83 research outputs found

    Why recognising and rewarding excellent teaching in universities matters for students

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    [EN] There is greater focus on the quality of higher education teaching and how we reward and recognize excellent teaching. There are questions from governments about the quality of teaching and a desire to identify excellence. In Australia and beyond, higher education institutions have been working towards clarifying their criteria and expectations of what constitutes excellent teaching. They are reviewing their policies and practices to enable their excellent teachers to access development and support so they might be rewarded through promotion. An inceasing number of universities and higher education institutions are now promoting their excellent teachers through to professor level. This is important not just for the academics and teachers themselves, but for the quality of education that students receive.http://ocs.editorial.upv.es/index.php/HEAD/HEAD18Chalmers, D. (2018). Why recognising and rewarding excellent teaching in universities matters for students. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 295-301. https://doi.org/10.4995/HEAD18.2018.7981OCS29530

    The measurement and impact of university teacher development programs

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    Los programas de desarrollo de maestros han formado parte del panorama de la educación superior de habla inglesa durante más de cuarenta años. En la actualidad existe un acuerdo general sobre el impacto positivo que tienen los programas de desarrollo de profesores en los maestros y estudiantes; sin embargo, el alcance y la duración de su impacto en la cultura de la disciplina y las instituciones están más bien poco documentados y evidenciados. Existe una clara necesidad de una investigación rigurosa sobre el impacto de los programas de desarrollo de los maestros, que se ve más profundamente y más allá de los profesores que participan en los programas. El objetivo de este trabajo es hacer uso de la investigación y la literatura inglesa para identificar el impacto y la eficacia de los programas y actividades de desarrollo de maestros y proponer un marco para la medición sistemática y la recopilación de información sobre la eficacia de estos programas. Se argumenta que estas medidas e indicadores tienen que pasar del paradigma de investigación al paradigma de evaluación para que puedan informar a los programas de desarrollo y mejora docente actuales y futuros. Deben diseñarse programas en la etapa de planificación para construir una base de evidencia que permita a investigadores y profesionales hacer preguntas más complejas sobre dónde y sobre quién tienen impacto los programas y por qué.Teacher development programs have been part of the English speaking higher education landscape for over 40 years. There is now general agreement that teacher development programs have a positive impact on teachers and students, yet the extent and longevity of their impact on the culture of the discipline and the institutions are less well researched and evidenced. There is clearly a need for ongoing and rigorous research on the impact of teacher development programs that looks deeper and beyond the teachers who participate in the programs. The focus of this paper is to draw on the English research and literature to identify the impact and effectiveness of teacher development programs and activities and propose a framework for the systematic measurement and collection of information on the effectiveness of these programs. It is argued that these measures and indicators need to move from the research paradigm to the evaluation paradigm so that they can inform ongoing and future teacher development programs and enhancement. Programs from the planning stage should be designed to build an evidence base that will enable researchers and practitioners to ask more complex questions on where and on whom the programs have an impact, and why they have impact.Els programes de desenvolupament de mestres han format part del panorama de l'educació superior de parla anglesa durant més de quaranta anys. En l'actualitat existeix un acord general sobre l'impacte positiu que tenen els programes de desenvolupament de professors en els mestres i estudiants, però l'abast i la durada del seu impacte en la cultura de la disciplina i les institucions estan més aviat poc documentats i evidenciats. Hi ha una clara necessitat d'una investigació rigorosa sobre l'impacte dels programes de desenvolupament dels mestres que miri més profundament i més enllà dels professors que participen en els programes. L'objectiu d'aquest treball és fer ús de la investigació i la literatura anglesa per identificar l'impacte i l'eficàcia dels programes i activitats de desenvolupament de mestres i proposar un marc per a la mesura sistemàtica i la recopilació d'informació sobre l'eficàcia d'aquests programes. S'argumenta que aquestes mesures i indicadors han de passar del paradigma d'investigació al paradigma d'avaluació perquè puguin informar els programes de desenvolupament i millora docent actuals i futurs. S'han de dissenyar programes en l'etapa de planificació per construir una base d'evidència que permeti a investigadors i professionals fer preguntes més complexes sobre on i sobre qui tenen impacte els programes, i per què

