220 research outputs found

    Persuasive Advertising in Oligopoly: A Linear State Differential Game

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    We investigate a linear state differential oligopoly game with advertising, under either Cournot or Bertrand competition. We show that a unique saddlepoint equilibrium exists in both cases if the marginal cost of advertising is sufficiently low. Then, we prove that Bertrand competition entails more intense advertising than Cournot competition. This is due to the fact that enhancing reservation prices is more relevant to firms when market competition is tougher. Ultimately, this may entail that Cournot outperforms Bertrand when it comes to social welfare

    The effects of one night of partial sleep deprivation on executive functions in individuals reporting chronic insomnia and good sleepers

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    Background and objectives The aim of the present study was to investigate the effects of a partial sleep deprivation night on executive functions in participants reporting chronic insomnia and good sleepers using a Task Switching paradigm. Methods Sixteen participants reporting symptoms of chronic insomnia and sixteen good sleepers were tested after a night of habitual sleep and after a night of partial sleep deprivation (5\u202fh of sleep allowed). The Switch Cost (SC) and the Backward Inhibition (BI) were computed as measures of switching attention and response inhibition, respectively. Results We observed a marginally significant interaction Night\u202f 7\u202fGroup on SC (F(1,29)\u202f=\u202f4.06, p\u202f=\u202f0.053, \u3b72\u202f=\u202f0.123. Fisher's least significant difference (LSD) post-hoc revealed a smaller SC after the sleep deprived night relative to the habitual night for the good sleepers (p\u202f=\u202f0.027;M\u202f=\u202f192.23\u202f\ub1\u202f201.81 vs M\u202f=\u202f98.99\u202f\ub1\u202f141.16). Differently, participants with insomnia did not show any change after the two nights. Limitations Several limitations must be acknowledged including the use of a convenient sample of university students and the use of a single task of cognitive performance. Conclusions We found that SC was smaller in the good sleepers after a night of partial sleep deprivation compared to a habitual night, indicating a better switching performance. The insomnia group showed no differences in performance after the two experimental nights. Several factors may account for these results, including increased levels of arousal and cognitive effort during task execution

    Surgery after Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy: A Clip-Based Technique to Improve Surgical Outcomes, a Single-Center Experience

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    SIMPLE SUMMARY: Neoadjuvant chemotherapy (NACT) has an important role in the treatment of locally advanced breast cancer. After NACT, some lesions may be no longer visible at preoperative imaging, making breast and axillary conservative surgery more difficult. Among others, radiopaque clips are the most commonly used method to mark lymph nodes and tumor sites to tailor surgery in the post neoadjuvant setting. ABSTRACT: Background: This study aims to describe the surgical management of breast cancer patients after neoadjuvant chemotherapy, with attention to the impact on surgical outcomes of a clip-based marking technique. Methods: Patients who underwent NACT at the Breast Unit of the A. O Ordine Mauriziano of Turin from January 2018 and had a surgical intervention by January 2022 were included. Data on the feasibility of clip insertion, after-treatment visibility, and successful removal during surgery were collected prospectively. Surgical outcomes in terms of breast-conserving surgery and axillary dissection reduction were described. Results: In 51 patients who had surgery after NACT, 55 clips were placed (34 breast and 21 axillary clips). Ultrasound visibility of the clips was optimal (91%) as well as preoperative localization and retrieval within the surgical specimen. Moreover, the use of the clip positively affected surgical outcomes. In our study, clip insertion allowed to avoid mastectomy and axillary dissection in patients with a complete radiological response. Conclusions: In our findings, the use of breast and/or lymph node clips has proved to be a simple and effective method to improve surgical conservative management of breast cancer patients after NACT

    Molecular and cellular studies reveal folding defects of human ornithine aminotransferase variants associated with gyrate atrophy of the choroid and retina

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    The deficit of human ornithine aminotransferase (hOAT) is responsible for gyrate atrophy (GA), a rare recessive inherited disorder. Although more than 60 disease-associated mutations have been identified to date, the molecular mechanisms explaining how each mutation leads to the deficit of OAT are mostly unknown. To fill this gap, we considered six representative missense mutations present in homozygous patients concerning residues spread over the hOAT structure. E. coli expression, spectroscopic, kinetic and bioinformatic analyses, reveal that the R154L and G237D mutations induce a catalytic more than a folding defect, the Q90E and R271K mutations mainly impact folding efficiency, while the E318K and C394Y mutations give rise to both folding and catalytic defects. In a human cellular model of disease folding-defective variants, although at a different extent, display reduced protein levels and/or specific activity, due to increased aggregation and/or degradation propensity. The supplementation with Vitamin B6, to mimic a treatment strategy available for GA patients, does not significantly improve the expression/activity of folding-defective variants, in contrast with the clinical responsiveness of patients bearing the E318K mutation. Thus, we speculate that the action of vitamin B6 could be also independent of hOAT. Overall, these data represent a further effort toward a comprehensive analysis of GA pathogenesis at molecular and cellular level, with important relapses for the improvement of genotype/phenotype correlations and the development of novel treatments

