21 research outputs found

    The Analysis of Purchasing Behaviour on The Comparison Shopping Websites

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    Import 02/11/2016Cílem bakalářské práce bylo analyzovat nákupní chování na zbožových vyhledávačích. Pomocí marketingového výzkumu byla získána primární data. Pro získání primárních dat bylo zvoleno online dotazování. Získaná data byla následně vyhodnocena. Výstupem výzkum je analýza nákupního chování. Výstup výzkumu tvoří jednotnou analýzu nákupního chování na zbožových vyhledávačích. Na základě provedené analýzy byly vyhotoveny návrhy a doporučení, které mohou být aplikovány e-shopy i zbožovými vyhledávači.The purpose of a bachelor thesis is to analyse the purchasing behaviour on the comparison shopping websites. Basic data were found by doing a marketing research. In order to get that basic data an online questionnaire was used. That data were evaluated afterwards. The outcome of this research is an analysis of purchasing behaviour. The result of the research forms integrated analysis of purchasing behaviour on the comparison shopping websites. Based on the undertaken analysis were drafted proposals and recommendations which might be applied by the comparison shopping websites as well as by e-shops.116 - Katedra marketingu a obchoduvelmi dobř

    On the Time Course of Synchronization Patterns of Neuronal Discharges in the Human Brain during Cognitive Tasks

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    Using intracerebral EEG recordings in a large cohort of human subjects, we investigate the time course of neural cross-talk during a simple cognitive task. Our results show that human brain dynamics undergo a characteristic sequence of synchronization patterns across different frequency bands following a visual oddball stimulus. In particular, an initial global reorganization in the delta and theta bands (2–8 Hz) is followed by gamma (20–95 Hz) and then beta band (12–20 Hz) synchrony

    The Grant Policy of the Czech Republic in the area of the photovoltaic utilization of the solar energy

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    Bakalářská práce se zabývá oblastí fotovoltaického využití solární energie a dotační politikou s ní související. Cílem je podat ucelený pohled na fotovoltaiku, a to jak v teoretické rovině, tak i v rovině praktické.This Bachelor Degree paper concerns the area of photovoltaic utilization of the solar energy as well as the related grant policy. My task is to bring a comprehensive survey over the photovoltaic issues by both theoretical and practical approach.Ústav veřejné správy a právaDokončená práce s úspěšnou obhajobo

    Partial discharges pulse shape analysis at AC and DC

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    Partial discharge (PD) signal analysis is a well-known tool for monitoring the conditions of insulation systems of electrical machines and equipment. Classical analyzes of PD are mostly based on the eval- uation of the phase angle of the test voltage at which partial discharges occur. At the present, the partial discharge detection is mostly based on the measurement of charging currents that are needed to resume the volt- age on the sample that was there before the partial discharge occurred. Other electrical methods are, for example, the scanning of an electromagnetic field emitted during a partial discharge. Another developed methodology in the field of measuring and analyzing partial discharges is the monitoring of pulse parameters of the detected discharge. Experiments suggest that measuring the rise and fall time of the pulse edges and amplitude measurements can evaluate the partial discharge signal. Especially this method could be very helpful at the moment when partial discharges at DC are studied and evaluated. The disadvantage of partial discharges at DC is the fact there is no phase and phase angle position for PD patterns recognition. Thus, another evaluation method development is necessary for PD recognition DC. There is presented in the study an experiment where the PD pulse shapes, in the manner of rise time and fall time, were investigated at laboratory PD models at both voltage types AC and DC. The PD models simulated corona discharges. Each individual pulse of a partial discharge can be detected by a suitable scanning impedance and viewed with fast digital oscilloscopes. As has been said, there is a presumption that different discharge arrangements or even variously degraded insulating materials have different waveforms of the sensed pulses. The main monitored parameters of individual pulses are their rise time and amplitude. Since the occurrence of partial discharge is essentially a random phenomenon, statistical analysis of a significant amount of data is required. A view of the behaviour of the partial discharge pulse in various cases of the discharge activity brings different results in the observation of the pulse rise time and its amplitude in the various observed setups. Monitoring the rise time and pulse amplitude is one way of evaluating partial discharges, regardless of their superimposed position on the sine wave of the supply voltage. Thus this PD monitoring could be a part of PD evaluation at DC. These pulse parameters together with other PD analysis at DC (as pulse sequence analysis) could be used to estimate the partial discharge type as well as to evaluate the deterioration of the insulation of electrical machines

