15 research outputs found

    Effect of eleven weeks training program on inflammatory, hematological and biochemical parameters in rat skeletal muscle, liver and serum

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    Physical exercise is known causer of acute traumas in biological structures. Chronically, physical training or can lead to a coherent sequence of traumas leading to Adaptation (Functional Overreaching – FOR) or to an imbalance between stimulus and recovery leading to Overtraining Syndrome (OTS). In the present study we analyzed muscle and hepatic cytokines concentration: Interleukin-6 (IL6), Tumor Necrose Factor-Alpha (TNF-α), Interleukin-1Beta (IL1-β) and Interleukin-10 (IL-10); muscle and serum concentration of glutamate (GLU) and glutamine (GLN); serum concentration of C-reactive Protein (CRP), Alpha-1 Glicoprotein Acid (AGA), Albumin (ALB), Uric Acid (UA), Ferric Reducing Ability of Plasma (FRAP), Creatine Kinase (CK), Red Blood Cells (RBC) and White Blood Cells (WBC) in rats submitted to a 11 week training protocol divided in 4 parts: training 1x/day (until week 8th), training 2x/day (week 9th), training 3x/day (week 10th), training 4x/day (week 11th). Rats were killed for sample collecting in the following moments: initial (INI), training 2x/day (T2x) and training 4x/day (T4x); performance tests were made at these same moments to allow the calculus of the work done by the rats. The GraphPad Instat® software was used to make statistical analysis, using parametric and impaired tests. A p significance value of less than 0.05. The results showed that Work increased significantly in T2x and T4x compared to INI (means: 478.79 and 505.88Kg.m compared to 241.81Kg.m). It was observed an anti-inflammatory and antioxidant standard in skeletal muscle (↑[IL6] and ↓[TNFα, IL1β]) and serum (↑[Uric Acid, FRAP]), respectively, in T2x and T4x at the same time of a pro-inflammatory standard in liver at these moments (↑[IL6, TNFα, IL1β]). We found significant decrease in PCR (means: 3.94mg/L in T4x compared to 5.62mg/L in T2x) and WBC (means: 2461mm3 in T4x compared to 3457mm3 in T2x) in T4x and maintenance in serum GLN/GLU ratio along protocol (4.05 in T4x compared to 4.02 in T2x and 4.54 in CO). The eleven weeks training program showed an adaptive trend in rats, considering that T4x showed to be more stressful than T2x

    Blood oxidative stress, antioxidant enzymes and muscle damage biomarkers changes during a competitive season in soccer players

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    Soccer players have enhanced their performance on the last decades through the improvement of training loads. This leads to an increase in reactive oxygen species (ROS) production that can react with cellular structures affecting cellular homeostasis. However physical training also acts modulating the intracelular antioxidant systems improving its capacity to detoxify ROS. So the aim of this study was to verify the behavior of blood antioxidant enzymes and oxidative stress markers as well as the muscular damage level in a soccer team during a whole season. The results showed that the studied antioxidant enzymes reached their respective activities peak in different moments of the season, the oxidative and muscle damage markers did not show any variation during the whole season. Our Data showed that the training program was effective to improve the antioxidant enzymes activity avoiding the possible risks of muscle oxidative stress induced damageO exercício físico induz aumento no consumo de oxigênio bem como na demanda energética. O aumento no consumo de 0 2 induz aumento na produção de espécies reativas de oxigênio (EROs). Dependendo da sua concentração, as EROs reagem com estruturas celulares, oxidando-as. Altos níveis de oxidação alteram sua função e prejudicam a homeostase intracelular. Jogadores de futebol aumentaram o desempenho de forma significativa nas últimas décadas, pela intensificação do processo de treinamento e melhoria das capacidades físicas envolvidas na modalidade. Tal fato sugere um aumento na possibilidade destes atletas estarem mais susceptíveis ao ataque oxidativo de EROs, com conseqüente aumento nos níveis de estresse oxidativo. Por outro lado, o treinamento também age na modulação dos sistemas antioxidantes intracelulares, aumentando sua capacidade de remover EROs. O objetivo deste estudo foi analisar o comportamento de marcadores sangüíneos do sistema de defesa antioxidante, de ataque oxidativo, bem como dos níveis de alteração muscular ao longo de cinco meses de campeonato paulista de um time de futebol, categoria sub-20. Nossos resultados mostram que as enzimas antioxidantes glutationa redutase e catalase atingiram picos de atividade em momentos distintos da temporada, sugerindo uma ação complementar entre elas. Os marcadores de estresse oxidativo e lesão muscular analisados não mostraram alterações significativas ao longo do estudo. Esses dados sugerem que a capacidade de defesa antioxidante foi eficiente em tamponar o possível aumento na produção de EROs induzido pelos treinamentos e jogos da competição, impedindo a ocorrência de lesões musculares de origem oxidativa ao longo do campeonat

