53 research outputs found


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    O presente artigo tem o objetivo de abordar a discussão acerca da veiculação de obras audiovisuais e literárias com conteúdos racistas na atualidade. Ao aproximar as ideias de Walter Benjamin sobre a necessidade de narrar a história sob a ótica dos vencidos com o direito fundamental à memória, pretende trazer à tona alguns debates sobre a perpetuação de estereótipos racistas com a reprodução de obras antigas e a necessidade, ou não de censura de seu teor.Tal discussão surge pelo fato de, embora não se encontrar positivado de maneira explícita na legislação, o direito à memória se trata de um importante componente da diversidade cultural e da formação da identidade subjetiva de um povo. Por este motivo, será realizada uma aproximação entre os textos de Benjamin, a interpretação da legislação no que diz respeito à liberdade artística e o direito à memória, com a finalidade de se obter uma conclusão sobre a necessidade de se apagar, ou não, obras de arte antigas que tenham cunho racista

    Hydromedusae composition, occurrence, and distribution in the Caeté river estuary, Pará

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    Species composition and spatio-temporal variation in density of hydromedusae along a salinity gradient were investigated in the Caeté river estuary, northern Brazil in June and December, 1998 (dry season) and in February and May, 1999 (rainy season). The Caeté river estuary was characterized by high spatial and temporal variations in salinity. Twelve taxa were recorded of which Octocanna haeckeli represent to new record for coastal waters of the northeast coast of Pará state. In general, the highest and lowest densities were found in December and May, respectively. This observation was probably due to differences in the rainfall rates between the two studied periods

    Exclusión Social de Personas que Sufren de Trastornos Mentales: una Propuesta de Modelo Explicativo

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    Abstract: Beliefs about the nature of social groups may motivate people to exclude members of minority groups from their conviviality. This process is analyzed in this article by proposing an explanatory model for the social exclusion of people suffering from mental disorders wherein beliefs about the nature of mental disorder, the perception of threat and prejudice contribute to social exclusion. Two studies (Study 1, N = 254; Study 2, N = 236) were conducted with university students who answered the following questions about beliefs and prejudices regarding mental disorders, perceived threat and social exclusion. Regression analyses have shown that exclusion is motivated by prejudice, whose impact is mediated by perceived threat. The results also indicated that prejudice is anchored in participants’ beliefs on the nature of mental disorders, especially those with a religious basis.Resumen: Las creencias de las personas sobre la naturaleza de los grupos sociales pueden motivar la exclusión de su convivencia de miembros de grupos minoritarios. El presente artículo analiza este proceso y propone un modelo explicativo de exclusión social de las personas que sufren de trastornos mentales, en que las creencias sobre la naturaleza del trastorno mental, la percepción de amenaza y el prejuicio contribuyen a la exclusión social. Para ello, se realizaron dos estudios (Estudio 1, N = 254; Estudio 2, N = 236) con estudiantes universitarios que respondieron las preguntas sobre creencias y prejuicios acerca de los trastornos mentales, sobre percepción de amenaza y sobre exclusión social. Los análisis de regresión demostraron que la motivación de la exclusión es el prejuicio, siendo que el impacto del prejuicio es mediado por la percepción de amenaza. Los resultados también apuntan que el prejuicio tiene por base las creencias que mantienen los participantes sobre la naturaleza de los trastornos mentales, especialmente aquellas religiosas.Resumo: As crenças sobre a natureza dos grupos sociais podem motivar as pessoas a excluírem membros de grupos minoritários do seu convívio. Este artigo analisa esse processo propondo um modelo explicativo da exclusão social de pessoas que sofrem com transtornos mentais no qual as crenças sobre a natureza do transtorno mental, a percepção de ameaça e o preconceito contribuem para a exclusão social. Para tanto foram realizados dois estudos (Estudo 1, N = 254; Estudo 2, N = 236) com estudantes universitários que responderam os seguintes perguntas sobre crenças e preconceito acerca dos transtornos mentais, percepção de ameaça e exclusão social. Análises de regressão demonstraram que a exclusão é motivada pelo preconceito, sendo o impacto do preconceito mediado pela percepção de ameaça. Os resultados também indicaram que o preconceito está ancorado nas crenças que os participantes mantêm sobre a natureza dos transtornos mentais, especialmente aquelas de base religiosa

    Social Exclusion of People Who Suffer from Mental Disorders: A Proposal for an Explanatory Model

