135 research outputs found

    Semaphorins deployed to repel cell migrants at spinal cord borders

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    In the spinal cord, developing motor neurons extend their axons into the periphery while their cell bodies remain within the motor columns in the spinal cord. Two recent papers show that this partitioning involves forward and reverse semaphorin-plexin signaling between motor neurons and neural crest boundary cap cells

    The growth cone: an integrator of unique cues into refined axon guidance

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    One of the challenges to understanding nervous system development is to establish how a fairly limited number of axon guidance cues can set up the patterning of very complex nervous systems. Most of the recent insights relevant to guidance mechanisms have come from cell biologists focusing on processes and molecular machinery controlling the guidance responses in the growth cone

    Rapid characterization of aquatic hyphomycetes by matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry

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    Protein fingerprinting using matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spec-trometry (MALDI-TOF MS) is a rapid, reliable, and economical method to characterize isolates of terrestrial fungi and other microorganisms. The objective of our study was to evaluate the suitability of MALDI-TOF MS for the identification of aquatic hyphomycetes, a polyphyletic group of fungi that play crucial roles in stream ecosystems. To this end, we used 34 isolates of 21 aquatic hyphomycete species whose identity was confirmed by spore morphology and internal transcribed spacer (ITS1-5.8S-ITS2 = ITS) nuc rDNA sequencing. We tested the efficiency of three protein extraction methods, including chemical and mechanical treatments using 13 different protocols, with the objective of producing high-quality MALDI-TOF mass spectra. In addition to extraction protocols, mycelium age was identified as a key parameter affecting protein extraction efficiency. The dendrogram based on mass-spectrum similarity indicated good and relevant taxonomic discrimination; the tree structure was comparable to that of the phylogram based on ITS sequences. Consequently, MALDI-TOF MS could reliably identify the isolates studied and provided greater taxonomic accuracy than classical morphological methods. MALDI-TOF MS seems suited for rapid characterization and identification of aquatic hyphomycete species

    Both Monoclonal and Polyclonal Immunoglobulin Contingents Mediate Complement Activation in Monoclonal Gammopathy Associated-C3 Glomerulopathy

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    C3 glomerulopathy (C3G) results from acquired or genetic abnormalities in the complement alternative pathway (AP). C3G with monoclonal immunoglobulin (MIg-C3G) was recently included in the spectrum of “monoclonal gammopathy of renal significance.” However, mechanisms of complement dysregulation in MIg-C3G are not described and the pathogenic effect of the monoclonal immunoglobulin is not understood. The purpose of this study was to investigate the mechanisms of complement dysregulation in a cohort of 41 patients with MIg-C3G. Low C3 level and elevated sC5b-9, both biomarkers of C3 and C5 convertase activation, were present in 44 and 78% of patients, respectively. Rare pathogenic variants were identified in 2/28 (7%) tested patients suggesting that the disease is acquired in a large majority of patients. Anti-complement auto-antibodies were found in 20/41 (49%) patients, including anti-FH (17%), anti-CR1 (27%), anti-FI (5%) auto-antibodies, and C3 Nephritic Factor (7%) and were polyclonal in 77% of patients. Using cofactor assay, the regulation of the AP was altered in presence of purified IgG from 3/9 and 4/7 patients with anti-FH or anti-CR1 antibodies respectively. By using fluid and solid phase AP activation, we showed that total purified IgG of 22/34 (65%) MIg-C3G patients were able to enhance C3 convertase activity. In five documented cases, we showed that the C3 convertase enhancement was mostly due to the monoclonal immunoglobulin, thus paving the way for a new mechanism of complement dysregulation in C3G. All together the results highlight the contribution of both polyclonal and monoclonal Ig in MIg-C3G. They provide direct insights to treatment approaches and opened up a potential way to a personalized therapeutic strategy based on chemotherapy adapted to the B cell clone or immunosuppressive therapy

    Tissue-engineered dermo-epidermal skin analogs exhibit de novo formation of a near natural neurovascular link 10 weeks after transplantation

