557 research outputs found

    Extraskeletal chondroma of the fallopian tube.

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    Extraskeletal chondroma can occur in the hands, feet, head and neck. This tumor usually presents as a small solitary nodule. The histogenesis of the tumor is controversial, but some have suggested a metaplastic origin. Chondroma of the fallopian tube is very rare. There is only one report in English literature. The origin of this tumor can be subcoelomic mesenchyme of the tubal serosa or mesenchyme of the myosalpinx. We describe a case of chondroma arising from the serosal surface of the fallopian tube with a review of literature. A 30-yr-old woman visited hospital due to left adnexal mass. On operating finding, 2 x 3 cm sized nodular mass was noted on the left tubal serosal area. The excised mass showed multilobulated appearance covered with thin fibrous membrane. The cut surface was solid, grayish yellow, and myxoid with a focal gelatinous area. The microscopic finding showed islands and elongated lobules of mature benign cartilage without cytologic atypia

    Enhancement of seawater corrosion resistance in copper using acetone-derived graphene coating

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    We show that acetone-derived graphene coating can effectively enhance the corrosion efficiency of copper (Cu) in a seawater environment (0.5-0.6 M (???3.0-3.5%) sodium chloride). By applying a drop of acetone (???20 ??l cm-2) on Cu surfaces, rapid thermal annealing allows the facile and rapid synthesis of graphene films on Cu surfaces with a monolayer coverage of almost close to ???100%. Under optimal growth conditions, acetone-derived graphene is found to have a relatively high crystallinity, comparable to common graphene grown by chemical vapor deposition. The resulting graphene-coated Cu surface exhibits 37.5 times higher corrosion resistance as compared to that of mechanically polished Cu. Further, investigation on the role of graphene coating on Cu surfaces suggests that the outstanding corrosion inhibition efficiency (IE) of 97.4% is obtained by protecting the underlying Cu against the penetration of both dissolved oxygen and chlorine ions, thanks to the closely spaced atomic structure of the graphene sheets. The increase of graphene coating thickness results in the enhancement of the overall corrosion IE up to ???99%, which can be attributed to the effective blocking of the ionic diffusion process via grain boundaries. Overall, our results suggest that the acetone-derived graphene film can effectively serve as a corrosion-inhibiting coating in the seawater level and that it may have a promising role to play for potential offshore coating.close0

    Bayesian Belief Network Model Quantification Using Distribution-Based Node Probability and Experienced Data Updates for Software Reliability Assessment

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    Since digital instrumentation and control systems are expected to play an essential role in safety systems in nuclear power plants (NPPs), the need to incorporate software failures into NPP probabilistic risk assessment has arisen. Based on a Bayesian belief network (BBN) model developed to estimate the number of software faults considering the software development lifecycle, we performed a pilot study of software reliability quantification using the BBN model by aggregating different experts' opinions. In this paper, we suggest the distribution-based node probability table (D-NPT) development method which can efficiently represent diverse expert elicitation in the form of statistical distributions and provides mathematical quantification scheme. Besides, the handbook data on U.S. software development and V&V and testing results for two nuclear safety software were used for a Bayesian update of the D-NPTs in order to reduce the BBN parameter uncertainty due to experts' different background or levels of experience. To analyze the effect of diverse expert opinions on the BBN parameter uncertainties, the sensitivity studies were conducted by eliminating the significantly different NPT estimates among expert opinions. The proposed approach demonstrates a framework that can effectively and systematically integrate different kinds of available source information to quantify BBN NPTs for NPP software reliability assessment

    Zyflamend, a polyherbal mixture, down regulates class I and class II histone deacetylases and increases p21 levels in castrate-resistant prostate cancer cells

