Exercise and Salmon Calcitonin Increase Bone Density In Growing Rat


Background/Purpose: Bone is a complex tissue consists of cell and matrix. Matrix consists of fibers and ground substance that contain mineralized. bone minerallized always increase and decrease through the remodelling process. Remodelling bone consists of two processes, bone formatted by osteoblast and bone resorption by osteoclast. Growing period is the best period to increase bone density. The research purpose was to prove exercise and calcitonin effect in the bone density and bone mass increment. Methods: The research method used the randomize post test only control group design. The groups consist of control, exercise, and combine (exercise+calcitonin) group. The sampel of each group is seven young males norvegicus rat (six weeks old). Exercise group swam once a day and three times a week, calcitonin group was given synthetic salmon calcitonin injection 2 IU/100 gram of rat weight everyday and combine group was treated both of exercise and calcitonin injection. The treatment duration is eight weeks. Measurements of density bone was done with using ultrasound DBM SONIC 1200 9Digital Bone Measurement-emsor, SA, Madrid, Spain). This instrument was issued conducting sound waves to assessment of density bone with m/sec. The research also measurred mass, diameter and length of the bone. Mass bone was measured by using a analytical balance librar-shimadzu in grams. Results: the result was combine had higher bone density (p=0,001) and bone mass (p=0,004) compare to other groups. Conclusion: The conclusion was the combination of exercise and salmon can increase bone density and bone mass in growing rat

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