483 research outputs found

    Improved Prediction of Quasi-Global Vegetation Conditions Using Remotely-Sensed Surface Soil Moisture

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    The added value of satellite-based surface soil moisture retrievals for agricultural drought monitoring is assessed by calculating the lagged rank correlation between remotely-sensed vegetation indices (VI) and soil moisture estimates obtained both before and after the assimilation of surface soil moisture retrievals derived from the Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer-EOS (AMSR-E) into a soil water balance model. Higher soil moisture/VI lag correlations imply an enhanced ability to predict future vegetation conditions using estimates of current soil moisture. Results demonstrate that the assimilation of AMSR-E surface soil moisture retrievals substantially improve the performance of a global drought monitoring system - particularly in sparsely-instrumented areas of the world where high-quality rainfall observations are unavailable

    The Error Structure of the SMAP Single and Dual Channel Soil Moisture Retrievals

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    Knowledge of the temporal error structure for remotely sensed surface soil moisture retrievals can improve our ability to exploit them for hydrologic and climate studies. This study employs a triple collocation analysis to investigate both the total variance and temporal auto-correlation of errors in Soil Moisture Active and Passive (SMAP) products generated from two separate soil moisture retrieval algorithms, the vertically-polarized bright ness temperature based Single Channel Algorithm (SCA-V, the current baseline SMAP algorithm) and the Dual Channel Algorithm (DCA). A key assumption made in SCA V is that real-time vegetation opacity can be accurately captured using only a climatology for vegetation opacity. Results demonstrate that, while SCA-V generally outperforms DCA, SCA-V can produce larger total errors when this assumption is significantly violated by inter-annual variability in vegetation health and biomass. Furthermore, larger auto-correlated errors in SCA-V retrievals are found in areas with relatively large vegetation opacity deviations from climatological expectations. This implies that a significant portion of the auto-correlated error in SCA-V is attributable to the violation of its vegetation opacity climatology assumption and suggests that utilizing a real (as opposed to climatological) vegetation opacity time series in the SCA-V algorithm would reduce the magnitude of auto-correlated soil moisture retrieval errors

    Enhancing the USDA FAS Crop Forecasting System Using SMAP L3 Soil Moisture Observations

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    One of the U.S. Department of Agriculture-Foreign Agricultural Services (USDA-FAS) mission objectives is to provide current information on global crop supply and demand estimates. Crop growth and development is especially susceptible to the amount of water present in the root-zone portion of the soil profile. Therefore, accurate knowledge of the root-zone soil moisture (RZSM) is an essential for USDA-FAS global crop assessments. This paper focusses on the possibility of enhancing the USDA-FAS's RZSM estimates through the integration of passive-based soil moisture observations derived from the Soil Moisture Active Passive (SMAP) mission into the USDA-FAS Palmer model. Lag-correlation analysis, which explores the agreement between changes in RZSM and crop status indicated that the satellite-based observations can enhance the model-only estimates

    Microwave Implementation of Two-Source Energy Balance Approach for Estimating Evapotranspiration

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    A newly developed microwave (MW) land surface temperature (LST) product is used to substitute thermal infrared (TIR) based LST in the Atmosphere Land Exchange Inverse (ALEXI) modelling framework for estimating ET from space. ALEXI implements a two-source energy balance (TSEB) land surface scheme in a time-differential approach, designed to minimize sensitivity to absolute biases in input records of LST through the analysis of the rate of temperature change in the morning. Thermal infrared (TIR) retrievals of the diurnal LST curve, traditionally from geostationary platforms, are hindered by cloud cover, reducing model coverage on any given day. This study tests the utility of diurnal temperature information retrieved from a constellation of satellites with microwave radiometers that together provide 6-8 observations of Ka-band brightness temperature per location per day. This represents the first ever attempt at a global implementation of ALEXI with MW-based LST and is intended as the first step towards providing all-weather capability to the ALEXI framework. The analysis is based on 9-year long, global records of ALEXI ET generated using both MW and TIR based diurnal LST information as input. In this study, the MW-LST sampling is restricted to the same clear sky days as in the IR-based implementation to be able to analyse the impact of changing the LST dataset separately from the impact of sampling all-sky conditions. The results show that long-term bulk ET estimates from both LST sources agree well, with a spatial correlation of 92% for total ET in the Europe/Africa domain and agreement in seasonal (3-month) totals of 83-97 % depending on the time of year. Most importantly, the ALEXI-MW also matches ALEXI-IR very closely in terms of 3-month inter-annual anomalies, demonstrating its ability to capture the development and extent of drought conditions. Weekly ET output from the two parallel ALEXI implementations is further compared to a common ground measured reference provided by the FLUXNET consortium. Overall, the two model implementations generate similar performance metrics (correlation and RMSE) for all but the most challenging sites in terms of spatial heterogeneity and level of aridity. It is concluded that a constellation of MW satellites can effectively be used to provide LST for estimating ET through ALEXI, which is an important step towards all-sky satellite-based retrieval of ET using an energy balance framework

