86 research outputs found

    Spatial Dynamics and Control of Cell Differentiation

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    Compaction behavior of out-of-autoclave prepreg materials

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    The main challenges with composite parts manufacturing are related to the curing means, mainly autoclaves, the length of their cycles and their operating costs. In order to decrease this dependency, out of autoclave materials have been considered as a solution for high production rate parts such as spars, flaps, etc
 However, most out-of-autoclave process do not possess the same maturity as their counterpart, especially concerning part quality1. Some pre-cure processes such as compaction and ply lay-up are usually less of a concern for autoclave manufacturing: the pressure applied during the cycle participates to reduce the potential defects (porosity caused by a poor quality lay-up, bad compaction, entrapped air or humidity
). For out-of-autoclave parts, those are crucial steps which may have many consequences on the final quality of the laminate2. In order to avoid this quality loss, those steps must be well understood

    A new method to transfect the hypoblast of the chick embryo reveals conservation of the regulation of an Otx2 enhancer between mouse and chick extraembryonic endoderm

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    BACKGROUND: The mouse anterior visceral endoderm (AVE) and the chick hypoblast are thought to have homologous roles in the early stages of neural induction and primitive streak formation. In mouse, many regulatory elements directing gene expression to the AVE have been identified. However, there is no technique to introduce DNA into the chick hypoblast that would enable a comparison of their activity and this has hampered a direct comparison of the regulation of gene expression in the mouse and chick extraembryonic endoderm. RESULTS: Here we describe a new method to introduce DNA into the chick hypoblast, using lipofectamine-mediated transfection. We show that the hypoblast can be easily transfected and that it starts to express a luciferase reporter within 2 hours of transfection. The validity of technique is tested by following the movement and fate of hypoblast cells, which reveals their translocation to the anterior germinal crescent. We then introduce a vector containing GFP driven by the mouse VEcis-Otx2 enhancer (which directs gene expression to the mouse AVE) and we detect activity in the hypoblast. CONCLUSION: The new technique for delivering expression constructs to the chick hypoblast will enable studies on gene activity and regulation to be performed in this tissue, which has proved difficult to transfect by electroporation. Our findings also reveal that regulatory elements that direct gene expression to the mouse AVE are active in chick hypoblast, supporting the idea that these two tissues have homologous functions

    Semi-permeable Diffusion Barriers Enhance Patterning Robustness in the C. elegans Germline

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    Positional information derived from local morphogen concentration plays an important role in patterning. A key question is how morphogen diffusion and gene expression regulation shape positional information into an appropriate profile with suitably low noise. We address this question using a model system--the C. elegans germline--whose regulatory network has been well characterized genetically but whose spatiotemporal dynamics are poorly understood. We show that diffusion within the germline syncytium is a critical control of stem cell differentiation and that semi-permeable diffusion barriers present at key locations make it possible--in combination with a feedback loop in the germline regulatory network--for mitotic zone size to be robust against spatial noise in Notch signaling. Spatial averaging within compartments defined by diffusion barriers is an advantageous patterning strategy, which attenuates noise while still allowing for sharp transitions between compartments. This strategy could apply to other organs

    Modélisation des cinétiques de polymérisation de résines destinées à la fabrication Hors Autoclave

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    The main challenges with composite parts manufacturing are related to the curing means, mainly autoclaves, the length of their cycles and their operating costs. In order to decrease this dependency, out of autoclave materials have been considered as a solution for high production rate parts such as spars, flaps, etc
 However, most out-of-autoclave process do not possess the same maturity as their counterpart, especially concerning part quality 1. Three out-of-Autoclave prepreg materials were considered for this study, each one possessing different curing temperatures: A (180°C), B (125°C) and C (132°C). Those materials have also different chemical compositions, although all three have been designed for out-of-autoclave composite part manufacturing (primary and secondary structures). The interest of our study is to understand and compare polymerization mechanisms of each matrix, by defining each time a predictive model close to experimental values of the curing of those epoxy/amine systems 2

    BMP signaling is required for cell cleavage in preimplantation-mouse embryos.

