16 research outputs found

    Remote interpreter API model for supporting computer programming adaptive learning

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    Despite the adoption of Learning Management Systems (LMS) has been continuously growing in the last decade few, if any, scholars addressed the lack of the interactivity in online learning systems. The requirement for an interactive learning model has been increasingly prominent as content providers realize the importance of personalization of content suits to learners’ learning progress. This paper demonstrates the adoption of adaptive learning into existing LMS engine to overcome the limitation of either systems plugins or server specification pertinent to students’ psychomotor abilities in computer programming learning. In this regard,  the psychomotor is understood as the ability of students to write the program code as correctly as expected. In this study, a web API model that works to run an interpreter based-program code remotely was developed. The web API model can be utilized by LMS so it becomes the solution to the problem. The structure of the web API model has been adapted to the needs of the learning assessment. The implementation of the developed API web model is done in Python and PHP programming languages. The performance test was done by submitting 10 to 100 program codes simultaneously indicated no significant difference to the required resources (CPU usage and memory usage) to run the program code. Furthermore, for response time, the average time needed to run Python and PHP program code is also no significant difference. The average of CPU usage required by the web API to run a Python program code is 0.2058% with 0.5973 seconds as a response time. Meanwhile, to run the PHP program code, the average CPU usage required is 0.8074% with 0.3110 seconds response time. It can be concluded that the web API performance does not overburden the server

    Advancing Enterprise-Wide Information Systems Strategy: Exploring Power Differentials In Parent – Subsidiary Relationships

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    Power has been an important topic amongst scholars in Information Systems (IS) research. Despite the vast literature on power in IS research, we found there is a lack of study that investigates the significance of power in a Parent-Subsidiary relationship. As a part of an ongoing research to explore the role of IS in the Parent-Subsidiary relationship, this paper highlights the impact of Enterprise Systems (ES) on the evolution of power as a critical aspect of that relationship. Using case study as a research method, we explore four scenarios, namely: Domination, Consultative, Empowerment, and Incitement; each with its own distinct aspects of power and its implication to ES in a corporate group environment. Ongoing research will attempt to explore the scenarios in greater details as well as expanding the number of corporate groups

    Workshop And Motivation For Improving Student Skills Through The Information And Communications Technology

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    In the digital age, the role of information technology is needed to face competition in the community. Information and communication technology is an important element in contributing to changes that are fundamental to the structure of operations and management of organizations, education, transportation, health, and research. The internet is like two sides of a coin, the content offered is positive and negative, both are very dependent on the behavior of its users. The ease of access to the internet is increasingly being felt by the public with increasingly cheap hardware such as tablets and laptops as well as wider connection support. Various efforts to stem negative information continue to be pursued by various elements of society, but it is not effective if the user behavior is not changed. Teenagers are among the most vulnerable in the misuse of advances in internet technology, so it needs serious efforts to provide the right knowledge and skills in utilizing these advancements. By conducting workshops and motivation to improve the abilities and skills of Girimarto 1 High School students, it is hoped that school students can face the development of the digital era more readily. The results of this training gained a high level of satisfaction with the material that had been carried out

    Menulis Artikel untuk Publikasi Ilmiah

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    Buku ini disusun terutama ditujukan sebagai pegangan mahasiswa untuk mata kuliah Penyusunan Karya Ilmiah Kejuruan pada program studi Magister Pendidikan Guru Vokasi. Selain itu, buku ini juga dapat digunakan sebagai referensi untuk dosen, peneliti, maupun pihak lain agar mampu menghasilkan artikel ilmiah yang baik sesuai standar publikasi ilmiah bereputasi. Penulisan buku ini merupakan kompilasi pengalaman penulis yang telah menghasilkan kurang lebih 130 karya ilmiah dalam kurun waktu 15 tahun sebagai dosen dan peneliti. Kesempatan menilai artikel ilmiah melalui proses review memberi banyak kesempatan untuk belajar menilai kualitas suatu karya ilmiah. Berbekal pengalaman itulah buku ini tersaji untuk para pembaca sekalian

