351 research outputs found

    A replenishment control system with uncertain returns and random opportunities for disposal

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    We consider a replenishment control system in which product returns play an important role in inventory planning. We focus on the inventory of an individual item that is stored at a single location to meet a constant demand over time. We assume that the total amount of returns accumulated over a period of time can be represented by a compound Poisson process. We further assume that opportunities for inventory disposals or relocation arise occasionally in accordance with a Poisson process. We not only seek to resolve the issues of when to order and how much to order, we also consider the question of when to dispose of excess inventory and by how much. Inventory reductions occur when the opportunity for a disposal arises and the inventory position is deemed too high. After each disposal the inventory position is restored to a specified base-stock level. We develop a cost model of this system and highlight its properties through an extensive numerical study

    Molecular identification of Date palm (Phoenix dactylifera L.) “Deglet noor” pollinator through analysis of genetic diversity of Algerian male and female ecotypes using SSRs markers

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    Date palm (Phoenix dactylifera L.) “pollinator or dokkar” influences fruit's quality and quickness of maturity "metaxenia". This study characterizes the genetic diversity and the relationships between different Algerian ecotypes of dokkars. In addition, we report on the use of microsatellites to identify pollinators that are genetically the closest to “Deglet Noor” and “Ghars” cultivars. A total of 25 microsatellites were used on 50 accessions from Algeria, showed high genetic variability. The number of amplified alleles was 135 and ranged from 2 (PDCAT3) to 12 (DP 159), with an average of 5.44. The average of observed heterozygosity ranged between 0.026 (DP169) and 1.00 (PDCAT10, DP171, DP160, DP159, MPdCIR32 and MPdCIR10), with a mean of 0.688 indicating high diversity of date palm accessions. The average of expected heterozygosity was 0.436 and varied between 0.098 (PDCAT3) and 0.6 (PDCAT2). Almost Fis values were negative for markers except for DP 169. Unweighted Pair Group Method with Arithmetic Averages (UPGMA) clustering highlighted close genetic relationships between male and female genotypes for “Deglet Noor” accessions and showed case of homonymy and presence of clones. Principal Coordinate Analysis (PCoA) showed pattern that evidences the genetic diversity existing among pollinators that allowed distinguishing them easily. The combination of two SSR allowed to unambiguously distinguish six dokkars. Overall, UPGMA and PCoA showed that accessions of same type were clustered according to their origin (Oasis). Among the 28 private alleles scored in this study, nine were scored for Deglet Noor". Bayesian analysis showed a conserved genetic structure mainly for "Deglet Noor". Our results suggest that specific SSR marker (MPDCIR35) that characterize both male and female individuals of "Deglet Noor", could be used as potential marker to select, at early stage of seedling, the closest pollinator to the female individual of this important commercial cultivar. In addition, MPdCIR25 represents potential marker to identify male individuals of "Ghars"

    Physicochemical characterization of olive oil mill wastewaters samples collected from four different oil mills located in the Meknès-Tafilalt region of Morocco

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    The purpose of this study is to realize a physico-chemical complete characterization of the olive oil mill wastewaters and metals mill contents in these last one. For this, samples were obtained from four oil mills (press  system  and three phase system) located in the Meknes-Tafilalet region (Oued El Jadida Maya, Rabat road and Sidi Bouzekri) in  Morocco, between November and Mars in the olive period of 2014-2015 . The composition of the OOMW changes significantly for each factory. The results  of the physicochemical analyzes showed that all the samples of olive oil mill wastewaters have an acidic pH whose mean value is between (5.22 and 5.75) and that the conductivity values vary due to the addition of salt during storage before grinding olives. The OOMW are rich in organic matter .They are measured by the chemical oxygen demand (COD) and biological oxygen demand BOD5. The average BOD5, COD, polyphenols and biodegradability vary according to the extraction process.

    Utility of an Algorithm to Increase the Accuracy of Medication History in an Obstetrical Setting.

