396 research outputs found

    Analysis of Radar Doppler Signature from Human Data

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    This paper presents the results of time (autocorrelation) and time-frequency (spectrogram) analyses of radar signals returned from the moving human targets. When a radar signal falls on the human target which is moving toward or away from the radar, the signals reflected from different parts of his body produce a Doppler shift that is proportional to the velocity of those parts. Moving parts of the body causes the characteristic Doppler signature. The main contribution comes from the torso which causes the central Doppler frequency of target. The motion of arms and legs induces modulation on the returned radar signal and generates sidebands around the central Doppler frequency, referred to as micro-Doppler signatures. Through analyses on experimental data it was demonstrated that the human motion signature extraction is better using spectrogram. While the central Doppler frequency can be determined using the autocorrelation and the spectrogram, the extraction of the fundamental cadence frequency using the autocorrelation is unreliable when the target is in the clutter presence. It was shown that the fundamental cadence frequency increases with increasing dynamic movement of people and simultaneously the possibility of its extraction is proportional to the degree of synchronization movements of persons in the group

    Biohemijske promene u krvnom serumu pasa tretiranih fenobarbitonom

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    Despite being described as the safest antiepileptic drug of first choice the presented literature data are much varied as far as dog blood serum biochemical parameters are considered. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of phenobarbitone at different per os doses on the values of selected blood serum biochemical parameters in dogs during both short and long term application. The study was conducted on 30 dogs of different races, both sexes, ranging from 2 to 8 years of age. A total of 15 healthy and 15 dogs suffering from idiophatic epilepsy were observed. During the short term per os application of phenobarbitone (given at 3 week intervals) to the healthy population in varied doses a statistically significant increase in ALT and AP was recorded. Application of 16 mg/kg/day of phenobarbitone to the healthy population during 14 days resulted in a significant increase of ALT and AP. This increase was dependant on the duration of the treatment. During chronic application of phenobarbitone to dogs suffering from idiopathic epilepsy a significant increase in values of AP and ALT depending on the given dose was recorded. In two of the studied epileptic dogs treated with high therapeutic doses of phenobarbitone clinical signs of hepatotoxicity were recorded. Hepatotoxicity resulted in decreased albumin and total protein concentrations, as well as increased blood serum total bilirubin, AST, ALP and AP. The obtained results indicate that a long term application of phenobarbitone at high therapeutic doses can cause hepatotoxicity. However, there was no relationship between phenobarbitone dosage and duration of therapy and blood glucose, urea, creatinine, total proteins, albumins, total bilirubin, triglycerides and cholesterol.Iako označen kao antiepileptik prvog izbora i veoma bezbedan lek, u literaturi su prezentovani različiti podaci o uticaju fenobarbitona na vrednosti biohemijskih parametara krvnog seruma kod pasa. S obzirom na to, cilj ovog istraživanja bio je da se ispita uticaj fenobarbitona pri različitim per os dozama na vrednosti biohemijskih parametara krvnog seruma kod pasa, tokom kratkotrajne i dugotrajne aplikacije. Istraživanje je sprovedeno na 30 pasa različitih rasa, oba pola, starosne kategorije od dve do osam godina, od kojih su 15 bili zdravi psi a 15 psi oboleli od idiopatske epilepsije. Tokom kratkotrajne per os aplikacije fenobarbitona (intervali od po tri nedelje) zdravoj populaciji pasa pri različitim per os dozama, u krvnom serumu je registrovano značajno povećanje aktivnosti ALT i vrlo značajno povećanje aktivnosti AP u zavisnosti od doze leka. Aplikacija fenobarbitona u dozi od 16 mg/kg/dnevno tokom 14 nedelja zdravoj populaciji pasa ukazala je, na vrlo značajno povećanje aktivnosti ALT i AP u zavisnosti od dužine trajanja aplikacije. Tokom hronične aplikacije fenobarbitona psima obolelim od idiopatske epilepsije, ustanovljeno je statistički vrlo značajno povećanje aktivnosti AP i ALT u krvnom serumu u zavisnosti od doze leka. Kod dve jedinke u bolesnoj grupi pasa pri visokim terapeutskim dozama fenobarbitona registrovana je hepatotoksičnost, što je dovelo do statistički značajnog smanjenja koncentracije albumina i ukupnih proteina, statistički značajnog povećanja koncentracije ukupnog bilirubina, statistički značajnog povećanja aktivnosti AST i statistički vrlo značajnog povećanja aktivnosti ALT i AP u krvnom serumu Dobijeni rezultati ukazuju da dugotrajna aplikacija fenobarbitona, pri visokim terapeutskim dozama može izazvati hepatotoksičnost. Nije ustanovljeno postojanje veze između koncentracije glukoze, uree, kreatinina, ukupnih proteina, albumina, ukupnog bilirubina, triglicerida i holesterola u krvnom serumu pasa sa per os dozom fenobarbitona, niti sa dužinom trajanja terapije