    The Influence of E-learning Use to Student Cognitive Performance and Motivation in Digital Simulation Course

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    Currently the technology is growing and sophisticated. Technological advances have also entered the world of education. One of them their is  online learning. Examples of learning that utilizes technology that is using Schoology and Edmodo. By using Schoology and Edmodo is expected to increase student motivation and learning outcomes. This study investigates whether the use of different learning management would affect (1) the student’s cognitive achievement (2) student’s motivation (3) the level motivation. This research method using mixed methods. The data collection technique using the test method to determine the cognitive performance. Questionnaires and interviews to find the motivation. The analysis of quantitative data using normality test, homogeneity test, tests of balance and hypothesis testing using independent t test, while the analysis of qualitative data using interactive models. Based on the results of the study (1) there are differences in the cognitive performance between classes that use e-learning based Schoology and e-learning based Edmodo. The cognitive performance classes that use Schoology better than the class that uses Edmodo, because schoology easiness to acces, the students has a target value, better understand the lesson and more active in study this may have an effect on cognitive performance.(2) there is a difference in motivation between classes that use e-learning based Schoology and e-learning based Edmodo. Motivation class with Schoology based e-learning is better than classes with e-learning based Edmodo, because schoology can interested in simulation course, more passion, make happy, easier to learn anywhere and more motivated to learn. (3) the level of motivation of students using e-learning based Schoology and Edmodo included in the medium categor

    Assessing Lecturers’ Acceptance towards Online Learning System: The Institutional Theory Perspective

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    This research aims to assess the lecturers’ acceptance level in using the Online Learning System (SPADA). The institutional theory is an extension of the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM), which is it analyzed variables of perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, coercive pressure, normative pressure, mimetic pressure and behavior intention. This research used quantitative research design with survey method. Meanwhile, the sampling technique used cluster random sampling. The respondents of this research were lecturers who had applied SPADA at a state university in Central Java. In this research, the assessment of the questionnaire used the Likert scale. Besides, the tests used instrument test, classic assumption test, multiple regression analysis, and hypothesis testing by using SPSS. The result shows that from the six hypotheses that had been tested, the hypotheses of H1, H2, H3, H4 have no significant influence and the hypotheses of H5 and H6 have significant influence. It means the lecturers who have high social status are influencing others lecturers who have low social status in adopting SPADA although all variables have contribution in influencing the lecturers on behavior intention to adopt SPADA. It indicates the social factor is being attention in analyzing behavior intention in adopting technology

    The Development of a Competency Testing Systems: Adopting TAM to Explore User’s Acceptance

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    The main problems of learning evaluation using paper based-test are inefficient time and cost. Technology can be used as a system to evaluate the learning process. Using technology can save time and cost of implementing learning evaluations. The aims of this study are to create a software product that can be used to evaluate the learning process. This software product is designed to be used by the test organizer or test committee, the teachers and the students (test takers). This software product was developed using Waterfall Model with five stages of development; communication, planning, modeling, construction, and deployment. The testing was conducted by using Blackbox Method and TAM Theory by considering the aspect of usefulness and the aspect ease of use. The analysis was based on the flow of the current test system. The web-based platform enables ease of access for conducting work in various places. According to the result, the Developed Skills Competency Test System is accepted and can be used by the user as an evaluation system

    The Development of Video Learning to Deliver a Basic Algorithm Learning

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    The world of education is currently entering the era of the media world, where learning activities demand reduction of lecture methods and Should be replaced by the use of many medias. In relation to the function of instructional media, it can be emphasized as follows: as a tool to make learning more effective, accelerate the teaching and learning process and improve the quality of teaching and learning process. This research aimed to develop a learning video programming basic materials algorithm that is appropriate to be applied as a learning resource in class X SMK. This study was also aimed to know the feasibility of learning video media developed. The research method used was research was research and development using development model developed by Alessi and Trollip (2001). The development model was divided into 3 stages namely Planning, Design, and Develpoment. Data collection techniques used interview method, literature method and instrument method. In the next stage, learning video was validated or evaluated by the material experts, media experts and users who are implemented to 30 Learners. The result of the research showed that video learning has been successfully made on basic programming subjects which consist of 8 scane video. Based on the learning video validation result, the percentage of learning video's eligibility is 90.5% from material experts, 95.9% of media experts, and 84% of users or learners. From the testing result that the learning videos that have been developed can be used as learning resources or instructional media programming subjects basic materials algorithm


