11 research outputs found

    Measuring the viscosity of lava in the field:A review

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    Many scientists who have worked on active lava flows or attempted to model lava flows have recognized the importance of rheology in understanding flow dynamics. Numerous attempts have been made to estimate viscosity using flow velocities in active lava channels. However, this only gives a bulk or mean value, applies to channelized flow, and the need to estimate flow depth leads to a large degree of uncertainty. It is for this reason that some scientists have resorted to more direct methods for measuring the lava viscosity in the field. Initial attempts used crude instruments (such as forcing a rod into a flow using the operators body-weight), and even the latest instruments (motor-driven rotational viscometer) are significantly less refined than those one would encounter in a well-equipped laboratory. However, if suitable precautions are taken during instrument design, deployment in the field and post-processing of data, the results form an extremely valuable set of measurements that can be used to model and understand the complex rheological behavior of active lava flows. As far as we are aware, eleven field measurements of lava rheology have been published; the first took place in 1948, and the latest (at the time of writing) in 2016. Two types of instrument have been used: penetrometers and rotational viscometers. Penetrometers are suitable for relatively high viscosity (10 4–10 6 Pa s) lava flows, but care has to be taken to ensure that the sensor is at lava temperature and measurements are not affected by the resistance of outer cooled crust. Rotational viscometers are the most promising instruments at lower viscosities (1–10 4 Pa s) because they can operate over a wider range of strain rates permitting detailed flow curves to be calculated. Field conditions are challenging and measurements are not always possible as direct approach to and contact with active lava is necessary. However it is currently the only way to capture the rheology of lava in its natural state. Such data are fundamental if we are to adequately model and understand the complex behavior of active lava flows

    Lava flow rheology: A comparison of morphological and petrological methods

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    In planetary sciences, the emplacement of lava flows is commonly modelled using a single rheological parameter (apparent viscosity or apparent yield strength) calculated from morphological dimensions using Jeffreys’ and Hulme’s equations. The rheological parameter is then typically further interpreted in terms of the nature and chemical composition of the lava (e.g., mafic or felsic). Without the possibility of direct sampling of the erupted material, the validity of this approach has remained largely untested. In modern volcanology, the complex rheological behaviour of lavas is measured and modelled as a function of chemical composition of the liquid phase, fractions of crystals and bubbles, temperature and strain rate. Here, we test the planetary approach using a terrestrial basaltic lava flow from the Western Volcanic Zone in Iceland. The geometric parameters required to employ Jeffreys’ and Hulme’s equations are accurately estimated from high-resolution HRSC-AX Digital Elevation Models. Samples collected along the lava flow are used to constrain a detailed model of the transient rheology as a function of cooling, crystallisation, and compositional evolution of the residual melt during emplacement. We observe that the viscosity derived from the morphology corresponds to the value estimated when significant crystallisation inhibits viscous deformation, causing the flow to halt. As a consequence, the inferred viscosity is highly dependent on the details of the crystallisation sequence and crystal shapes, and as such, is neither uniquely nor simply related to the bulk chemical composition of the erupted material. This conclusion, drawn for a mafic lava flow where crystallisation is the primary process responsible for the increase of the viscosity during emplacement, should apply to most of martian, lunar, or mercurian volcanic landforms, which are dominated by basaltic compositions. However, it may not apply to felsic lavas where vitrification resulting from degassing and cooling may ultimately cause lava flows to halt

    Physical properties of CaAl2Si2O8-CaMgSi2O6-FeO-Fe2O3 melts: Analogues for extra-terrestrial basalt

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    The effects of increasing quantities of iron on the viscosity, heat capacity and density of a haplobasaltic base composition (anorthite-diopside 1atm eutectic) were determined. Super-liquidus viscosity and density were measured in air using the concentric cylinder method and double-bob Archimedean method, respectively. Low-temperature viscosities were measured using the micropenetration method for the melts that could be quenched to glasses. The effect of iron oxidation state on viscosity was investigated above the liquidus under reduced fO2 and at the glass transition temperature from quenched samples of varying redox state. Iron significantly decreases the melt viscosity, especially near the glass transition and lowers the activation energy at low temperature. Density increases with addition of iron and the experimental measurements are in good agreement with predictions of existing models. The reduction of Fe3+ to Fe2+ produces a slight viscosity decrease at high temperature but affects properties near the glass transition more strongly. Thus, for iron-rich compositions, the redox state must be taken into account to obtain accurate estimates of the physical and thermodynamic properties, especially at low temperatures. As a result, the iron-bearing anorthite-diopside system approaches the viscous behaviour of terrestrial and extra-terrestrial basaltic compositions and then appears to be good analogue for basaltic systems. At magmatic temperatures, the viscosity difference between common terrestrial basalt and lunar or Martian basalt is estimated to be 0.5 to 1 order of magnitude. Although these results are consistent with inferences drawn from planetary observations on the fluidity of lunar and Martian lava flows, the crystallisation sequence of such systems will need to be investigated to improve interpretation of lava flow morphologies. © 2012.Peer Reviewe

    The 1974 West Flank Eruption of Mount Etna: A Data-Driven Model for a Low Elevation Effusive Event.

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    Low elevation flank eruptions represent highly hazardous events due to their location near, or in, communities. Their potentially high effusion rates can feed fast moving lava flows that enter populated areas with little time for warning or evacuation, as was the case at Nyiragongo in 1977. The January–March 1974 eruption on the western flank of Mount Etna, Italy, was a low elevation effusive event, but with low effusion rates. It consisted of two eruptive phases, separated by 23 days of quiescence, and produced two lava flow fields. We describe the different properties of the two lava flow fields through structural and morphological analyses using UAV-based photogrammetry, plus textural and rheological analyses of samples. Phase I produced lower density (∼2,210 kg m−3) and crystallinity (∼37%) lavas at higher eruption temperatures (∼1,080°C), forming thinner (2–3 m) flow units with less-well-developed channels than Phase II. Although Phase II involved an identical source magma, it had higher densities (∼2,425 kg m−3) and crystallinities (∼40%), and lower eruption temperatures (∼1,030°C), forming thicker (5 m) flow units with well-formed channels. These contrasting properties were associated with distinct rheologies, Phase I lavas having lower viscosities (∼103 Pa s) than Phase II (∼105 Pa s). Effusion rates were higher during Phase I (≥5 m3/s), but the episodic, short-lived nature of each lava flow emplacement event meant that flows were volume-limited and short (≤1.5 km). Phase II effusion rates were lower (≤4 m3/s), but sustained effusion led to flow units that could still extend 1.3 km, although volume limits resulted from levee failure and flow avulsion to form new channels high in the lava flow system. We present a petrologically-based model whereby a similar magma fed both phases, but slower ascent during Phase II may have led to greater degrees of degassing resulting in higher cooling-induced densities and crystallinities, as well as lower temperatures. We thus define a low effusion rate end-member scenario for low elevation effusive events, revealing that such events are not necessarily of high effusion rate and velocity, as in the catastrophic event scenarios of Etna 1669 or Kilauea 2018