14 research outputs found

    The Effect of Active and Passive Warming up on blood glucose and lactic acid before sub-maximal physical activity

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    warming up is beginnig activity in exercise to prepare body physiologically and psychologically to do more heavy activity and reduse flawed risk before doing exercise or competition. Reseacrh designed is "the randomized pretest-posttest control group design". The samples of this research are eighteen students of 21-23 years old. The students are divided into two groups. Nine students are in active warming up group (G1) and nine students are in passive warming up group (G2). After warming up each group was given sub-maximal physical activity by paddling ergocycle by 80% HRmax. The measurement of blood glucose and lactic acid was done four times: Pre-test, immediately after warming up, 5 minutes and 30 minutes after sub-maximal physical activity. The result of the blood glucose showed (mg/dL); G1: 99,66±2,73 ; 96,66±2,64 ; 92,55±2,18 ; 89,88±3,44. G2: 96,88±3,01 ; 99,22±2,22 ; 93,55±3,24 ; 91,11±5,55. The blood lactic acid (mmol/dL); G1: 2,78±0,41 ; 7,41±1,41 ; 8,82±1,50 ; 3,40±0,49. G2: 1,33±0,41 ; 2,07±0,65 ; 6,30±1,39 ; 3,10±0,66. There is no difference between G1 to G2 to changes in blood glucose, only an increase in blood glucose after passive warming up (p<0,001). Increased in blood lactate after warming up in group G1 is greater than G2 (p<0,001). The conclusions of this study showed that there was an increase blood glucose after passive warming up (G2), decreased in blood glucose after sub-maximal physical activity in both groups and increased in blood lactate after sub-maximal physical activity in both groups

    Kopi Arabika-Gayo Menurunkan MDA dan Meningkatkan SOD setelah Latihan Fisik Akut Submaksimal pada Pria Sedenter: Gayo-Arabica Coffee Decreases MDA and Increases SOD after Single Bout Submaximal Physical Exercise in Sedentary Men

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    It is known that coffee has much phenolic components such as flavonoids and chlorogenic acids (CGAs) content for neutralizing oxidative stress. Gayo-arabica coffee is a typical arabica coffee which widely used by Gayo people in Aceh, Indonesia. The coffee plants also grow in Gayo. However, it has not clearly understood its effect for health. The study aimed is to analyze the Gayo-arabica coffee consumption on the levels of malondialdehyde (MDA) as an indicator of damage cells due to oxidative stress and superoxide dismutase (SOD) as a marker of antioxidant enzyme, after performing a single bout submaximal physical exercise. Male sedentary subjects (21-27 y.o), consisted of 36 men, divided into 3 groups: control (zero of coffee), Gayo1 (15 g coffee in 200 ml water), and Gayo2 (20 g coffee in 200 ml water). Coffee was given once, after rockport test as a single bout submaximal physical exercise. MDA serum and SOD serum were taken after 1 hour of coffee drinking. MDA serum decreased significantly in Gayo1 (8.01 uM) and Gayo2 (10.36 uM), compared to control (26.82 uM). SOD serum increased significantly in Gayo1 (114.81 ng/ ml) and Gayo2 (101.48 ng/ml), compared to control (24.024 ng/ml). Nevertheless, there was no significantly different between Gayo1 and Gayo2 on MDA and SOD serum (p≥0.05). We suggest that the Gayo-arabica coffee after single bout submaximal exercise can diminish stress oxidative in sedentary people.&nbsp

    Pump It Up and Zig Zag Run Training Improve Children Agility Age 7-8 Years Old

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    This study used experimental research, with a Randomized Pre and Post Test Group Design. This study consisted of 3 groups: the Pump It Up group, the Zig Zag Run game group, and the Shuttle Run game control group with a sample of each group of 10. The Agility Illionis Test was chosen as the agility test instrument. The exercise was done three days a week for four weeks. Anova test results showed that there was a significant effect of Pump It Up and Zig Zag Run exercises on agility with indigo p <0.05, and LSD test showed there were differences in Pump It Up with Ziz Zag Run, there were differences in Pump It Up and Zig Zag Run with indigo p <0.05. The conclusion of this research was that Pump It Up and Zig Zag Run exercises increase agility

    Submaximal-intensity exercise and salmon calcitonin improve bone density in growing rat

