2,008 research outputs found

    Changes in hydrodynamic, structural and geochemical properties in carbonate rock samples due to reactive transport

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    Reactive transport plays an important role in the development of a wide range of both anthropic and natural processes affecting geological media. To predict the consequences of reactive transport processes on structural and hydrodynamic properties of a porous media at large time and spatial scales, numerical modeling is a powerful tool. Nevertheless, such models, to be realistic, need geochemical, structural and hydrodynamic data inputs representative of the studied reservoir or material. Here, we present an experimental study coupling traditional laboratory measurements and percolation experiments in order to obtain the parameters that define rock heterogeneity, which can be altered during the percolation of a reactive fluid. In order to validate the experimental methodology and identify the role of the initial heterogeneities on the localization of the reactive transport processes, we used three different limestones with different petrophysical characteristics. We tracked the changes of geochemical, structural and hydrodynamic parameters in these samples induced by the percolation of an acid fluid by measuring, before and after the percolation experiment, petrophysical and hydrodynamic properties of the rocks.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Determinació de colorants alimentaris en caramels: implementació d’una nova pràctica a una assignatura experimental

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    Treballs Finals de Grau de Química, Facultat de Química, Universitat de Barcelona, Any: 2022, Tutor: Héctor Bagán NavarroMotivation plays a fundamental role in a student’s learning. In experimental subjects, it has been seen over the years, that what creates a certain interest and motivation in students is working with real samples that are present in our daily life. In the Analytical Chemistry Laboratory subject, students already work with motivational samples for other techniques, but there are few determinations of them that use the UV – Vis Spectrometry technique. Therefore, it is proposed to develop a new activity to enhance the learning of this technique. It is proposed to make the determination of food colorants present in candies. Food colorants are additives that make foods more attractive, enhance their colour, or give them colour if they are colourless. The presence and concentration of colorants in food is regulated by law and their determination is interesting. The aim of this work is to develop a new activity for the measurement of the different food colorants that give colour to the analysed candies: E100 (yellow), E120 (red), E133 (blue), E160a and E160e (orange). To carry out the determination, first the extraction medium was found for each one, making studies of solubility, degradation and pH influence. For E100 and E133 an EtOH/H2O 70:30 mixture, for E120 a phosphate buffer solution at pH 7.5, and for E160 an EtOH/H2O/CH2Cl2 50:25:25 mixture. The wavelengths of the corresponding maximum absorbances were established, the linearity intervals of each of the dyes were found and the samples were extracted. Absorbance measurements were carried out and the amount of colorant of each colour sample was found: 0.05 mg/g in yellow samples, 0.09 mg/g in blue ones, 0.07 mg/g in red ones, 0.017 mg/g in orange ones, and in the green samples 0.025 mg E100/g and 0.013 mg E133/g. It is concluded that an activity for the determination of food colorants in candies has been satisfactorily develope

    Stakeholder engagement in water governance as social learning: lessons from practice

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    The OECD Principles on Water Governance set out various requirements for stakeholder engagement. Coupled with conceptualizations of social learning, this article asks how we define and enact stakeholder engagement and explores the actual practice of engagement of stakeholders in three fields of water governance. The results suggest that a key consideration is the purpose of the stakeholder engagement, requiring consideration of its ethics, process, roles and expected outcomes. While facilitators cannot be held accountable if stakeholder engagement ‘fails’ in terms of social learning, they are responsible for ensuring that the enabling conditions for social learning are met

    Conocimiento social de los celos

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    Este trabajo muestra que las personas poseen un conocimiento muy rico y estructurado de los celos. Tal información no difiere en complejidad y organización de la que tienen sobre emociones consideradas “básicas”. Las principales reacciones asociadas por los sujetos a las situaciones de celos son conductuales y emocionales, aumentando la importancia de las reacciones cognitivas cuando la pregunta se focalizaba en las acciones más adecuadas; siempre las reacciones fisiológicas fueron las menos relevantes. El peso de cada tipo de reacción y el de las conductas específicas asociadas a ellas, se mostró dependiente del sexo de los sujetos, de la gravedad de la situación planteada, de la atribución de los antecedentes a uno mismo o a los otros y según que la pregunta se hiciera sobre la reacción que los sujetos creen más probable o sobre la que consideran más adecuada para afrontar los hechosJealousy. Lay people have a rich and structured knowledge about jealousy, and this knowledge is similar in complexity to that which people have about so called “basic” emotions. The main spontaneous responses to jealousy situations were behaviours and emotional states; cognitions were more important when we asked about suitable reactions; physiological changes were always the least frequent. The weight of these general components and their specific strategies associated with them depended on: sex, the seriousness of the jealousy antecedent, how people conceptualise the experience (attribution to others or to self) and upon whether the question concerned the reaction subjects considered most probable or most suitable for coping with the situationEste trabajo ha sido financiado por el proyecto DGIC y T PB93025

