5,501 research outputs found

    Informed Network Coding for Minimum Decoding Delay

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    Network coding is a highly efficient data dissemination mechanism for wireless networks. Since network coded information can only be recovered after delivering a sufficient number of coded packets, the resulting decoding delay can become problematic for delay-sensitive applications such as real-time media streaming. Motivated by this observation, we consider several algorithms that minimize the decoding delay and analyze their performance by means of simulation. The algorithms differ both in the required information about the state of the neighbors' buffers and in the way this knowledge is used to decide which packets to combine through coding operations. Our results show that a greedy algorithm, whose encodings maximize the number of nodes at which a coded packet is immediately decodable significantly outperforms existing network coding protocols.Comment: Proc. of the IEEE International Conference on Mobile Ad-hoc and Sensor Systems (IEEE MASS 2008), Atlanta, USA, September 200

    Decomposing Cross-Country Gaps in Obesity and Overweight: Does the Social Environment Matter?

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    [cat] Una qüestió clau sobre la producció de salut relativament poc explorada es refereix a la influència dels factors socioeconòmics i mediambientals sobre el pes i l’obesitat. Aquesta problemàtica adquireix particular rellevància quan es comparen dos països Mediterranis com Itàlia i Espanya. És interessant adonar-se que l’obesitat a Espanya és 5 punts percentual més elevada al 2003 mentre que a l’any 1990 era aproximadament la mateixa en ambdós països. Aquesta article presenta una descomposició no lineal dels gaps o diferencials en taxes de sobrepès (índex de massa corporal – IMC- entre 25 i 29.9 9 kg/m2), obesitat classe 1 (IMC≥30 kg/m2) i classe 2 (IMC≥35 kg/m2) entre Espanya i Itàlia per gènere i grups d’edat. En explicar aquests gaps entre països aïllem les influències dels estils de vida, els efectes socioeconòmics i els mediambientals. Els nostres resultats indiquen que quan no es controla pels efectes mediambientals (efectes de grup o ‘peer effects’) els hàbits alimentaris i el nivell educatiu són els principals predictors del gaps totals entre països (36-52%), si bé aquests dos factors exerceixen un impacte diferenciat segons gènere i edat. Un tant paradoxalment, quan controlem pels efectes de grup aquests predictors perden la seva capacitat explicativa i els efectes de grup passen a explicar entre el 46-76% dels gaps en sobrepès i obesitat i mostren un patró creixent amb l’edat.[eng] A key question underpinning health production, and one that remains relatively unexplored, is the influence of socio-economic and environmental factors on weight gain and obesity. Such issues acquire particular relevance when data from two Mediterranean countries (Italy and Spain) are compared. Interestingly, the obesity rate was 5 percentage points higher in Spain in 2003 while in 1990 it had been roughly the same in the two countries. This paper reports a non-linear decomposition of gaps in overweight (body mass index – BMI - between 25 and 29.9 kg/m2), class 1 (BMI≥30 kg/m2) and class 2 obesity (BMI≥35 kg/m2) between Spain and Italy by both gender and age. We isolate the influence of lifestyles, socioeconomic and environmental effects in explaining cross-country gaps in the prevalence of obesity. Our findings suggest that when the social environment (peer effects) is not controlled for, eating habits and education are the main predictors of total cross-country gaps (36-52%), albeit that these two factors have a different impact depending on gender and age. Somewhat paradoxically, however, when we controlled for the social environment, these previous predictors lost their explanatory power and peer effects were found to explain between 46 and 76% of gaps and to exhibit an increasing age pattern