    Анализа повезаности сезонских промена и квалитета живота са различитим клиничким презентацијама запаљења средњег ува код деце узраста 3-8 година

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    Otitis media (OM), in both the acute (RAOM) and chronic (OME) forms affecting young children, plus the developmental consequences, are a large burden on families’ well-being and on healthcare systems. The burden comes from the large numbers with these very common conditions, rather than extreme individual cases. Past research on OM has mostly not well addressed the need for precise assessment of severity and statistical handling of case flow, via optimum referral and treatment decisions. The OM8-30 (with its short form OMQ-14) questionnaire is being standardised for Europe through the international clinical study Eurotitis- 2. I contributed nearly one quarter of the cases (22.6%) and was regional coordinator for about a further 8.8%, making an overall contribution of one third of the cases (31.4%), so was given access to the whole database under agreements in place, for answering my research questions. The first study moved on from the known seasonality of incidence of respiratory infection plus OM and used the severity measures from OM8-30 on different aspects of OM presentation. It asked: in cases all with OM diagnosis, do the measured severities of the several disease facets vary systematically through the year, after the typical autumn respiratory virus spread triggers an annual cycle? And do the timings of maximum severity in the single-consultation crosssectional data reflect the cause-related sequence from upstream respiratory infection, through ear infection score (ESS) and measured and reported hearing (HL and RHD) to downstream developmental outcomes? To answer this question with maximum precision, I worked with the study statistician to develop a method for locating annual peak severity which is labourintensive but robust: fitting a series of 27 lagged sinusoid functions I also developed a control framework fitting, as possible additive confounders, the background determinants of severity (particular centre, age, socioeconomic status (SES), length of history and particular diagnosis; sex was usually not significant). The novel results with these methods were clear for the upstream stages. The cross-sectional data show distinct annual cycles of case severity, with the ordering URTI(ESS, HL)RHD, and even close correspondence of estimated absolute delays with those in other true time-series (longitudinal) data. Season (or date) thus has to join the list of adjuster variables in the control framework underpinning standardisation...Акутне и хроничне запаљенске промене средњег ува највише погађају децу млађег зраста, а развојни проблеми који при томе настају су додатно оптерећење за породицу и целокупни здравствени систем. Оптерећење настаје због великог броја болесне деце са просечном тежином симптома пре него појединачних случајева са тешком клиничком сликом обољења. Досадашња истраживања нису на најбољи начин дефинисала потребу за прецизном евалуацијом тежине клинчке слике и статистичке контроле броја деце упућене на даље лечење и врсте примењеног терапијског третмана. OM8-30 упитник (и његова краћа форма OMQ- 14) је стандардизован у Европи кроз интернационални пројекат, Еуротитис 2. Ја сам допринела једној четвртини од укупног броја испитника (22.6%) и била регионални координатор за наредних 8.8% испитаника, што укупно чини 31.4% укупног узорка и стога добила приступ, уз сагласност свих ауторитета, бази података за проналажење одгвора на постављене циљеве истраживања. Прва од студија се бави сезонским аспектима болести и она је границу испитивања померила даље од уобичајеног утицаја сезоне на инциденцу респираторних инфекција и запаљења средњег ува ка испитивању утицаја сезоне на тежину различитих облика клиничке слике болести (аспеката) измерених применом OM8-30 упитника. Циљ ове студије: да ли код све деце са постављеном дијагнозом запаљења средњег ува тежина различитих аспеката болести систематски варира током године након почека циклуса вирусних респираторних инфекција током јесени? Такође, да ли време максималне тежине симптомa испитаника током студије пресека рефлектује узрочну везу са вирусним инфекцијама респираторних путева преко скорова упитника за симптоме средњег ува (ESS) и измереног и регистрованог прага слуха (HLи RHD) па до исходних, развојних, проблема деце?..