    External Peer Review of Teaching (ExPeRT) Portfolios for Promotion

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    [EN] This paper focuses on the role and purpose of external expert peer review of teaching portfolios for promotion, using institutional criteria. This is grounded in the recognition that higher education institutions typically struggle to identify suitably experienced, expert reviewers of teaching portfolios for promotion purposes. It considers the feasibility of establishing a ‘College of Peers’ who are endorsed and trained teaching and learning experts to carry out the reviews. A model of training expert peer reviewers was trailed.  While grounded in the Australian context, the issues and applications are international.http://ocs.editorial.upv.es/index.php/HEAD/HEAD18Chalmers, D.; Partridge, L. (2018). External Peer Review of Teaching (ExPeRT) Portfolios for Promotion. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 505-513. https://doi.org/10.4995/HEAD18.2018.8024OCS50551

    Towards a framework of teaching and learning indicators in Australian universities

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    A comprehensive review of the international context, the research literature on quality teaching and learning indicators, and teaching and learning indicators in use has been undertaken and has informed the identification of the key dimensions of quality teaching that are critical for quality learning and teaching in universities (Chalmers 2007). These dimensions are: 1. institutional climate and systems; 2. diversity and inclusivity; 3. assessment; and 4. student engagement and learning community. These key dimensions for quality teaching are outlined briefly in the presentation. The validity of each dimension is based on extensive empirical research and a strong theoretical underpinning. The dimensions are not independent of each other but overlap, as would be expected to occur in complex organisations. The framework reflects this complexity and overlap. However, if a university interrogates its institutional mission and practices through the different lenses of these dimensions, and makes thoughtful decisions and initiatives based on the evidence that is gathered in the process, then the outcomes for the students’ learning and experiences are more likely to be enhanced. This presentation will provide an overview of the framework and discuss the implications for university practice at the institutional, faculty, program of study and teacher levels