    Effective Delay Control in Online Network Coding

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    Motivated by streaming applications with stringent delay constraints, we consider the design of online network coding algorithms with timely delivery guarantees. Assuming that the sender is providing the same data to multiple receivers over independent packet erasure channels, we focus on the case of perfect feedback and heterogeneous erasure probabilities. Based on a general analytical framework for evaluating the decoding delay, we show that existing ARQ schemes fail to ensure that receivers with weak channels are able to recover from packet losses within reasonable time. To overcome this problem, we re-define the encoding rules in order to break the chains of linear combinations that cannot be decoded after one of the packets is lost. Our results show that sending uncoded packets at key times ensures that all the receivers are able to meet specific delay requirements with very high probability.Comment: 9 pages, IEEE Infocom 200

    Comparison of cloud height and depth from atmospheric modelling and ceilometer measurements

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    In the current study, the cloud base height obtained from the ceilometer measurements, in Evora (south of Portugal), are compared with the results obtained from atmospheric modelling. The atmospheric model adopted is the nonhydrostatic MesoNH model, initiated and forced by ECMWF (European Centre for Medium-Range weather Forecasts) analyses. Also the simulated cloud depth results are presented. The availability of mesoscale modelling for the region, as well as the cloud local vertical distributions obtained from the ceilometer, provide a good opportunity to compare cloud base height and estimate the errors associated. From the obtained results it is possible to observe that the simulated cloud base height values are in good agreement with the correspondent values obtained from the ceilometer measurements

    Editorial for the Special Issue “Air Quality Research Using Remote Sensing”

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    Air pollution is a worldwide environmental hazard with serious consequences for health and climate as well as for agriculture, ecosystems, and cultural heritage, among others. According to the WHO, there are 8 million premature deaths every year resulting from exposure to ambient air pollution. In addition, more than 90% of the world’s population lives in places where air quality is poor, exceeding the recommended limits; most of these places are in low- or middle-income countries. Air pollution and climate influence each other through complex physicochemical interactions in the atmosphere, altering the Earth’s energy balance, with implications for climate change and air quality

    ESTIMATING THE SAMPLING ERROR FROM THE COVARIOGRAM OF SPATIALLY CORRELATED DATA: Estimando erro amostral a partir de covariogramas de dados espacialmente correlacionados

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    The total sampling-error attached to a set of samples has a central role in the selection of the statistical method to extract information from this noisy data. However, commonly direct measurements of the sampling error are not available and then, the magnitude of the error is unknown. In this article, we present a mathematically sound solution for estimating the sampling error directly from spatially correlated observations. The method is based on the difference between the global variance and the inferred y-axis intercept of the covariogram computed from the same data. We developed the mathematical proofs of the method, and its performance is analyzed by applying it to five variables from a stream-sediments dataset of a multi-element geochemical survey. The estimated total sampling error is satisfactory close to the value experimentally measured by field replicates.O erro amostral total associado com um conjunto de amostras tem um papel central na seleção do método estatístico a ser utilizado para extrair informação desses dados com ruído. No entanto, é comum que a magnitude desses erros amostrais seja desconhecida porque medições diretas desse erro não estão disponíveis. No presente artigo apresentamos um método sólido do ponto de vista matemático para estimar o erro amostral diretamente de observações especialmente correlacionadas. O método se baseia na diferença entre a variância global e a interseção do eixo-y do covariograma calculado para os mesmos dados. As provas matemáticas são desenvolvidas e sua performance é analisada ao se aplicar o método para cinco variáveis de amostras de sedimento corrente de uma campanha geoquímica multivariada. A proximidade entre o erro inferido e o valor experimentalmente medido por replicatas de campo foi satisfatório

    Methodological assessment of HCC literature

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    Despite the fact that the hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) represents a major health problem, very few interventions are available for this disease, and only sorafenib is approved for the treatment of advanced disease. Of note, only very few interventions have been thoroughly evaluated over time for HCC patients compared with several hundreds in other, equally highly lethal, tumours. Additionally, clinical trials in HCC have often been questioned for poor design and methodological issues. As a consequence, a gap between what is measured in clinical trials and what clinicians have to face in daily practice often occurs. As a result of this scenario, even the most recent guidelines for treatment of HCC patients use low strength evidence to make recommendations. In this review, we will discuss some of the potential methodological issues hindering a rational development of new treatments for HCC patient