    Trabalho e desgaste de migrantes no corte manual de cana de açúcar no Estado de São Paulo, Brasil

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    The scope of this paper is to describe the work of manual sugarcane harvesters, assessing the nutritional behavior and body composition between the beginning and the end of the harvest. A descriptive longitudinal study was made of harvesters in Piracicaba, São Paulo, Brazil, who answered a socio-demographic questionnaire and authorized measurement of Body Mass Index, Body Fat Percentage and Arm Muscle Circumference at three stages. Creatine kinase on the skeletal isoform, C-reactive protein and plasma urea were measured at the end of the harvest. Thirty male migrant harvesters with ages ranging from 18 to 44 from the Northeast (Ceará) were assessed over a nine-month period. The workers suffered significant body fat and weight loss in the first half of the harvest. Eighteen workers had abnormal levels of creatine kinase and four - out of 24 who had donated blood - had altered urea levels. Sugarcane harvesting work causes weight and body fat loss and gains in the lean body mass index, which suffers wear-out when working on consecutive harvests. It can also cause changes in biochemical markers of chronic systemic inflammation. Further studies will make it possible to comprehend the relationships between stress, wear-out, labor longevity and health in sugarcane harvesting.Descrever o trabalho de cortadores manuais de cana de açúcar avaliando o comportamento nutricional e a composição corporal do início ao final da safra. Estudo descritivo longitudinal de cortadores na região de Piracicaba, São Paulo, Brasil, por meio de um questionário sociodemográfico e antropométrico que permitiu medir Índice de Massa Corporal, Percentual de Gordura Corporal e Circunferência Muscular do Braço em três momentos. Ao final da safra foi dosada a Creatina Quinase na isoforma esquelética, proteína C reativa e ureia plasmática. Durante nove meses, 30 homens safristas migrantes nordestinos (Ceará), com idade de 18 a 44 anos foram estudados. Os trabalhadores tiveram perda significativa de gordura corporal e peso na primeira metade da safra. A maioria ganhou massa magra e os mais velhos na atividade ganharam menos. Dezoito trabalhadores apresentaram valores alterados de Creatina Quinase e quatro tiveram uréia alterada dentre os 24 que cederam sangue. O trabalho no corte de cana gera perda de peso e gordura corporal e aumento de massa magra que se desgasta com a história de trabalho em safras sucessivas. Pode ainda causar alteração de marcadores bioquímicos de inflamação crônica sistêmica. Novos estudos permitirão entender a relação esforço, desgaste, longevidade laboral e saúde no corte de cana.Universidade Estadual de CampinasUniversidade Estadual do Centro Oeste Departamento de Educação FísicaUniversidade de São Paulo Departamento de Saúde AmbientalUniversidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) Departamento de Saúde, Clínica e InstituiçõesUNIFESP, Depto. de Saúde, Clínica e InstituiçõesSciEL

    Trabalho e desgaste de migrantes no corte manual de cana de açúcar no Estado de São Paulo, Brasil