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    BACKGROUND: In an obstetrical setting, inaccurate medication histories at hospital admission may result in failure to identify potentially harmful treatments for patients and/or their fetus(es). METHODS: This prospective study was conducted to assess average concordance rates between (1) a medication list obtained with a one-page structured medication history algorithm developed for the obstetrical setting and (2) the medication list reported in medical records and obtained by open-ended questions based on standard procedures. Both lists were converted into concordance rate using a best possible medication history approach as the reference (information obtained by patients, prescribers and community pharmacists' interviews). RESULTS: The algorithm-based method obtained a higher average concordance rate than the standard method, with respectively 90.2% [CI95% 85.8-94.3] versus 24.6% [CI95%15.3-34.4] concordance rates (p<0.01). CONCLUSION: Our algorithm-based method strongly enhanced the accuracy of the medication history in our obstetric population, without using substantial resources. Its implementation is an effective first step to the medication reconciliation process, which has been recognized as a very important component of patients' drug safety

    Antibacterial, antifungal and antioxidant activity of lavandula angustifolia of the middle atlas central (Morocco)

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    Le présent travail a été entrepris dans le but de valoriser les plantes aromatiques et médicinales de la région de Dayet Aoua (Moyen Atlas, Maroc), plus particulièrement de ces plantes. ajouté pour la pharmacopée marocaine en général; ce n'est autre que la lavande (Lavandula angustifolia).The chromatographic statistics with the Essential Components. Les monoterpénols sont représentés par une domination du linalol (33,74% à 38,74%), suivis des monoterpénols. Les tests microbiologiques des huiles essentielles de Lavandula angustifolia ont un pouvoir antibactérien important vis-à-vis des bactéries à Gram positif. Il est également important de noter que la lavande a un effet inhibiteur sur la croissance du mycélium contre A. alternata, B. cinerea et F. oxysporum; la souche de B. cinerea semble être la plus sensible à ce qu'il est comparé aux autres souches représentées par F. oxysporum et A. altern.Enfin, il convient également de noter que, selon les résultats obtenus, les huiles fixées de Lavandula présentent une activité anti-radicalaire par l'inhibition du DPPH, cette activité augmentant en fonction de la concentration.Compte tenu de toutes les données importantes qui démontrent les caractéristiques et l’importance de cette plante, confirmées et soutenues par cette étude, il semble nécessaire d’intervenir dans toutes les interventions et jaloux des fonctionnaires et des chercheurs ainsi que des citoyens afin de maintenir cette plante afin de préserver soutenir ce type de plantes d'une part et de, d'autre part, la conservation de la biodiversité au Maroc en général et dans cette région en particulier

    Composition chimique et propriétés antimicrobiennes de l’huile essentielle extraite des feuilles de Tetraclinis articulata (Vahl) du Maroc

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    Chemical composition and antimicrobial properties of essential oil of theMorroccan Tetraclinis articulata leavesThe yield, chemical composition and antimicrobial properties of the essential oil extracted from Tetraclinis articulata (Vahl) leaves growing in Khemisset (Morocco) were studied. The essential oils yield average is 0,22 %. Thirty four components were identified by GC and GC/MS ; bornyl acetate (30,74 %), á-pinene (23,54 %), camphor (17,27 %) and limonene (23,31 %) are the principal components of this oil. A strong inhibited activity against six microorganisms is obtained

    Dégradation photochimique d'herbicides chlorophenoxyalcanoïques en milieux aqueux