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    The mechanisms regulating cell division during development of the mouse pre-implantation embryo are poorly understood. We have investigated whether bone morphogenetic protein (BMP) signaling is involved in controlling cell cycle during mouse pre-implantation development. We mapped and quantitated the dynamic activities of BMP signaling through high-resolution immunofluorescence imaging combined with a 3D segmentation method. Immunostaining for phosphorylated Smad1/5/8 shows that BMP signaling is activated in mouse embryos as early as the 4-cell stage, and becomes spatially restricted by late blastocyst stage. Perturbation of BMP signaling in preimplantation mouse embryos, whether by treatment with a small molecule inhibitor, with Noggin protein, or by overexpression of a dominant-negative BMP receptor, indicates that BMPs regulate cell cleavage up to the morula stage. These results indicate that BMP signaling is active during mouse pre-implantation development and is required for cell cleavage in preimplantation mouse embryos

    Thermo-oxidation behaviour of composite materials at high temperatures: A review of research activities carried out within the COMEDI program

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    The present paper presents a review of the main activities carried out within the context of the COMEDI research program, a joint collaboration involving three research teams focusing on the thermo-oxidation behaviour of composite materials at high temperatures. The scientific aim of the COMEDI research program was to better identify the link between the physical mechanisms involved in thermo-oxidation phenomena: oxygen reaction-diffusion, chemical shrinkage strain/stress, degradation at different scales and to provide tools for predicting the thermo-oxidation behaviour of composite materials under thermo-oxidative environments including damage onset. This aim was accomplished by investigating experimentally the thermo-oxidation behaviour of pure resin samples - both industrial and "model" materials - and by interpreting the results by a coupled reaction-diffusion-mechanics multiphysics model. A dedicated numerical model tool has been developed and implemented into the ABAQUSÂź finite element commercial software. This tool was employed to simulate the thermo-oxidative behaviour of a fibre-matrix microscopic representative composite cell. Finally, the model predictions for the composite have been validated by comparing the experimental and the simulated local matrix shrinkage displacements and the mass loss of composite specimens

    Repressor Dimerization in the Zebrafish Somitogenesis Clock

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    The oscillations of the somitogenesis clock are linked to the fundamental process of vertebrate embryo segmentation, yet little is known about their generation. In zebrafish, it has been proposed that Her proteins repress the transcription of their own mRNA. However, in its simplest form, this model is incompatible with the fact that morpholino knockdown of Her proteins can impair expression of their mRNA. Simple self-repression models also do not account for the spatiotemporal pattern of gene expression, with waves of gene expression shrinking as they propagate. Here we study computationally the networks generated by the wealth of dimerization possibilities amongst transcriptional repressors in the zebrafish somitogenesis clock. These networks can reproduce knockdown phenotypes, and strongly suggest the existence of a Her1–Her7 heterodimer, so far untested experimentally. The networks are the first reported to reproduce the spatiotemporal pattern of the zebrafish somitogenesis clock; they shed new light on the role of Her13.2, the only known link between the somitogenesis clock and positional information in the paraxial mesoderm. The networks can also account for perturbations of the clock by manipulation of FGF signaling. Achieving an understanding of the interplay between clock oscillations and positional information is a crucial first step in the investigation of the segmentation mechanism

    Reuse of medical face masks in domestic and community settings without sacrificing safety: Ecological and economical lessons from the Covid-19 pandemic

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    The need for personal protective equipment increased exponentially in response to the Covid-19 pandemic. To cope with the mask shortage during springtime 2020, a French consortium was created to find ways to reuse medical and respiratory masks in healthcare departments. The consortium addressed the complex context of the balance between cleaning medical masks in a way that maintains their safety and functionality for reuse, with the environmental advantage to manage medical disposable waste despite the current mask designation as single-use by the regulatory frameworks. We report a Workflow that provides a quantitative basis to determine the safety and efficacy of a medical mask that is decontaminated for reuse. The type IIR polypropylene medical masks can be washed up to 10 times, washed 5 times and autoclaved 5 times, or washed then sterilized with radiations or ethylene oxide, without any degradation of their filtration or breathability properties. There is loss of the antiprojection properties. The Workflow rendered the medical masks to comply to the AFNOR S76-001 standard as “type 1 non-sanitory usage masks”. This qualification gives a legal status to the Workflow-treated masks and allows recommendation for the reuse of washed medical masks by the general population, with the significant public health advantage of providing better protection than cloth-tissue masks. Additionally, such a legal status provides a basis to perform a clinical trial to test the masks in real conditions, with full compliance with EN 14683 norm, for collective reuse. The rational reuse of medical mask and their end-of-life management is critical, particularly in pandemic periods when decisive turns can be taken. The reuse of masks in the general population, in industries, or in hospitals (but not for surgery) has significant advantages for the management of waste without degrading the safety of individuals wearing reused masks