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    The scope of this paper is to describe the work of manual sugarcane harvesters, assessing the nutritional behavior and body composition between the beginning and the end of the harvest. A descriptive longitudinal study was made of harvesters in Piracicaba, São Paulo, Brazil, who answered a socio-demographic questionnaire and authorized measurement of Body Mass Index, Body Fat Percentage and Arm Muscle Circumference at three stages. Creatine kinase on the skeletal isoform, C-reactive protein and plasma urea were measured at the end of the harvest. Thirty male migrant harvesters with ages ranging from 18 to 44 from the Northeast (Ceará) were assessed over a nine-month period. The workers suffered significant body fat and weight loss in the first half of the harvest. Eighteen workers had abnormal levels of creatine kinase and four - out of 24 who had donated blood - had altered urea levels. Sugarcane harvesting work causes weight and body fat loss and gains in the lean body mass index, which suffers wear-out when working on consecutive harvests. It can also cause changes in biochemical markers of chronic systemic inflammation. Further studies will make it possible to comprehend the relationships between stress, wear-out, labor longevity and health in sugarcane harvesting.Descrever o trabalho de cortadores manuais de cana de açúcar avaliando o comportamento nutricional e a composição corporal do início ao final da safra. Estudo descritivo longitudinal de cortadores na região de Piracicaba, São Paulo, Brasil, por meio de um questionário sociodemográfico e antropométrico que permitiu medir Índice de Massa Corporal, Percentual de Gordura Corporal e Circunferência Muscular do Braço em três momentos. Ao final da safra foi dosada a Creatina Quinase na isoforma esquelética, proteína C reativa e ureia plasmática. Durante nove meses, 30 homens safristas migrantes nordestinos (Ceará), com idade de 18 a 44 anos foram estudados. Os trabalhadores tiveram perda significativa de gordura corporal e peso na primeira metade da safra. A maioria ganhou massa magra e os mais velhos na atividade ganharam menos. Dezoito trabalhadores apresentaram valores alterados de Creatina Quinase e quatro tiveram uréia alterada dentre os 24 que cederam sangue. O trabalho no corte de cana gera perda de peso e gordura corporal e aumento de massa magra que se desgasta com a história de trabalho em safras sucessivas. Pode ainda causar alteração de marcadores bioquímicos de inflamação crônica sistêmica. Novos estudos permitirão entender a relação esforço, desgaste, longevidade laboral e saúde no corte de cana.2831284

    Analise de biomarcadores de estresse oxidativo em jogadores juniores de futebol

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    O exercício físico é um conhecido indutor da produção de espécies reativas de oxigênio (EROs) pelas células musculares, devido ao aumento no consumo de oxigênio e demanda energética celular. O excesso de produção dessas EROs deve ser combatido pela defesa antioxidante do organismo, tanto enzimática quanto não-enzimática. Um desbalanço entre a produção e eliminação das EROs desencadeia uma condição de estresse oxidativo, que pode estar envolvida com o excesso de sobrecarga nos treinamentos (volume, freqüência e intensidade) e/ou um desequilíbrio entre treino/recuperação, que podem induzir as condições conhecidas como overreaching e overtraining. Essas, apresentam algumas sintomatologias características como fadiga crônica, queda de performance e alteração no estado de humor, dentre outros, o presente estudo teve como objetivo analisar a resposta de biomarcadores de estresse oxidativo (ataque oxidativo - TBARS e defesa antioxidante enzimática - Catalase), lesão muscular (Creatina Quinase - CK) e estresse metabólico (Uréia) em jogadores de futebol da categoria Júnior da Associação Atlética Ponte Preta durante o período preparatório para a Taça São Paulo de Futebol 2002. Nossos resultados sugerem que as cargas de treinamento praticadas ao longo desse período foram eficientes em aumentar a atividade do sistema de defesa antioxidante, ao mesmo tempo em que os níveis de ataque oxidativo, lesão muscular e estresse metabólico mantiveram-se decrescidos, sugerindo uma adaptação positiva ao final do treinamento.Physical exercise is known as a potential source of Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS) production, due to the increase of oxygen consumption and cellular energy expenditure. This increase in ROS production must be controlled by either enzymatic or non-enzymatic antioxidant defense. An imbalance between the production and the elimination of ROS leads to an oxidative stress condition. This can be a reflex of the excess of overload into the training programs (quality, quantity and frequency) and/or an imbalance between training/recovery, leading to conditions called overreaching and overtraining. These show some features such as chronic fatigue, decrease of performance and mood, among others. The goal of the present study was to analyse some biomarkers of oxidative stress (oxidative attack - TBARS and enzymatic antioxidant defense - Catalase), skeletal muscle damage (Creatíne Kinase - CK) and metabolic stress (Urea) in young soccer players of Associação Atlética Ponte Preta during the preparatory period for Taça Sao Paulo 2002. Our results show that the training loads given during this period were efficient, causing the increase of the activity of antioxidant defense system, at same time leading to a decrease in oxidative attack, skeletal muscle damage and metabolic stress levels, Into the preparatory period, it was possible to control the training loads of the athletes, trying to get better results in the physical capacities involved at the modality with minimum damage from oxidative sources, improving the adaptive process of the athletes