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    PENGEMBANGAN SCIENCE TEST UNTUK MENGUKUR HOTS DAN DIGITAL LITERACY SISWA SMP PADA TEMA KEBISINGAN KOTA AbstractThe 2013 Curriculum emphasizes the process to improve HOTS and digital literacy. However, no appropriate science test instrument can measure the combination of these two aspects in contextual topics and relate to real-world problems. This kind of science test will engage students in-depth thinking as well as improve their digital literacy. This research aims to develop science tests based on HOTS and digital literacy in the City Noise theme for 8th-grade students. HOTS is operationally defined as critical thinking, creativity, collaboration, and communication (4C), while digital literacy is a thinking and operation skill. Borg & Gall models were adopted in this research and development. A total of 21 private school students in Semarang were subject to this research and investigated the validity and reliability of developed science tests. Based on expert judgment, the science test instrument, which consists of 25 multiple choice items and five essay items, was in a very good category. Based on the Rasch model analysis, the science tests are valid (28 items are valid) and reliable (Alpha cronbach=0.79). It can be concluded that the developed science test is feasible to use to measure HOTS and digital literacy of junior high school students on the topic of the City Noise.AbstrakKurikulum 2013 menekankan pada proses peningkatan HOTS dan digital literacy. Namun, belum banyak tersedia instrumen tes sains yang mampu mengukur kombinasi dari kedua aspek tersebut dalam topik yang kontekstual dan berhubungan dengan masalah nyata. Jenis science test seperti ini dapat melibatkan siswa dalam proses berpikir mendalam serta dapat meningkatkan digital literacy. Tujuan dari penelitian ini yaitu mengembangkan science test berbasis HOTS dan digital literacy pada tema Kebisingan Kota untuk siswa kelas 8. HOTS secara operasional didefinisikan sebagai critical thinking, creativity, collaboration and communication (4C) sementara digital literacy sebagai thinking skills dan operation skills. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian pengembangan (R&D) yang mengadaptasi dari Borg & Gall. Sebanyak 21 siswa dari SMP swasta di Semarang digunakan sebagai subjek dalam penelitian ini dan digunakan untuk mengetahui validitas dan reliabilitas science test hasil pengembangan. Berdasarkan hasil validasi ahli, instrumen science test yang terdiri dari 25 item pilihan ganda dan 5 item uraian termasuk dalam kategori baik. berdasarkan hasil analisis Rasch model, science test dikatakan valid (28 item valid) dan reliabel (Alpha Cronbach=0,79). Dengan demikian dapat disimpulkan bahwa science test hasil pengembangan layak digunakan untuk mengukur HOTS dan digital literacy siswa SMP pada tema Kebisingan Kota.

    Business-enterprise-systems alignment: a preliminary roadmap for small and medium enterprises

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    The issue of alignment between Enterprise Systems (ES) and the overall business strategy could be considered as one of the main challenges in the Information Systems/Information Technology (IS/IT) literature. Given the complexity of an ES, it is of concern that the literature indicates that firms often and still tend to underestimate the risks for not effectively managing the issue of alignment between the business and its Enterprise Systems, let alone having a coherent strategy to achieve the desired level of alignment. It is the intent of this paper to analyze key aspects that would contribute to the effort of the organization in ensuring that alignment would be attained in ES implementation, particularly in the SMEs context. Based on the understanding of these key aspects, a "roadmap" for business and ES would then be proposed