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    La dégradation photochimique de cinq herbicides appartenant à la famille des chlorophénoxyalcanoïques a été étudiée en solution aqueuse par irradiation à 254 nm selon trois systèmes : UV seul, UV/H2O2 et UV/H2O2/ FeIII (photo-Fenton). Le procédé photochimique semble constituer une alternative prometteuse aux méthodes existantes de traitement chimique des eaux polluées; en effet il permet de détruire photochimiquement l'herbicide initial et d'obtenir, dans les conditions opératoires initiales, sa minéralisation complète en CO2 et H2O. Il s'agit d'un procédé d'oxydation avancé, utilisant comme agent oxydant, des radicaux OH. produits in situ photochimiquement. L'évolution de la composition chimique des solutions d'herbicides étudiés a été suivie par chromatographie liquide à haute performance (CLHP). La minéralisation a été évaluée par mesure de la demande chimique en oxygène (DCO) et par le dosage des ions chlorures libérés. La cinétique de photodégradation, la nature et l'évolution des produits formés ainsi que le rendement du procédé ont été déterminés.Contamination of surface and ground waters by persistent organic pollutants constitutes a serious environmental problem. A number of physical and biological methods have been proposed to remove these pollutants from industrial wastewater. However, many organic contaminants are not destroyed by these techniques. Various chemical treatment methods for polluted waters have been proposed. These methods are based on catalytic, electrochemical and photochemical reactions, known as advanced oxidation processes (AOPs). However, despite these treatments, there is presently no universal technique available. Because of their widespread agricultural use, chlorophenoxyacid herbicides contaminate waterways and ground waters in France and many other European countries.In the present study, we have investigated the photochemical degradation of several chlorophenoxyacids in aqueous solution at room temperature, by ultraviolet (UV) irradiation at 254 nm. We compared the efficiency of three different systems: UV alone; assisted photochemistry (UV/H2O2); and photo-Fenton reaction (UV/H2O2/FeIII). The latter photochemical system was found to represent a promising alternative approach, relative to existing methods of polluted water chemical treatment. The method photochemically destroyed the initial herbicides into CO2 and H2O. Also, it constitutes an AOP based on the in situ photochemical formation of OH· radicals. The evolution of the chemical composition of the herbicide samples studied was monitored by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). The mineralization of the initial herbicides was evaluated by the measurement of the chemical oxygen demand (COD) and the determination of chloride ions. The photodegradation kinetics, the nature and evolution of the photoproducts as well as the process yield were studied for the three photochemical systems for five different chlorophenoxyacid herbicides, including 2-(2-methyl-4-chlorophenoxy)propionic acid (MCPP), 4-chloro-2-methylphenoxyacetic acid (MCPA), 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D), 2-(2,4-dichlorophenoxy)propionic acid (2,4-DP) and 2,4,5-trichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4,5-T).Photodegradation by UV alone was relatively slow and partial, taking place in 1 h for MCPA, 1.5 h for MCPP and 3 h for 2,4-D. This process did not completely destroy the photoproducts. The mineralization yields for the organic matter were 64 %, for MCPA, 69 % for MCPP, 42 % for 2,4-DP and 35 % for 2,4-D, following an irradiation time of 2 h. The technique based on the photolysis of hydrogen peroxide (UV/H2O2) produced a more rapid photodecomposition, occurring within about 30 min for MCPA and MCPP and more than 60 min for 2,4-D and 2,4,5-T. The corresponding mineralization yields for the organic matter were 79 % for MCPP and 2,4-DP and 56 % for 2,4-D. The absolute rate constants for the reaction with hydroxyl radicals were found to be1.5×109, 1.6×109, 3.2×109 and 3.6×109 M-1 s-1 respectively for 2,4,5-T, 2,4-DP, MCPP and MCPA using this technique.The photo-Fenton system significantly improved the kinetic performance and mineralization yield. The photodegradation times were 7 min for MCPA, 10 min for MCPP, 40 min for 2,4-D and 60 min for 2,4,5-T, whereas the mineralization yields reach respective values of 96 % for MCPP, 95 % for MCPA, 80 % for 2,4-D, 94 % for 2,4-DP and 89 % for 2,4,5-T

    Postendovascular thoracic aortic repair subclavian steal syndrome revealed by severe headache