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    Bone is a complex tissue consisting of cells and matrix. Mass and thick bone mass has a dynamic addition and subtraction through the process of remodeling (bone matrix absorbed and formed again). Bone is formated by osteoblast cell and resorption by osteoclast cell. Osteoblasts produce a matrix of osteoid, which is composed mainly of Type I collagen, and osteoclat removes bone tissue by removing its mineralized matrix and breaking up the organic bone. Bone remodeling purpose to defend shape and structure of bone. The purpose of this study is to prove that submaximal-Intensity exercise and salmon calcitonin improve bone density in growing rat. This research method uses design of The Randomize Post Test Only Control Group Design. We compered femur bone density in 24 male norvegicus rats aged 6 weeks that were devided into 4 groups: controls, calsitonin, exercise, combine. Exercise group swam 3 times a week in submaxsimal intensity, calsitonin group injected synthetic salmon calcitonin 2 IU/100gram of rat weight everyday and combine group did both of it. After 8 weeks, rat femur bone density measured using ultrasound. The result: there are significant differences in bone density between group 1 (control) and group 4 (combine) with p = 0.001, thus the p value 0.05. The benefits of this research are calcitonin salmon and submaximal-Intensity exercise increase the density bone in the growth period. High bone density is mean the bone is strong and healt, not porous and fragile so decrease bone fracture risk. Increase the bone density in of growth period make the bone get the best mass, and avoid from early osteoporosis


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    Untuk meningkatkan produktivitas kerja, terutama kaum perempuan baik yang bekerja maupun sebagai ibu rumah tangga, diperlukan tubuh yang sehat serta kebugaran tubuh (fitness) yang memadai. Banyak keluhan mengenai kesehatan yang mencakup kelelahan maupun keluhan fisik lain yang diutarakan para ibu rumah tangga. Pada survei yang pernah dilakukan, menunjukkan adanya hubungan yang bermakna antara kebugaran dengan frekuensi penyakit yang diderita serta produktivitas kerja. Untuk mengatasi masalah tersebut dan untuk meningkatkan kebugaran tubuh dapat dilakukan antara lain dengan melakukan latihan fisik. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui manfaat dari salah satu bentuk latihan fisik yaitu senam erobik yang banyak diminati oleh para ibu sebagai upaya untuk meningkatkan kebugaran fisik sehingga produktivitas kerja pun meningkat. Rancangan penelitian yang digunakan adalah pretest and posttest design dengan besar sampel 30 orang yang dibagi dalam kelompok yang melakukan senam erobik intensitas ringan dan intensitas sedang. Sebelum dilakukan program latihan senam erobik 3x/ minggu selama 8 minggu dilakukan pengambilan data pretest. Setelah program latihan senam selesai dilakukan pegambilan data postest. Data pretest dan postest tersebut dianalisis menggunakan program SPSS 9. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa hasil uji multivariat indeks kebugaran tidak terdapat perubahan yang bermakna (p 0,120) pada kelompok intensitas ringan. Pada kelompok intensitas sedang menunjukkan bahwa basil uji multivariat terdapat peningkatan indeks kebugaran yang bermakna (p=0,002). Hasil uji beda antar kelompok menunjukkan ada perbedaan bermakna antar kelompok intensitas ringan dan sedang (p=0,001). Pada kelompok intensitas ringan, tidak terdapat perubahan indeks kebugaran mungkin disebabkan intensitas latihan yang digunakan tidak mendukung perubahan-perubahan faal sistem dalam tubuh atau lama latihan kurang lama jika menggunakan intensitas rendah. Namun perubahan yang ditunjukkan adalah ada peningkatan rerata pada beberapa variable yang dapat diartikan bahwa latihan senam ini dapat memberikan kontribusi untuk mempertahankan (maintenance) kebugaran tubuh. Pada kelompok intensitas sedang menunjukkan bahwa latihan senam erobik yang dilakukan dapat meningkatkan indeks kebugaran, ini berarti latihan ini bisa digunakan untuk meningkatkan fungsi sistem tubuh. Hal ini dapat diasumsikan bahwa dengan melakukan program latihan senam erobik dengan intensitas sedang selama 8 minggu yang merupakan suatu latihan fisik yang bersifat dominan sistem energi erobik, sehingga sistem tubuh antara lain sistem kardiovaskular menjadi lebih efisien. Walaupun Pengaruh latihan senam erobik intensitas sedang dan ringan terhadap indeks kebugaran telah diketahui, namun masih diperlukan banyak penelitian untuk memperluas penjelasan teoritik dan penerapannya

