66 research outputs found

    What is "system": some decoherence-theory arguments

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    We discuss the possibility of making the {\it initial} definitions of mutually different (possibly interacting, or even entangled) systems in the context of decoherence theory. We point out relativity of the concept of elementary physical system as well as point out complementarity of the different possible divisions of a composite system into "subsystems", thus eventually sharpening the issue of 'what is system'.Comment: 9 pages, no figure

    Dielectric Permeability of Nanocylinder

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    In the nanocylinder, a cut-off from the molecular crystal, dielectric permeability tensor is investigated. Excitons in the nanocylinder arise due to the exciting of the electron subsystem of the molecule. In evaluation of dielectric permeability Dzhyaloshinskii-Pitaevskii approach is used, connected with retarded and advanced exciton Green's functions and correct use of Paulion Green's function. It turned out that refraction and absorption indices depend on configuration coordinates, having maximal values at boundary cross-sections and minimal value at central cross-section of the nanocylinder broken symmetry structure. Although it was expected that boundary conditions make higher refractive and absorptive characteristics of the nanocylinder, this appeared not to be possible because Paulion Green's function is not proportional to the exciton concentration

    What is "system": the information-theoretic arguments

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    The problem of "what is 'system'?" is in the very foundations of modern quantum mechanics. Here, we point out the interest in this topic in the information-theoretic context. E.g., we point out the possibility to manipulate a pair of mutually non-interacting, non-entangled systems to employ entanglement of the newly defined '(sub)systems' consisting the one and the same composite system. Given the different divisions of a composite system into "subsystems", the Hamiltonian of the system may perform in general non-equivalent quantum computations. Redefinition of "subsystems" of a composite system may be regarded as a method for avoiding decoherence in the quantum hardware. In principle, all the notions refer to a composite system as simple as the hydrogen atom.Comment: 13 pages, no figure

    Classical approach in quantum physics

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    The application of a classical approach to various quantum problems - the secular perturbation approach to quantization of a hydrogen atom in external fields and a helium atom, the adiabatic switching method for calculation of a semiclassical spectrum of hydrogen atom in crossed electric and magnetic fields, a spontaneous decay of excited states of a hydrogen atom, Gutzwiller's approach to Stark problem, long-lived excited states of a helium atom recently discovered with the help of PoincareĖŠ\acute{\mathrm{e}} section, inelastic transitions in slow and fast electron-atom and ion-atom collisions - is reviewed. Further, a classical representation in quantum theory is discussed. In this representation the quantum states are treating as an ensemble of classical states. This approach opens the way to an accurate description of the initial and final states in classical trajectory Monte Carlo (CTMC) method and a purely classical explanation of tunneling phenomenon. The general aspects of the structure of the semiclassical series such as renormgroup symmetry, criterion of accuracy and so on are reviewed as well. In conclusion, the relation between quantum theory, classical physics and measurement is discussed.Comment: This review paper was rejected from J.Phys.A with referee's comment "The author has made many worthwhile contributions to semiclassical physics, but this article does not meet the standard for a topical review"

    Light backscattering polarization patterns from turbid media: theory and experiment

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    We present both experimental measurements and Monte-Carlo-based simulations of the diffusely backscattered intensity patterns that arise from illuminating a turbid medium with a polarized laser beam. It is rigorously shown that, because of axial symmetry of the system, only seven elements of the effective backscattering Mueller matrix are independent. A new numerical method that allows simultaneous calculation of all 16 elements of the two-dimensional Mueller matrix is used. To validate our method we compared calculations to measurements from a turbid medium that consisted of polystyrene spheres of different sizes and concentrations in deionized water. The experimental and numerical results are in excellent agreement

    Numerical study on hygroscopic material drying in packed bed

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    The paper addresses numerical simulation for the case of convective drying of hygroscopic material in a packed bed, analyzing agreement between the simulated and the corresponding experimental results. In the simulation model of unsteady simultaneous one-dimensional heat and mass transfer between gas phase and dried material, it is assumed that the gas-solid interface is at thermodynamic equilibrium, while the drying rate of the specific product is calculated by applying the concept of a "drying coefficient". Model validation was clone on the basis of the experimental data obtained with potato cubes. The obtained drying kinetics, both experimental and numerical, show that higher gas (drying agent) velocities (flow-rates), as well as lower equivalent grain diameters, induce faster drying. This effect is more pronounced for deeper beds, because of the larger amount of wet material to be dried using the same drying agent capacity