    Physical training, inflammatory process and adaptative condition

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    Orientador: Denise Vaz de MacedoTese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de BiologiaResumo: O exercício físico e um conhecido indutor agudo de traumas sobre as estruturas biológicas como músculos esqueléticos, articulações, ossos e demais tecidos. O treinamento físico, de maneira cronica e respeitando a relacao estimulo-recuperação pode levar a uma seqüência coerente de traumas e conseqüentemente a adaptação (Overreaching Funcional - FOR). Por outro lado, desequilíbrios persistentes na relação estimulo-recuperação podem levar a condições não-adaptativas refletidas em perda de performance e sintomatologia variada (Overreaching Não-Funcional - _FOR e Síndrome do Overtraining - OTS). Existe na literatura a proposta do envolvimento de marcadores antiinflamatórios e pro-inflamatorios na diferenciação entre esses dois estados. O objetivo central do presente trabalho foi investigar a relação entre treinamento físico e os estados FOR e _FOR através da analise de performance e de marcadores sericos e teciduais imunológicos, bioquímicos e hematológicos em ratos submetidos a um protocolo de indução ao overtraining desenvolvido recentemente em nosso laboratório. O presente trabalho esta dividido em dois capítulos escritos na forma de artigos científicos. O capitulo 1 consiste em um artigo de revisão da literatura sobre processo inflamatório e treinamento físico. Anexo ao artigo segue o roteiro de estudos que será utilizado como ferramenta didática em sala de aula quando da discussão do processo inflamatório desencadeado pelo exercício e treinamento físico. No capitulo 2 apresentamos os dados de performance e as concentrações hepática e muscular das citocinas Fator de Necrose Tumoral (TNFa), Interleucina 1 (IL-1ß), Interleucina 6 (IL-6) e Interleucina 10 (IL-10); concentracao muscular dos aminoácidos Glutamina (Gln) e Glutamato (Glu); concentração serica de Proteína C-reativa (PCR), Albumina, Acido Urico (AU), FRAP (Ferric Reducing Ability of Plasma), Creatina Quinase (CK), Ureia, Proteínas Totais e Creatinina, alem do hemograma completo de ratos alimentados ad libitum e submetidos a um protocolo controlado de treinamento em esteira, contendo um período de desequilíbrio entre o estimulo do exercício e o tempo de recuperação entre os estímulos. O protocolo teve a duração de 11 semanas, sendo: treinos 1x/dia da 1ª a 8ª semana, treinos 2x/dia na 9ª semana, treinos 3x/dia na 10ª semana e treinos 4x/dia na 11ª semana. A performance e os biomarcadores foram analisados apos a 9ª semana e apos a 11ª semana. Os animais sacrificados apos a 9ª semana constituíram o grupo treinado (Tr). Os animais do grupo controle (CO) também foram sacrificados na 9ª semana. Os resultados mostraram que a performance da maioria dos ratos melhorou significativamente (p0,05) da concentração serica da CK e dos leucocitos, assim como dos componentes de sua contagem diferencial (neutrofilos, linfocitos e bastonetes) e queda (p<0,05) na razao Gln/Glu em relação ao grupo Tr. O grupo FOR apresentou tambem queda (p<0,05) do numero de hemaceas e do hematocrito. Os resultados apresentados sugerem que os ratos do grupo FOR apresentavam-se mais adaptados que os ratos dos grupos CO e Tr, exibindo um padrao antiinflamatorio serico e muscular alem de adaptacao antioxidante serica.Abstract: Physical exercise can cause trauma to biological structures as skeletal muscle, joints, bone and several other tissues. Training in a chronic way and considering training-recovery relationship can lead to a coherent sequence of trauma and consequently to organic adaptive condition (Functional Overreaching - FOR). On the other hand an imbalance between training-recovery can lead to organic non-adaptive condition, directed by performance decrease and several other symptoms (Non-Functional Overreaching - NFOR and/or Overtraining Syndrome - OTS). Literature suggested that anti and pro-inflammatory markers are involved in the differentiation of these states. Our main goal was to investigate the relationship among exercise training, FOR and NFOR through performance added to serum and tissue immunologic, biochemical and hematological biomarkers in rats submitted to an overtraining inducing protocol recently developed in our laboratory. This work was divided in two chapters written as scientific articles. Chapter 1 consists in literature data review about inflammatory process and exercise training. A study guidebook follows this review to be used as a teaching tool to discuss the relationship between inflammatory process and exercise training. Chapter 2 presents data as performance added to muscle and hepatic cytokines concentration: Tumor Necrosis Factor-Alpha (TNFa), Interleukin 1-Beta (IL-1ß), Interleukin 6 (IL-6) and Interleukin 10 (IL-10); muscle aminoacids concentration: Glutamine (Gln) and Glutamate (Glu); serum concentration of C-reactive Protein (CRP), Albumin, Uric Acid (UA), Ferric Reducing Ability of Plasma (FRAP), Creatine Kinase (CK), Urea, Total Proteins, Creatinine and hemogram from rats submitted to a treadmill training protocol containing an imbalance between exercise and rest. Protocol consisted in 11 weeks training 1x/day from week 1 to week 8; training 2x/day at week 9; training 3x/day at week 10; training 4x/day at week 11. Performance and biomarkers were analyzed after week 9 and week 11. The rats sacrificed at 9th week constituted trained group (Tr). The control group (CO) was also sacrificed at 9th week. Results showed that performance of mostly rats were significantly increased after 11th week (p<0,05) and then characterized group FOR. The FOR group showed a greater anti-inflammatory pattern in muscle (?[IL6] and ??[TNFa ?and IL-1 ß]) and serum (?[CRP]) beyond a greater serum antioxidant status (?[UA and FRAP]) (p<0,05). The liver analysis showed a greater pro-inflammatory status (?[TNFa ?and IL-1 ß]) (p<0,05). There was a decrease tendency in CK serum concentration and WBC total and relative count (neutrophils, lymphocytes, band cells) added to a decrease (p<0,05) in Gln/Glu ratio when compared to Tr group. There was also a decrease in RBC and HCT at FOR (p<0,05) in relation to Tr group. We concluded that rats from FOR group were more adapted than CO and Tr rats, exhibiting muscle and serum antiinflammatory and antioxidant pattern.DoutoradoBioquimicaDoutor em Biologia Funcional e Molecula

