3,999 research outputs found

    Peningkatan Menulis Narasi dari Teks Wawancara dengan Pembelajaran Kooperatif Tps Siswa SMP Pancasila

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    ..The background of this research is weak skills of students of class VII SMP Pancasila Sungai Kakap in writing narrative paragraphs from an interview text. Methods and forms of this research is qualitative descriptive. The type of this research is classroom action research (PTK) which has been conducted in two cycles. The data source of this research is a Bahasa Indonesia teacher and seventh grade students as many as 30 students. The data in this research are the planning, implementation, and results of writing narrative paragraphs of interview text. The technique used in this research is testing techniques through the writings of students and non-test techniques through observation and documentation. The results of this research with an average value of student learning outcomes in pre-action with an average of 66.5. Results of student writing in the first cycle using cooperative learning model TPS type increased by an average of 73.1. While the average value in the second cycle with an average of 77.7. Based on the data results of writing narrative paragraphs from student interview text, from pre-action until first and second cycle have been increased

    Uji Daya Hasil Empat Galur Tomat (Lycopersicum Esculentum Mill) di Dataran Rendah

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    Tomato is one of the leading agricultural commodity that has a good prospect in marketing. It showed by a high demand for this commodity but not balanced with the supply because the productivity is still low especially at the lowland. To overcome this problem, plant breeder must strive to assemble new varieties suitable for cultivation in the lowland. This study aims to examine the growth and yield some tomatoes genotype grown in the lowlands. This study lasted from October 2012 to March 2013 at the experimental farm, Agriculture Faculty, University of Riau. This study arranged experimentally using Randomized Block Design (RBD) consist by 6 treatments and 3 replications. Genotype that used are 2201-5 IPB-8b, IPB-6-8 T43, T53-IPB and IPB 3-3 T65-6. Comparation varieties used are Intan and Karina. The parameters measured were plant height, stem diameter, flowering date, harvesting date, fruit length, fruit diameter, number of fruit cavities, fruit flesh thickness and seed number. The results showed that the strains significantly affect the parameters of the study (flowering date, maturity, plant height, stem diameter, fruit flesh thickness, fruit length, fruit diameter, number of fruit cavities, total fruit weight per plant and number of seeds per gram). IPBT43-6-8 strain has a total weight of fruit cropping highest (777.1 g), but not significantly different from the weight of the total fruit crop IPBT53-3 (655.9 g) and IPBT65-6 (605.5 g). Three strains have a total weight of fruit crop was significantly higher compared with the Intan variety (404.9 g) and Karina (208.6 g)

    Manajemen Pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris dalam Meningkatkan Kemampuan Writing Siswa SMP

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    The purpose of this study is to describe management of teaching and learning English to improve writing skill of student at Junior High School 4 of Bengkulu City. The data collected by using instrument such as observation, interview and documentation The result of the research shows that firstly teacher prepares lesson plan based on the syllabus of curriculum 2013. Secondly, teacher implements learning activity to improve writing skill uses scientific approach and discovery learning model. Teacher uses Learning process integrated to other skill such as speaking and reading comprehension, also supporting skill such as grammar and vocabulary. Teacher also improves students\u27 vocabulary by making a mini dictionary in every meeting, gives motivation and clear instruction about social function, generic structure and language features of a functional text

    Karakteristik Sosial Ekonomi Petani Lada di Desa Ogan Lima

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    The purpose of this research to know characteristic paper grower at Desa Ogan Lima Kecamatan Abung Barat Kabupaten Lampung Utara 2012. The result of the research show that: (1) The most of farmer at Desa Ogan Lima in categories productive age (2) The most of paper grower at Desa Ogan Lima educational level of SD, SMP and MTs. (3) Ownership of field that owner by paper grower at desa Ogan Lima dominated by vast field and medium field. (4) paper grower that planting paper with large capital more than paper grower that lanting paper with less capital. (5) the most of paper grower at Desa Ogan Lima have income that less of average ( 6) the most of paper grower categories by big family (>3) (7) the most of paper grower at Desa Ogan Lima was not fulfill necessary.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui karakteristik sosial ekonomi petani lada di Desa Ogan Lima Kecamatan Abung Barat kabupetan Lampung Utara Tahun 2012. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan, bahwa: (1)Sebagain Besar Patani di Desa Ogan Lima dalam kategori usia produktif (2) Sebagian besar dari petani lada di Desa Ogan Lima berpendidikan pada tingkat SD, SMP dan MTs .(3). Kepemilikan lahan yang dimiliki oleh petani lada di Desa Ogan Lima di dominasi oleh lahan yang luas dan sedang . (4) Antara petani yang menanam lada dengan modal besar atau dengan modal yang lebih dari rata-rata lebih banyak dibandingkan petani yang menanam lada dengan modal kurang dari rata-rata. (5). Sebagin besar petani lada di Desa Ogan Lima memiliki pendapatan yang kurang dari rata-rata. (6) Sebagian besar dari keluarga petani lada dikategorikan dengan keluarga besar (≥3). (7) Sebagian besar dari petani lada di Desa Ogan Lima tidak terpenuhi kebutuhan pokoknya

