133 research outputs found

    Novas conformações metodológicas em relação à jurimetria: discussão teórica e implicações práticas para a regulação de preços no Brasil

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    Propósito – O presente artigo pretende discutir como métodos quantitativos melhoram a compreensão de fenômenos jurígenos. Acredita-se haver pouca utilização no Brasil deste ferramental no âmbito jurídico, o que impede o diagnóstico de injustiças sociais, restringe a melhoria das instituições, dificulta discussões de ônus de prova e ofusca o debate regulatório de preços.  Metodologia – Após um debate teórico sobre o tema, o artigo avança com um estudo econométrico, utilizando-se de 5 modelos, para verificar se teses e dissertações jurídicas usam linguagem quantitativa. Também, buscou-se identificar quais impactos o eventual silêncio quantitativo no direito pode gerar. Resultados – Nenhuma das 1723 teses e dissertações de faculdades de direito analisadas (totalidade da amostra) apresentou regressões econométricas. Além disto, verificou-se correlação negativa, inclusive, entre o uso de termos quantitativos em trabalhos acadêmicos de direito. Argumentou-se, assim, neste trabalho que o silêncio econômico-quantitativo no direito impede uma discussão ampla sobre normas que tornariam a sociedade melhor, inclusive em aspectos regulatórios. Implicações práticas – O artigo lança luz sobre a necessidade de fomento de uma agenda interdisciplinar entre direito e econometria

