210 research outputs found

    Application of Layers of Protection Analysis (LOPA) for subsea production systems - A risk based model for determination of integrity levels in a global perspective

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    Depletion of onshore and shallow water reserves, in combination with new subsea technology, has made the petroleum industry advance into deeper water. However, new technology also brings new risks. Since most widely accepted standards and regulations are not directly aimed for subsea systems, new methods have to be developed. By developing a LOPA-model, which can be used specifically for subsea context, this thesis intends to be a part of filling that gap. The models main objective is to evaluate subsea production system risk and to determine the appropriate safety Integrity level (SIL) for all present independent protection layers. The method is semi-quantitative in nature, which means that the model output is based on a combination of generic statistical data, expert judgement and logical reasoning. According to the model validation, the result seems to be credible due to what is economically and technically feasible. For example, when a single satellite well subsea system was evaluated it ended up with SIL3 requirements for the “isolation of well function” and lower SIL requirements for other less critical safety functions

    Financial Development and Unemployment in Nigeria

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    Every government strives to offer its citizens decent work opportunities. However, this goal has proved unrealistic in many nations particularly developing economies like Nigeria with a persistent unemployment rate. Although several studies have documented the various determinants of unemployment, there is hardly any study in Nigeria that has engaged the multidimensional nature of financial development. Additionally, there are hardly any studies in Nigeria that disaggregated the components of unemployment into gender dimensions and spatial locations. Given this, the study appraised the influence of the development of Nigeria’s financial sector on the unemployment rate. The research used financial access, depth, stability, and efficiency to cover the multidimensional financial development while also using aggregate, male, and female, as well as urban and rural unemployment data. Engaging Nigerian data between 1981 and 2021 as well as the dynamic ordinary least square technique, the research showed that the indicators of financial development (financial depth, access, efficiency, and stability) reduced aggregate unemployment. The study equally revealed that financial development reduced male and female unemployment rates in Nigeria as well as Nigeria’s rural and urban unemployment rates. Consequently, the study advises decision-makers to keep implementing measures to encourage financial development to increase the number of employment while also ensuring that other fundamental issues with the labour market are properly resolved

    Maintaining diversity in the shadows of conformity: Can a systematic attempt to maintain a university\u27s distinctive mission override societal pressures for conformity?

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    The purpose of this study was to analyze the components of the University of Scranton\u27s systematic program to develop and maintain a distinctive mission through Tierney\u27s framework of organizational culture, and to analyze the congruence between the mission of the University of Scranton and the faculty\u27s perception of the mission and their institutional activities.;The University of Scranton was chosen for three reasons: (1) Sporadic efforts to maintain its Catholic/Jesuit mission and identity had already been in place since 1977; (2) With the appointment of a Task Force on Identity and Mission in 1994, the administration is attempting to bring previous efforts together in a more concerted way; and (3) The University is a part of a larger group of twenty eight Jesuit colleges and universities throughout the United States working on this same issue.;The case study method was used. The researcher studied pertinent data from 1989 through the academic year, 1995. The mission statement of the University was used as the formal expression of distinctiveness of mission and identity. How this statement is being promoted by the administration was gleaned through a content analysis of documents and by the use of an interview protocol used with key administrators. Faculty congruence was assessed through the use of a survey instrument constructed after the interviews and the document analysis had been completed.;It was concluded that a high level of congruence existed in Tierney\u27s categories of environment, mission, socialization, information, and leadership. There was less congruence in the area of strategy.;Further study is needed to evaluate this effort on a long-term basis. It would also be beneficial if case studies could be performed on the other 27 Jesuit colleges and universities in the United States making similar efforts as well as other types of distinctive colleges and universities

    Using the TxVAAS to Improve Teacher Effectiveness: Investigating the Research-Situated “Truths” Behind TxVAAS Claims

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    At the time of this study, the Texas Value-Added Assessment System (TxVAAS) was being piloted throughout Texas to hold teachers more accountable for their effects on students\u27 achievement (i.e., teachers’ value added). It is still being used by districts throughout Texas today. Using a framework informed by the Standards for Educational and Psychological Testing, researchers conducted a content analysis of the marketing and research-based claims asserted about the TxVAAS, to (a) examine the “truth” of each claim to (b) help others critically consume the marketing claims using (c) nonproprietary, peer-reviewed literature. Given that the more popular, and also proprietary version of the TxVAAS—the Education Value-Added Assessment System—continues to be sold and marketed to other states and districts in similar ways, researchers deemed it critical to intervene before other states and districts might blindly trust the marketing and research-based claims presented

    O SAS Sistema de Avaliação do Valor Agregado Educativo (SAS® EVAAS®): Alguns efeitos intencionais e não intencionais em um sistema escolar urbano de grande tamanho.

