605 research outputs found

    Implicazioni di web design per Malesia e Paesi Scandinavi attraverso uno studio interculturale

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    Persone di culture differenti preferiscono pagine web caratterizzate dai valori della loro cultura e tendono quindi a preferire differenti caratteristiche del sito web a seconda delle loro esigenze in termini di navigazione, sicurezza, informazioni sui prodotti, servizio al cliente, strumenti di shopping e design. Per un’impresa che intende globalizzare il proprio mercato è utile implementare interfacce culturali country specific, ovvero utilizzare pagine web diverse per paesi con culture differenti. Il presente studio si fonda sulle conclusioni proposte da due modelli di analisi culturale, Hall (1976) e Hofstede (1980) e attraverso l’applicazione degli studi di Marcus e Gould (2000) e l’analisi di un campione di siti web commerciali, arriva a definire le linee guida di web design per i Paesi Scandinavi e Malesi

    Multiple ectopic leiomyomas of the abdominal rectus muscles after gasless laparoscopic uterine myomectomy

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    To describe and analyze the first case of multiple ectopic leiomyomas of the abdominal rectus muscles in a patient who had undergone gasless laparoscopic uterine myomectomy (GLM) 10 years before

    Influence of Eta-Phase on Wear Behavior of WC-Co Carbides

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    Cemented carbides, also known as Widia, are hard metals produced by sintering process and widely used in mechanical machining. They show high cutting capacity and good wear resistance; consequently, they result to be excellent materials for manufacturing cutting tools and sandblast nozzles. In this work, the wear resistance of WC-Co carbides containing Eta-phase, a secondary phase present in the hard metals when a carbon content deficiency occurs, is analyzed. Different mixtures of carbide are prepared and sintered, with different weight percentages of carbon, in order to form Eta-phase and then analyze how the carbon content influences the wear resistance of the material. This characterization is carried out by abrasive wear tests. The test parameters are chosen considering the working conditions of sandblast nozzles. Additional information is gathered through microscopic observations and the evaluation of hardness and microhardness of the different mixtures. The analyses highlight that there is a limit of carbon content below which bad sintering occurs. Considering the mixtures without these sintering problems, they show a wear resistance depending on the size and distribution of the Eta-phase; moreover, the one with high carbon content deficiency shows the best performance

    An algorithm based on OmniView technology to reconstruct sagittal and coronal planes of the fetal brain from volume datasets acquired by three-dimensional ultrasound

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    To describe a novel algorithm, based on the new display technology 'OmniView', developed to visualize diagnostic sagittal and coronal planes of the fetal brain from volumes obtained by three-dimensional (3D) ultrasonography

    Laser Marking of Titanium Coating for Aerospace Applications

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    Abstract In the aerospace industry, in order to ensure the identification and the traceability of the products, high repeatability, non-invasive and durable marking processes are required. Laser marking is one of the most advanced marking technologies. Compared to traditional marking processes, like punches, microdot, scribing or electric discharge pencil etcher, laser marking offers several advantages, such us: non-contact working, high repeatability, high scanning speed, mark width comparable to the laser spot dimension, high flexibility and high automation of the process itself. In order to assure the mark visibility for the component lifetime, an appropriate depth of the mark is required. In this way, a stable behaviour is ensured also when the component operates in aggressive environments (i.e. in presence of oxidation, corrosion and wear phenomena). The mark depth is strongly affected by the laser source kind and by the process parameters, such us average power, pulse frequency and scanning speed. Moreover, an excessive mark penetration could cause stress concentrations and reduce the fatigue life of the component. Consequently, an appropriate selection of the process parameters is required in order to assure visibility and to avoid excessive damage. Cold Spray Deposition (CSD) is a relative new technology that allows to produce surface coatings without significant substrate temperature increasing. In aeronautics fields this technology is useful to coat materials sensible to temperature, such as solution tempered aluminum alloy, with a titanium layer. Aim of the work is to characterize the laser marking process on CSD Ti coating, in order to study the influence of the laser marking process parameters (pulse power and scanning speed), on the groove geometry of the marking. The experimental marking tests were carried out through a 30 W MOPA Q-Switched Yb:YAG fibre laser; under different process conditions. The groove geometry was measured through a HIROX HK9700 optical microscope. The results showed the effectiveness of the laser process to produce high quality marks on the titanium layer. Moreover, a correlation between the process parameters and the mark's geometry was clearly observed
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