    Law, econometrics and statistics

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    Tese (doutorado)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Direito, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Direito, 2017.A presente tese busca defender do ponto de vista teórico como é necessária a interação entre o Direito de um lado e, de outro, diferentes técnicas quantitativas, tais como Estatística, Econometria, Aprendizado de Máquina, Teoria da Complexidade entre outras possibilidades quantitativas. Dar-se-á especial atenção à Econometria em razão da mesma permitir um debate a respeito do que são e de como se compreendem os fênomenos causais, tão relevantes à avaliação de diversos assuntos jurídicos.Tais técnicas quantitativas podem auxiliar a identificar padrões, tanto padrões pré-empíricos que existem na mente do intérprete, antes dele começar a pensar em como ou no que pesquisar, como padrões empíricos, que podem ser o tema central de pesquisas científicas ou mesmo podem ser objeto de decisões judiciais. Buscar-se-á, ao longo da tese, mostrar como há decisões judiciais, em especial, estrangeiras, que consideram Econometria nos julgamentos importantes. Do ponto de vista empírico, a tese analisou 6.732 decisões proferidas por conselheiros do CADE, entre 2004 e 2014, para verificar o nível do debate Estatístico e Econométrico em tal autarquia, encontrando poucas citações a termos quantitativos. Também, a tese buscou medir se a academia jurídica brasileira utiliza ou não Econometria. Para tanto, obteve-se com base em um robô, programado em phyton, uma população acessível de 381.338 trabalhos acadêmicos (de teses e dissertações) em formato eletrônico na internet. Destes trabalhos, foi sorteada uma amostra aleatória estratificada por ano, por tipo de trabalho e por Universidade, o que resultou em uma amostra de 3.202 trabalhos. A partir de tal amostra, foram contabilizadas quantas vezes apareceram, nas teses e dissertações, 23 termos quantitativos, como, por exemplo, p-valor, hipótese nula, Econometria, Intervalo de Confiança, entre outros. Apenas 2 dos 78 trabalhos jurídicos, selecionados na amostra, fizeram menção a dois termos quantitativos, sendo que nenhum trabalho jurídico chegou a efetivamente realizar uma regressão ou um teste de hipótese estatístico ou econométrico mínimo. Fez-se a nuvem de palavras de todos os trabalhos jurídicos da amostra, para ter uma noção mais ampla de quais são as palavras mais utilizadas no Direito, obtendo-se um elevado nível de autorreferência. Finalmente, pesquisou-se a Jurisprudência dos Tribunais de Justiça Estadual e os Tribunais Regionais Federais e Superiores, a partir do resultado de seus próprios buscadores. Ao digitar o termo “Direito” em tais buscadores, apareceram 14 milhões 674 mil 155 precedentes. Ao repetir a mesma metodologia com o vocábulo “mínimos quadrados”, pôde-se perceber que os mesmos buscadores indicaram apenas 7 precedentes, todos localizados em São Paulo, sendo que a grande maioria destinada a avaliar se o valor pago de indenização em casos de desapropriação do imóvel condizia com o preço médio de mercado. Em todos os precedentes, o Tribunal apenas aceitou o resultado do perito judicial, sem fazer qualquer consideração a respeito da adequação da metodologia de maneira mais aprofundada. O que se busca com a presente tese é mostrar como há outras perspectivas quantitativas que poderiam ser exploradas, para melhorar a qualidade do debate jurídico e social.The present thesis seeks to defend from the theoretical point of view how important is the interaction between Law and different quantitative techniques, such as Statistics, Econometrics, Machine Learning, Theory of Complexity among other quantitative methods. Special attention will be given to Econometrics as it allows a debate about what the causal phenomena are, and how they are understood, which are extremely relevant to the evaluation of various legal matters. Such quantitative techniques can help to identify patterns, both pre-empirical patterns, that exist in the interpreter's mind before he begins to think of how or what he will research, as empirical patterns that may be the central theme of scientific researches or even subject to judicial decisions. The thesis will show how some judicial decisions, especially foreign ones, took in consideration Econometric arguments in some important cases. From an empirical point of view, the thesis analyzed 6,732 decisions made by CADE between 2004 and 2014 to verify the level of the Statistical and Econometric debate in such Agency. The thesis found very few citations to quantitative terms in CADE´s precedent. Also, the thesis sought to measure whether the Brazilian legal academy uses or not Econometrics in its research. In order to achieve this goal, an accessible population of 381,338 academic works (of theses and dissertations) in an electronic format was obtained by the construction of a robot, programmed in phyton, that scrapped internet websites. Therefore, it was possible to draw a stratified random sample by year, by type of work and by University, which resulted in a sample of 3,202 works. From this sample, 23 quantitative terms, such as pvalue, null hypothesis, Econometrics, Confidence Interval, among others, were counted in each of the theses and dissertation. From 3,202 works, only 78 were made by Law students. And only 2 of the 78 legal studies mentioned quantitative terms. However, there were only two quantitative terms mentioned in these legal studies and no legal work ever effectively regressed or tested a minimal statistical or econometric hypothesis. The word cloud of all the juridical works of the sample was made, to have a broader notion of which words are most used in the Law, obtaining a high level of self-reference. Finally, the Jurisprudence of the State and Federal Courts were investigated, based on the results of their own search engines. When entering the term “Direito” (a Portuguese term that could be translated as "Law” or “Right") in such search engines, appeared 14 million 674 thousand 155 precedents. When repeating the same methodology with the word "least square", it was possible to notice that the same search engines indicated only 7 precedents, all located in São Paulo, being the great majority destined to evaluate if the amount paid of indemnification in cases of expropriation of the property was in line with the average market price. In all the foregoing 7 cases, the Court accepted the outcome of the judicial expert, without any consideration being given to the suitability of the methodology in more depth. The aim of this thesis is to show how there are other quantitative perspectives that could be explored to improve the quality of the legal and social debate

    South American Rattlesnake (Crotalus durissus spp.) Envenomation in Dogs in the Semiarid Region of Brazil

