40 research outputs found

    Validation of vessel size imaging (VSI) in high-grade human gliomas using magnetic resonance imaging, image-guided biopsies, and quantitative immunohistochemistry.

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    To evaluate the association between a vessel size index (VSIMRI) derived from dynamic susceptibility contrast (DSC) perfusion imaging using a custom spin-and-gradient echo echoplanar imaging (SAGE-EPI) sequence and quantitative estimates of vessel morphometry based on immunohistochemistry from image-guided biopsy samples. The current study evaluated both relative cerebral blood volume (rCBV) and VSIMRI in eleven patients with high-grade glioma (7 WHO grade III and 4 WHO grade IV). Following 26 MRI-guided glioma biopsies in these 11 patients, we evaluated tissue morphometry, including vessel density and average radius, using an automated procedure based on the endothelial cell marker CD31 to highlight tumor vasculature. Measures of rCBV and VSIMRI were then compared to histological measures. We demonstrate good agreement between VSI measured by MRI and histology; VSIMRI = 13.67 μm and VSIHistology = 12.60 μm, with slight overestimation of VSIMRI in grade III patients compared to histology. rCBV showed a moderate but significant correlation with vessel density (r = 0.42, p = 0.03), and a correlation was also observed between VSIMRI and VSIHistology (r = 0.49, p = 0.01). The current study supports the hypothesis that vessel size measures using MRI accurately reflect vessel caliber within high-grade gliomas, while traditional measures of rCBV are correlated with vessel density and not vessel caliber

    Management Practices and Effectiveness of Universities at Lifelong Learning Realization

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    The article is devoted to the consideration of organizational mechanisms and practices. They contribute to increasing the role of higher education organizations in the implementation of lifelong learning programs and ensure the financial stability of organizations. Within the frame of the article, the data of the “New Opportunities for Everyone” federal project realization collected during a survey of university leaders were analyzed. Heads of lifelong learning programmes departments of 51 universities, realized the federal project, have been participating in the survey, as well as over 15.3 thousand students who provided a description of the qualitative characteristics of the educational services and programmes.The results of survey showed that the number of students participating in lifelong learning programmes at universities increase, as well as the profitability of the programmes potentially depends on management solutions: implementation of a strategy for the lifelong learning programmes development, the university’s participation in federal projects and programmes, implementation of new programmes offered (orientation on different target groups, training the corporate groups, the introduction of online modules and digitalization of programs, initiating the programmes for the development of supra-professional and digital skills), digitalization of lifelong learning programmes and use the network forms of cooperation, taking into account the specialists’ skills needed for employers, expanding relations with enterprises and business partners in the region.The authors of the article formulated proposals and recommendations for the lifelong learning programmes development in regional universities, taking into account the needs of employees, the needs of the real sector of the economy, the financial and economic effectiveness of educational service

    Modern types of consulting in the management system of an educational organisation