    The measurement and impact of university teacher development programs

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    Abstract Teacher development programs have been part of the English speaking higher education landscape for over 40 years. There is now general agreement that teacher development pro grams have a positive impact on teachers and students, yet the extent and longevity of their impact on the culture of the discipline and the institutions are less well researched and evi denced. There is clearly a need for ongoing and rigorous research on the impact of teacher development programs that looks deeper and beyond the teachers who participate in the programs. The focus of this paper is to draw on the English research and literature to iden tify the impact and effectiveness of teacher development programs and activities and propose a framework for the systematic measurement and collection of information on the effective ness of these programs. It is argued that these measures and indicators need to move from the research paradigm to the evaluation paradigm so that they can inform ongoing and future teacher development programs and enhancement. Programs from the planning stage should be designed to build an evidence base that will enable researchers and practitioners to ask more complex questions on where and on whom the programs have an impact, and why they have impact. Keywords: teacher development programs; evaluation and monitoring; impact; measuring effectiveness; university. Resum. L'avaluació i l'impacte dels programes de desenvolupament de professors universitaris Els programes de desenvolupament de mestres han format part del panorama de l'edu cació superior de parla anglesa durant més de quaranta anys. En l'actualitat existeix un acord general sobre l'impacte positiu que tenen els programes de desenvolupament de professors en els mestres i estudiants, però l'abast i la durada del seu impacte en la cultu ra de la disciplina i les institucions estan més aviat poc documentats i evidenciats. Hi ha una clara necessitat d'una investigació rigorosa sobre l'impacte dels programes de desen volupament dels mestres que miri més profundament i més enllà dels professors que participen en els programes. L'objectiu d'aquest treball és fer ús de la investigació i la literatura anglesa per identificar l'impacte i l'eficàcia dels programes i activitats de desen volupament de mestres i proposar un marc per a la mesura sistemàtica i la recopilació d'in formació sobre l'eficàcia d'aquests programes. S'argumenta que aquestes mesures i indicadors han de passar del paradigma d'investigació al paradigma d'avaluació perquè puguin informar els programes de desenvolupament i millora docent actuals i futurs. Resumen. La medición y el impacto de los programas de desarrollo de profesores universitarios Los programas de desarrollo de maestros han formado parte del panorama de la educación superior de habla inglesa durante más de cuarenta años. En la actualidad existe un acuerdo general sobre el impacto positivo que tienen los programas de desarrollo de profesores en los maestros y estudiantes; sin embargo, el alcance y la duración de su impacto en la cultu ra de la disciplina y las instituciones están más bien poco documentados y evidenciados. Existe una clara necesidad de una investigación rigurosa sobre el impacto de los programas de desarrollo de los maestros, que se ve más profundamente y más allá de los profesores que participan en los programas. El objetivo de este trabajo es hacer uso de la investigación y la literatura inglesa para identificar el impacto y la eficacia de los programas y actividades de desarrollo de maestros y proponer un marco para la medición sistemática y la recopila ción de información sobre la eficacia de estos programas. Se argumenta que estas medidas e indicadores tienen que pasar del paradigma de investigación al paradigma de evaluación para que puedan informar a los programas de desarrollo y mejora docente actuales y futu ros. Deben diseñarse programas en la etapa de planificación para construir una base de evidencia que permita a investigadores y profesionales hacer preguntas más complejas sobre dónde y sobre quién tienen impacto los programas y por qué. Palabras clave: programas de desarrollo docente; evaluación y seguimiento; impacto; medi ción de la eficacia; universidad

    Developing and implementing a robust and flexible framework for the evaluation and impact of educational development in higher education in Chile

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    This article describes the development of an evaluation and impact framework to assess the effectiveness of educational innovations. It can be utilized within a single program, as well as at institutional and national levels. While it is contextualized in a Chilean university, it is argued that it is widely applicable as it is informed by international best practice. The rationale that informed the development of the evaluation framework is described and is illustrated using two programs: Faculty Learning Communities; and Student Learning Assistants. These demonstrate how the framework can be customized utilizing indicators and outcomes relevant to specific programs and stakeholders

    A framework for the evaluation of educational development programs in higher education in Chile

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    [EN] This paper outlines the experience of evaluating the impact of educational development in Chilean higher education drawing on the example of the Universidad Católica de Temuco. The aim is to demonstrate the importance of a implementing a robust and flexible evaluation and impact framework to identify the effectiveness of education development programs. The rationale and processes that informed the development of the evaluation and impact framework are described and then illustrated with one example, the Faculty Learning Communities (FLC) program. The example shows how the overall framework is contextualised in a specific program, drawing on indicators and outcomes to demonstrate its flexibility and robustness. The rich evidence gathered has been used to inform the educational developers on the effectiveness of their work, and the faculty participants on their knowledge and practice. Just as importantly, it has informed the institution about the impact of the programs and student engagement. The evaluation framework provides a Chilean example informed by international best practice.http://ocs.editorial.upv.es/index.php/HEAD/HEAD18Moya, B.; Turra, H.; Chalmers, D. (2018). A framework for the evaluation of educational development programs in higher education in Chile. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 365-372. https://doi.org/10.4995/HEAD18.2018.7997OCS36537

    Unique Cryptosporidium Population in HIV-Infected Persons, Jamaica

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    A cryptosporidiosis survey showed the presence of Cryptosporidium hominis, C. parvum, C. canis, and C. felis in 25, 7, 1, and 1 HIV-positive persons from Jamaica, respectively; 1 person had both C. hominis and C. felis. Multilocus sequence typing indicated the presence of a homogeneous but geographically distinct C. hominis population in Jamaica