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    PURPOSE: Human autologous tissue-engineered skin grafts are a promising way to cover skin defects. Clearly, it is mandatory to study essential biological dynamics after transplantation, including reinnervation. Previously, we have already shown that human tissue-engineered skin analogs are reinnervated by host nerve fibers as early as 8 weeks after transplantation. In this study, we tested the hypothesis that there is a de novo formation of a "classical" neurovascular link in tissue-engineered and then transplanted skin substitutes. METHODS: Keratinocytes, melanocytes, and fibroblasts were isolated from human skin biopsies. After expansion in culture, keratinocytes and melanocytes were seeded on dermal fibroblast-containing collagen type I hydrogels. These human tissue-engineered dermo-epidermal skin analogs were transplanted onto full-thickness skin wounds on the back of immuno-incompetent rats. Grafts were analyzed after 3 and 10 weeks. Histological sections were examined with regard to the ingrowth pattern of myelinated and unmyelinated nerve fibers into the skin analogs using markers such as PGP9.5, NF-200, and NF-160. Blood vessels were identified with CD31, lymphatic vessels with Lyve1. In particular, we focused on alignment patterns between nerve fibers and either blood and/or lymphatic vessels with regard to neurovascular link formation. RESULTS: 3 weeks after transplantation, blood vessels, but no nerve fibers or lymphatic vessels could be observed. 10 weeks after transplantation, we could detect an ingrowth of myelinated and unmyelinated nerve fibers into the skin analogs. Nerve fibers were found in close proximity to CD31-positive blood vessels, but not alongside Lyve1-positive lymphatic vessels. CONCLUSION: These data suggest that host-derived innervation of tissue-engineered dermo-epidermal skin analogs is initiated by and guided alongside blood vessels present early post-transplantation. This observation is consistent with the concept of a cross talk between neurovascular structures, known as the neurovascular link