    Respostas neuromorfológicas referentes a um protocolo de treino resistido com ênfase na ação muscular isométrica

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    Neuromorphological responses due to a training protocol with emphasis in isometric muscular actionAim: The objective of this research was to investigate the potential of isometric muscle action in the routine of resistance training in relation to the increase in strength and muscle hypertrophy. Material and Methods: The study was with 12 men of 20.75 ± 1.22 years, 2.58 ± 0.79 trained years where 6 conducted structured workouts in 3 sets of 8 reps with 4 seconds of isometric at the beginning of each repetition concentric actions, 1 minute break between sets, 6x/weed, for 8 weeks (GE). Six subjects trained disregarding isometric emphasis, besides respecting the above conditions (GC). Were pre and post-experiment tests the Bench Press 1RM (SR) and 45 ° Leg Press (LP) and anthropometric test to determine body fat percentage (%G) and lean body mass (MCM). In the data we used the ANOVA with Tukey post-test, considering p<0.05. Discussion: We found an increase of force across joint amplitude and tending hypertrophy. Results: The data indicated a significant increase intra-group (p=0,049) in the 1RM test in the exercise of the GE SR (Pre: 105.00±10.18 Post: 119.67±10.15) at the end of eight weeks, plus an observable tendency to increase (p=0,98) MCM (Pre: 71.68± 5.03 Post: 73.34 ± 4.71). Conclusion: It is concluded that the use of isometrics with the dynamic efforts proved effective as the variable resistance training, enhancing the performance increase and eventually muscle hypertrophy.O objetivo desta pesquisa foi verificar o potencial da ação muscular isométrica na rotina do treinamento resistido em relação ao aumento da força e hipertrofia muscular. Material e Métodos: A pesquisa se deu com 12 homens de 20,75±1,22 anos, treinados a 2,58±0,79 anos, onde 6 realizaram treinos estruturados em 3 séries de 8 repetições, com 4 segundos de isometria no início das ações concêntricas de cada repetição, pausa de 1 minuto entre séries, 6x/semana,durante 8 semanas (GE). Seis sujeitos treinaram desconsiderando a ênfase isométrica, ademais respeitando as condições anteriores (GC).  Realizou-se pré e pós-experimento testes de 1RM no Supino Reto (SR) e Leg Press 45° (LP) e teste antropométrico para determinar percentual de gordura (%G) e massa corporal magra (MCM). No tratamento dos dados utilizou-se a análise de variância ANOVA com pós-teste de Tukey, considerando p<0,05. Resultados: Os dados indicaram significativo aumento intra-grupo (p=0,049) no teste de 1RM no exercício de SR no GE (Pré: 105,00±10,18Kg; Pós: 119,67±10,15Kg) ao final das oito semanas, além de uma observável tendência de aumento (p=0,98) da MCM (Pré: 71,68±5,03Kg; Pós: 73,34±4,71Kg). Discussão: Constatou-se aumento de força máxima nos MMSS e tendência à hipertrofia. Conclusão: Conclui-se que a utilização da isometria junto dos esforços dinâmicos mostrou-se eficaz como variável do treinamento resistido, potencializando o aumento de desempenho e, eventualmente, a hipertrofia muscular.