    Optometry research in Spain: topics of interest, institutions and investigators

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    PURPOSE: To determine the institutions, journals of choice and topics of investigation of the most prolific and highly cited Spanish optometrist researchers. METHODS: As a primary search strategy, the Scopus database (Elsevier) was queried with the terms (optometr* OR "contact lens*" OR refracti* OR *ocular) and the affiliation country filter “Spain”. The list of authors returned by the primary search was used in a secondary manual search based on co-authors and institutions. Authors were included in the analysis if they had an h-index > 10, were of Spanish nationality, were affiliated to Spanish institutions, and possessed an optometry degree. Authors were ranked by h-index, number of publications and number of citations. Topics of research interest and target journals were determined by analyzing the 10 most highly cited papers of each author. RESULTS: A total of 32 authors with an h-index > 10 were identified, of whom 14 (43.7%) were female. Only one author had an h-index > 40, and 7 (21.9%) authors had an h-index over 20. The Journal of Cataract and Refractive Surgery was the first journal of choice (19.1% of highest cited papers), followed by Optometry and Vision Science (10.3%). The Universidad Complutense de Madrid hosted the largest percentage of authors (18.7%), followed by the Universitat de València (15.6%). Main topics of research interest were topography (6.5% of papers), cornea (6.2%) and contact lens (5.0%). CONCLUSION: Optometry in Spain is a fertile field of research, with an increasing number of highly cited authors publishing in high impact journals.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Análisis comparativo del mercado laboral en Castilla y León y Andalucía

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    Este trabajo consiste en realizar un análisis comparativo del mercado de trabajo en Castilla y León y Andalucía. La razón de la elección de estas regiones reside en sus diferentes patrones de comportamiento en relación a la media nacional. Para estudiar el mercado laboral de estas Comunidades Autónomas se pretende explicar desde un enfoque tanto teórico como descriptivo. En relación al marco teórico se describe el funcionamiento de dicho mercado teniendo en cuenta la oferta y demanda de trabajo. Desde una óptica descriptiva, se revisan las principales características del mercado laboral en ambas comunidades autónomas en relación a la media nacional, analizando la evolución anual (2004-2015) de la tasa de actividad, empleo y paro. Se procede a un estudio mas detallado de la población parada sobre variables como el sexo, edad, tiempo de búsqueda de empleo y nacionalidad. También, se detalla la situación de la población ocupado según el nivel formativo y el sector económico al que pertenecen.Departamento de Fundamentos del Análisis Económico e Historia e Instituciones EconómicasGrado en Economí

    El futuro de la policía. Hacia una policía del Siglo XXI

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    A Autora dedica a sua reflexão sobre os desafios que se colocam à instituição policial no mundo contemporâneo. Defende que hoje, falar da organização policial, é falar de mais um ator na difícil tarefa de proporcionar segurança nas sociedades. A complexidade que caracteriza o mundo moderno, com a sua diversidade de sistemas, instituições, profissões e individualidades, significa que o serviço de polícia tem um significado muito diferente do que no passado. Embora muitas das funções que o constituíram desde o seu início ainda hoje estejam em vigor, foram acrescentadas novas atividades que reforçaram a sua institucionalização e têm sido um reflexo da adaptabilidade das agências de aplicação da lei.The Author dedicates her reflection to the challenges faced by the police institution in the contemporary world. She argues that today, to speak of the police organisation is to speak of one more actor in the difficult task of providing security in societies. The complexity that characterises the modern world, with its diversity of systems, institutions, professions and individualities, means that the police service has a very different meaning than in the past. Many of the functions that have constituted it since its inception are still in place today. However, new activities have been added and strengthened its institutionalisation, and have been a mirror of the adaptability of law enforcement agencies.La Autora dedica su reflexión a los retos a los que se enfrenta la institución policial en el mundo contemporáneo. Sostiene que hoy en día, hablar de la organización policial es hablar de un actor más en la difícil tarea de proporcionar seguridad en las sociedades. La complejidad que caracteriza al mundo moderno, con su diversidad de sistemas, instituciones, profesiones e individualidades, hace que el servicio policial tenga un significado muy diferente al del pasado. Si bien muchas de las funciones que lo han constituido desde su creación siguen vigentes hoy en día, se han añadido nuevas actividades que han reforzado su institucionalización y han sido un reflejo de la capacidad de adaptación de los cuerpos de seguridad. Palabras-clave: Prevención social de la violencia; delincuencia; cambio social; formación policial.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Stakeholder oriented optimization of a Flood Warning System