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    Introduction. In market economy, the internal and external processes of educational organisations are becoming more complex. There is a need to identify managerial practices, which can be delegated to external consultants. The process of defining such practices is not completely studied. The application of expert support from leaders and management teams is often situational.The aim of the present research is to identify the range of managerial problems of educational organisations, which cause the need to resort to external consulting support.Methodology and research methods. The application of the method of cluster analysis of text data of periodicals allowed the authors to investigate a potential market for consulting services, to identify the modern management needs of educational organizations and the experience of their solution by external organisations. The analysis of open data of consulting organisations was carried out to identify real practices.Results. The main management problems of educational organisations and the types of consulting services necessary for their solution are considered and classified. The main approaches to defining the framework of educational consulting are highlighted. The authors have developed the method for monitoring the prospective market for consulting services. It was determined that the growing demand for consulting services and the expansion of the range of these services are associated with the formation of a market environment in the education system and the desire of management of educational organisations to provide a competitive advantage. The cases of Russian and foreign consulting organisations were analysed and grouped in accordance with the proposed typology.Scientific novelty. In academic literature, the study of this issue is mainly limited to defining the boundaries of educational consulting. The authors have made an attempt to identify typical situations, in which managers of educational organisations need to request the services of external experts.Practical significance. The results of the current research can serve as a guideline for the management of educational organisations, when making managerial decisions. It will allow the managers to determine the cases, in which it is possible to turn to external consultants according to the supply conditions on the market, and to identify the issues, regarding which it is desirable to rely solely on internal resources.Введение. В связи с усложнением внутренних и внешних процессов деятельности образовательной организации в рыночных условиях возникает потребность в идентификации управленческих практик, которые могут быть делегированы внешним консультантам. Процесс определения таких практик в полной мере не изучен, а экспертная поддержка руководителей и менеджерских команд часто носит ситуативный характер. Цель исследования – выявление спектра управленческих проблем образовательных организаций, вызывающих потребность в получении внешней консультационной поддержки.Методология и методики. С помощью метода кластерного анализа текстовых данных периодических изданий исследован потенциальный рынок консалтинговых услуг, идентифицированы современные управленческие проблемы образовательных организаций и опыт их решения внешними организациями. Для выявления кейсов проведен анализ открытых данных консалтинговых организаций. Результаты. Рассмотрены и классифицированы основные управленческие проблемы образовательных организаций и способствующие их решению типы консалтинговых услуг. Выделены основные подходы к определению рамок консалтинга в сфере образования, разработан способ мониторинга перспективного рынка консалтинговых услуг. Установлено, что рост спроса на эти услуги и расширение их линейки связаны с формированием рыночной среды в системе образования и стремлением менеджеров образовательных организаций обеспечить конкурентное преимущество. Проанализированы и сгруппированы в соответствии с предложенной типологией кейсы российских и зарубежных консалтинговых агентств. Научная новизна. В академической литературе изучение указанного проблемного поля сводится преимущественно к определению границ образовательного консалтинга. Авторами статьи предпринята попытка выявить типовые ситуации, побуждающие образовательные организации обращаться к внешним экспертам. Практическая значимость. Результаты исследования станут ориентиром для руководства образовательных организаций при принятии управленческих решений, что позволит менеджерам самостоятельно определять, в каких случаях возможным, ввиду существующего на рынке предложения, является обращение к внешним консультантам, а в каких вопросах желательно опираться исключительно на внутренние ресурсы

    Improved Spatiotemporal Resolution of Dynamic Susceptibility Contrast Perfusion MRI in Brain Tumors Using Simultaneous Multi-Slice Echo-Planar Imaging.

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    DSC perfusion MR imaging in brain tumors requires a trade-off between spatial and temporal resolution, resulting in less spatial coverage to meet the temporal resolution requirements for accurate relative CBV estimation. DSC-MR imaging could potentially benefit from the advantages associated with simultaneous multi-slice imaging, including increased spatiotemporal resolution. In the current article, we demonstrate how simultaneous multi-slice EPI can be used to improve DSC-MR imaging spatiotemporal resolution in patients with glioblastoma

    The satisfaction of patients with chronic dermatoses according to the medical care they received

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    The article deals with the opinion of patients about different activities of medical organizations. It was established that opinion of patients about the activities of medical organizations depends on many factors, among which the most important were the place of residence, social status, level of education, material security and others.Purpose of the study. To study the satisfaction of patients with chronic dermatoses with the medical care they receive in a metropolis.Materials and methods. The satisfaction of patients with chronic dermatoses with the quality of the services provided in dermatovenerological clinics was studied on the basis of a questionnaire survey of 412 patients living in Moscow. Results. It was established that 74.0% of patients were satisfied with the quality of dermatological care, 19.6% were more likely satisfied than not, 5.8% were more unsatisfied than yes, 0.6% were not satisfied. The attentive and friendly attitude of medical personnel to patients in polyclinic and inpatient departments of specialized medical organizations noted in 91.7% of respondents, inattentive — in 0.6% and found it difficult to answer — 7.7%. The majority of respondents (97.8%) rated the schedule of doctors as convenient and waiting time for a dermatovenerologist's appointment in the clinic is not long (96.8%).The minimum proportion of patients (1.3%) indicated a refusal to conduct the necessary in their opinion examinations and treatment.Conclusion. The majority of patients were satisfied with the specialized care received and practically had no difficulties visiting specialized medical organizations in view of their sufficient number in different areas of the city