30 research outputs found

    La refrigeración solar de los edificios

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    La climatización, además de afectar al confort de una vivienda, es importante en secotres como la economía. De esta depende, por ejemplo, la productividad de un invernadero. Por ello, la innovación en este campo pasa por estudiar sistemas más eficientes que aprovechen enrgías limpias como el so

    The epistemological need for qualitative research

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    La sociedad occidental ha aceptado el concepto matemático de número sin ninguna crítica prácticamente desde la Escuela Pitagórica. Los trabajos de Georg Cantor sobre el concepto de infinito y sobre la teoría de conjuntos y las investigaciones lógicas de Kurt Gödel sobre la incompletitud han zarandeado la claridad de la aritmética elemental. Estas investigaciones junto con las discusiones metodológicas entre frecuencialistas y bayesianos en la estadística epidemiológica y los requerimientos aplicativos de la salud basada en la evidencia hacen necesaria la aportación de la investigación cualitativa para el análisis de la realidad sanitaria. Es deseable asimismo la definición epistemológica dentro de cada proyecto cualitativo.Western society has accepted the mathematical concept of number uncritically almost from the Pythagorean School. Georg Cantor's work on the concept of infinity and on set theory and Kurt Gödel´s logic investigations on incompleteness has shaken clarity of numeracy. These inquiries together with methodological discussions between frecuentists and Bayesian statisticians and applications requirements of evidence-based medicine make necessary the contribution of qualitative research for the analysis of reality of health. It is also desirable epistemological definition within each qualitative project

    A chloroplast redox relay adapts plastid metabolism to light and affects cytosolic protein quality control

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    In chloroplasts, thiol-dependent redox regulation is linked to light since the disulfide reductase activity of thioredoxins (Trxs) relies on photo-reduced ferredoxin (Fdx). Furthermore, chloroplasts harbor an NADPH-dependent Trx reductase (NTR) with a joint Trx domain, termed NTRC. The activity of these two redox systems is integrated by the redox balance of 2-Cys peroxiredoxin (Prx), which is controlled by NTRC. However, NTRC was proposed to participate in redox regulation of additional targets, prompting inquiry into whether the function of NTRC depends on its capacity to maintain the redox balance of 2-Cys Prxs or by direct redox interaction with chloroplast enzymes. To answer this, we studied the functional relationship of NTRC and 2-Cys Prxs by a comparative analysis of the triple Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) mutant, ntrc-2cpab, which lacks NTRC and 2-Cys Prxs, and the double mutant 2cpab, which lacks 2-Cys Prxs. These mutants exhibit almost indistinguishable phenotypes: in growth rate, photosynthesis performance, and redox regulation of chloroplast enzymes in response to light and darkness. These results suggest that the most relevant function of NTRC is in controlling the redox balance of 2-Cys Prxs. A comparative transcriptomics analysis confirmed the phenotypic similarity of the two mutants and suggested that the NTRC-2-Cys Prxs system participates in cytosolic protein quality control. We propose that NTRC and 2-Cys Prxs constitute a redox relay, exclusive to photosynthetic organisms that fine-tunes the redox state of chloroplast enzymes in response to light and affects transduction pathways towards the cytosol.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad BIO2017-85195-C2-1-

    Estudio experimental y modelización matemática de una unidad de suelo frío con ventilación incorporada

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    En los últimos años se ha empezado a utilizar sistemas de suelo frío para combatir parte de la carga sensible de los locales. Como la temperatura superficial del suelo está limitada por el riesgo de condensación, un sistema de suelo frío suele ir complementado con un sistema de ventilación que combate el resto de carga sensible que el suelo no es capaz de combatir, además de la carga de ventilación y la carga latente del local. Para unificar las unidades terminales, se propone en este estudio una integración del suelo frío con el sistema de ventilación [1]. El sistema consiste en una estructura modular que se dispone en el forjado y forma conductos de ventilación por donde circula el aire. Sobre esta estructura se coloca la red de tuberías, que quedan embebidas en la capa de mortero y sobre la que se dispone el acabado superficial del suelo. Las bocas de difusión se sitúan en el suelo, pudiendo ser ventilación por mezcla o desplazamiento. El trabajo que se presenta es un análisis numérico de la transferencia de calor en la unidad terminal de suelo frío con ventilación, mediante elementos finitos, realizado con el software COMSOL Multiphysics [2]. Además, se realiza un ensayo experimental. Se integra el sistema en un suelo de 3x3 m2 y se realiza un ensayo típico en condiciones de verano. Se describe el montaje del experimento, la monitorización llevada a cabo de los parámetros más importantes del sistema y el ensayo experimental. Se muestran los resultados experimentales, que confirman la estratificación de temperatura del aire de la zona. Por otro lado, la temperatura superficial media del suelo y la capacidad de refrigeración del sistema son dos de las variables utilizadas para comparar el ensayo experimental con la simulación numérica. El objetivo principal es validar el modelo numérico con los ensayos experimentales. El trabajo se encuadra en el proyecto UNICLIMA, financiado por AZVI en el marco de un proyecto de la Corporación Tecnológica de Andalucía y el CDTI

    Mild hypophosphatasia may be twice as prevalent as previously estimated: an effective clinical algorithm to detect undiagnosed cases

