612 research outputs found

    On the Relationship between Normative Claims and Empirical Realities in Immigration

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    What is and what ought to be the relationship between empirical research and normative analysis with respect to migration policies? The paper addresses this question from the perspective of political theory, asking about the place of empirical research in philosophical discussions of migration, and, for the most part, leaving to others questions about what role, if any, normative considerations do and should play in empirical research on migration. At the outset the paper also takes note of one important way in which empirical research can and should contribute to normative discussions of migration, quite apart from its role in contributing to political philosophy. DOI: 10.17879/15199614880

    Immigration Enforcement and Fairness to Would-Be Immigrants

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    This chapter argues that governments have a duty to take reasonably effective and humane steps to minimize the occurrence of unauthorized migration and stay. While the effects of unauthorized migration on a country’s citizens and institutions have been vigorously debated, the literature has largely ignored duties of fairness to would-be immigrants. It is argued here that failing to take reasonable steps to prevent unauthorized migration and stay is deeply unfair to would-be immigrants who are not in a position to bypass visa regulations. Importantly, the argument here is orthogonal to the debate as to how much and what kinds of immigration ought to be allowed

    Democracy and Respect for Difference: The Case of Fiji

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    In what follows, I will first offer a capsule history of Fiji. I then will identify some of the moral questions that emerge, both for the inhabitants of Fiji and for us as observers. I will present some tentative answers to these moral questions, reflecting as I go on what this tells us about the possibilities and limits of normative theory, but also trying to note where my normative judgments rest upon features of the story that I think others would want to contest and trying to indicate how alternative readings of the history would affect the normative judgments, if at all. In general, I feel more confident about the importance of the questions I am asking than about the accuracy of my answers, more certain about the inadequacy of theories that do not take these issues into account than about the adequacy of my own theory. I will try to keep that sense in view as I proceed

    Immigration and Integration in Canada

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    Like Australia and the United States, Canada is usually considered a ‘traditional’ immigrant receiving country in contrast to many countries in Europe, Asia, and Africa where large-scale immigration is a relatively recent phenomenon. This chapter reviews past and current Canadian immigration policy. Section one provides a brief historical overview of Canadian immigration patterns. Section two outlines current immigration policy, including the changes introduced by Canada’s Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (2002). Section three discusses the relationship between immigration policy and the integration of immigrants in Canadian society. The chapter concludes with the proposition that, while Canada’s immigration policy converges with developments in other countries worldwide, its immigration experience also poses a challenge for those scholars who postulate a strong inverse relation between higher immigration rates and an advanced welfare state. Differences also include increased recognition rates for asylum claimants as well as the comparatively lower focus on immigration as a subject of public debate in Canadian political culture

    Inmigración y justicia:¿A quién dejamos pasar?

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    This paper provides an overview of what justice requires with respect to the admission of immigrants in Europe and North America given two general assumptions: a general right of states to control immigration and a commitment to liberal democratic principles. The paper argues that states are morally constrained in the sorts of criteria they can use to exclude and select immigrants. In particular, they normally cannot use racial or ethnic criteria in selection. Furthermore, states have an obligation to admit as immigrants the immediate relatives (spouse and minor children) or current and permanent residents and an obligation to accept refugees who apply for asylum.Este artículo quiere ofrecer una visión general de lo que la justicia demanda respecto a la admisión de inmigrantes en Europa y en América del Norte si se aceptan dos presupuestos generales: un derecho general de los Estados a controlar la inmigración y el compromiso con los principios liberal-democráticos. El artículo argumenta que los Estados están moralmente constreñidos en cuanto a los tipos de criterios que pueden utilizar para excluir y seleccionar inmigrantes. En particular, normalmente no pueden utilizar criterios raciales o étnicos en la selección. Más aún, los Estados tienen la obligación de admitir como inmigrantes a los parientes cercanos (esposa e hijos menores de edad), o a los ya ciudadanos, a los residentes permanentes y tienen la obligación de aceptar a los refugiados que solicitan asilo


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    Usahatani cabai rawit hijau merupakan usaha yang bisa dikembangkan. Adanya dukungan kondisi geografis yang strategis dan dukungan pemerintah terhadap harga pupuk maka membuat cabai rawit hijau menjadi komoditi yang diusahakan oleh petani, sehingga kajian tentang pendapatan usahatani cabai rawit hijau dan kelayakan ekonomi menjadi penting untuk dilakukan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis biaya usahatani, penerimaan, dan pendapatan, serta kelayakan ekonomi usahatani cabai rawit hijau di Dusun Ploso. Jenis penelitian ini menggunakan deskriptif kuantitatif. Teknik penentuan sampel menggunakan teknik sampel jenuh dengan sampel yang dikumpulkan sebanyak 20 responden. Teknik analisis data meliputi analisis biaya, analisis penerimaan dan pendapatan, serta kelayakan usaha R/C Ratio, dan BEP. Jenis data menggunakan data primer dan data sekunder dengan teknik pengumpulan data yang menggunakan metode observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa Biaya Total sebesar Rp.40.599.355,-/ha/MT, terdiri dari Biaya Tetap sebesar Rp.2.607.898,-/ha, dan Biaya Variabel sebesar Rp.37.991.437,-/ha. Penerimaan sebesar Rp.113.893.035,-/ha dan Pendapatan sebesar Rp.73.293.700.-/ha/MT. Kelayakan ekonomi usahatani berdasarkan R/C Ratio sebesar 2,81, B/C Ratio sebesar 1,81, sedangkan BEP Produksi sebesar 995,91 kg/ha, dan nilai BEP Harga sebesar Rp.14.904,-/k

    The Structural Injustice of Forced Migration and the Failings of Normative Theory

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    I propose to criticize two strands of argument - contractarian and utilitarian – that liberals have put forth in defense of economic coercion, based on the notion of justifiable paternalism. To illustrate my argument, I appeal to the example of forced labor migration, driven by the exigencies of market forces. In particular, I argue that the forced migration of a special subset of unemployed workers lacking other means of subsistence (economic refugees) cannot be redeemed paternalistically as freedom or welfare enhancing in the long run. I further argue that contractarian and utilitarian approaches are normatively incapable of appreciating this fact because the kinds of reasons that they adduce for justifying the long-term freedom-enhancing consequences of forced migration are not ones that would be acceptable to the migrants themselves. I conclude that only a discourse ethical approach, which mandates direct, empathetic communication between would-be migrants and members of potential host communities, captures the full range of reasons that would be acceptable to both migrants and members of these communities. These reasons – appealing both to agency-enhancing communal attachments as well as to agency-enhancing freedom of choice – fully reveals the extent to which a global capitalist system composed of relatively closed national communities coerces the world’s poorest migrants
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