772 research outputs found

    15 Jahre alt 1992 - heute über dreissig. Über eine 15jährige Entwicklung der schulischen und beruflichen Übergänge nach der obligatorischen Schulzeit

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    En 1992, la moitié des jeunes tessinois (N=1471) qui venaient de terminer leur scolarité obligatoire ont participé à une recherche longitudinale qui s\u27est terminée quinze ans plus tard, en 2007. La recherche présentée ici a suivi les parcours scolaires et professionnels de ces jeunes adultes afin de mieux saisir les logiques et les stratégies adoptées dans leurs choix de parcours de formation et au moment du passage en emploi. Le dispositif adopté a permis de réaliser un suivi soutenu quant au relevé des données et aux thèmes analysés (formation, travail, valeurs, aspects culturels, dimensions sociodémographiques, degré de satisfaction, etc.). Cette recherche a pu réunir beaucoup d\u27information et a déjà fait l\u27objet de nombreuses publications. Dans la présente contribution, il a été été démontré que, à l\u27âge de trente ans, les jeunes adultes sont assez satisfaits de leur vie, qu\u27ils ont acquis une bonne formation et par la suite une place de travail stable. Ils considèrent les amis et la famille comme très importants, tout comme les loisirs et le travail. Ils disent avoir confiance dans les enseignants, les scientifiques et la police, mais moins dans l\u27église, les partis politiques et les hommes politiques eux-mêmes. Ce portrait d\u27ensemble nous renseigne sur les parcours par moments ardus et parsemés d\u27interruptions, de changements de formation, de difficultés à trouver un premier emploi stable, de compromis salariaux et de quelques regrets, le plus souvent en lien direct avec les choix scolaires et professionnels effectués. (DIPF/Orig.)15 Jahre lang standen 1471 Schulabgänger/innen des Jahrganges 1992 (50% mit Sekundarabschluss) im Fokus einer Längsschnittstudie, die 2007 abgeschlossen wurde. Ein wesentliches Ziel bestand darin, Logiken und Strategien betreffend der Berufswahl und des Berufseinstiegs zu erkennen und zu dokumentieren. Zusätzlich wurden individuelle Entwicklungen im schulischen wie auch im beruflichen Kontext nachgezeichnet und verfolgt. Die Untersuchungsanlage ermöglichte eine intensive und nachhaltige Aufarbeitung der Erhebungsdaten wie auch der breit gefächerten Untersuchungsthemen (Ausbildung, Arbeit, Werte, kulturelle Aspekte, soziografische Dimensionen, Zufriedenheit etc.). Die Längsschnittstudie brachte umfassende Daten und Informationen zu Tage, welche in diversen Publikationen bereits dargelegt werden konnten. Deutlich wurde, dass die heute über dreißigjährigen jungen Erwachsenen mehrheitlich mit ihrem Leben zufrieden sind, unterstützt durch eine gute Ausbildung und integriert in der Arbeitswelt. Familiäre und freundschaftliche Beziehungen sind zentrale Werte, neben Freizeitbeschäftigungen und der Arbeit; sie geben an, Vertrauen in die Arbeit von Lehrerinnen und Lehrern, von Wissenschaftler/ innen und der Polizei zu haben; weniger stark in die Arbeit der Kirchen, politischer Parteien sowie von Politikerinnen und Politikern. Die Daten ergeben ein Bild einer Generation, deren individuelle Biografien nicht immer linear verlaufen und durch Friktionen gekennzeichnet sind, ausgelöst durch Wechsel in der Ausbildung, durch die Schwierigkeit eine erste Stelle zu finden, durch Gehaltseinbußen oder durch falsche bzw. problematische Berufswahlentscheide. (DIPF/Orig.

    Spontaneous Formation of L-Isoaspartate and Gain of Function in Fibronectin

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    Isoaspartate formation in extracellular matrix proteins, by aspartate isomerization or asparagine deamidation, is generally viewed as a degradation reaction occurring in vivo during tissue aging. For instance, non-enzymatic isoaspartate formation at RGD-integrin binding sites causes loss of cell adhesion sites, which in turn can be enzymatically "repaired" to RGD by protein-L-isoAsp-O- methyltransferase. We show here that isoaspartate formation is also a mechanism for extracellular matrix activation. In particular, we show that deamidation of Asn(263) at the Asn-Gly-Arg (NGR) site in fibronectin N-terminal region generates an alpha(v)beta(3)-integrin binding site containing the L-isoDGR sequence, which is enzymatically "deactivated" to DGR by protein-L-isoAsp-O-methyltransferase. Furthermore, rapid NGR-to-isoDGR sequence transition in fibronectin fragments generates alpha(v)beta(3) antagonists ( named "isonectins") that competitively bind RGD binding sites and inhibit endothelial cell adhesion, proliferation, and tumor growth. Time-dependent generation of isoDGR may represent a sort of molecular clock for activating latent integrin binding sites in proteins