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    Background:  South American rattlesnake (Crotalus durissus spp.) envenomation is rarely reported in small animals and livestock in Brazil. Minor swelling at the snakebite site, skeletal muscle, and renal damage, and severe neurological signs characterize the crotalic envenomation. This case report aims to present epidemiological, clinical, and pathological data of two cases of Crotalus durissus spp envenomation in dogs in the Northeast of Brazil.Cases: Envenomation by Crotalus durissus spp. was recorded in two dogs in Patos, State of Paraíba, Brazil. In Case 1, the dog presented flaccid paralysis, hyporeflexia, a deficit of cranial nerves, epistaxis, and gingival hemorrhages. Laboratory assay showed proteinuria, myoglobinuria, regenerative thrombocytopenia, and increased serum activities of creatine kinase (CK), aspartate aminotransferase (AST), alanine aminotransferase (ALT), and alkaline phosphatase (ALP). The dog was medicated with crotalic antivenom and wholly recovered from local and systemic clinical signs. In Case 2, the dog died and was detected fang marks at the ventral region of the left mandible (two small parallel perforations spaced 2.0 cm apart) at the snakebite site. Cyanosis of the oral cavity, congestion, and hemorrhages in several organs were observed at necropsy. Tubular nephrosis, muscular necrosis, hepatocytes swelling were observed. The owners witnessed snakebites, and the rattlesnakes (Crotalus durissus spp.) identified by the rattle at the end portion of the tail in both cases. Discussion: Natural South American rattlesnake envenomation presents complex clinical signs that makes diagnosis a challenge for veterinary practitioners. The criteria for the correct diagnosis and observed in the two dogs include witness of the snakebite, identification of the snake, detection of fang marks, clinical-pathological findings, and therapeutic response to treatment with specific anti-venom. The dog’s owners did not identify the subspecies of rattlesnakes; however, Crotalus durissus cascavella and Crotalus durissus collilineatus are the only species found in the Northeast region of Brazil. Crotoxin is the primary toxic component of South American rattlesnake, which induces neuromuscular blockage, and neurological signs (skeletal muscle flaccid paralysis, apathy, hyporeflexia, cranial nerve deficits). These clinical signs are similar to those observed in the two dogs. Respiratory distress, cyanosis, pulmonary edema, and hemorrhage are secondary to respiratory muscle paralysis and also detected in a dog (Case 2) with crotalic envenomation. Minor local swelling at the snakebite site,  myotoxicity observed in both dogs (high serum activities of CK and AST - Case 1), degeneration and necrosis of muscle fibers - Case 2), and fang marks observed in Case 2, strengthen the diagnosis of Crotalus durissus envenomation. Nephrotoxicity was also detected in both dogs (increased specific gravity of urine - Case 1 and myoglobin deposition and degeneration of renal epithelial tubular cells - Case 2). Coagulative disorders and hepatotoxicity are infrequently in domestic animals and humans with crotalic envenomation. High serum activities of ALP and ALT in Case 1, and swelling of hepatocytes in Case 2, suggest liver damage associated with the crotalic envenomation. The differential diagnosis of South American rattlesnake envenomation should be included in dogs with acute neuromuscular flaccid paralysis, associated or not with bleeding disorders, myoglobinuria, and acute kidney injury

    Índices de competição na avaliação do crescimento arbóreo em Floresta Estacional Semidecidual

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    A maioria dos estudos que analisa o comportamento da competição arbórea é voltada para plantios homogêneos e equiâneos. Nota-se, portanto, uma carência de informações deste tipo em florestas naturais de elevada biodiversidade. Objetivou-se com este trabalho avaliar a competição em um fragmento de Floresta Estacional Semidecidual, por grupo ecológico, grupos demandantes e não demandantes de luz para todas as espécies amostradas no fragmento. Foram empregados índices de competição independentes da distância e semidependentes da distância. O índice BAL (basal area in larger trees), sem raio de influência, obteve o melhor desempenho para analisar como a competição afeta o crescimento dos indivíduos no fragmento estudado. Concluiu-se que avaliar a competição por grupo ecológico é mais eficaz, e os resultados confirmam que a competição florestal não pode ser determinada apenas pela aplicação de um raio fixo de influência dos vizinhos em relação à árvore-objeto.Most of the studies that analyze the behavior of tree competition approach even-aged plantations. Therefore, it is possible to notice a lack of this kind of information regarding natural forests with high biodiversity. The objective of this study was to evaluate the competition in a fragment of Semi-Deciduous Seasonal Forest, according to the ecologic group, light depending and non-depending groups for all species sampled in the fragment. The Distance Independent Competition Index and Semi-Distance Independent Competition Index were applied in this study. The basal area in larger trees index, without the radius of influence, was the most efficient to analyze how the competition affects the growth of the specimens in the studied fragment. It was stated that evaluating the competition per ecologic group is more efficient. The results confirm that the forest competition cannot be determined by considering only a fixed radius of influence that embraces the neighbors and the subject tree