    Protein cohabitation: long-term immunoglobulin G storage at room temperature

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    Long-term functional storage of therapeutic proteins at room temperature has been an eternal challenge. Inspired by the cellular cooperativity of proteins, we have taken a step forward to address this challenge by cohabitating Immunoglobulin G (IgG1) with a food protein gelatin in the solid-state at room temperature. Interestingly, IgG1 remained functionally active for a record 14 months revealed from the western-blot assay. Further quantification by HP-LC analysis showed 100% structural integrity of IgG1 with no degradation in the gelatin matrix during this period. The developed formulation has a direct application in oral medical nutrition therapy to cure gastrointestinal microbial infections. Also the strategy provides a robust energy economic alternative to the protein engineering methods for long-term functional storage of therapeutic proteins at room temperature

    Potential application of pre-harvest LED interlighting to improve tomato quality and storability

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    Unidad de excelencia María de Maeztu CEX2019-000940-MGrowing conditions and agronomical inputs play a key role in determining fruit qualitative and nutraceutical traits at harvest and post-harvest. The hereby presented research investigated the effects of pre-harvest supplemental LED interlighting on post-harvest quality of hydroponically grown tomatoes (Solanum lycopersicum "Siranzo"). Three LED treatments, applied for 16 h d-1 (h 8.00-00.00), were added to natural sunlight and consisted of Red and Blue (RB), Red and Blue + Far-Red (FR), and Red and Blue + Far-Red at the end-of-day for 30 min (EOD), with an intensity of 180 µmol m-2 s-1 for Red and Blue, plus 44 µmol m-2 s-1 for Far-Red. A control treatment (CK), where plants were grown only with sunlight, was also considered. Fruits at red stage were selected and placed in a storage room at 13 °C in darkness. Fruit quality assessment was performed at harvest time and after one week of storage. RB and FR increased fruit firmness compared to CK, opening possible benefits toward reducing fruit losses during post-harvest handling. RB treated fruits also maintained a higher content of lycopene and β-carotene after the first week of storage. The study demonstrates that supplementary LED interlighting during greenhouse tomato cultivation may enhance storability and help preserve fruit nutritional properties during post-harvest

    A TILLING allele of the tomato Aux/IAA9 gene offers new insights into fruit set mechanisms and perspectives for breeding seedless tomatoes

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    Parthenocarpy is a desired trait in fruit crops; it enables fruit set under environmental conditions suboptimal for pollination, and seedless fruits represent a valuable consumer product. We employed TILLING-based screening of a mutant tomato population to find genetic lesions in Aux/IAA9, a negative regulator of the auxin response involved in the control of fruit set. We identified three mutations located in the coding region of this gene, including two singlebase substitutions and one single-base deletion, which leads to a frame shift and premature stop codon. The transcription of IAA9 was strongly reduced in the frame-shift mutant, and partial loss of mutated protein activity was evidenced by an in vitro transactivation assay. Whereas missense mutations were predicted to be tolerated and did not cause mutant phenotypes, the frame-shift mutation-induced phenotypes expected for a loss of IAA9 function, including altered axillary shoot growth, reduced leaf compoundness and a strong tendency to produce parthenocarpic fruits. Mutant flowers showed pleiotropic anther cone defects, a phenotype frequently associated with parthenocarpy in tomato and other species. Mutant fruits were larger than those of the seeded control, with higher bri

    Protease treatment affects both invasion ability and biofilm formation in Listeria monocytogenes

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    Listeria monocytogenes is a notably invasive bacterium associated with life-threatening food-borne disease in humans. Several surface proteins have been shown to be essential in the adhesion of L. monocytogenes, and in the subsequent invasion of phagocytes. Because the control of the invasion of host cells by Listeria could potentially hinder its spread in the infected host, we have examined the effects of a protease treatment on the ability of L. monocytogenes to form biofilms and to invade tissues. We have chosen serratiopeptidase (SPEP), an extracellular metalloprotease produced by Serratia marcescens that is already widely used as an anti-inflammatory agent, and has been shown to modulate adhesin expression and to induce antibiotic sensitivity in other bacteria. Treatment of L. monocytogenes with sublethal concentrations of SPEP reduced their ability to form biofilms and to invade host cells. Zymograms of the treated cells revealed that Ami4b autolysin, internalinB, and ActA were sharply reduced. These cell-surface proteins are known to function as ligands in the interaction between these bacteria and their host cells, and our data suggest that treatment with this natural enzyme may provide a useful tool in the prevention of the initial adhesion of L. monocytogenes to the human gu
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