41 research outputs found

    Energy Efficiency in Public Buildings through Context-Aware Social Computing

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    [EN]The challenge of promoting behavioral changes in users that leads to energy savings in public buildings has become a complex task requiring the involvement of multiple technologies. Wireless sensor networks have a great potential for the development of tools, such as serious games, that encourage acquiring good energy and healthy habits among users in the workplace. This paper presents the development of a serious game using CAFCLA, a framework that allows for integrating multiple technologies, which provide both context-awareness and social computing. Game development has shown that the data provided by sensor networks encourage users to reduce energy consumption in their workplace and that social interactions and competitiveness allow for accelerating the achievement of good results and behavioral changes that favor energy savings.European Commision (EC). Funding H2020/MSCARISE. Project Code: 64179

    A Framework to Improve Energy Efficient Behaviour at Home through Activity and Context Monitoring

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    [EN]Real-time Localization Systems have been postulated as one of the most appropriated technologies for the development of applications that provide customized services. These systems provide us with the ability to locate and trace users and, among other features, they help identify behavioural patterns and habits. Moreover, the implementation of policies that will foster energy saving in homes is a complex task that involves the use of this type of systems. Although there are multiple proposals in this area, the implementation of frameworks that combine technologies and use Social Computing to influence user behaviour have not yet reached any significant savings in terms of energy. In this work, the CAFCLA framework (Context-Aware Framework for Collaborative Learning Applications) is used to develop a recommendation system for home users. The proposed system integrates a Real-Time Localization System and Wireless Sensor Networks, making it possible to develop applications that work under the umbrella of Social Computing. The implementation of an experimental use case aided efficient energy use, achieving savings of 17%. Moreover, the conducted case study pointed to the possibility of attaining good energy consumption habits in the long term. This can be done thanks to the system’s real time and historical localization, tracking and contextual data, based on which customized recommendations are generated.European Commision (EC). Funding H2020/MSCARISE. Project Code: 64179

    Improving an Ambient Intelligence Based Multi-Agent System for Alzheimer Health Care using Wireless Sensor Networks

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    This paper describes last improvements made on ALZ-MAS; an Ambient Intelligence based multi-agent system aimed at enhancing the assistance and health care for Alzheimer patients. The system makes use of several context-aware technologies that allow it to automatically obtain information from users and the environment in an evenly distributed way, focusing on the characteristics of ubiquity, awareness, intelligence, mobility, etc., all of which are concepts defined by Ambient Intelligence. Among these context-aware technologies we have Wireless Sensor Networks. In this sense, ALZ-MAS is currently being improved by the use of a new platform of ZigBee devices that provides the system with new telemonitoring and locating engine

    Supporting Context-Aware Collaborative Learning Activities by CAFCLA

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    The integration of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in daily life has improved the learning process by means of context-aware technologies. Through the use of technology, new ways of learning has emerged allowing to become the learning process more ubiquitous. However, it is necessary to develop new tools that can be adapted to a wide range of technologies and different application scenarios. This paper presents CAFCLA, a framework that allows developing context-aware learning applications. CAFCLA integrates different context-aware technologies, so that learning applications designed, developed and deployed upon it are dynamic, adaptive and easy to use by users such as students and teachers

    Plataforma inteligente para la evaluación del rendimiento académico

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    Memoria ID-086. Ayudas de la Universidad de Salamanca para la innovación docente, curso 2019-2020.[ES]El objetivo principal del proyecto es diseñar una plataforma en la que se pueda observar y medir la evolución del rendimiento académico a partir de datos tanto encuestados como relativos al desarrollo de la asignatura, para la extracción de conclusiones sobre los factores que determinan dicho rendimient

    Wireless Sensor Networks, Real-Time Locating Systems and Multi-Agent Systems: The Perfect Team

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    This paper presents a project aimed at combining wireless sensor networks and real-time locating systems by means of a multi-agent platform based on virtual organizations. This approach makes use of the n-Core platform to provide the basic sensing and locating infrastructure. Several case studies are presented in order to facilitate the comprehension of the goals of this project

    Ambient intelligence and collaborative e-learning: a new definition model

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    The constant evolution of mobile devices and Information Technologies allows users to enjoy a new variety of features that were unimaginable some years ago. In this sense, Ambient Intelligence (AmI) has emerged as a new discipline focused on people and aimed at facilitating their daily activities. This paper proposes a new definition model that helps designers to characterize collaborative e-learning systems based on AmI and Computer Supported Collaborative Learning. The use of mobile devices and Mobile Adhoc Networks is a key aspect in this model as they allow users to access resources from anywhere on demand. The proposed model is applied to a concrete case of study as an example of its application on real scenarios

    Integrating hardware agents into an enhanced multi-agent architecture for Ambient Intelligence systems

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    Ambient Intelligence (AmI) systems require the integration of complex and innovative solutions. In this sense, agents and multi-agent systems have characteristics such as autonomy, reasoning, reactivity, social abilities and pro-activity which make them appropriate for developing distributed systems based on Ambient Intelligence. In addition, the use of context-aware technologies is an essential aspect in these developments in order to perceive stimuli from the context and react to it autonomously. This paper presents the integration of the Hardware-Embedded Reactive Agents (HERA) Platform into the Flexible and User Services Oriented Multi-agent Architecture (FUSION@), a multi-agent architecture for developing AmI systems that integrates intelligent agents with a service-oriented architecture approach. Because of this integration, FUSION@ has the ability to manage both software and hardware agents by using self-adaptable heterogeneous wireless sensor networks. Preliminary results presented in this paper demonstrate the feasibility of FUSION@ as a future alternative for developing Ambient Intelligence systems where users and systems can use both software and hardware agents in a transparent way, achieving a higher level of ubiquitous computing and communication