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    The SAS Educational Value-Added Assessment System (SAS® EVAAS®) is the most widely used value-added system in the country. It is also self-proclaimed as “the most robust and reliable” system available, with its greatest benefit to help educators improve their teaching practices. This study critically examined the effects of SAS® EVAAS® as experienced by teachers, in one of the largest, high-needs urban school districts in the nation – the Houston Independent School District (HISD). Using a multiple methods approach, this study critically analyzed retrospective quantitative and qualitative data to better comprehend and understand the evidence collected from four teachers whose contracts were not renewed in the summer of 2011, in part given their low SAS® EVAAS® scores. This study also suggests some intended and unintended effects that seem to be occurring as a result of SAS® EVAAS® implementation in HISD. In addition to issues with reliability, bias, teacher attribution, and validity, high-stakes use of SAS® EVAAS® in this district seems to be exacerbating unintended effects.El SAS Sistema de Evaluación de la Educación  de Valor Agregado (SAS® EVAAS®) es el sistema de valor agregado  más ampliamente utilizado  en el país. También se auto-proclama como el sistema disponible “más robusto y fiable",  siendo su mayor beneficio poder ayudar a los educadores a mejorar sus prácticas de enseñanza. Las investigadoras de este estudio examinaron los efectos de SAS® EVAAS®, experimentado por docentes, en uno de los distritos escolares urbanos más grandes y con mayores necesidades educativas  de la nación: el Distrito Escolar Independiente de Houston (HISD). A través de  evidencias obtenidas con cuatro docentes cuyos contratos no fueron renovados en el verano de 2011, en parte debido a sus bajas puntuaciones en SAS® EVAAS®, se detallan algunos de los efectos deseados y no deseados que parecen estar ocurriendo como resultado de la aplicación SAS® EVAAS® en HISD. Además de los problemas con la fiabilidad, el sesgo, la atribución docente, la validez, el uso de SAS® EVAAS® con consecuencias severas en este distrito parece exacerbar los efectos no intencionales.O SAS Sistema de Avaliação do Valor Agregado Educativo (SAS® EVAAS®) é o sistema mais utilizado de valor agregado no país. Também é auto-proclamado como o sistema disponível "mais robusto e confiável", sendo seu maior benefício  ajudar  a os educadores a melhorar suas práticas de ensino. As pesquisadoras deste estudo examinaram os efeitos da SAS® EVAAS®, com professores que tiveram essa experiência em um dos maiores distritos escolares urbanos e com maiores necessidades educacionais da nação: o Houston Independent School District (HISD). Através de evidencias  obtidas com quatro professores cujos contratos não foram renovados no verão de 2011, em parte devido à suas baixas  pontuações em SAS® EVAAS®, se analisam os efeitos desejados e indesejados que parecem estar a ocorrer como  resultado da aplicação SAS® EVAAS® em HISD. Além dos problemas com a fiabilidade, a polarização, a atribuição de ensino, a validade, a utilização de SAS® EVAAS® em avaliações com conseqüências severas neste distrito parece exacerbar os efeitos indesejados

    Prevalence of Angular Cheilitis in the Elderly: A Rapid Review

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    The elderly commonly experiences decreased function in various organs, which can impact the immune and digestive systems, as well as increase susceptibility to angular cheilitis (ICD-10 code: K13.0). Furthermore, the high prevalence of malnutrition and the increase in the elderly yearly can affect the incidence of this inflammation. Therefore, this study aimed to evaluate the prevalence of angular cheilitis in the elderly. The rapid review method was employed to accomplish this using the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Review and Meta-analysis (PRISMA) guidelines for screening and search procedures. The search was performed through the Google Scholar, PubMed, and ScienceDirect databases using specific keywords and inclusion criteria. A total of 30 observational study articles from 16 countries focusing on several elderly populations were included in this study. The lowest and highest prevalence value was 1% and 46.66%, respectively, with 1,347 out of 14,927 elderly experiencing angular cheilitis. Of the 30 articles reviewed, 23 showed a value below 10%, while the remaining 7 were above 10%. The differences in prevalence could be attributed to the limitations of the articles utilized in this study, which vary widely in terms of sample population characteristics, location, gender allocation, as well as study and data collection methods. This review showed that the prevalence of angular cheilitis in most countries is low. However, the two studies conducted in Indonesia have a high and low prevalence, respectively

    Study of Lipid Profile and Thyroid Function Abnormality in Children of Nephrotic Syndrome

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    BACKGROUND : Hypercholesterolemia and sub clinical hypothyroidism were common Problem in nephrotic syndrome. Monitoring of lipid profile to be done not only in the diagnosis and also in relapse cases. Because in relapse cases serum cholesterol persistently elevated and predispose to the development of atherosclerosis. AIM : To study the correlation between lipid and thyroid Profile with different types of nephrotic syndrome in children between 1 to12yrs. And also study the association between serum albumin with lipid profile and TSH. METHODS : 40 cases of different types of nephrotic syndrome included in our study that includes first episode, relapses Steroid dependent nephrotic syndrome (SDNS), steroid resistant nephrotic syndrome (SRNS) and in remission. Only one value was taken and its distribution in different type of nephrotic syndrome was analysed. RESULTS : Males are affected more with mean age of presentation is 6.9yrs. SRNS cases cholesterol level significantly elevated compared to other types. T3, T4 and TSH were within normal limit, negative correlation between albumin with cholesterol and TSH. CONCLUSION : Serum cholesterol should be monitored in relapse cases, because persistent elevation in relapse cases predispose to development of atherosclerosis. In SRNS cases cholesterol level were highly elevated and may require lipid lowering agents. No need of routine thyroid screening in a case of nephrotic syndrome