    Role of genetic and acquired factors in the pathophysiology of C3 glomerulopathy

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    De façon physiologique, la voie alterne (VA) du complément est activée en permanence. Elle doit donc être finement régulée à tous les niveaux de la cascade afin de ne pas être délétère pour l'hôte. Chez l'homme, deux pathologies rénales sont associées à une activation non contrôlée de la VA du complément: le syndrome hémolytique et urémique atypique et la glomérulopathie à dépôts de C3 (GP-C3). Pathologie du sujet jeune essentiellement, la GP-C3 regroupe deux entités, la maladie des dépôts denses (GN-DD) et la glomérulonéphrite à dépôts de C3 (GN-C3), d'expressions clinique et histologique hétérogènes et toutes les deux de pronostic rénal réservé en l’absence de traitement efficace disponible (médiane de survie rénale de l’ordre de 8 à 10 ans). Les anomalies de la VA du complément mises en évidence dans la GP-C3 sont essentiellement acquises en rapport avec la présence d'auto anticorps (Ac) dirigés contre la C3 convertase alterne, le C3NeF, ou contre le FH, une protéine régulatrice essentielle de la VA. Dans 15 à 20% des cas seulement, les anomalies sont génétiques en rapport avec des mutations du FH, du FI. Les approches in silico de modélisation moléculaire des protéines mutées apportent des éléments de réponse quant à la responsabilité potentielle d'une mutation dans l’activation non contrôlée de la VA, néanmoins, l'étude des conséquences fonctionnelles est indispensable pour relier l'anomalie à la survenue de la pathologie rénale mais aussi pour comprendre les mécanismes précis impliqués dans le déterminisme des lésions rénales, de GN-DD ou de GN-C3. J'ai dans un premier temps étudié les conséquences fonctionnelles de la première mutation de C3 identifiée dans une forme familiale de GN-C3. In silico, cette mutation I734T est située au niveau d'un site impliqué dans la liaison de C3 avec deux protéines régulatrices, le FH et CR1 et à proximité du site d’interaction avec le FB. In vitro, j'ai pu confirmer que la mutation était responsable d'une activation de la VA au niveau tissulaire en rapport avec un défaut induit de régulation par le FH mais surtout CR1, une protéine régulatrice membranaire, identifié pour la première fois comme acteur dans la physiopathologie de la GP-C3. Par ailleurs, en raison de l'expression exclusivement podocytaire de CR1 au niveau glomérulaire, nous avons émis l'hypothèse que les régulateurs pouvaient jouer un rôle déterminant dans la localisation préférentielle des dépôts de C3 au niveau glomérulaire dans cette pathologie. Dans une deuxième partie, à la fois clinique et expérimentale, j'ai travaillé sur les formes acquises de GP-C3 en étudiant un sous-groupe particulier de patients de la cohorte française de GP-C3, âgés de plus de 50 ans et présentant une gammapathie monoclonale. La partie clinique de ce travail a permis de démontrer que la fréquence des gammapathies monoclonales est très nettement augmentée dans la GP-C3 chez les patients âgés de plus de 50 ans comparée à la population générale, que le pronostic rénal est particulièrement sombre avec une médiane de survie rénale de l’ordre de 2 ans et demi mais que le traitement efficace du clone B sous-jacent permet d'améliorer significativement la survie rénale. Les données de l’étude clinique suggèrent indirectement qu’il existe un lien entre l'immunoglobuline (Ig) monoclonale et l'activation de la VA responsable de l'apparition des lésions rénales. Dans la partie expérimentale, j'ai étudié les mécanismes d'activation de la VA dans ce contexte de gammapathie afin de confronter les données de l’étude clinique. L'étude des biomarqueurs d'activation de la C3/C5 convertase et le démembrement des mécanismes d'activation ont permis de conclure que la GP-C3 associée aux gammapathies monoclonales est caractérisée par une activation tissulaire de la VA impliquant la C3 convertase mais aussi et surtout la C5 convertase. (...)Complement alternative pathway is physiologically activated. It need to be tightly regulated to avaoid uncontrolled deleterious overactivation on host cell surface. In human, two renal diseaes are associated with uncontrolled AP activation, hemolytic uremic syndrom atypical (aHUS) and C3 glomerulopathy (C3G). C3G occures mainly in children and young adults and regoups two distinct histopathological entities, dense deposit disease (DDD) and C3 glomerulonephritis (C3GN). Renal outcomes in C3G is poor since up to 50% of patients reach end stage renal disease 8 to 10 years after diagnosis. Complement abnormalities in C3G are mainly acquired induced by the presence of C3 Nephritic Factor (C3NeF): an autoantibdy targeting the AP C3 convertase. Less frequently C3G patients have anti-FH autoantibodies (Ref) or genetic abnormalities (variants in the FH, FI or CFHR5 genes. In silico analysis of mutated proteins give information about the role of mutation on AP overactivation. However, characterization of functional consequences of these mutations is required to proved the direct link between the abnormality and the occurrence of C3G. I first studied the functional consequences of the first C3 mutation, C3I734T, identified in a familial C3GN. In silico analysis revealed that the mutated residue, T734, is located on the C3 and C3b protein surface and that the substitution I734T may not be associated with major structural changes. The mutated amino acid is located on interaction site between C3b and complement regulatory proteins, FH and CR1. In vitro, the major defect of C3I734T was a decrease in binding to CR1, resulting in lower CR1 dependent cleavage of C3b by FI. These results provide evidence for a CR1 functional deficiency being responsible for deficient complement regulation. Binding of C3I734T to Factor H (FH) was normal, but C3I734T was less efficiently cleaved by Factor I, leading to enhanced C3 fragments binding on glomerular cells. In the second part of my work, I studied acquired C3G in patients with concomitant monoclonal gammopathy. In the clinical part of this study, we demonstrated The high prevalence of monoclonal gammopathy in C3G patients aged over 50, reaching 65% in the French C3G national cohort, strongly suggests a pathogenic link between the two conditions. Next, we demonstrated that renal outcomes is significantly worser in patients with monoclonal gammopathy compared to patients without monoclonal gammopathy but that efficient chemotherapy resulted in higher renal response rate and longer renal survival than conservative or immunosuppressive therapy. Results of the clinical part of the study strongly suggest a link betwwen the monoclonal gammopathy and the occurrence of C3G. In the experimental part of this work, I studied the mechanisms of complement AP activation in these population. Biomarkers of C3 and C5 convertase activation were present 40% and 81% of patients respectively. Anti-complement protein antibodies were found in 23/41 (56%) patients, including in most of patients, anti-FH and anti-CR1 antibodies. I found new antigenic target, C5 and properdin in few cases. The anti-FH and anti-CR1 antibodies were associated with clear functional consequences. Nevertheless, the anti-complement proteins reactivity was not carried out by the MIg in 75% of the cases. I discovered that the MIg induced a direct AP C3 convertase overactivation in 23/34 (67%) patients responsaible for a C5 convertase overactivation in presence of patients’ Ig, in a properdin dependant manner. Our results suggest that MIg and polyclonal autoantibodies could act in synergy: AP overactivation induced by the MIg could be amplified by the inefficient complement regulation, caused by the polyclonal anti-complement autoantibodies. All my results allow to better understand the pathophysiological mechanisms involved in C3G and open up reflection on therapeutic approaches for C3G associated with monoclonal gammopathy

    Spatial gene's (Tbata) implication in neurite outgrowth and dendrite patterning in hippocampal neurons