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    AbstractSubclavian steal syndrome (SCSS) has been known since 1960 in the medical literature. Its principal cause is atherosclerosis responsible of occlusion of the subclavian artery (SCA). It is the pathological process in which blood flows in reverse direction from the vertebral artery (VA) to the SCA. Usually asymptomatic, but a variety of symptoms may develop involving the vertebro-basilar and/or the carotid territories and may be precipitated by exercise of the upper extremity. In some circumstances it can be iatrogenic complicating the course of a thoracic endovascular aortic repair (TEVAR) when the left SCA is covered by the endoprosthesis, which is a necessity many times giving the frequent proximity of the acute thoracic pathologies to the origin of this vessel.We present a case of severe headache occurring after a TEVAR with intentional coverage of the origin of the left SCA. This headache was the only symptom from which the patient complained, and which disappeared immediately after carotid-SCA bypass. Other devastating complications can happen, which gave as a concern about the management of SCA when decision to practice a TEVAR is taken

    Demographics and outcomes of hepatitis B and D: A 10-year retrospective analysis in a Swiss tertiary referral center.

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    Hepatitis B virus (HBV) is a major global health challenge with approximately 250-350 million chronically infected individuals. An improved understanding of the demographic features and outcomes of chronic HBV infection and hepatitis D virus (HDV) infection in low-endemic areas may improve prevention, early identification and management both at individual and community levels. Here, we retrospectively analyzed the demographic and clinical characteristics, treatment rates and outcomes of adult patients with chronic HBV infection with or without HDV coinfection examined at Lausanne University Hospital, Switzerland over a 10-year period. We analyzed the medical records of all adult patients with chronic HBV and HDV infection examined in our center between 2007 and 2016. Liver-related outcome was defined as the occurrence of cirrhosis, hepatocellular carcinoma, liver transplantation or liver-related death. Analyses were performed using logistic regression and results were reported as odds ratio (OR) and 95% confidence interval (CI). Of 672 consecutive patients, 421 (62.6%) were male, median age was 36 years (interquartile range, 28-46 years), and 233 (34.7%) were of African origin. The prevalence of HDV coinfection was 7.1% and the proportion of anti-HDV-positive patients with detectable HDV RNA was 70.0%. In multivariate analysis, HDV coinfection was the strongest predictor for liver-related outcome (OR 6.06, 95% CI 2.93-12.54, p<0.001), followed by HBeAg positivity (OR 2.47, 95% CI 1.30-4.69, p = 0.006), age (OR per 10-year increase 2.03, 95% CI 1.63-2.52, p<0.001) and sex (OR for female 0.39, 95% CI 0.22-0.71, p = 0.002). The predictive accuracy of the multivariate model was high (receiver operator characteristic area under the curve 0.81). This retrospective study underscores the importance of migration in the epidemiology of chronic hepatitis B in low-endemic areas. HDV coinfection, HBeAg positivity and age predicted liver-related outcomes while female sex had a protective effect

    Perioperative Course and Socioeconomic Status Predict Long-Term Neurodevelopment Better Than Perioperative Conventional Neuroimaging in Children with Congenital Heart Disease.

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    The objective of the study was to compare the use of neonatal conventional brain magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) with that of clinical factors and socioeconomic status (SES) to predict long-term neurodevelopment in children with severe congenital heart disease (CHD). In this prospective cohort study, perioperative MRIs were acquired in 57 term-born infants with CHD undergoing cardiopulmonary bypass surgery during their first year of life. Total brain volume (TBV) was measured using an automated method. Brain injury severity (BIS) was assessed by an established scoring system. The neurodevelopmental outcome was assessed at 6 years using standardized test batteries. A multiple linear regression model was used for cognitive and motor outcomes with postoperative TBV, perioperative BIS, CHD complexity, length of hospital stay, and SES as covariates. CHD diagnoses included univentricular heart defect (n = 15), transposition of the great arteries (n = 33), and acyanotic CHD (n = 9). Perioperative moderate-to-severe brain injury was detected in 15 (26%) patients. The total IQ was similar to test norms (P = .11), whereas the total motor score (P < .001) was lower. Neither postoperative TBV nor perioperative BIS predicted the total IQ, but SES (P < .001) and longer hospital stay (P = .004) did. No factor predicted the motor outcome. Although the predictive value of neonatal conventional MRIs for long-term neurodevelopment is low, duration of hospital stay and SES better predict the outcome in this CHD sample. These findings should be considered in initiating early therapeutic support