1,979 research outputs found

    Towards multi-scale feature detection repeatable over intensity and depth images.

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    Object recognition based on local features computed at multiple locations is robust to occlusions, strong viewpoint changes and object deformations. These features should be repeatable, precise and distinctive. We present an operator for repeatable feature detection on depth images (relative to 3D models) as well as 2D intensity images. The proposed detector is based on estimating the curviness saliency at multiple scales in each kind of image. We also propose quality measures that evaluate the repeatability of the features between depth and intensity images. The experiments show that the proposed detector outperforms both the most powerful, classical point detectors (e.g., SIFT) and edge detection techniques

    Fracture et déclenchement des avalanches de plaque : conditions critiques pour la propagation de la fracture

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    International audienceThe failure of a weak snow layer buried below cohesive slab layers is a necessary, but insufficient, condition for the release of a dry-snow slab avalanche. The size of the crack in the weak layer must also exceed a critical length to propagate across a slope. In contrast to pioneering shear-based approaches, recent developments account for weak layer collapse and allow for better explaining typical observations of remote triggering from low-angle terrain. However, these new models predict a critical length for crack propagation that is almost independent of slope angle, a rather surprising and counterintuitive result. Based on discrete element simulations we propose a new analytical expression for the critical crack length. This new model reconciles past approaches by considering for the first time the complex interplay between slab elasticity and the mechanical behavior of the weak layer including its structural collapse. The crack begins to propagate when the stress induced by slab loading and deformation at the crack tip exceeds the limit given by the failure envelope of the weak layer. The model can reproduce crack propagation on low-angle terrain and the decrease in critical length with increasing slope angle as modeled in numerical experiments. The good agreement of our new model with extensive field data and the ease of implementation in the snow cover model SNOWPACK opens a promising prospect for improving avalanche forecasting

    Characterization of Multiple Groups of Data

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    In this paper we propose a new approach for computing characterizations of sets of data by means of partially defined Boolean functions. The main objective is to provide minimal sets of characters that allows the user to discriminate groups of Boolean data representing individuals described by means of presence or absence of characters. Compared to previous approaches, our algorithms are more efficient and are able to compute complete sets of solutions, which may be useful according to our underlying application domain in plant biology

    Correlation measures for color images

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    Matching is a difficult task in stereoscopic reconstruction. The present paper deals with dense correlation-based matching. Few papers mention the use of color for dense correlation-based matching but those have shown the increase of efficiency with color images. Consequently, the purpose of this paper is to take into account color in dense correlation-based matching. The main novelty of our work is to set up a protocol that generalizes dense correlation-based matching to color by choosing a color system and by generalizing the correlation measures to color. Nine color systems have been evaluated and three different methods have been compared. The evaluation and comparison protocol we have proposed highlights the behavior of the methods with each color system. The results show what to do in order to take into account color and how using color can improve the efficiency.Une des manières de réaliser la mise en correspondance, tâche cruciale dans tout algorithme de reconstruction stéréoscopique, est d'utiliser une mesure de corrélation. Habituellement, seules des images de niveaux de gris sont prises en compte et peu de travaux utilisent la couleur pour la mise en correspondance dense par corrélation, mais ceux-ci ont mis en évidence un gain de performance. Cet article s'inscrit dans la continuité de ces travaux. Sa contribution principale est l'établissement d'une stratégie de généralisation à la couleur de la mise en correspondance par corrélation. Cette généralisation passe par le choix d'un système de représentation de la couleur et par l'adaptation des mesures de corrélation à la couleur. Neuf systèmes différents, parmi les plus utilisés, sont testés et trois méthodes de généralisation différentes sont proposées. Nous avons mis en place un protocole d'évaluation et de comparaison pour étudier le comportement de chacune de ces méthodes, suivant chaque système de couleur. Les résultats obtenus mettent en évidence les choix à faire effectuer pour prendre en compte les images couleur ainsi que le gain de performance obtenu par rapport à l'utilisation des images en niveaux de gris

    New electronic orderings observed in cobaltates under the influence of misfit periodicities

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    We study with ARPES the electronic structure of CoO2 slabs, stacked with rock-salt (RS) layers exhibiting a different (misfit) periodicity. Fermi Surfaces (FS) in phases with different doping and/or periodicities reveal the influence of the RS potential on the electronic structure. We show that these RS potentials are well ordered, even in incommensurate phases, where STM images reveal broad stripes with width as large as 80\AA. The anomalous evolution of the FS area at low dopings is consistent with the localization of a fraction of the electrons. We propose that this is a new form of electronic ordering, induced by the potential of the stacked layers (RS or Na in NaxCoO2) when the FS becomes smaller than the Brillouin Zone of the stacked structure