    A Comparison of Result Reliability for Investigation of Milk Composition by Alternative Analytical Methods in Czech Republic

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    The milk analyse result reliability is important for assurance of foodstuff chain quality. There are more direct and indirect methods for milk composition measurement (fat (F), protein (P), lactose (L) and solids non fat (SNF) content). The goal was to evaluate some reference and routine milk analytical procedures on result basis. The direct reference analyses were: F, fat content (Röse–Gottlieb method); P, crude protein content (Kjeldahl method); L, lactose (monohydrate, polarimetric method); SNF, solids non fat (gravimetric method). F, P, L and SNF were determined also by various indirect methods: – MIR (infrared (IR) technology with optical filters), 7 instruments in 4 labs; – MIR–FT (IR spectroscopy with Fourier’s transformations), 10 in 6; – ultrasonic method (UM), 3 in 1; – analysis by the blue and red box (BRB), 1 v 1. There were used 10 reference milk samples. Coefficient of determination (R2), correlation coefficient (r) and standard deviation of the mean of individual differences (MDsd, for n) were evaluated. All correlations (r; for all indirect and alternative methods and all milk components) were significant (P ≤ 0.001). MIR and MIR–FT (conventional) methods explained considerably higher proportion of the variability in reference results than the UM and BRB methods (alternative). All r average values (x minus 1.64 × sd for 95% confidence interval) can be used as standards for calibration quality evaluation (MIR, MIR–FT, UM and BRB): – for F 0.997, 0.997, 0.99 and 0.995; – for P 0.986, 0.981, 0.828 and 0.864; – for L 0.968, 0.871, 0.705 and 0.761; – for SNF 0.992, 0.993, 0.911 and 0.872. Similarly ​MDsd (x plus 1.64 × sd): – for F 0.071, 0.068, 0.132 and 0.101%; – for P 0.051, 0.054, 0.202 and 0.14%; – for L 0.037, 0.074, 0.113 and 0.11%; – for SNF 0.052, 0.068, 0.141 and 0.204

    The interaction between the milk production, milk components with a low frequency of analysis and factors affecting the milk composition in dual-purpose Simmental cows

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    The aim of this study was to improve the understanding of the contribution of components typically found in milk, but which are not often included in analyses, to the nutritional status of dairy cows. This was undertaken by analysing the amount and composition of milk produced by Simmental dairy cows, a dual-purpose breed farmed in the Czech Republic. Apart from the more frequently analysed group of components in milk, a less frequently analysed group of components were also investigated. This group, typically, consists of the following components: urea, casein, citric acid, beta hydroxy butyrate (BHB) ketones and free fatty acids. The average content of urea, casein and citric acid in milk is 25.75 mg/100 ml, 2.96%, 0.15%, respectively. The influence of environmental factors on these indicators was evaluated, as well as the degree of hereditary establishment. These less frequently analysed components (indicators), as well as the more frequently analysed components of milk, are subject to several external influences, especially the influence of the breeder, the year and the season of calving. The content of these components varied significantly statistically during the lactation period and also in the order of lactation. The influence of a cow's individuality and the degree of additive genetic background are evident, with estimated heritability coefficients ranging from 0.04 for the BHB ketone content to higher values, e.g., 0.28 for citric acid or 0.31 for the lactose content in milk. The relationships between the components of milk and the daily milk yield were also evaluated, and statistically significant negative correlations were found between the content of casein and the daily milk yield (-0.47) and between the lactose content and the number of somatic cells (-0.37)

    The Role of Anterior Nuclei of the Thalamus: A Subcortical Gate in Memory Processing: An Intracerebral Recording Study.

