146 research outputs found

    Thorax and abdomen morphology of some Neotropical Hesperiidae (Lepidoptera)

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    The external morphology of the thorax and abdomen of four species of Neotropical Hesperiidae, belonging to different tribes, are described and illustrated. The morphological characters traditionally used in the classification of the family are reviewed and new information is added with emphasis on the characters usually neglected in the classification and identification of Hesperiidae and Lepidoptera. The use of these characters, along with those commonly used in literature for the identification and taxonomy of the family, is discussed, aiming to contribute to comparative studies of morphology and taxonomy of this group. A morfologia externa do tórax e abdômen de quatro espécies de Hesperiidae neotropicais, pertencentes a diferentes tribos na família são ilustradas e descritas. Os caracteres morfológicos tradicionalmente utilizados na classificação da família foram revistos e novas informações são acrescentadas enfatizando os caracteres usualmente negligenciados na classificação e identificação de Hesperiidae e Lepidoptera. O uso destes caracteres é discutido quanto à sua potencial utilidade na identificação e taxonomia da família, além dos comumente utilizados na literatura, objetivando contribuir para estudos de morfologia comparativa e taxonomia do grupo

    Butterflies (Lepidoptera) considered as threatened in Minas Gerais, Brazil

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    The twenty species of butterflies (diurnal Lepidoptera) considered as threatened in the Minas Gerais (by statute) are described and discussed in relation to distribution, appearance and known records.24125

    External Morphology and Ultra-Structure of Eggs and First Instar of Prepona Laertes Laertes (Hübner, [1811]), with Notes on Host Plant use and Taxonomy

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    The external morphology and the tegument ultra-structure of Prepona laertes laertes (Hübner, [1811]) (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae: Charaxinae) eggs and first instar larvae feeding on Inga spp. (Fabaceae) in a forest fragment in Joinville, Santa Catarina, Brazil, are described. Descriptions of the morphology with illustrations are presented, based upon observations through scanning electron microscopy and stereoscopic and optic microscopes attached to a camera lucida. Descriptions and illustrations of the head capsule, chaetotaxy, tegument, and setae are presented. The taxonomy, morphological characters, and host plant use of Prepona laertes immature stages are discussed

    Revision of the poorly known Neotropical butterfly genus Zischkaia Forster, 1964 (Lepidoptera, Nymphalidae, Satyrinae), with descriptions of nine new species

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    We provide the first comprehensive taxonomic revision of the poorly known South American butterfly genus Zischkaia Forster, 1964, hitherto regarded as including three described species. A phylogenetic analysis based on DNA sequence data shows that Zischkaia is monophyletic and consists of two morphologically diagnosable clades. Morphological characters and DNA 'barcodes' support the recognition of twelve species in the genus, a significant increase even for the relatively poorly studied subtribe Euptychiina. Consequently, nine new species are described and named herein, including Z. arctoa Nakahara, sp. nov., Z. chullachaki Nakahara & Zacca, sp. nov., Z. baku Zacca, Dolibaina & Dias, sp. nov., Z. arenisca Nakahara, Willmott & Hall, sp. nov., Z. argyrosflecha Nakahara, L. Miller & Huertas, sp. nov., Z. abanico Nakahara & Petit, sp. nov., Z. josti Nakahara & Kleckner, sp. nov., Z. mielkeorum Dolibaina, Dias & Zacca, sp. nov. and Z. warreni Dias, Zacca & Dolibaina, sp. nov. In addition, a neotype is designated for Satyrus pacarus Godart, [1824], and lectotypes are designated for Euptychia amalda Weymer, 1911, Euptychia fumata Butler, 1867 and Euptychia saundersii Butler, 1867.551167CONSELHO NACIONAL DE DESENVOLVIMENTO CIENTÍFICO E TECNOLÓGICO - CNPQFUNDAÇÃO DE AMPARO À PESQUISA DO ESTADO DE SÃO PAULO - FAPESP150670/2018-4; 171177/2017-7; 304639/2014-22017/02264-

    Reassessment of the type locality of Euptychia stigmatica Godman, 1905, with the description of two new sibling species from Amazonia (Lepidoptera, Nymphalidae, Satyrinae, Satyrini)

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    A brief historical review regarding the type locality of Euptychia stigmatica Godman, 1905 was conducted, which suggests that its type locality is actually Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, rather than northeastern Argentina, as previously purported. Consequently, E. stigmatica and its senior synonym E. cyanites Butler, 1871, are regarded to be two species-group names representing a taxon in the euptychiine genus Caeruleuptychia Forster, 1964 known from the Brazilian Atlantic Forest. A lectotype is designated for E. cyanites. Additionally, two closely related species are named and described using an integrative approach with morphological and molecular evidence. Caeruleuptychia harrisi Nakahara & Freitas, sp. nov. and C. aemulatio Nakahara & Willmott, sp. nov. both occur in Amazonia and COI barcode data recovered these taxa as part of the caerulea clade of Caeruleuptychia

    Hesperioidea e Papilionoidea (Lepidoptera) coligidos em expedição aos Rios Nhamundá e Abacaxis, Amazonas, Brasil: novos subsídios para o conhecimento da biodiversidade da Amazônia Brasileira

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    Hesperioidea e Papilionoidea (Lepidoptera) coligidos em expedição aos Rios Nhamundá e Abacaxis, Amazonas, Brasil: novos subsídios para o conhecimento da biodiversidade da Amazônia Brasileira. Objetivando um aprimoramento do conhecimento da lepidopterofauna diurna da Amazônia brasileira, este estudo lista 180 taxa coligidos em cinco pontos distintos de dois afluentes do Rio Amazonas, envolvendo as áreas de endemismo Guiana e Rondônia. As coletas foram passivas e ativas e as diferentes localidades comparadas através de análise de Escalonamento Multidimensional Não-Métrico (NMDS).Hesperioidea and Papilionoidea (Lepidoptera) collected in an expedition to the Nhamundá and Abacaxis rivers, Amazonas, Brazil: new insights for understanding the biodiversity of the Brazilian Amazon. Aiming at improving the knowledge of the diurnal lepidopterofauna of the Amazon rainforest, this study lists 180 taxa collected at five different points along two tributaries of the Amazon River, including the Guyana and Rondonia areas of endemism. The different localities were compared using Non-Metric Multidimensional Scaling analysis (NMDS)