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    Početak XXI veka nesumnjivo je obeležen interdisciplinarnim i multidisciplinarnim naporima istraživača u različitim oblastima nauke. Jedna od najizrazitijih tendencija ovog tipa uočava se u biomedicinskim istraživanjima, gde se združuju napori lekara, biologa, genetičara i biohemičara, s jedne strane, i biofizičara i inženjera, s druge strane ā€“ sa ciljem dubljeg razumevanja zdravlja i bolesti, i primene ovih saznanja u biomedicinskoj praksi, tako važnoj u svakodnevnom životu ljudi.Kao rezultat ovih svetskih trendova, u Srbiji već viÅ”e godina na nekoliko fakulteta postoji nastava iz oblasti biomedicinskog inženjerstva, sa ciljem da osposobi inženjere ovih usmerenja za multidisciplinarno povezivanje znanja iz oblasti tehnike sa biomedicinskim znanjima. Jedan od bazičnih predmeta ovih usmerenja jesu Biomaterijali, kojima je i posvećen naÅ” udžbenik, čiji je cilj da predstavi pregled teorije i prakse biomaterijala u biomedicinskoj nauci.Nauka o biomaterijalima je nesumnjivo najmultidisciplinarnija od svih nauka, jer zahteva ovladavanje znanjima iz mnogih oblasti nauke i tehnologije, inženjerstva i medicine, kako bi naučnici iz oblasti biomaterijala mogli da se uhvate u koÅ”tac sa ovom profesijom. Zato posle uvodnog dela, udžbenik iz Biomaterijala sadrži četiri celine: (I) Osnovni biomedicinski koncepti i reakcije organizma na biomaterijale, (II) Struktura, fizičko-mehanička karakterizacija i modeliranje biomaterijala i tkiva, (III) Savremeni biomaterijali i tehnologije, (IV) Perspektive biomaterijala i tehnologija, iza kojih slede Zadaci sa reÅ”enjima, Ispitna test pitanja i Ispitna teorijska pitanja, koji pomažu studentima da lakÅ”e savladaju veoma obimno i kompleksno gradivo. Na kraju svakog poglavlja data su pitanja za rekapitulaciju, kao i spisak dopunske literature za opcionu detaljniju obradu pojedinih oblasti.Grupa od dvadeset četiri profesionalca sa univerziteta i naučnih instituta, pod okriljem Instituta tehničkih nauka Srpske akademije nauka i umetnosti, Beograd, i DruÅ”tva za istraživanje materijala Srbije (MRS Srbija) doprinela je pisanju ovog kapitalnog udžbenika o biomaterijalima, prvog do sada na srpskom jeziku. Mada uključivanje veće grupe autora nužno dovodi do stilske neujednačenosti, ipak je oblast biomaterijala toliko multidisciplinarna da je ovakav pristup bio neophodan, kako uostalom pokazuju slična svetska iskustva sa uključivanjem i preko pedeset autora. Ipak urednici su se potrudili da koliko je to moguće stilski i pedagoÅ”ki ujednače udžbenik, kako bi bio korisna literatura za sve studente diplomskih, master i doktorskih studija iz biomedicinskog inženjerstva u Srbiji i okruženju


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    Početak XXI veka nesumnjivo je obeležen interdisciplinarnim i multidisciplinarnim naporima istraživača u različitim oblastima nauke. Jedna od najizrazitijih tendencija ovog tipa uočava se u biomedicinskim istraživanjima, gde se združuju napori lekara, biologa, genetičara i biohemičara, s jedne strane, i biofizičara i inženjera, s druge strane ā€“ sa ciljem dubljeg razumevanja zdravlja i bolesti, i primene ovih saznanja u biomedicinskoj praksi, tako važnoj u svakodnevnom životu ljudi.Kao rezultat ovih svetskih trendova, u Srbiji već viÅ”e godina na nekoliko fakulteta postoji nastava iz oblasti biomedicinskog inženjerstva, sa ciljem da osposobi inženjere ovih usmerenja za multidisciplinarno povezivanje znanja iz oblasti tehnike sa biomedicinskim znanjima. Jedan od bazičnih predmeta ovih usmerenja jesu Biomaterijali, kojima je i posvećen naÅ” udžbenik, čiji je cilj da predstavi pregled teorije i prakse biomaterijala u biomedicinskoj nauci.Nauka o biomaterijalima je nesumnjivo najmultidisciplinarnija od svih nauka, jer zahteva ovladavanje znanjima iz mnogih oblasti nauke i tehnologije, inženjerstva i medicine, kako bi naučnici iz oblasti biomaterijala mogli da se uhvate u koÅ”tac sa ovom profesijom. Zato posle uvodnog dela, udžbenik iz Biomaterijala sadrži četiri celine: (I) Osnovni biomedicinski koncepti i reakcije organizma na biomaterijale, (II) Struktura, fizičko-mehanička karakterizacija i modeliranje biomaterijala i tkiva, (III) Savremeni biomaterijali i tehnologije, (IV) Perspektive biomaterijala i tehnologija, iza kojih slede Zadaci sa reÅ”enjima, Ispitna test pitanja i Ispitna teorijska pitanja, koji pomažu studentima da lakÅ”e savladaju veoma obimno i kompleksno gradivo. Na kraju svakog poglavlja data su pitanja za rekapitulaciju, kao i spisak dopunske literature za opcionu detaljniju obradu pojedinih oblasti.Grupa od dvadeset četiri profesionalca sa univerziteta i naučnih instituta, pod okriljem Instituta tehničkih nauka Srpske akademije nauka i umetnosti, Beograd, i DruÅ”tva za istraživanje materijala Srbije (MRS Srbija) doprinela je pisanju ovog kapitalnog udžbenika o biomaterijalima, prvog do sada na srpskom jeziku. Mada uključivanje veće grupe autora nužno dovodi do stilske neujednačenosti, ipak je oblast biomaterijala toliko multidisciplinarna da je ovakav pristup bio neophodan, kako uostalom pokazuju slična svetska iskustva sa uključivanjem i preko pedeset autora. Ipak urednici su se potrudili da koliko je to moguće stilski i pedagoÅ”ki ujednače udžbenik, kako bi bio korisna literatura za sve studente diplomskih, master i doktorskih studija iz biomedicinskog inženjerstva u Srbiji i okruženju
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