    Hubungan antara Stres Kerja dan Motivasi Berprestasi dengan Kinerja Guru

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    The purpose of this research was to describe the correlation between work stress and achieved motivation with teacher\u27s perfomance at the junior high school teachers at Manna East of Bengkulu. The method of research was correlational. The data was collected by using questionnaire, the data analysis was correlation, linear regression, and double regression to examine the hypotesis. The results of this research were (1) There was significant relation between work stress and teachers perfomance; (2) There was significant relation between achieved motivation and teachers perfomance; (3) There was together relation between work stress and achieved motivation to the teachers perfomance. According to the first and the second hyphothesis, it was conversed to the third hyphotesis, it was estimated that work stress followed by achieved motivation will increase the teachers perfomance

    A Prototype of Web-Based Computer Skills Training Course for Al Quds Open University (QOU)

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    E-Applications become the most important proverb in the modem electronic world, which depend on computer based system in many fields in the world. It help links people, systems and others resources making life easier and better. The purpose of this project is to develop a prototype of Web-based Training system for Al Quds Open University(QOU). This prototype used the Microsoft VB.Net and Microsoft SQL Server as Database. This project is important in order to make the training tasks easier than current way and to allow the QOU staff attending training courses anytime anywhere

    Analisa Kegagalan Pasca Welding Repair pada Crankshaft Kompresor

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    Analisa kegagalan yang dilakukan pada crankshaft kompresor pasca welding repair tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui penyebab kegagalan pasca welding repair dan nilai kekuatan pada material crankshaft. Kompresor ini termasuk jenis reciprocating single acting dengan menggunakan 3 Stage, kompresor ini terjadi kegagalan saat jam operasi mencapai 3298 jam dengan tekanan maksimum 330 bar. Sejumlah spesimen diambil dari crankshaft kompresor yang patah untuk dilakukan pemeriksaan. Dari hasil analisa makro kondisi lokasi awal permukaan berasal dari sudut tegak lurus terhadap poros diameter 30 mm, hasil analisa komposisi kimia material crankshaft besi cor nodular, hasil pengujian metalografi terdapat struktur ferit, perlit dan grafit nodular dan hasil pengujian kekerasan yang terbesar 682 HV dan yang terendah 110 HV. Hasil analisa kegagalan menunjukkan bahwa crankshaft mengalami patah getas yang disebabkan oleh penyambungan crankshaft pengelasan menggunakan material CuNi menunujukkan mutu yang kurang bagus mengingat titik cair material besi cor dengan material las CuNi berbeda sehingga tidak dapat menyatu dengan baik. Faktor lain yang mungkin menjadi pendukung terjadi kegagalan yaitu perawatan berkala yang tidak terlaksana dengan baik dan juga didukung dengan jenis kompresor bertekanan tinggi sehingga beban yang diterima oleh crankshaft kompresor cukup tinggi.Analisa kegagalan yang dilakukan pada crankshaft kompresor pasca welding repair. Kompresor ini termasuk jenis reciprocating single acting dengan menggunakan 3 Stage, kompresor ini terjadi kegagalan saat jam operasi mencapai 3298 jam dengan tekanan maksimum 330 bar. Sejumlah spesimen diambil dari crankshaft kompresor yang patah untuk dilakukan pemeriksaan laboratorium meliputi pemeriksaan makroskopik, analisa komposisi kimia, pengujian metalografi dan pengujian kekerasan. Hasil analisis kegagalan menunjukkan bahwa crankshaft mengalami patah getas yang disebabkan oleh penyambungan crankshaft pengelasan menggunakan material CuNi menunujukkan mutu yang kurang bagus mengingat titik cair material besi cor dengan material las CuNi berbeda sehingga tidak dapat menyatu dengan baik. Faktor lain yang mungkin menjadi pendukung terjadi kegagalan yaitu perawatan berkala yang tidak terlaksana dengan baik dan juga didukung dengan jenis kompresor bertekanan tinggi sehingga beban yang diterima oleh crankshaft kompresor cukup tinggi

    Identifikasi Hubungan Antara Kepemimpinan dan Kepuasan Kerja

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    The Fully Articulated Transactional Model of Leadership identificated that leadership is built by the transaction of three power, there’re leader, follower and situation. The interaction between three power above influenced follower motivation which can decided job satisfaction level. The aim of this research is to decide the relationship’s design between job satisfaction and leadership factor that significantly influenced employee job satisfaction. The research is done in production departement of Panjang Factory when happened production system connection development training. When training occurs, reasearcher found there’re employees that not finished case study given by leader and writtent the stetement which more relative to unobjective leadership of the leader phenomenas. The condition suggested employees weren’t satisfied which the leader which undirectly explained. The respondent used in this research consisted 65 peoples in production department of Panjang Factory, there’re 60 direct employee, leader, quality control and machine keeping, supervisor, and production manager. The research showed that the increasing of job satisfaction is significantly influenced by six leadership factors those’re increasing of idealized influence, participative goal setting, condition of task executing, personal identification, respect of task’s knowledge and ability factors and also the declining of social identification factor. Keywords : job satisfaction, leadership, The Fully Articulated Transactional Model of Leadership
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