    MiR-33a Controls hMSCS Osteoblast Commitment Modulating the Yap/Taz Expression Through EGFR Signaling Regulation

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    Mesenchymal stromal cells (hMSCs) display a pleiotropic function in bone regeneration. The signaling involved in osteoblast commitment is still not completely understood, and that determines the failure of current therapies being used. In our recent studies, we identified two miRNAs as regulators of hMSCs osteoblast differentiation driving hypoxia signaling and cytoskeletal reorganization. Other signalings involved in this process are epithelial to mesenchymal transition (EMT) and epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) signalings through the regulation of Yes-associated protein (YAP)/PDZ-binding motif (TAZ) expression. In the current study, we investigated the role of miR-33a family as a (i) modulator of YAP/TAZ expression and (ii) a regulator of EGFR signaling during osteoblast commitments. Starting from the observation on hMSCs and primary osteoblast cell lines (Nh-Ost) in which EMT genes and miR-33a displayed a specific expression, we performed a gain and loss of function study with miR-33a-5p and 3p on hMSCs cells and Nh-Ost. After 24 h of transfections, we evaluated the modulation of EMT and osteoblast genes expression by qRT-PCR, Western blot, and Osteoimage assays. Through bioinformatic analysis, we identified YAP as the putative target of miR-33a-3p. Its role was investigated by gain and loss of function studies with miR-33a-3p on hMSCs; qRT-PCR and Western blot analyses were also carried out. Finally, the possible role of EGFR signaling in YAP/TAZ modulation by miR-33a-3p expression was evaluated. Human MSCs were treated with EGF-2 and EGFR inhibitor for different time points, and qRT-PCR and Western blot analyses were performed. The above-mentioned methods revealed a balance between miR-33a-5p and miR-33a-3p expression during hMSCs osteoblast differentiation. The human MSCs phenotype was maintained by miR-33a-5p, while the maintenance of the osteoblast phenotype in the Nh-Ost cell model was permitted by miR-33a-3p expression, which regulated YAP/TAZ through the modulation of EGFR signaling. The inhibition of EGFR blocked the effects of miR-33a-3p on YAP/TAZ modulation, favoring the maintenance of hMSCs in a committed phenotype. A new possible personalized therapeutic approach to bone regeneration was discussed, which might be mediated by customizing delivery of miR-33a in simultaneously targeting EGFR and YAP signaling with combined use of drugs

    Avaliação dos efeitos do trióxido de antimônio sobre o sistema endócrino e reprodutivo e sobre as condições oxi-redutoras em ratos Wistar