    Support Vector Machine (SVM) Recognition Approach adapted to Individual and Touching Moths Counting in Trap Images

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    This paper aims at developing an automatic algorithm for moth recognition from trap images in real-world conditions. This method uses our previous work for detection [1] and introduces an adapted classification step. More precisely, SVM classifier is trained with a multi-scale descriptor, Histogram Of Curviness Saliency (HCS). This descriptor is robust to illumination changes and is able to detect and to describe the external and the internal contours of the target insect in multi-scale. The proposed classification method can be trained with a small set of images. Quantitative evaluations show that the proposed method is able to classify insects with higher accuracy (rate of 95.8%) than the state-of-the art approaches

    Understanding the Effects of a Tannin Extract on Forage Protein Digestion in the Rumen and Abomasum Using a Dynamic Artificial Digestive System Coupled to a Digestomic Approach

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    Improving the use efficiency of dietary protein in ruminants is a major challenge to decrease feed supplementation and significantly decrease nitrogen (N) losses to the environment. The aim of this study was to characterize the effects of tannins on protein digestion in the rumen and in conditions simulating the abomasum, using a dynamic in vitro digestive system coupled to a digestomic approach. Three ruminally-cannulated sheep fed with alfalfa hay were infused daily with a solution of tannins, while three other sheep were infused with water (control). Standardized ruminal fluid was introduced into the digester, which simulated the transit of digesta under physicochemical conditions mimicking the abomasum in terms of pH regulation, digestive enzyme infusions and transit rate. Protein degradation in the rumen and in the simulated abomasum was analyzed by determination of fermentation end-products, and identification and quantification of peptides (Label Free Quantification) by LC-MS/MS high resolution (Orbitrap). The analysis of rumen samples showed that tannins result in a clear decrease of fermentation end-products related to protein degradation, namely ammonia (NH3) and iso-volatile fatty acids (VFA), and a greater abundance of the Rubisco, a major plant protein. In the simulated abomasal compartment, the peptidomic analysis showed that the hydrolysis intensity of Rubisco was higher in the presence of tannins compared to the control group. These results indicate that protein-tannin complexes could be dissociated in the physico-chemical conditions of the abomasum, increasing the flow of peptides to the intestine after protection of protein by tannins in the rumen

    Pretreatment of Lignocellulosic Biomass with Low-cost Ionic Liquids.

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    A number of ionic liquids (ILs) with economically attractive production costs have recently received growing interest as media for the delignification of a variety of lignocellulosic feedstocks. Here we demonstrate the use of these low-cost protic ILs in the deconstruction of lignocellulosic biomass (Ionosolv pretreatment), yielding cellulose and a purified lignin. In the most generic process, the protic ionic liquid is synthesized by accurate combination of aqueous acid and amine base. The water content is adjusted subsequently. For the delignification, the biomass is placed into a vessel with IL solution at elevated temperatures to dissolve the lignin and hemicellulose, leaving a cellulose-rich pulp ready for saccharification (hydrolysis to fermentable sugars). The lignin is later precipitated from the IL by the addition of water and recovered as a solid. The removal of the added water regenerates the ionic liquid, which can be reused multiple times. This protocol is useful to investigate the significant potential of protic ILs for use in commercial biomass pretreatment/lignin fractionation for producing biofuels or renewable chemicals and materials

    I.C.E.: a Transportable Atomic Inertial Sensor for Test in Microgravity

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    We present our the construction of an atom interferometer for inertial sensing in microgravity, as part of the I.C.E. (\textit{Interf\'{e}rom\'{e}trie Coh\'{e}rente pour l'Espace}) collaboration. On-board laser systems have been developed based on fibre-optic components, which are insensitive to mechanical vibrations and acoustic noise, have sub-MHz linewidth, and remain frequency stabilised for weeks at a time. A compact, transportable vacuum system has been built, and used for laser cooling and magneto-optical trapping. We will use a mixture of quantum degenerate gases, bosonic 87^{87}Rb and fermionic 40^{40}K, in order to find the optimal conditions for precision and sensitivity of inertial measurements. Microgravity will be realised in parabolic flights lasting up to 20s in an Airbus. We show that the factors limiting the sensitivity of a long-interrogation-time atomic inertial sensor are the phase noise in reference frequency generation for Raman-pulse atomic beam-splitters and acceleration fluctuations during free fall
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