    Microwave Implementation of the Two-Source Energy Balance Approach for Estimating Evapotranspiration

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    A newly developed microwave (MW) land surface temperature (LST) product is used to substitute thermal infrared (TIR) based LST in the two-source energy balance approach (TSEB) for estimating ET from space. This TSEB land surface scheme, the Atmosphere Land Exchange Inverse (ALEXI) model framework, is an approach that minimizes sensitivity to absolute biases in input records of LST through the analysis of the rate of temperature change in the morning. This experiment is therefore an important test of the ability to retrieve diurnal temperature information from a constellation of satellites with microwave radiometers that together provide 6-8 observations of Ka-band brightness temperature per location per day. This represents the first ever attempt at a global implementation of ALEXI with MW-based LST and is intended as the first step towards providing all-weather capability to the ALEXI framework. The leveraging of all sky capability of MW sensors is the main motivation of this work, as TIR-based ALEXI is limited to clear sky conditions.The analysis is based on a 9-year long record of ALEXI ET generated with MW-LST as an input, which is compared to an existing implementation of the same framework with thermal infrared based LST. In this study, the MW-LST sampling is restricted to the same clear sky days as in the IR-based implementation to be able to analyse the impact of changing the LST dataset separately from the impact of sampling all-sky conditions. The results show that long-term bulk ET estimates agree with a spatial correlation of 92 for total ET in the EuropeAfrica domain and agreement in seasonal (3-month) totals of 83-97 depending on the time of year. Most importantly, the ALEXI-MW also matches ALEXI-IR very closely in terms of 3-month inter-annual anomalies, demonstrating its ability to capture the development and extent of drought conditions. The weekly ET output from the two parallel ALEXI implementations is further compared to a common ground measured reference provided by the FLUXNET consortium. Overall, they indicate a surprisingly close match in both performance metrics (correlation and RMSE) for all but the most challenging sites in terms of spatial heterogeneity and level of aridity. Moreover, merging MW- and IR-based ALEXI may provide estimates of ET with a reduced uncertainty, even during nominally clear sky days. It is concluded that a constellation of MW satellites can effectively be used to provide LST for estimating ET through TSEB, which is an important step towards all-sky satellite-based ET estimates

    A double instrumental variable method for geophysical product error estimation

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    The global validation of remotely sensed and/or modeled geophysical products is often complicated by a lack of suitable ground observations for comparison. By cross-comparing three independent collocated observations, triple collocation (TC) can solve for geophysical product errors in error-prone systems. However, acquiring three independent products for a geophysical variable of interest can be challenging. Here, a double instrumental variable based algorithm (IVd) is proposed as an extension of the existing single instrumental variable (IVs) approach to estimate product error standard deviation (σ) and product-truth correlation (R) using only two independent products - an easier requirement to meet in practice. An analytical examination of the IVd method suggests that it is less prone to bias and has reduced sampling errors relative to IVs. Results from an example application of the IVd method to precipitation product error estimation show that IVd-based σ and R are good approximations of reference values obtained from TC at the global extent. In addition to their spatial consistency, IVd estimated error metrics also have only marginal (less than 5%) relative biases versus a TC baseline. Consistent with our earlier analytical analysis, these empirical results are shown to be superior to those obtained by IVs. However, several caveats for the IVd approach should be acknowledged. As with TC and IVs, IVd estimates are less robust when the signal-to-noise ratio of geophysical products is very low. Additionally, IVd may be significantly biased when geophysical products have strongly contrasting error auto-correlations

    Robust estimates of soil moisture and latent heat flux coupling strength obtained from triple collocation

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    Land surface models (LSMs) are often applied to predict the one-way coupling strength between surface soil moisture (SM) and latent heat (LH) flux. However, the ability of LSMs to accurately represent such coupling has not been adequately established. Likewise, the estimation of SM/LH coupling strength using ground-based observational data is potentially compromised by the impact of independent SM and LH measurements errors. Here we apply a new statistical technique to acquire estimates of one-way SM/LH coupling strength which are nonbiased in the presence of random error using a triple collocation approach based on leveraging the simultaneous availability of independent SM and LH estimates acquired from (1) LSMs, (2) satellite remote sensing, and (3) ground-based observations. Results suggest that LSMs do not generally overestimate the strength of one-way surface SM/LH coupling