233 research outputs found

    Radiative emission of solar features in Ca II K

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    We investigated the radiative emission of different types of solar features in the spectral range of the Ca II K line. We analyzed full-disk 2k x 2k observations from the PSPT Precision Solar Photometric Telescope. The data were obtained by using three narrow-band interference filters that sample the Ca II K line with different pass bands. Two filters are centered in the line core, the other in the red wing of the line. We measured the intensity and contrast of various solar features, specifically quiet Sun (inter-network), network, enhanced network, plage, and bright plage (facula) regions. Moreover, we compared the results obtained with those derived from the numerical synthesis performed for the three PSPT filters with a widely used radiative code on a set of reference semi-empirical atmosphere models.Comment: In Proceedings of the 25th NSO Workshop: Chromospheric Structure and Dynamic

    Kinematics and Magnetic Properties of a Light Bridge in a Decaying Sunspot

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    We present the results obtained by analyzing high spatial and spectral resolution data of the solar photosphere acquired by the CRisp Imaging SpectroPolarimeter at the Swedish Solar Telescope on 6 August 2011, relevant to a large sunspot with a light bridge (LB) observed in NOAA AR 11263. These data are complemented by simultaneous Hinode Spectropolarimeter (SP) observation in the Fe I 630.15 nm and 630.25 nm lines. The continuum intensity map shows a discontinuity of the radial distribution of the penumbral filaments in correspondence with the LB, which shows a dark lane (about 0.3" wide and about 8.0" long) along its main axis. The available data were inverted with the Stokes Inversion based on Response functions (SIR) code and physical parameters maps were obtained. The line-of-sight (LOS) velocity of the plasma along the LB derived from the Doppler effect shows motions towards and away from the observer up to 0.6 km/s, which are lower in value than the LOS velocities observed in the neighbouring penumbral filaments. The noteworthy result is that we find motions toward the observer up to 0.6 km/s in the dark lane where the LB is located between two umbral cores, while the LOS velocity motion toward the observer is strongly reduced where the LB is located between an umbral core at one side and penumbral filaments on the other side. Statistically, the LOS velocities correspond to upflows/downflows andcomparing these results with Hinode/SP data, we conclude that the surrounding magnetic field configuration (whether more or less inclined) could have a role in maintaining the conditions for the process of plasma piling up along the dark lane. The results obtained from our study support and confirm outcomes of recent magnetohydro-dynamic simulations showing upflows along the main axis of a LBs

    Radiative emission of solar features in the Ca II K line: comparison of measurements and models

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    We study the radiative emission of various types of solar features, such as quiet Sun, enhanced network, plage, and bright plage regions, identified on filtergrams taken in the Ca II K line. We analysed fulldisk images obtained with the PSPT, by using three interference filters that sample the Ca II K line with different bandpasses. We studied the dependence of the radiative emission of disk features on the filter bandpass. We also performed a NLTE spectral synthesis of the Ca II K line integrated over the bandpass of PSPT filters. The synthesis was carried out by utilizing both the PRD and CRD with the most recent set of semi empirical atmosphere models in the literature and some earlier atmosphere models. We measured the CLV of intensity values for various solar features identified on PSPT images and compared the results obtained with those derived from the synthesis. We find that CRD calculations derived using the most recent quiet Sun model, on average, reproduce the measured values of the quiet Sun regions slightly more accurately than PRD computations with the same model. This may reflect that the utilized atmospheric model was computed assuming CRD. Calculations with PRD on earlier quiet Sun model atmospheres reproduce measured quantities with a similar accuracy as to that achieved here by applying CRD to the recent model. We also find that the median contrast values measured for most of the identified bright features, disk positions, and filter widths are, on average, a factor 1.9 lower than those derived from PRD simulations performed using the recent bright feature models. The discrepancy between measured and modeled values decreases by 12% after taking into account straylight effects on PSPT images. PRD computations on either the most recent or the earlier atmosphere models of bright features reproduce measurements from plage and bright plage regions with a similar accuracy.Comment: 14 pages, 18 figures, accepted by A&

    Evolution of solar granulation fields from THEMIS-IPM time series

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    The temporal evolution of solar granulation has been investigated using a time series of high spatial and spectral resolution images acquired at the THEMIS solar telescope (Observatorio del Teide, Tenerife) using the IPM observing mode. In order to investigate different physical properties of solar granulation (associated horizontal velocity fields, lifetimes, intensity and geometry evolution), we identify and track solar granules automatically. We discuss the obtained results and compare them with results reported inthe literature. In order to overcome problems of atmospheric distortions, we also implement a FORTRAN95 code for the application of the Phase Diversity technique that is planned to be used at the THEMIS telescope

    Total solar irradiance during the last five centuries

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    The total solar irradiance (TSI) varies on timescales of minutes to centuries. On short timescales it varies due to the superposition of intensity fluctuations produced by turbulent convection and acoustic oscillations. On longer timescales, it changes due to photospheric magnetic activity, mainly because of the facular brightenings and dimmings caused by sunspots. While modern TSI variations have been monitored from space since the 1970s, TSI variations over much longer periods can only be estimated either using historical observations of magnetic features, possibly supported by flux transport models, or from the measurements of the cosmogenic isotope (e.g., 14C or 10Be) concentrations in tree rings and ice cores. The reconstruction of the TSI in the last few centuries, particularly in the 17th/18th centuries during the Maunder minimum, is of primary importance for studying climatic effects. To separate the temporal components of the irradiance variations, specifically the magnetic cycle from secular variability, we decomposed the signals associated with historical observations of magnetic features and the solar modulation potential Φ by applying an empirical mode decomposition algorithm. Thus, the reconstruction is empirical and does not require any feature contrast or field transport model. The assessed difference between the mean value during the Maunder minimum and the present value is ≃2.5 W m−2. Moreover it shows, in the first half of the last century, a growth of ≃1.5 W m−2, which stops around the middle of the century to remain constant for the next 50 years, apart from the modulation due to the solar cycle

    Polarised kink waves in magnetic elements: evidence for chromospheric helical waves

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    In recent years, new high spatial resolution observations of the Sun's atmosphere have revealed the presence of a plethora of small-scale magnetic elements down to the resolution limit of the current cohort of solar telescopes (~100–120 km on the solar photosphere). These small magnetic field concentrations, due to the granular buffeting, can support and guide several magnetohydrodynamic wave modes that would eventually contribute to the energy budget of the upper layers of the atmosphere. In this work, exploiting the high spatial and temporal resolution chromospheric data acquired with the Swedish 1 m Solar Telescope, and applying the empirical mode decomposition technique to the tracking of the solar magnetic features, we analyze the perturbations of the horizontal velocity vector of a set of chromospheric magnetic elements. We find observational evidence that suggests a phase relation between the two components of the velocity vector itself, resulting in its helical motion
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