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    To study the involvement of the anterior nuclei of the thalamus (ANT) as compared to the involvement of the hippocampus in the processes of encoding and recognition during visual and verbal memory tasks.We studied intracerebral recordings in patients with pharmacoresistent epilepsy who underwent deep brain stimulation (DBS) of the ANT with depth electrodes implanted bilaterally in the ANT and compared the results with epilepsy surgery candidates with depth electrodes implanted bilaterally in the hippocampus. We recorded the event-related potentials (ERPs) elicited by the visual and verbal memory encoding and recognition tasks.P300-like potentials were recorded in the hippocampus by visual and verbal memory encoding and recognition tasks and in the ANT by the visual encoding and visual and verbal recognition tasks. No significant ERPs were recorded during the verbal encoding task in the ANT. In the visual and verbal recognition tasks, the P300-like potentials in the ANT preceded the P300-like potentials in the hippocampus.The ANT is a structure in the memory pathway that processes memory information before the hippocampus. We suggest that the ANT has a specific role in memory processes, especially memory recognition, and that memory disturbance should be considered in patients with ANT-DBS and in patients with ANT lesions. ANT is well positioned to serve as a subcortical gate for memory processing in cortical structures

    Seasonal Correlations Between Heat Stability and Other Raw Bulk Cow Milk Quality Indicators

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    Heat milk stability (thermostability, TES) is important technological feature which can contribute to create higher added value in the dairy industry. The aim of this paper was to evaluate the seasonal dynamics and relationships of TES to other milk qality indicators in the results of an exceptionally large data set of bulk samples without technological compositional modification and acidity adjustment, just with native raw cow milk. There were carried out 2,634 of TES measurements including other milk indicators during 3 years under controlled farm conditions. Results were processed by polyfactorial linear model of variance analysis and linear and nonlinear regression method. Correlation indexes of seasonal dependence of milk indicators such as fat content (F), crude protein content (CP), lactose monohydrate concentration (L), solids non‑fat content (SNF), total solids (TS), urea concentration (U), F/CP ratio, F/L ratio, milk freezing point (MFP), somatic cell count (SCC), total count of mesophilic microorganisms (TCM) and coli‑form bacteria count (COLI) were significant (P < 0.05 and < 0.01) including TES (r = 0.869; P < 0.01), with the exception of F/CP (P > 0.05). The seasonal dynamics of milk TES values corresponds positively with the trends of U and L. The negative seasonal trends are between milk TES and F, CP, SNF, TS, F/CP, F/L and MFP. Significant (P ≤ 0.1) negative seasonal correlations were between TES and F, CP, TS and F/L (–0.56, –0.55, –0.54 and –0.57). Significant (P ≤ 0.05) positive seasonal correlations were between TES and U and TCM (0.62 and 0.58). Insignificant (P > 0.1) negative seasonal correlations were found between TES and SNF, F/CP and MFP (–0.49, –0.29 and –0.16). Insignificant (P > 0.1) positive seasonal correlations were between TES and L, SCC and COLI (0.44, 0.42 and 0.43). Performed explanation of possible effects of chosen factors on raw cow milk TES can allow efficient selection of raw material for its processing by technological treatment under high temperature into relevant dairy products

    Visual recognition task in the ANT: N 115- P 150- N 200- P 250 and N700 complex (the mean from all thalamic contacts from all patients in bipolar montage during the recognition task).

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    <p>Arrows mark fast and slow ERP components N115, P150, N200, P250, and N700. The black curve indicates a new stimulus (new picture); red indicates a repeated stimulus during the recognition phase (old picture). On axis <i>x</i> is time (in s). The statistical significance to baseline is highlighted by black and red horizontal lines.</p