    Mineração de dados para inferência de relações solo-paisagem em mapeamentos digitais de solo

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    The objective of this work was to develop a methodology for digital soil mapping at a 1:100,000 scale by applying data mining techniques to preexisting relief descriptors and data from pedological and geological maps. A digital database was created from topographic and thematic maps, and allowed the generation of a digital elevation model (DEM) of the Dois Córregos (SP, Brazil) sheet (1:50,000 scale). The slope gradient, slope profile, contour profile, basin contributing area, and diagonal distance to drainage geomorphometric parameters were extracted from the DEM. The matrix which associated this georeferred data was analyzed by means of decision trees within the Weka machine-learning environment, and a model for soil mapping unit prediction was generated. The overall model accuracy increased from 54 to 61% when soil classes with no chances of being predicted were excluded. The association of data mining techniques with geographical information systems produced digital soil maps feasible to be used in studies requiring less detail than those made with the original reference soil maps.O objetivo deste trabalho foi desenvolver uma metodologia para mapeamento digital de solos na escala 1:100.000 com a aplicação de técnicas de mineração de dados a descritores de relevo e a dados de mapas geológico e pedológico preexistentes. Foi criada uma base de dados digitais a partir de cartas topográficas e temáticas, que permitiu elaboração do modelo digital de elevação (MDE) da folha Dois Córregos, SP (escala 1:50.000). A partir do MDE, foram calculados os parâmetros geomorfométricos declividade, curvaturas em planta e perfil, área de contribuição e distância diagonal de drenagem. A matriz que associou esses dados georreferenciados foi analisada por meio de árvores de decisão, no ambiente de aprendizado de máquina Weka, o que gerou um modelo de predição de unidades de mapeamento de solos. A acurácia geral do modelo aumentou de 54 para 61% com a eliminação das classes com probabilidade nula de ocorrência. A associação da mineração de dados com sistemas de informações geográficas permite a elaboração de mapas digitais passíveis de uso em estudos que requeiram menor detalhamento que aqueles realizados com o mapa original


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    Objetivo: analisar a prevalência de sintomas depressivos e as condições de saúde em idosos atendidos na Atenção Primária à Saúde. Método: pesquisa observacional do tipo transversal, de abordagem quantitativa, realizada com 130 idosos de um município brasileiro. Coleta de dados ocorreu entre novembro de 2019 e março de 2020, utilizando Escala de Depressão Geriátrica (GDS-15) e questionário, contemplando dados sociodemográficos. Resultados: prevalência de sintomas depressivos presentes em 78 idosos (63,1%). As variáveis independentes associadas foram: sexo feminino, idade entre 60 e 69 anos, renda mensal de 1 a 3 salários-mínimos, maior que nove anos de escolaridade, domínio mental e físico com risco, com mais de três doenças autorreferidas e mais de cinco medicamentos utilizados. Conclusão: a alta prevalência de sintomas depressivos na população idosa estudada requer investimento em ações de prevenção, atentando para a necessidade de práticas que promovam o envelhecimento ativo e a satisfação com a vida.Descritores: Saúde do Idoso. Envelhecimento. Depressão. Atenção Primária à Saúde. Enfermagem

    TiF 4 varnish protects the retention of brackets to enamel after in vitro mild erosive challenge

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    The effect of fluoride agents on the retention of orthodontic brackets to enamel under erosive challenge is little investigated. Objective: The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of titanium tetrafluoride (TiF<i>4</i>) and sodium fluoride (NaF) agents on the shear bond strength of brackets to enamel and on the enamel microhardness around brackets under erosive challenge. Methods: Brackets were bonded to bovine incisors. Five groups were formed according to fluoride application (n=10): TiF<i>4</i> varnish, TiF<i>4</i> solution, NaF varnish, NaF solution and control (without application). The specimens were submitted to erosive challenge (90 s cola drink/2h artificial saliva, 4x per day for 7 days). Solutions were applied before each erosive cycle and varnishes were applied once. Vickers Microhardness (VHN) was obtained before and after all cycles of erosion and the percentage of microhardness loss was calculated. Shear bond strength, adhesive remnant index and polarized light microscopy were conducted after erosion. The data were analyzed by ANOVA, Tukey, Kruskal-Wallis and Mann-Whitney U tests (α=0.05). Results: The %VHN had no statistically significant differences among the experimental groups. However, considering the comparisons of all groups with the control group, TiF<i>4</i> varnish showed the highest protection from enamel demineralization (effect size of 2.94, while the effect size for the other groups was >2.4). The TiF<i>4</i> varnish group had significantly higher shear bond strength compared to other groups. There was no difference among groups for adhesive remnant index. Polarized light microscopy showed higher demineralization depth for the control group. Conclusions: Application of NaF and TiF<i>4</i> agents during mild erosive challenge minimized the enamel mineral loss around brackets, however only the experimental TiF<i>4</i> varnish was able to prevent the reduction of shear bond strength of brackets to enamel