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    This MSc Thesis is part of the Project “Desarrollo e Implementación del SAT-Beni”. The project aims to minimize the adverse effects of floods in the region of Beni through the development and implementation of an Early Warning System based on modelling and hydrologic simulation and transferring these technologies to the appropriate Bolivian institutions. The specific objective of this MSc Thesis is to provide some specifications for improvements to the existing flood Early Warning System based on the interest and needs of the stakeholders involved as identified by themselves and that are feasible with the available technology. Monitoring and forecasting acquire significant relevance within the new Early Warning System that will be developed and implemented in the region of Beni. However, the development of the new flood Early Warning System does also consider as relevant the warning dissemination and communication, as well as, the emergency preparation and response. The research was carried out using data collected during Interviews with experts and inhabitants who have experience of floods in the region. A review of literature on the topic was made and discussions with Deltares staff were held to analyze the existing flood Early Warning System. Field research shows a variety of optimal lead times at which forecasts are required. Stakeholders considered to be relevant in the analysis as their different needs will impact on the design of the future warning system include: disaster management agencies, national and local governments, businesses, inhabitants local to the area studied and disadvantaged minorities. Whilst studying the existing system important lacks in the monitoring network in terms of O&M, personnel, equipment and coordination have been identified. The warning information dissemination network includes several organizations and various communication technologies which are used to warn, such as radio, TV, mobile and conventional phones, door knocking, etc. However, due to a huge number of people who do not receive any warning information, loudhailers and sirens need to be encouraged. Results of the research confirm that the effectiveness of warning messages depends on a large number of factors including accuracy, reliability, credibility, that they reach the right target recipients and that they are timely. In addition the individual and agency that disseminates the warning has a tremendous impact on the success of the message. In terms of flood responses, saving family members, household goods and livestock are the main activities carried out by ranchers and citizens. Farmers, however, frequently do not take any preventative action in order to save their crops. Risk awareness which includes the visibility of floods and prior experience has been identified as the main factor that influences the type of flood response taken and people’s perceptions of imminent danger.Outgoin

    Cuestionando el sistema de protección de menores. Existen otras alternativas

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    Existe un amplio abanico de posibilidades dentro del marco de protección de menores de los servicios sociales que pueden facilitar a corto plazo la obtención de un cuestionable bienestar para estos. No obstante, es fácil e hipócrita olvidar que los servicios que se ofrecen desde las diferentes administraciones del Estado son parches que no atacan la raíz de ninguna situación de exclusión o marginación y por tanto no solucionan el problema. Sabiendo que vivimos en un mundo infectado por el capital, el patriarcado o el racismo, al menos como trabajadoras sociales en el ámbito profesional y como personas en el ámbito social, es importante cuestionar nuestras funciones y tener en cuenta las necesidades y deseos de los usuarios, que serán diferentes cada vez que afrontemos una nueva situación con un usuario diferente. Trabajando con menores formamos parte del molde al que cada menor responderá el resto de su vida, es importante que cada persona pueda formar el suyo en la medida de lo posible.Grado en Trabajo Socia

    Detection of Plasmopara halstedii in sunflower seeds: A case study using molecular testing

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    Plasmopara halstedii (Farl.) Berl. & De Toni causing downy mildew of sunflower is responsible for considerable economic losses worldwide. Because P. halstedii can be seed-transmitted, monitoring of seeds for pathogen contamination is important for the sunflower seed trade. The relevance of asymptomatic or latent infections as factors of disease spread have not been studied by molecular techniques. A molecular marker based on a putative effector gene of P. halstedii was used to examine the pathogen´s presence in asymptomatic sunflowers growing near patches of mildewed plants in naturally infected fields. The method based on conventional PCR was highly sensitive for detection of P. halstedii in DNA from whole seeds. By the application of this protocol, we found that all seed samples obtained from symptomatic plants amplified the expected fragment, whereas the diagnostic marker identified the presence of pathogen in one out of 21 asymptomatic plants. Possible uses of this marker to detect downy mildew in seed from asymptomatic plants or for race identification are discussed.Fil: Martínez, Ana Laura. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Bahía Blanca. Centro de Recursos Naturales Renovables de la Zona Semiárida. Universidad Nacional del Sur. Centro de Recursos Naturales Renovables de la Zona Semiárida; ArgentinaFil: Quiroz, Facundo José. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria. Centro Regional Buenos Aires Sur. Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Balcarce. Agencia de Extensión Rural Balcarce; ArgentinaFil: Carrera, Alicia Delia. Universidad Nacional del Sur. Departamento de Agronomía; Argentin