    Exercise and Salmon Calcitonin Increase Bone Density In Growing Rat

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    Background/Purpose: Bone is a complex tissue consists of cell and matrix. Matrix consists of fibers and ground substance that contain mineralized. bone minerallized always increase and decrease through the remodelling process. Remodelling bone consists of two processes, bone formatted by osteoblast and bone resorption by osteoclast. Growing period is the best period to increase bone density. The research purpose was to prove exercise and calcitonin effect in the bone density and bone mass increment. Methods: The research method used the randomize post test only control group design. The groups consist of control, exercise, and combine (exercise+calcitonin) group. The sampel of each group is seven young males norvegicus rat (six weeks old). Exercise group swam once a day and three times a week, calcitonin group was given synthetic salmon calcitonin injection 2 IU/100 gram of rat weight everyday and combine group was treated both of exercise and calcitonin injection. The treatment duration is eight weeks. Measurements of density bone was done with using ultrasound DBM SONIC 1200 9Digital Bone Measurement-emsor, SA, Madrid, Spain). This instrument was issued conducting sound waves to assessment of density bone with m/sec. The research also measurred mass, diameter and length of the bone. Mass bone was measured by using a analytical balance librar-shimadzu in grams. Results: the result was combine had higher bone density (p=0,001) and bone mass (p=0,004) compare to other groups. Conclusion: The conclusion was the combination of exercise and salmon can increase bone density and bone mass in growing rat

    improving physical fitness index in aerobic dance for 30-40 years old women

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    This study was to find the benefit of aerobic dance, to which many 30-40 years old women have interest for improving their physical fitness to increase working productivity. This study used pretest and posttest design involving 30 individuals as samples. The samples were divided into two groups, one conducting low impact aerobic dance and the other moderate impact aerobic dance. The aerobic dance program was carried out three times a week for 8 weeks. Pretest data were taken prior to the program, and posttest data were also obtained after the program ended. It was found that the result of multivariate test to fitness index revealed no significant difference (p=0.120) in low impact group and siginificant difference (p=0.002) in moderate impact group. The result of discriminant test showed significant difference (p=0.001). In low impact group, the absence of change in fitness index might be because the exercise intensity did not support physiological changes or because the length of exercise was less prolonged as it was a lower intensity. Moderate impact group showed that the aerobic dance could improve fitness index. This suggested that it can be used to improve the function of physical system. It can be assumed that moderate impact aerobic dance program for 8 weeks is a physical exercise with predominant aerobic energy system, so that physical systems become more efficient. Although the effect of moderate and low impact aerobic dance on fitness index have been disclosed, further studies are still required to extend its theoretical explanation and application

