration (1–4% w/w) and reaction time (10–60 min), employing a factorial (22) experimental design. The solids resulting from pretreatment were submitted to enzymatic hydrolysis by applying commercial cellulolytic enzymes Celluclast1.5 L and Novozyme 188 (0.225 and 0.025 g/g solid, respectively). This strategy provides high total monosaccharide recovery or high glucose recovery from lignocellulosic materials, depending on the autohydrolysis conditions applied

    Effect of Dietary Incorporation of Yellow Mealworm as a Partial Fishmeal Replacer on Growth, Metabolism, and Intestinal Histomorphology in Juvenile Meagre (Argyrosomus regius)

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    Publisher Copyright: © 2023 Margarida Saavedra et al. This study was supported by the National Project DIVERSIAQUA II (MAR-02.01.01 FEAMP-0175) and by the project ATLAZUL–Impulsionar a Aliança Litoral Atlântica para o Crescimento Azul (0755_ATLAZUL_6_E) from Spain-Portugal Interreg (POCTEP).Efforts have been made to find alternatives to fish meal (FM), as the sustainability of aquaculture depends on it. Insect meal (IM) is a potential candidate to partially replace FM, being more sustainable and economically viable. In this experimental trial, three diets were tested with different yellow mealworm incorporation: a control diet with no IM, a diet with an inclusion of 10% IM (Ins10), and a diet with an incorporation of 20% IM (Ins20). The diets were tested on 10.5 g meagre for 47 days. The results showed that an IM inclusion higher than 10% affected both growth (2.6 vs. 2.2) and FCR (1.5 vs. 1.9) of meagre juveniles. However, this reduction in growth did not result from lower protein retention or changes in muscle fibre area or density. Little differences were observed in the activity of pancreatic and intestinal enzymes except for aminopeptidase total activity which was higher in the control and Ins10 compared to Ins20 (3847 vs. 3540 mU/mg protein), suggesting no limitations in protein synthesis. Also, the alkaline phosphatase intestinal maturation index was higher in the control group compared to the IM groups (437 vs. 296). On the contrary, several differences were also found in the proteolytic activity in the hepatic and muscle tissues of meagre juveniles fed the Ins10 diet. The inclusion of IM had no impact on intestine histomorphology but changes were detected in the enterocytes of fish from control and Ins10 which showed hypervacuolization and nucleus misplacement compared to the Ins20 treatment. Nevertheless, a higher percentage of Vibrionaceae was recorded for meagre fed on the Ins20 diet. Since no signs of inflammation were observed in the distal intestine, this suggests IM incorporation could have had an important impact on intestinal health due to its antimicrobial properties. This is supported by an increase in the haematocrit in the treatments where IM was added (20 to 25%). In conclusion, incorporations of IM at percentages up to 10% do not seem to have a negative impact on meagre performance at this age but can enhance the fish immune system and protection against intestinal inflammation.publishersversionpublishe

    Dementia in a patient with Thymoma and hypogammaglobulinaemia (Good's syndrome)

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    Good's syndrome is extremely rare and refers to an acquired B and T cell immunodeficiency in thymoma patients. The authors of this article present a case report of a 75-year-old, caucasian male patient previously subjected to examinations for secondary dementia and recurrent infections, which revealed paraneoplastic syndrome arose from thymoma. He underwent thymectomy, while his immunodeficiency syndrome sustained with frequent opportunistic infections, constantly requiring intravenous immunoglobulin treatment

    Sexual Education: European Health Promotion. Training Guide

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    Working on sexual education is one of the most pressing, but also one of the most difficult issues facing today’s educational systems. Reflecting these challenges in an international project is an excellent opportunity to find new reflections and approaches. From a holistic, properly contextualized perspective, the EdSeX project presents well-founded work suggestions that make us think about what is expected from sexual education, from childhood to higher education, reflecting the training of professionals who work in area of health and education. There are many issues associated with sexuality that continue to concern us and that need to be addressed from childhood. Sexual identity begins to be defined early, and it is also early that stereotypical ideas begin to be constructed. After many years in which biological determinism prevailed that considered the nature of men to be different from the nature of women, the concept of gender considers that the cultural issues associated with sexual identity are a social construct. Conceiving the definition of gender, in a broad, multidimensional sense, taking into account identity, sexual orientation, personal skills and interests, the deconstruction of stereotypical ideas is the basis for building greater equity between everyone from childhood. This process implies that sexual education begins by building a critical knowledge of oneself and of others, in the recognition of diversity, from a citizenship perspective. Knowledge of oneself and of the other is also the basis for understanding the social context and the variables that characterize it, namely the risks that an uninformed sexuality can entail. The prevention of sexual and emotional violence starts early and must be worked on constructively at the various levels of education, without forgetting higher education and the training of future health and education professionals who will have to do this work with increasingly diverse audiences. In this complex context, having a support script based on diverse experiences is excellent guidance that the EdSeX project provides us. This Guide promotes sexual education as a dynamic learning process, from a dialogical perspective, giving visibility to sexual, linguistic and cultural diversity, using digital media in a constructive and critical way. In addition to the work resources provided, the project has the added value of the methodological part built that leaves the way open for the development of the work already started in the different countries involved, in terms of training and research. May the EdSeX project be the basis for the construction of many more projects!info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    EAIR 41st Annual Forum in Leiden, The Netherlands 25 till 28 August 2019