    DDK dependent regulation of TOP2A at centromeres revealed by a chemical genetics approach

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    In eukaryotic cells the CDC7/DBF4 kinase, also known as DBF4-dependent kinase (DDK), is required for the firing of DNA replication origins. CDC7 is also involved in replication stress responses and its depletion sensitises cells to drugs that affect fork progression, including Topoisomerase 2 poisons. Although CDC7 is an important regulator of cell division, relatively few substrates and bona-fide CDC7 phosphorylation sites have been identified to date in human cells. In this study, we have generated an active recombinant CDC7/DBF4 kinase that can utilize bulky ATP analogues. By performing in vitro kinase assays using benzyl-thio-ATP, we have identified TOP2A as a primary CDC7 substrate in nuclear extracts, and serine 1213 and serine 1525 as in vitro phosphorylation sites. We show that CDC7/DBF4 and TOP2A interact in cells, that this interaction mainly occurs early in S-phase, and that it is compromised after treatment with CDC7 inhibitors. We further provide evidence that human DBF4 localises at centromeres, to which TOP2A is progressively recruited during S-phase. Importantly, we found that CDC7/DBF4 down-regulation, as well S1213A/S1525A TOP2A mutations can advance the timing of centromeric TOP2A recruitment in S-phase. Our results indicate that TOP2A is a novel DDK target and have important implications for centromere biology

    Cleavage of chromogranin A N-terminal domain by plasmin provides a new mechanism for regulating cell adhesion

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    It has been proposed that chromogranin A (CgA), a protein secreted by many normal and neoplastic neuroendocrine cells, can play a role as a positive or a negative modulator of cell adhesion. The mechanisms that regulate these extracellular functions of CgA are unknown. We show here that plasmin can regulate the anti/pro-adhesive activity of CgA by proteolytic cleavage of the N-terminal domain. Limited proteolytic processing decreased its anti-adhesive activity and induced pro-adhesive effects in fibronectin or serum-dependent fibroblast adhesion assays. Cleavage of Lys(77)-Lys(78) dibasic site in CgA(1-115) was relatively rapid and associated with an increase of pro-adhesive effect. In contrast, antibodies against the region 53-90 enhanced the anti-adhesive activity of CgA and CgA(1-115). Structure-activity relationship studies showed that the conserved region 47-64 (RILSILRHQNLLKELQDL) is critical for both pro- and anti-adhesive activity. These findings suggest that CgA might work on one hand as a negative modulator of cell adhesion and on the other hand as a precursor of positive modulators, the latter requiring proteolytic processing for activation. Given the importance of plasminogen activation in tissue invasion and remodeling, the interplay between CgA and plasmin could provide a novel mechanism for regulating fibroblast adhesion and function in neuroendocrine tumors

    Metabolism of Stem and Progenitor Cells: Proper Methods to Answer Specific Questions

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    Stem cells can stay quiescent for a long period of time or proliferate and differentiate into multiple lineages. The activity of stage-specific metabolic programs allows stem cells to best adapt their functions in different microenvironments. Specific cellular phenotypes can be, therefore, defined by precise metabolic signatures. Notably, not only cellular metabolism describes a defined cellular phenotype, but experimental evidence now clearly indicate that also rewiring cells towards a particular cellular metabolism can drive their cellular phenotype and function accordingly. Cellular metabolism can be studied by both targeted and untargeted approaches. Targeted analyses focus on a subset of identified metabolites and on their metabolic fluxes. In addition, the overall assessment of the oxygen consumption rate (OCR) gives a measure of the overall cellular oxidative metabolism and mitochondrial function. Untargeted approach provides a large-scale identification and quantification of the whole metabolome with the aim to describe a metabolic fingerprinting. In this review article, we overview the methodologies currently available for the study of invitro stem cell metabolism, including metabolic fluxes, fingerprint analyses, and single-cell metabolomics. Moreover, we summarize available approaches for the study of in vivo stem cell metabolism. For all of the described methods, we highlight their specificities and limitations. In addition, we discuss practical concerns about the most threatening steps, including metabolic quenching, sample preparation and extraction. A better knowledge of the precise metabolic signature defining specific cell population is instrumental to the design of novel therapeutic strategies able to drive undifferentiated stem cells towards a selective and valuable cellular phenotype

    Predicting delirium in older non-intensive care unit inpatients: development and validation of the DELIrium risK Tool (DELIKT)