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    Orientador : Prof. Dr. Ciro Alberto de Oliveira RibeiroCoorientador : Prof. Dr. Anderson Joel Martino de AndradeDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Ciências Biológicas, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Biologia Celular e Molecular. Defesa: Curitiba, 05/07/2017Inclui referências : f. 98-107Resumo: O uso de antimônio (Sb) pelas diversas sociedades vem de tempos remotos. Seu mais antigo e mais comum uso é no tratamento da leishmaniose, no entanto seu uso como sinergista em retardantes de chamas e na catálise de polímeros plásticos vem crescendo enormemente nas últimas décadas. O potencial tóxico das formas pentavalentes, utilizadas no tratamento de doenças já foi extensivamente estudando, no entanto esta não é a forma biologicamente ativa, sendo convertida na forma trivalente pelos sistemas biológicos. Frente a isto torna-se essencial estudar os efeitos das formas trivalentes, considerando doses relevantes para a exposição humana. Desta forma, diversas doses de antimônio no seu estado de oxidação +3 (trióxido de antimônio - Sb2O3) foram testadas seguindo diversos protocolos. No capítulo 1, são relatados os efeitos do Sb2O3 sobre o sistema endócrino e reprodutivo de ratos Wistar, seguindo protocolos experimentais específicos para avaliar disfunção endócrinas propostos pela Agência de Proteção Ambiental dos Estados Unidos (EPA-US). Neste caso nenhum efeito de disfunção endócrina (anti) estrogênica ou (anti) androgênica foram observados, no entanto danos histológicos em tireóide e testículos foram comuns frente a exposição ao Sb2O3. No capítulo 2 são relatados os efeitos desta substância sobre as condições oxido redutoras e danos em macromoléculas de fígado, rim, pulmão e coração. Também foram analisados danos histológicos em órgãos de biotransformação e excreção e possíveis danos neurológicos. Os resultados deste capítulo levam a conclusão de que o Sb2O3, mesmo em baixas doses pode alterar a homeostase especialmente hepática e renal, alterando enzimas e moléculas relacionadas ao balanço oxi-redutor bem como danificar macromoléculas essenciais à integridade celular. Desta forma conclui-se que, embora o Sb2O3 não tenha propriedades desreguladoras endócrinas, ele possui efeitos tóxicos sobre o organismo como um todo. Palavras chave: Desregulação endócrina, Estresse oxidativo, Antimônio, ratos Wistar.Abstract: Antimony is a world widespread substance used a long time ago in human history. It most common use is in leishmaniosis treatment, but it use as a flame retardant and in plastic catalysis are increasing in last decades. Antimony exist as pentavalent and trivalet forms. The toxicology of pentavalent Sb, commonly used in disease treatment, are well studied. However, the pentavalent form is converted in the trivalent form by biological systems, and Sb+3 is more toxic than the Sb+5 oxidation state, turning necessary study the most toxic form in a dose relevant for human exposure. In the present thesis, Sb2O3, were used as a Sb+3 contaminant, considering diverse exposure protocols. In the first chapter, the effects of Sb2O3 under endocrine and reproductive systems were evaluated following EPA protocols proposed for endocrine disrupting contaminants. No (anti) estrogenic or (anti) androgenic effects of Sb were observed in all tested doses and protocols, but damages in thyroid and testis were common after Sb2O3 exposure. In the second chapter of this thesis, the effects of Sb under oxidative stress, as well histologic alterations and neurologic effects were considered. The present results show that antimony can alter the body homeostasis, especially renal and hepatic enzymes related to oxidative balance and cause damages to macromolecules. Considering all presented results, we conclude that Sb do not exert endocrine disrupting effects, but exert toxic effects, especially for liver and kidneys. Key - words: Endocrine disfunction, oxidative stress, antimony, Wistar rats

    Juízes cosmopolitas : por uma concepção mundial de direitos humanos

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    Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Direito, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Direito, 2011.Os direitos humanos, embora não sejam universais, são universalizáveis. Na realização desse projeto, é imprescindível o reconhecimento da diferença e da necessidade de diálogo entre as civilizações. A retomada da ideia de cosmopolitismo, com foco na diferença, reflete a importância do reconhecimento da pessoa em sua dignidade independentemente do lugar em que esteja. Magistrados no mundo todo estão imbuídos da missão de garantir os direitos humanos aos cidadãos. Para isso, é necessário interpretar o direito paroquial com a visão cosmopolita dos direitos humanos, sem que isso equivalha à mundialização do direito ou à imposição autoritária das potências dominantes. _______________________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACTHuman rights, although not universal, can be universal. In carrying out this project, it is essential to accept differences and be aware of the need for dialogue among civilizations. The revival of the idea of cosmopolitanism, focusing on difference reflects the importance of recognizing the person in his dignity, regardless of where he or she are. Judges around the world are imbued with the task of ensuring human rights to citizens. In order to attain that, we must interpret the right parish with the cosmopolitan vision of human rights, without resulting in the globalization of law or the imposition of cultural values of the dominant powers