    Contribution à l'étude de l'habronémose cutanée chez les équidés. Recherche de larves d'habronèmes dans les plaies de chevaux du Sud-Ouest de la France

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    L'habronémose cutanée est une dermatose estivale, touchant les équidés, causée par des larves de stade 3 d'habronèmes. Les larves d'Habronema megastoma, d'Habronema muscae ou d'Habronema microstoma sont déposées par des diptères (Musca domestica et Stomoxys calcitrans) sur des zones humides ou des plaies de la peau. Cette maladie est non contagieuse. Cliniquement, elle se manifeste par des lésions caractéristiques : les plaies d'été, qui apparaissent à la belle saison, puis régressent spontanément en hiver pour récidiver l'été suivant. Son aspect histologique se révèle évocateur, mais seule la mise en évidence de larves permet d'établir un diagnostic de certitude. Notre enquête menée de Mai à Septembre 2005 sur les plaies de 25 chevaux issus d'un équarrissage du Sud-Ouest de la France n a pas mis en évidence la présence de larves dans les lésions cutanées


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara konflik peran ganda dengan subjective well being pada wanita karir single parent. Hipotesis penelitian ini yaitu terdapat hubungan negatif antara konflik peran ganda dengan subjective well being pada wanita karir single parent, maka jika semakin rendah konflik peran ganda yang terjadi pada wanita karir single parent akan berdampak semakin tingginya subjective well being dan begitu juga sebaliknya. Subjek penelitian ini adalah wanita karir yang menjadi single parent karena perceraian atau kematian dengan rentang usia 40-60 tahun. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kuantitatif dengan alat ukur berupa skala subjective well being dan skala konflik peran ganda. Uji hipotesis penelitian ini menggunakan teknik korelasi product moment pearson. Hasil analisa diperoleh hubungan negatif yang sangat signifikan antara dua variabel rxy = -0,407 dengan p sebesar 0,003 (p<0,01). Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa hipotesis dalam penelitian ini diterima. Dari penelitian ini, sumbangan efektif konflik peran ganda terhadap subjective well being sebesar 16,5%

    Pesquisa dos Modelos de Valor Adicionado (MVA) para as políticas de educação: Delimitação da discussão

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    In this manuscript, the guest editors of the EPAA Special Issue on “Value-Added Model (VAM) Research for Educational Policy” (1) introduce the background and policy context surrounding the increased use of VAMs for teacher evaluation and accountability purposes across the United States; (2) summarize the five research papers and one research-based commentary that were peer-reviewed and selected for inclusion in this special issue; and (3) discuss the relevance of the papers both individually and collectively. Their importance is discussed in terms of each paper’s contribution to the general research on this topic and each paper’s potential to inform educational policy. In addition, the papers reflect our shared thinking about VAMs, VAM output, and the inference-based decisions for which VAMs are increasingly being used.En este artículo, los editores invitados de este número especial de EPAA/AAPE sobre la investigación  de los Modelos de Valor Agregado (MVA) para las políticas educativas: (1) presentan los antecedentes y el contexto político que rodean la utilización de MVA en la evaluación de los docentes y rendición de cuentas en los Estados Unidos, (2) un resumen de los cinco trabajos de investigación y el  comentarios que fueron seleccionados para su inclusión en este número especial, y (3) analizamos la pertinencia de los documentos, tanto individual como colectivamente. Su importancia se discuten en términos de la contribución de cada documento para la investigación general sobre este tema y el potencial de cada artículo para informar la política educativa. Además, los documentos reflejan nuestro pensamiento sobre la producción de MVA y las decisiones basadas en MVA son cada vez más utilizados.Neste artigo, os editores convidados desta edição especial da EPAA/AAPE sobre a Pesquisa dos Modelos de Valor Adicionado (MVA) para as políticas de educação: (1) Apresentam  o contexto político em torno do uso dos MVA na avaliação de professores e de responsabilização nos Estados Unidos, (2) um resumo dos cinco trabalhos de pesquisa e o comentário que foram selecionados para inclusão nesta edição especial, e (3) analisar a relevância dos trabalhos selecionados tanto individualmente como coletivamente. Sua importância é discutida em termos da contribuição de cada artigo para a pesquisa geral sobre este tema e as potencialidades de cada artigo para informar a política educacional. Além disso, os artigos refletem o nosso pensamento sobre a produção de decisões e MVA, e como são cada vez mais utilizados