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    Objectives: Since the prevalence of hypophosphatasia (HPP), a rare genetic disease, seems to be underestimated in clinical practice, in this study, a new diagnostic algorithm to identify missed cases of HPP was developed and implemented. Methods: Analytical determinations recorded in the Clinical Analysis Unit of the Hospital Universitario Clínico San Cecilio in the period June 2018 – December 2020 were reviewed. A new clinical algorithm to detect HPP-misdiagnosed cases was used including the following steps: confirmation of persistent hypophosphatasemia, exclusion of secondary causes of hypophosphatasemia, determination of serum pyridoxal- 5′-phosphate (PLP) and genetic study of ALPL gene. Results: Twenty-four subjects were selected to participate in the study and genetic testing was carried out in 20 of them following clinical algorithm criteria. Eighty percent of patients was misdiagnosed with HPP following the current standard clinical practice. Extrapolating these results to the current Spanish population means that there could be up to 27,177 cases of undiagnosed HPP in Spain. In addition, we found a substantial proportion of HPP patients affected by other comorbidities, such as autoimmune diseases (∼40 %). Conclusions: This new algorithm was effective in detecting previously undiagnosed cases ofHPP, which appears to be twice as prevalent as previously estimated for the European population. In the near future, our algorithm could be globally applied routinely in clinical practice to minimize the underdiagnosis of HPP. Additionally, some relevant findings, such as the high prevalence of autoimmune diseases in HPP-affected patients, should be investigated to better characterize this disorder.Instituto de Salud Carlos III grants PI21-01069 co-funded by the European Regional Development Fund (FEDER) and by Junta de Andalucía grant PI-0268-2019Operational Programme for Youth Employment of the Junta de Andalucía with Ref: POEJ_04/2022-12Instituto de Salud Carlos III with co-funding by FEDER (CD20/00022)(FI19/00118 and CM21/00221) from Instituto de Salud CarlosPostdoctoral fellowship from the Junta de Andalucía (RH-0141-2020

    Efficacy of different 8 h time-restricted eating schedules on visceral adipose tissue and cardiometabolic health: A study protocol

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    Background and aims: To investigate the efficacy and feasibility of three different 8 h time-restricted eating (TRE) schedules (i.e., early, late, and self-selected) compared to each other and to a usual-care (UC) intervention on visceral adipose tissue (VAT) and cardiometabolic health in men and women. Methods and results: Anticipated 208 adults (50% women) aged 30e60 years, with overweight/ obesity (25 BMI<40 kg/m2 ) and with mild metabolic impairments will be recruited for this parallel-group, multicenter randomized controlled trial. Participants will be randomly allocated (1:1:1:1) to one of four groups for 12 weeks: UC, early TRE, late TRE or self-selected TRE. The UC group will maintain their habitual eating window and receive, as well as the TRE groups, healthy lifestyle education for weight management. The early TRE group will start eating not later than 10:00, and the late TRE group not before 13:00. The self-selected TRE group will select an 8 h eating window before the intervention and maintain it over the intervention. The primary outcome is changes in VAT, whereas secondary outcomes include body composition and cardio metabolic risk factors. Conclusion: This study will determine whether the timing of the eating window during TRE im pacts its efficacy on VAT, body composition and cardiometabolic risk factors and provide insights about its feasibilit

    Examining the immune signatures of SARS-CoV-2 infection in pregnancy and the impact on neurodevelopment: Protocol of the SIGNATURE longitudinal study

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    The COVID-19 pandemic represents a valuable opportunity to carry out cohort studies that allow us to advance our knowledge on pathophysiological mechanisms of neuropsychiatric diseases. One of these opportunities is the study of the relationships between inflammation, brain development and an increased risk of suffering neuropsychiatric disorders. Based on the hypothesis that neuroinflammation during early stages of life is associated with neurodevelopmental disorders and confers a greater risk of developing neuropsychiatric disorders, we propose a cohort study of SARS-CoV-2-infected pregnant women and their newborns. The main objective of SIGNATURE project is to explore how the presence of prenatal SARS-CoV-2 infection and other non-infectious stressors generates an abnormal inflammatory activity in the newborn. The cohort of women during the COVID-19 pandemic will be psychological and biological monitored during their pregnancy, delivery, childbirth and postpartum. The biological information of the umbilical cord (foetus blood) and peripheral blood from the mother will be obtained after childbirth. These samples and the clinical characterisation of the cohort of mothers and newborns, are tremendously valuable at this time. This is a protocol report and no analyses have been conducted yet, being currently at, our study is in the recruitment process step. At the time of this publication, we have identified 1,060 SARS-CoV-2 infected mothers and all have already given birth. From the total of identified mothers, we have recruited 537 SARS-COV-2 infected women and all of them have completed the mental health assessment during pregnancy. We have collected biological samples from 119 mothers and babies. Additionally, we have recruited 390 non-infected pregnant women.This work has received support from the Fundación Alicia Koplowitz to realize the epigenetic wide association study and to the clinical assessment to the children. This work has also received public support from the Consejería de Salud y Familias para la financiación de la investigación, desarrollo e innovación (i + d + i) biomédica y en ciencias de la salud en Andalucía (CSyF 2021 - FEDER). Grant Grant number PECOVID- 0195-2020. Convocatoria financiada con Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER) al 80% dentro del Programa Operativo de Andalucía FEDER 2014-2020. Andalucía se mueve con Europa. NG-T received payment under Rio Hortega contract CM20-00015 with the Carlos III Health Institute.Peer reviewe

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