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    Beliefs about the nature of social groups may motivate people to exclude members of minority groups from their conviviality. This process is analyzed in this article by proposing an explanatory model for the social exclusion of people suffering from mental disorders wherein beliefs about the nature of mental disorder, the perception of threat and prejudice contribute to social exclusion. Two studies (Study 1, N = 254; Study 2, N = 236) were conducted with university students who answered the following questions about beliefs and prejudices regarding mental disorders, perceived threat and social exclusion. Regression analyses have shown that exclusion is motivated by prejudice, whose impact is mediated by perceived threat. The results also indicated that prejudice is anchored in participants’ beliefs on the nature of mental disorders, especially those with a religious basis.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Cuidadoras de dependentes químicos: um estudo sobre a sobrecarga familiar

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    This study aimed to assess the level of burden placed on family caregivers of drug addicts in a sample of 115 female family members whose relatives were under a drug addiction treatment program in João Pessoa-PB. The study also examined the existence of differences in burden level and type of drug, place of treatment and sociodemographic variables. A sociodemographic questionnaire and a Caregiver Burden Inventory (Zarit Burden Interview) were administered. The results of both instruments were analyzed with SPSS 21. The level of burden was moderate to severe. Significant differences were found in relation to place of treatment and kinship, but not in relation to the type of drug (alcohol or crack). We hope that this study may assist the persons who take care in the treatment of a drug addiction.A presente pesquisa analisou o nível de sobrecarga de familiares cuidadores de dependentes químicos, com uma amostra de 115 familiares, do sexo feminino, cujos parentes estavam realizando tratamento de dependência química na cidade de João Pessoa-Pb e adjacências. Foram utilizados um questionário sociodemográfico e o Inventário de Sobrecarga do Cuidador (Zarit Burden Interview ”“ ZBI), analisado através do pacote estatístico SPSS ”“ PASW 21. Os resultados revelaram um índice significativo de sobrecarga nos familiares cuidadores, ressaltando a necessidade de profissionais envolvidos com a temática lidarem de forma mais assertiva no cuidado direcionado a familiares de dependentes químicos. No geral, a análise contribui para a construção de conhecimentos na área, porém sugere-se a realização de novas pesquisas

    Prevalência de sintomáticos respiratórios e tuberculose ativa.

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    Objective: To estimate the prevalence of respiratory symptoms and active tuberculosis in an inmate population in Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. Methods: We carried out an epidemiological survey to identify patients with respiratory symptoms, using a standard questionnaire recommended by WHO. After the identification of respiratory symptoms, was perform the interview and the biological samples were obtained to do HIV sorology, baciloscopy, culture and drug susceptibility test to Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Results: A total of 70 individuals (20.6%) were considered symptomatic respiratory. Among the symptomatic respiratory, the prevalence of tuberculosis and HIV in the population studied was of 1.9% and 4.48%, respectively. Conclusion: Preventive measures should be adopted as a way to contain the spread of tuberculosis in prison and prevent contagion in the prison community as well as family. The cooperation between the prison system and local health departments is needed to improve the diagnostic and monitoring patients.Objetivo: Estimar a prevalência de sintomáticos respiratórios e tuberculose ativa em uma população privada de liberdade no Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil. Métodos: Estudo epidemiológico descritivo no Presídio Regional de Santa Cruz do Sul, a partir de triagem realizada para identificação de sintomáticos respiratórios (SR) utilizando instrumento recomendado pela OMS. Após a identificação dos sintomáticos respiratórios, foi realizada entrevista e coleta de amostras biológicas para realização de sorologia para HIV, baciloscopia, cultura e teste de susceptibilidade do Mycobacterium tuberculosis frente aos antibióticos para. Resultados: Um total de 70 indivíduos (20,6%) foram considerados sintomáticos respiratórios. Entre os sintomáticos respiratórios, a prevalência de tuberculose e HIV na população estudada foi de 1,9% e 4,48%, respectivamente. Conclusão: Medidas de prevenção devem ser adotadas como forma de conter a transmissão da tuberculose no presídio e de prevenir o contágio na comunidade carcerária, bem como de familiares. A cooperação entre o sistema prisional e departamentos locais de saúde é necessária para melhorar a realização de diagnósticos e acompanhamento de pacientes

    Uso y abuso de las drogas entre los universitarios y su interfaz con las políticas públicas

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    Objetivo: analizar el significado del uso y abuso de alcohol y otras drogas entre los estudiantes Universidad en línea con Brasil las políticas públicas sobre drogas. Método: los participantes fueron 49 estudiantes de una institución pública de educación superior en la región sureste de Brasil. Resultados: el análisis de contenido de Bardin elaboraran categoría analítica era: “Disonancia entre política públicas y el significado del uso de drogas entre los estudiantes universitarios.” El uso y abuso de drogas comienza en la adolescencia; alentado por familia y amigos, la felicidad y el escape de los problemas. Conclusión: es imprescindible conocer el significado del uso y abuso de drogas, desde la perspectiva de la Universidad para el desarrollo y la implementación de políticas públicas.Objetivo: analisar o significado do uso e do abuso de álcool e/ou de outras drogas entre os universitários em consonância com as políticas públicas brasileiras sobre drogas. Método: participaram 49 universitários de uma Instituição Pública de Ensino Superior da região Sudeste do Brasil. Resultados: pela Análise de Conteúdo de Bardin elaborou-se a categoria analítica: “Dissonância entre as políticas públicas e o significado do uso de drogas entre universitários”. O uso e o abuso de drogas inicia-se na adolescência; estimulado pelos familiares e amigos, e remete à felicidade e à fuga dos problemas. Conclusão: é fundamental conhecer o significado do uso e do abuso de drogas, sob a ótica do universitário para a elaboração e a implementação de políticas públicas.Objective: to analyze the meaning of the use and abuse of alcohol and / or other drugs among university students in accordance with Brazilian public policies on drugs. Method: 49 university students from a Public Institution of Higher Education in the Southeast region of Brazil participated. Results: Bardin’s Content Analysis elaborated the analytical category: “Dissonance between public policies and the meaning of drug use among university students”. Drug use and abuse begin in adolescence; Stimulated by family and friends, and refers to the happiness and flight of problems. Conclusion: it is fundamental to know the meaning of drug use and abuse, from the perspective of the university for the elaboration and implementation of public policies

    Hepatitis C in Brazil: lessons learned with boceprevir and telaprevir

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    In 2012, the first-generation protease inhibitors telaprevir (TVR) and boceprevir (BOC) were introduced in the Brazilian health system for treatment of chronic hepatitis C, after their approval by the National Committee for Health Technology Incorporation (CONITEC). However, these medicines were discontinued in 2015. The short period of use in therapy and their high cost require a discussion about the consequences for patients and for the health system of the early incorporation of new therapies. The article presents a qualitative analysis of the incorporation process of both medications in Brazil and the results of a multicenter study that included patients treated with BOC or TVR between January 2011 and December 2015 in five Brazilian cities. The study included 855 patients (BOC: n=247) and (TVR: n=608). The document analysis showed that CONITEC’s decision to incorporate BOC and TVR was based on results of phase III clinical trials that compared sustained virologic response (SVR) rates of patients treated with BOC and TVR with rates of those that received placebo. However, these studies included a low percentage of cirrhotic patients. The SVR rates observed in this multicenter study were worse than clinical trials pointed out (BOC: 45.6%; TVR: 51.8%), but similar to those achieved with previously adopted therapies. The discontinuation rate due to adverse events was (BOC: 15.4%; TVR: 12.7%). Based on these unsatisfactory results, the study brings a discussion that goes beyond the therapy outcomes, exploring the incorporation of these high-cost medicines and the related decision-making process, contributing to future decisions in medicine policies and in the treatment of chronic hepatitis C

    Web-based virtual learning environment for medicine administration in pediatrics and peonatology : content evaluation

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    Background: Worldwide, patient safety has been a widely discussed topic and has currently become one of the greatest challenges for health institutions. This concern is heightened when referring to children. Objective: The goal of this study was to develop a virtual learning environment for medication administration, as a tool to facilitate the training process of undergraduate nursing students. Methods: Descriptive research and methodological development with a quantitative and qualitative approach were used with stages of design-based research as methodological strategies. For the development of the virtual environment, 5 themes were selected: rights of medication administration, medication administration steps, medication administration routes, medication calculation, and nonpharmacological actions for pain relief. After development, 2 groups—expert judges in the field of pediatrics and neonatology for environment validation and undergraduate nursing students for the assessment—were used to assess the virtual learning environment. For the validation of the virtual learning environment by expert judges, the content validity index was used, and for the evaluation of the students, the percentage of agreement was calculated. Results: The study included 13 experts who positively validated the virtual environment with a content validity index of 0.97, and 26 students who considered the content suitable for nursing students, although some adjustments are necessary. Conclusions: The results show the benefit of the virtual learning environment to the training of nursing students and professional nurses who work in health care. It is an effective educational tool for teaching medication administration in pediatrics and neonatology and converges with the conjectures of active methodologies