110 research outputs found

    A cost–benefit analysis of acclimation to low irradiance in tropical rainforest tree seedlings: leaf life span and payback time for leaf deployment

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    The maintenance in the long run of a positive carbon balance under very low irradiance is a prerequisite for survival of tree seedlings below the canopy or in small gaps in a tropical rainforest. To provide a quantitative basis for this assumption, experiments were carried out to determine whether construction cost (CC) and payback time for leaves and support structures, as well as leaf life span (i) differ among species and (ii) display an irradiance-elicited plasticity. Experiments were also conducted to determine whether leaf life span correlates to CC and payback time and is close to the optimal longevity derived from an optimization model. Saplings from 13 tropical tree species were grown under three levels of irradiance. Specific-CC was computed, as well as CC scaled to leaf area at the metamer level. Photosynthesis was recorded over the leaf life span. Payback time was derived from CC and a simple photosynthesis model. Specific-CC displayed only little interspecific variability and irradiance-elicited plasticity, in contrast to CC scaled to leaf area. Leaf life span ranged from 4 months to >26 months among species, and was longest in seedlings grown under lowest irradiance. It was always much longer than payback time, even under the lowest irradiance. Leaves were shed when their photosynthesis had reached very low values, in contrast to what was predicted by an optimality model. The species ranking for the different traits was stable across irradiance treatments. The two pioneer species always displayed the smallest CC, leaf life span, and payback time. All species displayed a similar large irradiance-elicited plasticity

    Soil variation response is mediated by growth trajectories rather than functional traits in a widespread pioneer Neotropical tree

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    1. Trait-environment relationships have been described at the community level across tree species. However, whether interspecific trait-environment relationships are consistent at the intraspecific level is yet unknown. Moreover, we do not know how consistent is the response between organ vs. whole-tree level. 2. We examined phenotypic variability for 16 functional leaf (dimensions, nutrient, chlorophyll) and wood traits (density) across two soil types, Ferralitic Soil (FS) vs. White Sands (WS), on two sites for 70 adult trees of Cecropia obtusa Trécul (Urticaceae) in French Guiana. Cecropia is a widespread pioneer Neotropical genus that generally dominates early successional forest stages. To understand how soil types impact resource use through the processes of growth and branching, we examined the architectural development with a retrospective analysis of growth trajectories. We expect soil types to affect both, functional traits in relation to resource acquisition strategy as already described at the interspecific level, and growth strategies due to resource limitations with reduced growth on poor soils. 3. Functional traits were not involved in the soil response, as only two traits -leaf residual water content and K content-showed significant differences across soil types. Soil effects were stronger on growth trajectories, with WS trees having the slowest growth trajectories and less numerous branches across their lifespan. 4. The analysis of growth trajectories based on architectural analysis improved our ability to characterise the response of trees with soil types. The intraspecific variability is higher for growth trajectories than functional traits for  C. obtusa, revealing the complementarity of the architectural approach with the functional approach to gain insights on the way trees manage their resources over their lifetime. Soil-related responses of Cecropia functional traits are not the same as those at the interspecific level, suggesting that the effects of the acting ecological processes are different between the two levels. Apart from soil differences, much variation was found across sites, which calls for further investigation of the factors shaping growth trajectories in tropical forests

    Diversité et plasticité des traits foliaires en forêt tropicale humide : une analyse coût/bénéfice de l'acquisition de carbone

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    The aim of this research were (i) identify the main trade-off and covariations of a group of leaf traits related to carbon assimilation, and (ii) assess the irradiance-elicited plasticity, and test whether this plasticity differs among species of tropical rain forest. Measurements were made with saplings from 13 species growing under three levels of irradiance, provided by shading nets, in an open green-house. A cost benefit analysis was undertaken to quantify carbon balance of leaves metamers. Construction costs of metamers (CCmetm), payback time of the investment of carbon into leaf and metamer structure (PBT), and leaf life span (LLS) were recorded on the saplings. A large inter-specific diversity was recorded for all the traits, the species are scattered along a principal component axis opposing on one hand LSS and leaf mass-to-area ratio (LMA), and on the other hand, photosynthetic capacity, photosynthetic nitrogen use efficiency (angnp1033PNUE), respiration (Rd) and leaf nitrogen content (N). These results are in agreement with the concept ofLes objectifs de ce travail de thèse étaient : (i) identifier les principaux compromis et covariations d'un ensemble de traits foliaires relatifs à l'acquisition du carbone et (ii) caractériser la variabilité de ces traits en réponse à l'éclairement (plasticité phénotypique) et la diversité interspécifique de cette plasticité chez des espèces de forêt tropicale humide. Les mesures ont été réalisées sur des semis de 13 espèces d'arbres élevés en conditions contrôlées dans 3 traitements d'éclairements relatifs distincts. Une analyse coût-bénéfice des traits du bilan de carbone foliaire a été centrée sur les coûts de construction du métamère (CCmetm), le temps de retour sur investissement (PBT) et la mesure des durées de vie des feuilles (LLS). Une forte diversité interspécifique a été observée pour l'ensemble des traits étudiés. Les espèces se répartissent le long d'un axe opposant durée de vie des feuilles et LMA (masse surfacique) d'un côté, aux capacités photosynthétiques (Asat), PNUE (Asat/N), respiration (Rd) et teneurs en azote (Nm) de l'autre. Ces résultats sont en adéquation avec le schéma universel d'acquisition des ressources proposé par Wright et al. (2004). Les relations entre LLS et PBT sont faibles et l'ensemble des espèces amortissent très largement leur CCmetm. De manière générale, le classement des espèces est maintenu d'un traitement à l'autre et, à l'exception des coûts de construction, seuls de faibles effets d'interaction ont été observés entre espèces et traitements. Le calcul d'un indice de plasticité a également permis de montrer qu'en dépit d'une certaine diversité interspécifique de la plasticité phénotypique, aucune espèce n'était globalement plus « plastique » que les autres sur l'ensemble des traits considérés. Enfin, si les espèces pionnières se distinguent nettement par leurs attributs, leur degré de plasticité n'est pas différent de celui des espèces de sous-bois

    Similar irradiance-elicited plasticity of leaf in saplings of 12 tropical rainforest tree species with highly different leaf mass to area ratio

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    Leaf traits of tropical tree species display an important inter-specific diversity, as detected for instance in the large range of values of leaf mass : area ratio (LMA). They also demonstrate a large irradiance-elicited plasticity, but there is still debate whether this plasticity differs among species. To address this question, leaf traits were recorded on saplings from 12 rainforest tree species in French Guiana, grown under approximately 5, 10 and 20% relative irradiance. Fifteen structural and physiological leaf traits related to photosynthesis were measured. The irradiance-elicited plasticity was quantified using a relative distance plasticity index. A large inter-specific diversity was detected for all leaf traits. A principal component analysis opposed species with a large mass-based photosynthesis, respiration, N content and photosynthetic nitrogen use efficiency, to species with a large leaf mass : area ratio, LMA. The two pioneer species used in this study displayed the largest photosynthetic capacity (and lowest LMA) and ranked at one end of the species continuum. Relative irradiance affected almost all traits with the exception of mass-based photosynthesis.Aweak interaction was found between species and relative irradiance and the species ranking was maintained among relative irradiance treatments for the majority of the traits. A principal component analysis of the values of relative-distance plasticity index failed to reveal any consistent patterns of traits or species.Weconcluded that irradiance-elicited plasticity of leaf traits was similar among species irrespective ofLMA and successional status, despite the occurrence of a large inter-specific diversity for the investigated trait