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    Trabalho apresentado em EAIR 41st Annual Forum, 25-28 agosto 2019, Leiden, Países Baixos.Polytechnic Institutes in Portugal: research on the impact of twelve institutes on the local economy Higher Education Institutions are recognized as important actors in regional development. The Portuguese higher education system comprises both Universities and Polytechnic Institutes, which face an increasing pressure to demonstrate that their presence has an impact on the surrounding communities contributing to their economic development. This paper presents the estimation of the economic impact of twelve Polytechnic Institutes, located in quite diverse regions, based on a shared model so that comparisons have a collective framework of analysis. The main results obtained show that the economic impact ranged from 1.8% to 10.6% of the local GDP and that these Institutes are major local employers.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    TrainMiC® Presentations Translated in Portuguese

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    TrainMiC® is a European programme for life-long learning about how to interpret the metrological requirements in chemistry. It is operational across many parts of Europe via national teams. These teams use shareware pedagogic tools which have been harmonized at European level by a joint effort of many experts across Europe working in an editorial board. The material has been translated into fourteen different languages. In this publication, TrainMiC® presentations translated in Portuguese language by the Portuguese TrainMiC® team are published.JRC.D.3-Knowledge Transfer and Standards for Securit

    Educação Sexual: Promover a Saúde Europeia. Guia formativo

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    Trabalhar a educação sexual é uma das questões mais prementes, mas também das mais difíceis com que se confrontam os sistemas educativos da atualidade. Refletir estes desafios num projeto internacional, é uma excelente oportunidade para encontrar novas reflexões e abordagens. A partir de uma perspetiva holística, devidamente contextualizada, o projeto EdSeX, vem apresentar sugestões de trabalho bem fundamentadas que nos fazem pensar no que se espera da educação sexual, desde a infância, até ao ensino superior, refletindo a formação de profissionais que trabalham na área da saúde e da educação. São muitas as questões associadas à sexualidade que nos continuam a preocupar e que carecem de ser trabalhadas desde a infância. A identidade sexual começa a definir-se precocemente, e é também precocemente que se começam a construir ideias estereotipadas. Depois de muitos anos em que predominou um determinismo biológico que considerava que a natureza dos homens é diferente da natureza das mulheres, o conceito de género considera que as questões culturais associadas à identidade sexual são um constructo social. Concebendo a definição de género, num sentido amplo, multidimensional, tendo em conta a identidade, orientação sexual, as competências pessoais e interesses, a desconstrução de ideias estereotipadas é a base para a construção de uma maior equidade entre todos e todas desde a infância. Este processo implica que a educação sexual comece pela construção de um conhecimento critico de si próprio e dos/as outros/as, no reconhecimento da diversidade, numa perspetiva de cidadania. O conhecimento de si e do outro, é também a base para o conhecimento do contexto social e das variáveis que o caracterizam, nomeadamente os riscos que uma sexualidade pouco informada pode implicar. A prevenção da violência a nível sexual e afetivo começa precocemente e tem que ser trabalhada de forma construtiva nos vários níveis de ensino, sem esquecer o ensino superior e a formação dos futuros/ as profissionais de saúde e de educação que vão ter que fazer este trabalho com públicos cada vez mais diversificados. Neste contexto complexo, ter um Guião de apoio baseado em experiências diversificadas é uma excelente orientação que o projeto EdSeX nos proporciona. Este Guião promove a educação sexual como um processo de aprendizagem dinâmico, numa perspetiva dialógica, dando visibilidade à diversidade sexual, linguística e cultural, recorrendo aos meios digitais de forma construtiva e critica. A par dos recursos de trabalho fornecidos, o projeto tem a mais-valia da parte metodológica construída que deixa o caminho aberto para o desenvolvimento do trabalho já iniciado nos diferentes países envolvidos, a nível da formação e investigação. Que o projeto EdSeX seja a base para a construção de muitos mais projetos!info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio