440 research outputs found

    Metástasis musculares del adenocarcinoma renal

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    El carcinoma renal puede producir metástasis, siendo las más frecuentes en pulmón, hígado, esqueleto y encéfalo. Las metástasis aisladas en el músculo esquelético son muy raras, existiendo alrededor de veinte casos publicados en la literatura. Presentamos dos casos de metástasis de carcinoma renal, localizadas en el músculo esquelético. Es importante el diagnóstico diferencial de estas metástasis con los sarcomas de partes blandas, ya que su tratamiento y pronóstico son muy diferentes.The renal cell carcinoma can produce metastatic, the most common are in lung, liver, bones and encephalon. The isolated metastatic in muscle are unusual, there are only twenty cases published, most of them isolated cases. We present two cases of metastatic of renal cell carcinoma isolated in skeletal muscle. It is very important the differential diagnosis of this kind of lesions with soft tissue sarcomas because treatment and prognosis are very different

    Diagnóstico temprano del síndrome de Dravet: aportaciones de la clínica y la biología molecular

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    Alterations in SCN1A gene cause most cases of Dravet syndrome. This finding has increased scientific interest in the syndrome, helping to better define its clinical features and facilitating treatment. AIMS: To update the knowledge on Dravet syndrome and to discuss the role of the molecular studies in improving early detection and specific management of the syndrome. DEVELOPMENT: We review the current information on the causes, clinical and electrical characteristics, treatment and complications of Dravet syndrome. Special emphasis is made on early detection. CONCLUSIONS: The phenotype of Dravet syndrome is now better defined and early detection is already possible. As a consequence, it is now possible to use more specific antiepileptic drugs and to avoid harmful treatments. The benefits of better and prompter control of seizures and earlier cognitive interventions need to be demonstrated in prospective studies of children diagnosed in their first year of life

    Variabilidad de la evolución cognitiva en los distintos tipos de epilepsia del niño

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    Children with epilepsy have a higher risk of suffering from cognitive and behavioural disorders, the intensity and repercussions of which may be more or less important. AIM: To examine the different factors, dependent on epilepsy, its cause or the treatment, which can affect the cognitive development of children with epilepsy. DEVELOPMENT: To this end, a review was carried out of the studies that have provided data about the causes of cognitive disorders in children with epilepsy, and we suggest which children with epilepsy are at greater risk of suffering cognitive disorders and how they must be treated. CONCLUSIONS: Children with epilepsy often experience cognitive and behavioural difficulties for the rest of their lives. Sometimes these problems can be avoided, or at least improved. Being familiar with them, together with their early detection and treatment must be priorities for neuropaediatricians who treat children with epilepsy

    PPP in light rail transit systems in Spain

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    Light rail systems have proliferated in Spain in the last decade, following a tendency that is common not only in other European countries but also in other parts of the world. This paper reviews the benefits of light rail systems, both related to environmental issues and mobility issues. It analyses the evolution of light rail projects in Spain and shows that light rail systems in this country have evolved towards an extensive use of public-private partnerships. The analysis of the Spanish projects, however, does not contribute any conclusive evidence about whether public-private partnerships have been more efficient than publicly owned enterprises in building and operating light rail systems

    Complicaciones de los osteocondromas

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    Los osteocondromas o exostosis cartilaginosas son los tumores óseos más frecuentes, representando el 10-15 % de la totalidad. Parece ser más bien una alteración del desarrollo óseo más que un tumor verdadero. Suele tener una imagen radiográfica patognomónica. Los osteocondromas pueden ser solitarios o múltiples, estos últimos forman parte del síndrome de exostosis múltiples hereditarias, de transmisión autosómica dominante. Las complicaciones que pueden presentar, pueden ser óseas; deformidad del hueso donde asientan o fracturas del mismo, o de los tejidos que lo rodean, pudiendo provocar trastornos neurológicos, vasculares, bursitis, y la peor complicación, que es su malignización. Existen variantes de los osteocondromas como la exostosis subungueal, la displasia epifisaria hemimielica, y las exostosis en torreta y por tracción. Es importante conocer la apariencia radiológica de todos los tipos de exostosis, para diferenciarlas de sus posibles complicaciones.Osteochondroma, also termed osteocartlaginous exostoses represents the most common bone tumors and is a developmental lesion rather than a true neoplasm. It constitutes 10-15 % of all bone tumors. Its radiologic features are often pathognomonic. Osteochondromas may be solitary or multiple, the latter being associated with the autosomal dominant syndrome, hereditary multiple exostoses. Complications associated with osteochondroma include deformity, fracture, vascular compromise, neurologic sequelae, overlying bursa formation, and malignant transformation. Variant of osteochondroma include subungueal exostosis, dysplasia epiphysealis hemimelica, turret and traction exostoses. Recognition of the radiologic spectrum of appearances of osteochondroma and its variants allow prospective diagnosis and differentiation of the numerous potential complications

    El sistema ejecutivo y las lesiones frontales en el niño

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    Frontal lobe syndrome in adulthood is characterised by executive function deficits leading to altered behavioural control with difficulties in social interactions and in maintaining stable jobs and interpersonal relationships. Generalisation of this concept to children with early frontal lobe damage is not straightforward. There are complex interactions between the effects of the lesion itself and the effects in other interconnected regions, timing of lesion, how long it was since the lesion occurred to the time of evaluation, and how old the child is at examination. These facts lead to consider that there might be a number of 'frontal syndromes' in childhood rather than a unique one. We report 9 cases of children with early frontal lobe lesions who were followed up for an average of 10 years. CONCLUSION: A variety of different outcomes suggests that prognosis for these patients might be better that previously reported

    Minimal open sets on generalized topological space

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    We introduce the notion of minimal open sets in a generalized topological space (X μ). We investigate some of their fundamental properties and proved that any subset of a minimal open set on a GTS (X μ) is a μ-preopen se

    Derecho de huelga: La problemática de los servicios esenciales

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    La existencia de conflictos laborales en nuestra sociedad, obliga al legislador a regular los requisitos, formas y límites del derecho a la huelga. En dicho proce-so, como medida de conflicto objeto de estudio, el Estado debe garantizar el ejercicio de este derecho fundamental a la vez que asegurar la continuidad de las actividades vitales para la comunidad mediante el establecimiento de servi-cios esenciales sin lesionar en demasía el derecho de huelga. Cada ordenamiento jurídico ha desarrollado normas orientadas a la consecu-ción de este objetivo. En el caso de España, la Constitución regula este dere-cho y obliga al poder legislativo a un desarrollo mediante ley orgánica, hecho que a día de hoy no se ha producido. En este trabajo expondremos la pro-blemática que ello ocasiona con respecto a la determinación y fijación de los servicios esenciales

    On property (Saw) and others spectral properties type Weyl-Browder theorems

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    An operator T acting on a Banach space X satisfies the property (aw) if σ(T) \ σw(T) = Ea(T), where σw(T) is the Weyl spectrum of T and Eo a(T) is the set of all eigenvalues of T of finite multiplicity that are isolated in the approximate point spectrum of T. In this paper we introduce and study two new spectral properties, namely (Saw) and (Sab), in connection with Weyl-Browder type theorems. Among other results, we prove that T satisfies property (Saw) if and only if T satisfies property (aw) and σSBF-+(T) = σw(T), where σSBF-+ (T) is the upper semi B-Weyl spectrum of T

    Comparison of Monolithic Optical Frequency Comb Generators Based on Passively Mode-Locked Lasers for Continuous Wave mm-Wave and Sub-THz Generation

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    In this paper, two different Passive Mode-Locked Laser Diodes (PMLLD) structures, a Fabry-Perot cavity and a ring cavity laser are characterized and evaluated as monolithic Optical Frequency Comb Generators (OFCG) for CW sub-THz generation. An extensive characterization of the devices under study is carried out based on an automated measurement system that systematically evaluates the dynamic characteristics of the devices, focusing on the figures of merit that define the optimum performance of a pulsed laser source when considered as an OFCG. Sub-THz signals generated with both devices at 60 GHz and 90 GHz are presented and analyzed in terms of electrical linewidth to compare such components for mm-Wave and sub-THz photonic generation. This work offers a systematic comparison of PMLLD devices for OFCG operation and provides reference information of the performance of two different device topologies that can be used for the implementation of photonic integrated sub-THz CW generation.We acknowledge COBRA Research Institute, Eindhoven University of Technology, the Netherlands for the fabrication of the ring lasers within the joint European platform for InP-based components and circuits, JePPIX.Publicad
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