    Nasilje nad ženama u porodici

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    Violence against women in the family is a problem affecting our society in which the roots of patriarchy continue to be the source (of reproduction) of gender-based violence. The paper presents some of the domestic research on violence against women in the family in order to see which forms of violence they are targeting. Also, on the basis of secondary material, forms of psychological, emotional and economic violence are described, which victims of violence find more difficult to recognize and are thus not aware of being exposed to them. Based on the data of the Ministry of Interior of the Republic of Serbia, data on registered acts of domestic violence in the period from 2013 to 2017 are presented.Nasilje nad ženama u porodici predstavlja problem koji pogađa naše društvo, u kome koreni patrijarhalnosti i dalje predstavljaju izvor (reprodukcije) rodno zasnovanog nasilja. U radu su predstavljena neka od domaćih istraživanja nasilja nad ženama u porodici da bi se videlo na koje oblike nasilja su ona usmerena. Takođe, na osnovu sekundarne građe opisani su oblici psihičkog, emotivnog i ekonomskog nasilja koje žrtve nasilja teže prepoznaju, pa nisu ni svesne da su mu izložene. Na osnovu podataka Ministarstva unutrašnjih poslova Republike Srbije izloženi su podaci o registrovanim delima nasilja u porodici u periodu od 2013. do 2017. godine

    Učinci hiperbaričnog kisika na vidne funkcije u bolesnika s ishemičnom optičkom neuropatijom

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    The effects of hyperbaric oxygen therapy were studied in nine patients with non-arteritic anterior ischaemic optic neuropathy, who had been unsatisfactorily treated with corticosteroids. In four patients with signs of optic disc atrophy there was no improvement of visual functions after hyperbaric oxygen treatment, whereas in the other five patients, who had no signs of optic disc atrophy, visual acuity and visual field improved. The achieved improvements were maintained al a control examination six months later. Results suggest that hyperbaric oxygen might be a new remedy for the selected cases of non-arteritic ischaemic optic neuropathy and call for a controlled clinical study aiming to acurately assess its efficacy.Ispitivani su učinci tretmana hiperbaričnim kisikom u devet bolesnika s nearteritičinim oblikom prednje ishemične optikoneuropatije, koji su prethodno liječeni kortikosteroidima bez uspjeha. U četiri bolesnika sa znakovima atrofije optičkog diska, nakon tretmana hiperbaričnim kisikom, nije nađeno nikakvo poboljšanje vidnih funkcija, dok je u ostalih pet, bez znakova atrofije optičkog diska, ustanovljeno poboljšanje oštrine vida i vidnog polja. Ova poboljšanja nađena su i na kontrolnom pregledu nakon šest mjeseci. Rezultati ispitivanja sugeriraju hiperbaričnu oksigenaciju kao moguć način liječenja selekcioniranih slučajeva nearteritičnog oblika ishemične optikoneuropatije, kao i kontrolirani klinički pokus, radi egzaktnijeg utvrđivanja efikasnosti hiperbarične oksigenacije u ovih bolesnika

    Heritability and genetic correlation of production and reproduction traits of Simmental cows

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    Improvement of production capacity of cattle in terms of increasing the production of milk, milk fat and number of calves, greatly depends on phenotype and genotype variability, heritability and correlation between desirable traits, as well as on the production level of the cattle population. Heritability, as a value expressing and measuring average additive gene effect, is one of the major characteristic of quantitative traits from the point of view of creating genetically high-value cattle populations. Knowledge of the heritability is necessary in the estimation of the beeeding value of cattle and has significant impact on the selection of breeding method. Genetic correlations are very important in indirect selection where changes in one trait are induced through selection of other traits between which a genetic correlation exists. Genetic correlations can be determined in all cases where heritability coefficient can be calculated. This research included 3.461 first calving Simmental cows under control, with lactation concluded within one year. All first-calvers were reared on individual farms in the territory of Republic of Serbia. In this study, heritability and genetic correlations between the the following milk and fertility traits were investigated: duration of lactation (days)- DL, milk yield in standard lactation (kg)- MY, milk fat content in standard lactation (%)- MFC, milk fat yield in standard lactation (kg)- MFY, yield of 4% FCM in standard lactation (kg)- 4%FCM, age at first calving (days)- AC and duration of service period (days)- DSP.Key words: Heritability, genetic correlations, milk yield, fertility, Simmental breed