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    BACKGROUND Effective delirium prevention could benefit from automatic risk stratification of older inpatients using routinely collected clinical data. AIM Primary aim was to develop and validate a delirium prediction model (DELIKT) suitable for implementation in hospitals. Secondary aim was to select an anticholinergic burden scale as a predictor. METHOD We used one cohort for model development and another for validation with electronically available data collected within the first 24 h of admission. Included were patients aged ≥ 65, hospitalised ≥ 48 h with no stay > 24 h in an intensive care unit. Predictors, such as administrative and laboratory variables or an anticholinergic burden scale, were selected using a combination of feature selection filter method and forward/backward selection. The final model was based on logistic regression and the DELIKT was derived from the β-coefficients. We report the following performance measures: area under the curve, sensitivity, specificity and odds ratio. RESULTS Both cohorts were similar and included over 10,000 patients each (mean age 77.6 ± 7.6 years) with 11% experiencing delirium. The model included nine variables: age, medical department, dementia, hemi-/paraplegia, catheterisation, potassium, creatinine, polypharmacy and the anticholinergic burden measured with the Clinician-rated Anticholinergic Scale (CrAS). The external validation yielded an AUC of 0.795. With a cut-off at 20 points in the DELIKT, we received a sensitivity of 79.7%, specificity of 62.3% and an odds ratio of 5.9 (95% CI 5.2, 6.7). CONCLUSION The DELIKT is a potentially automatic tool with predictors from standard care including the CrAS to identify patients at high risk for delirium

    A primary culture system of mouse thick ascending limb cells with preserved function and uromodulin processing

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    The epithelial cells lining the thick ascending limb (TAL) of the loop of Henle perform essential transport processes and secrete uromodulin, the most abundant protein in normal urine. The lack of differentiated cell culture systems has hampered studies of TAL functions. Here, we report a method to generate differentiated primary cultures of TAL cells, developed from microdissected tubules obtained in mouse kidneys. The TAL tubules cultured on permeable filters formed polarized confluent monolayers in ∼12days. The TAL cells remain differentiated and express functional markers such as uromodulin, NKCC2, and ROMK at the apical membrane. Electrophysiological measurements on primary TAL monolayers showed a lumen-positive transepithelial potential (+9.4 ± 0.8mV/cm2) and transepithelial resistance similar to that recorded in vivo. The transepithelial potential is abolished by apical bumetanide and in primary cultures obtained from ROMK knockout mice. The processing, maturation and apical secretion of uromodulin by primary TAL cells is identical to that observed in vivo. The primary TAL cells respond appropriately to hypoxia, hypertonicity, and stimulation by desmopressin, and they can be transfected. The establishment of this primary culture system will allow the investigation of TAL cells obtained from genetically modified mouse models, providing a critical tool for understanding the role of that segment in health and disease

    Asbestos Exposure in Patients with Malignant Pleural Mesothelioma included in the PRIMATE Study, Lombardy, Italy

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    The PRIMATE study is an Italian translational research project, which aims to identify personalized biomarkers associated with clinical characteristics of malignant pleural mesothelioma (MPM). For this purpose, characteristics of MPM patients with different degrees of asbestos exposure will be compared to identify somatic mutations, germline polymorphism, and blood inflammatory biomarkers. In this framework, we assessed exposure to asbestos for 562 cases of MPM extracted from the Lombardy region Mesothelioma Registry (RML), for which a complete interview based on a standardized national questionnaire and histopathological specimens were available. Exposure assessment was performed: (1) through experts' evaluation (considered as the gold standard for the purpose of this study), according to the guidelines of the Italian National Mesothelioma Registry (ReNaM) and (2) using a job-exposure matrix (SYN-JEM) to obtain qualitative (ever/never) and quantitative estimates of occupational asbestos exposure (cumulative exposure expressed in fibers per mL (f/mL)). The performance of SYN-JEM was evaluated against the experts' evaluation. According to experts' evaluation, occupational asbestos exposure was recognized in 73.6% of men and 23.6% of women; furthermore, 29 men (7.8%) and 70 women (36.9%) had non-occupational exposure to asbestos. When applying SYN-JEM, 225 men (60.5%) and 25 women (13.2%) were classified as occupationally exposed, with a median cumulative exposure higher for men (1.7 f/mL-years) than for women (1.2 f/mL-years). The concordance between the two methods (Cohen’s kappa) for occupational exposure assessment was 0.46 overall (0.41 in men, and 0.07 in women). Sensitivity was higher in men (0.73) than in women (0.18), while specificity was higher in women (0.88) than in men (0.74). Overall, both methods can be used to reconstruct past occupational exposure to asbestos, each with its own advantages and limitations. View Full-Tex