    Anatomically dependent anticonvulsant properties of temporally-coded electrical stimulation

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    AbstractIn the PTZ animal model of epilepsy, electrical stimulation applied to the amygdaloid complex may result in either pro-convulsive or anticonvulsant effect, depending on the temporal pattern used (i.e. periodic-PS and non-periodic-NPS electrical stimulation). Our hypothesis is that the anatomical target is a determinant factor for the differential effect of temporally-coded patterns on seizure outcome. The threshold dose of PTZ to elicit forelimb clonus and generalized tonic–clonic seizure behavior was measured. The effect of amygdaloid complex PS on forelimb clonus threshold showed a pro-convulsive effect while NPS was anticonvulsant. NPS also significantly increased generalized tonic–clonic threshold; while PS, although at lower threshold levels, did not present statistical significance. Thalamus stimulation did not affect forelimb clonus threshold and showed similar anticonvulsant profiles for both PS and NPS on generalized tonic–clonic threshold. In summary, the anatomical target is a determinant factor on whether temporally-coded ES differentially modulates seizure outcome

    Estratégias de coping adotadas pelos profissionais de saúde durante a pandemia da COVID-19

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    Objetivo. Objetivou-se conhecer as estratégias de coping adotadas pelos profissionais de saúde durante a pandemia da COVID-19. Método. Pesquisa de desenho exploratório. Participaram 155 profissionais de saúde do nordeste brasileiro, em sua maioria do Piauí (39.1%) e Ceará (22.5%), com idade média de 33.26 anos (DP = 7.94) e do sexo feminino (68.2%). Resultados. Por meio de uma Classificação Hierárquica Descendente (CHD), o corpus principal se segmentou em duas ramificações: “Classe 1: suporte socioemocional e espiritualidade” e “Classe 2: atividades de entretenimento”, mostrando que os profissionais utilizavam estratégias de coping com foco no problema e na emoção. Aponta-se a importância do contato social, espiritualidade e entretenimento para o bem-estar emocional

    Staff Knowledge and Attitudes Towards COVID-19 New Biosafety Practices at a Brazilian Dental School

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    Objective: To evaluate knowledge and attitudes towards biosafety recommendations during the COVID-19 pandemic at a Brazilian dental school. Material and Methods: A cross-sectional study was performed in 2020 with the clinical staff of a Brazilian dental school. The whole clinical staff was sent pre-tested self-administered online questionnaires about knowledge and attitudes towards the recommendations for biosafety in dental settings in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. Descriptive statistical analyses were carried out for proportion calculation. Results: Disposable head covering caps, isolation gowns, and gloves were the most frequently reported personal protective equipment (PPE). The rates ranged from 52.9% to 88.5% for N95 respirators, from 68.6% to 92.6% for face shields, from 47.4% to 67.5% for conventional eye protection shields, and 45.1% to 77.4% for eye protection with solid side shields. Chlorhexidine gluconate was the most frequent mouthwash indicated before clinical dental care. The percentage of agreement to provide clinical care to patients with suspected COVID-19 varied from 23.5% to 50.0%. The percentage of respondents who agreed that bioaerosol-generating procedures should be avoided was higher than 74.5%. Less than 50% knew the correct sequence for doffing of PPE. Conclusion: This study revealed important gaps in knowledge and attitudes towards prevention and control measures against infection in dental environments in the context of COVID-19, indicating the need for improvements