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    Background Zyflamend, a mixture containing extracts of ten herbs, has shown promise in a variety of preclinical cancer models, including prostate cancer. The current experiments were designed to investigate the effects of Zyflamend on the expression of class I and II histone deacetylases, a family of enzymes known to be over expressed in a variety of cancers. Methods CWR22Rv1 cells, a castrate-resistant prostate cancer cell line, were treated with Zyflamend and the expression of class I and II histone deacetylases, along with their downstream target the tumor suppressor gene p21, was investigated. Involvement of p21 was confirmed with siRNA knockdown and over expression experiments. Results Zyflamend down-regulated the expression of all class I and II histone deacetylases where Chinese goldthread and baikal skullcap (two of its components) appear to be primarily responsible for these results. In addition, Zyflamend up regulated the histone acetyl transferase complex CBP/p300, potentially contributing to the increase in histone 3 acetylation. Expression of the tumor suppressor gene p21, a known downstream target of histone deacetylases and CBP/p300, was increased by Zyflamend treatment and the effect on p21 was, in part, mediated through Erk1/2. Knockdown of p21 with siRNA technology attenuated Zyflamend-induced growth inhibition. Over expression of p21 inhibited cell growth and concomitant treatment with Zyflamend enhanced this effect. Conclusions Our results suggest that the extracts of this polyherbal combination increase histone 3 acetylation, inhibit the expression of class I and class II histone deacetylases, increase the activation of CBP/p300 and inhibit cell proliferation, in part, by up regulating p21 expression

    Estimation of HIV Seroprevalence in Colorectal Hospitals by Questionnaire Survey in Korea, 2002–2007

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    AbstractObjectivesThe incidence of anal disease is higher among persons with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection than among the general population. We surveyed the status of seroprevalence in colorectal hospitals in Korea.MethodsThe survey was conducted in colorectal hospitals in Korea from November to December 2008. The questionnaire was comprised of six topics about the status of HIV testing in colorectal hospitals. We gathered the data by website (http://hivqa.nih.go.kr/risk) or fax.ResultsAmong 774 colorectal hospitals contacted, 109 (14%) hospitals participated in the survey. Among these, 48 hospitals (44%) performed HIV tests in their own hospitals and 11 (23%) took HIV testing by rapid method. The main reason for recommending an HIV test was surgical operation (54%) followed by endoscope (11%) and health checkup (9%). The annual number of HIV tests increased from 58,647 (at 21 hospitals) in 2002 to 246,709 (at 58 hospitals) in 2007. HIV seroprevalence was >3.0 per 10,000 individuals during 2002–2005, decreased to 2.2 per 10,000 individuals in 2006 and rose to 2.8 per 10,000 individuals in 2007.ConclusionsHIV seroprevalence of colorectal hospitals was more than twice that of general hospitals in Korea. HIV surveillance systems based on colorectal hospitals for HIV/AIDS transmission prevention by early HIV diagnosis are needed

    Spin structure of the pion from the instanton vacuum

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    We investigate the spin structure of the pion within the framework of the nonlocal chiral quark model from the instanton vacuum. We first evaluate the tensor form factors of the pion for the first and second moment (n=1,2) and compare it with the lattice data. Combining the tensor form factor of the pion with the electromagnetic one, we determine the impact-parameter dependent probability density of transversely polarized quarks inside the pion. It turns out that the present numerical results for the tensor form factor as well as those for the probability density are in good agreement with the lattice data. We also discuss the distortion of the spatial distribution of the quarks in the transverse plane inside the pion.Comment: 9 pages, 10 figures, accepted for publication in Phys. Lett.

    QCD condensates with flavor SU(3) symmetry breaking from the instanton vacuum

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    We investigate the effects of flavor SU(3)-symmetry breaking on the quark, gluon, and mixed quark-gluon condensates, based on the nonlocal effective chiral action from the instanton vacuum. We employ two different parameterizations for the dependence of the momentum-dependent dynamical quark mass on the strange current quark mass. With a proper choice of the current-quark mass dependence of the dynamical quark mass, we show that the gluon condensate is independent of the current quark mass. We obtain the ratios of the quark and mixed condensates, respectively: [/<uˉu>]1/3=0.75[/< \bar{u}u>]^{1/3}=0.75 and []1/5=0.87[ ]^{1/5}=0.87. It turns out that the dimensional parameter m02=/=1.601.92GeV2m^2_0=/ =1.60\sim 1.92 {\rm GeV}^2.Comment: 12 pages, 4 figures, accepted for publication in Phys.Lett.