    Peranan Lektin Dalam Kontraksi Otot Polos Saluran Pencernaan Kelinci

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    Lektitn adalah suatu protein atau glikoprotem non imunogenik yang diperoleh dari tanaman, binatang dan mikroorganisme. Lektin dapat berikatan dengan reseptor glikolipid pada sel epitel saluran pencernaan (Leathem 1998). Sejauh ini efek dari terikatnya lektin pada reseptor dalam saluran pencernaan ternyata belum dtketahut dengan jelas. Lektin mempunyal kemampuan mengenalt reseptor secara spesifik dengan mengtkat struktur karbohldrat di membran sel, inti sel dan sitoplasma (Leathem, 1998). Lektin tanaman yang dtberikan sebagal makanan tambahan dapat mempengaruhi kolonisasi mikroorganisme patogen yang potensial pada saluran pencernaan (Pusztai, 2001). Hal ini menunjukan bahwa setelah lektin terikat maka dapat terjadi berbagai perubahan pada saluaran pencernaan. Apabila efek lektm pada saluran pencernaanini diketahui maka kemungkinan lektin dikembangkan sebagat suatu vaksin terbuka sangat lebar. Lektin dan suatu bakten yang tenkat pada sel epitel saluran pencernaan akan menimbulkan kolonisasi patogen dan selanjutnya terjadi diare (Alverdy, 2000). Babt yang dunokulast dengan bakten patogen dan lektm ternyata lektin tenkat pada brush bordervilli usus dan sel goblet tanpa terjadi diare (Shon, 2000). Berkattan dengan hal tersebut tampaknya penelittan tentang lektin banyak ditujukan untuk menghambat suatu penyakit tanpa mellhat efek fistologisnya pada kontrakst otot polos dan absorpsi nutrien saluran penceranaan. Adanya kemampuan lektin mengenall reseptor secara spesifik pada set epitei usus dan permukaan membran sel, maka ada kernungkinan terjacit penurunan kontraksi otot polos dan peningkatan absorpsi nutrien dalam saturan pencernaan. Oleh karena itu perlu ditakukan peneiltian tentang peranan lektin datam kontraksi otot polos saturan pencernaan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adatah untuk mengetahui peranan iektin dalam mempengaruhi kontaksi otot polos saiuran pencernaan dan absorbsi nutrten. Metode peneiltian yang digunakan adajah eksperimental laboratoris dengan periakuan yaitu kontroi (kelompok 1)3 pemberian iektin 0,25 mglekor (keiompok 2), pemberian lektin 0,5 mgiekor (ketompok 3) dan pemberian lektin I maiekor (kelompok 4). Rancangan pada peneiitian ini adalah rancangan acak iengkap. Data yang diperoleh dari pemeriksaan kontraksi otot polos saluran pencernaan meliputi frekuensi, ampiltudo dan tonus serta absorpsi nutrien berupa kadar glukosa darah, kadar total protein darah dan kadar totai temak darah dianalisis dengan analysis of variance (Anova), yang kemudian dilanjutkan dengan uji least significant difference (LSD). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pemberian lektin 0.25 mgiekor, 0,5 mgiekor dan 1 mglekor dapat memberikan pengaruh yang nyata (p 0105). Pemberian iektin 1 mgiekor temyata jauga dapat meningkatkan absorpsi nutrien terutama giukosa bila dibandingkan dengan kontroi (p < 0,05). Dari hasil tersebut dapat disimpulkan bahwa pemberian lektin dapat meningkatkan amplitudo dan tonus kontraksi otot polos saiuran pencernaan tetapi tidak dengan frekuensinya dan ciiikuti dengan peningkatan absorpsi nutrien terutama absorpsi giukosa untuk pemberian iektin mgiekor.. Disarankan penggunaan lektin untuk penigkatan kekuatan kontrakst otot polos saluran pencernaan dan peningkatan absorpsi giukosa pada dosis 1 mgfekor

    Kopi Arabika-Gayo Menurunkan MDA dan Meningkatkan SOD setelah Latihan Fisik Akut Submaksimal pada Pria Sedenter

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    It is known that coffee has much phenolic components such as flavonoids and chlorogenic acids (CGAs) content for neutralizing oxidative stress. Gayo-arabica coffee is a typical arabica coffee which widely used by Gayo people in Aceh, Indonesia. The coffee plants also grow in Gayo. However, it has not clearly understood its effect for health. The study aimed is to analyze the Gayo-arabica coffee consumption on the levels of malondialdehyde (MDA) as an indicator of damage cells due to oxidative stress and superoxide dismutase (SOD) as a marker of antioxidant enzyme, after performing a single bout submaximal physical exercise. Male sedentary subjects (21-27 y.o), consisted of 36 men, divided into 3 groups: control (zero of coffee), Gayo1 (15 g coffee in 200 ml water), and Gayo2 (20 g coffee in 200 ml water). Coffee was given once, after rockport test as a single bout submaximal physical exercise. MDA serum and SOD serum were taken after 1 hour of coffee drinking. MDA serum decreased significantly in Gayo1 (8.01 uM) and Gayo2 (10.36 uM), compared to control (26.82 uM). SOD serum increased significantly in Gayo1 (114.81 ng/ ml) and Gayo2 (101.48 ng/ml), compared to control (24.024 ng/ml). Nevertheless, there was no significantly different between Gayo1 and Gayo2 on MDA and SOD serum (p≥0.05). We suggest that the Gayo-arabica coffee after single bout submaximal exercise can diminish stress oxidative in sedentary people