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    The unique architecture of neurons requires the establishment and maintenance of polarity, which relies in part on microtubule-based kinesin motor transport to deliver essential cargo into axons and dendrites. In developing neurons, kinesin trafficking is essential for delivering organelles and molecules that are crucial for elongation and guidance of the growing axonal and dendritic termini. In mature neurons, kinesin cargo delivery is essential for neuron dynamic physiological functions which are critical in brain development. In this work, we followed Spatial (Tbata) gene expression during primary hippocampal neuron development and showed that it is highly expressed during dendrite formation. Spatial protein exhibits a somatodendritic distribution and we show that the kinesin motor Kif17, among other dendrite specific kinesins, is crucial for Spatial localization to dendrites of hippocampal neurons. Furthermore, Spatial down regulation in primary hippocampal cells revealed a role for Spatial in maintaining neurons' polarity by ensuring proper neurite outgrowth. This polarity is specified by intrinsic and extracellular signals that allow neurons to determine axon and dendrite fate during development. Neurotrophic factors, such as the Nerve Growth Factor (NGF), are candidate extracellular polarity-regulating cues which are proposed to accelerate neuronal polarization by enhancing dendrite growth. Here, we show that NGF treatment increases Spatial expression in hippocampal neurons. Altogether, these data suggest that Spatial, in response to NGF and through its transport by Kif17, is crucial for neuronal polarization and can be a key regulator of neurite outgrowth. © 2013.This work was supported by the Inserm, the Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur region and the “Association Francaise contre les Myopathies” (AFM)Peer Reviewe

    Les atteintes rénales au cours des gammapathies monoclonales à IgM (à propos de 18 observations)

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    POITIERS-BU MĂ©decine pharmacie (861942103) / SudocPARIS-BIUM (751062103) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Les conditions de travail souhaitées par les futurs médecins généralistes (étude nationale descriptive réalisée auprès des internes de médecine générale du 2 juillet 2010 au 1er janvier 2011)

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    Introduction : la réflexion sur un métier passe aussi par une réflexion sur les conditions de travail dans lesquelles l exercer. L objectif principal de cette étude est de décrire les conditions de travail souhaitées par les internes de médecine générale à travers cinq axes : environnement de travail au sein et autour du lieu d exercice, gestion de l emploi du temps, permanence des soins ambulatoires et évolution de carrière. Méthodes : étude nationale transversale descriptive auprès des internes de médecine générale réalisée par questionnaire auto-administré sur internet du 2 juillet 2010 au 1er janvier 2011. Résultats : 86,2% des internes souhaitent avoir un secrétariat, 94,9% travailler sur un système informatisé de gestion des dossiers médicaux. Près de 90% souhaitent avoir à proximité de leur lieu d exercice un laboratoire, une pharmacie, un cabinet de radiologie ou des paramédicaux libéraux et plus de 60% une école, une petite épicerie ou un bureau de poste. En moyenne, les internes de médecine générale souhaitent travailler 42,7 heures par semaine et avoir 7,4 semaines de congés par an. 78,5% des internes déclarent qu ils effectueront des gardes ambulatoires. 21% des internes disent avoir actuellement une proposition de poste hospitalier ou un projet d installation. Discussion : les futurs médecins généralistes souhaitent maitriser leurs conditions de travail pour assurer un équilibre entre vie professionnelle et personnelle. Le déficit de la démographie médicale annoncé doit être une opportunité pour améliorer les conditions de travail des médecins généralistes, sans oublier de prendre en compte les souhaits de la future génération.Introduction: Thinking about a profession means also to take an interest in its working environment. The main objective of this study is to describe the wishes of general practitioner (GPs) trainees regarding five general areas of their future working environment : working place s setting and surroundings, schedule management, ambulatory out-of-hours care and career development. Methods: National transversal descriptive study among GPs trainees through self-administered questionnaires on the internet from July 2, 2010 to January 1, 2011. Results: 86.2% of GPs trainees want a secretariat, 94.9% wish to work on a computerized medical records management. Nearly 90% want to have a laboratory, pharmacy, radiology or other health professionals next to their practice and 60% need a school, a small grocery store or post office. On average, GP residents want to work 42.7 hours per week and to have 7.4 weeks leave per year. 78.5% of residents say they will participate in ambulatory out-of-hours care. 21% of residents have a proposal for post hospital or facility project at the moment of reply. Discussion: Future GPs want their working environment to ensure a balance between professional and personal life. The announced medical demographic deficit should be an opportunity to improve working environment for GPs, and take into account the next generation s wishes.GRENOBLE1-BU Médecine pharm. (385162101) / SudocSudocFranceF
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