    <b>Physical exercise, inflammatory process and adaptive condition: an overview</b>. DOI: 10.5007/1980-0037.2011v13n4p320

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    Physical exercise induces inflammation, a physiological response that is part of immune system activity and promotes tissue remodeling after exercise overload. The activation of the inflammatory process is local and systemic and is mediated by different cells and secreted compounds. The objective is to reestablish organ homeostasis after a single bout of exercise or after several exercise sessions. The acute-phase response involves the combined actions of activated leukocytes, cytokines, acute-phase proteins, hormones, and other signaling molecules that control the response to an exercise session and guide the adaptations resulting from training. This review provides an overview of the inflammatory process related to exercise and literature data regarding markers of inflammation in response to different experimental protocols. The results obtained indicate distinct inflammatory responses to acute and chronic exercise. In general, acute exercise induces a proinflammatory response characterized by transient leukocytosis (neutrophilia, monocytosis, and lymphocytosis), followed by a partial cellular immunosuppressive state. An increase in serum concentrations of creatine kinase, C-reactive protein and cell adhesion molecules is also observed, in addition to an increased secretion of cortisol and cytokines. In contrast, chronic exercise results in a local and systemic anti-inflammatory response that promotes tissue adaptation and protects the organism against the development of chronic inflammatory diseases and against the effects of non-functional overtraining, a condition in which a systemic and chronic proinflammatory and pro-oxidant state seems to prevail

    Physical exercise, inflammatory process and adaptive condition: an overview.

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    Physical exercise induces inflammation, a physiological response that is part of immune system activity and promotes tissue remodeling after exercise overload. The activation of the inflammatory process is local and systemic and is mediated by different cells and secreted compounds. The objective is to reestablish organ homeostasis after a single bout of exercise or after several exercise sessions. The acute-phase response involves the combined actions of activated leukocytes, cytokines, acute-phase proteins, hormones, and other signaling molecules that control the response to an exercise session and guide the adaptations resulting from training. This review provides an overview of the inflammatory process related to exercise and literature data regarding markers of inflammation in response to different experimental protocols. The results obtained indicate distinct inflammatory responses to acute and chronic exercise. In general, acute exercise induces a proinflammatory response characterized by transient leukocytosis (neutrophilia, monocytosis, and lymphocytosis), followed by a partial cellular immunosuppressive state. An increase in serum concentrations of creatine kinase, C-reactive protein and cell adhesion molecules is also observed, in addition to an increased secretion of cortisol and cytokines. In contrast, chronic exercise results in a local and systemic anti-inflammatory response that promotes tissue adaptation and protects the organism against the development of chronic inflammatory diseases and against the effects of non-functional overtraining, a condition in which a systemic and chronic proinflammatory and pro-oxidant state seems to prevail