94 research outputs found

    Miϑra and the Sun: the Role of Miϑra in the Arrangement of the Avestan Liturgical Calendar

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    As the deity associated with the sun’s glow or sun light, opposed to that of the astral body, Miϑra is the god of the liminal time, viz. the points of contact between day and night (that is, sunrise and sunset) and metonymically between summer and winter (that is, the equinoxes). Besides the well-known transformation of the Avestan liturgical calendar caused by the adoption of the Egyptian solar calendar, scholars have in recent years drawn attention to a further transformation in the liturgical calendar (for the first time H. Humbach in 2010): the expansion of the ritual divisions of the day from three to five. Later, J. Kellens pointed out the important role of Miϑra in introducing the division of the day starting with sunrise. In this paper, I will argue that Miϑra is not only associated with sunrise, but also with sunset, introducing Miϑra as the protagonist in the process that eventually led to the transformation of the ritual parts of the day. Moreover, I will show that the adoption of the solar calendar caused the transformation. Both processes are linked through a series of analogies between the day and the year around the axis defined by Miϑra: sunrise and sunset on the one hand and the two equinoxes on the other. I will also discuss Miϑra’s connection with both equinoxes. The autumn equinox is celebrated at the festival of Mihragān and corresponds to the Avestan festival paitiš.hahaiia-. With the vernal equinox begins the new ritual year with a series of celebrations that extend over the first week of the year. These celebrations are dedicated to the Aməṣ̌a Spəṇta, and in them the liturgical season of each asńiia- ratu- is introduced at a different day, thus connecting parts of the day with the conception of the year and even hemeronyms of the first week. In this context, I will also show that the standard Yasna, the Yasna with the dedicatory of Nōg Nāwar, in which Miϑra takes a prominent position, is originally the Yasna for the celebration of the opening of the new ritual year at the first sunrise after the vernal equinox. Other important actors of the reform are the Waters and the Frauuaṣ̌is in whose honour the other great seasonal festivals are celebrated and to which the longest Yašts are dedicated. Most likely, the reform of the liturgical calendar took place in Western Iran in Achaemenid times, perhaps concurrently with other significant changes such as the introduction of a permanent fire et

    On Avestan "aiβiθiiō" (V18.17 & 25)

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    Av. aiβiθiiō is attested only in V18.17 and in its repetition in V18.25. In this paper I give an alternative explanation to the derivation from the root-noun ºsī- (Ved. ºśī-) "lying". I propose a derivation from the root-noun ºδī- (Ved. ºdhī-) "thinking, perceiving" and I try to explain the presence of θ instead of δ through the contact with a laryngeal, as M. Kümmel has recently tried for other "irregular" Avestan forms.L'av. aiβiθiiō només està testificat a V18.17 i en la seva repetició a V18.25. En aquest article es dóna una explicació alternativa a la derivació del nom-arrel ºsī- (vèd. º'sī-) «jeure». Es proposa una derivació del nom-arrel ºδī- (vèd. ºdhī-) «pensar, percebre» i es tracta d'explicar la presència de θ en comptes de δ mitjançant el contacte amb una laringal, com M. Kümmel ha intentat recentment per a altres formes avèstiques «irregulars».El av. aiβiθiiō solo está atestiguado en V18.17 y en su repetición en V18.25. En este artículo doy una explicación alternativa a la derivación del nombre-raíz ºsī- (véd. º'sī-) «yacer». Propongo una derivación del nombre-raíz ºδī- (véd. ºdhī-) «pensar, percibir» y trato de explicar la presencia de θ en vez de δ mediante el contacto con una laringal, como M. Kümmel ha intentado recientemente para otras formas avésticas «irregulares»

    The accusative of the i- and u-stems with presuffixal full or large grade in Avestan

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    En esta parte de la monografía : "Iranian languages and texts from Iran and Turan", se analiza el acusativo en lengua avéstica

    Factibilidad de la aplicación de un método rápido y sin efluentes destinado a la obtención de cueros vacunos semicromo

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    Se describe un proceso de elaboración de cueros vacunos semicromo en forma estática, diseñado para su empleo en mataderos o frigoríficos de mediana producción. Este proceso no requiere costosas inversiones en maquinarias y la contaminación generada en los procesos de ribéra es sensiblemente menor a la del clásico sistema sulfuro de sodio-hidróxido de calcio.A static tanning process of cattle hides ideal for slaughter houses of moderation production is described. The process avoids expensive investment on machinery and reduces the amount and degree of the tannery effluents

    Proceso de curtición vegetal sin efluentes

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    Se informan y analizan los resultados obtenidos en el estudio del grado de variabilidad de la determinación del tiempo de penetración (ensayo de la gota) de formulaciones acrílicas impregnantes, en toda el área del cuero para capellada, curtido al cromo, recurtido, flor corregida. También se sugiere la zona de ensayo más comveniente y otros datos que permiten crear las condiciones adecuadas para que esta determinación sea adoptada en práctica industrial.A study was made on the variability of penetration time of acrylic impregnating formulations. This test was carried out over the whole area of several chrome tanned, retanned and corrected grain side leathers« The most convenient test area and practical recommendations for leather technicians are also suggested.Trabajo presentado al IV Congreso Latinoamericano de Químicos y Técnicos de la Industria del Cuero, Santiago de Chile, noviembre de 1974

    Uptake of acid black 210 dye by organo-montmorillonite clay minerals

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    Two clays rich in montmorillonite were modified and used as adsorbents. The clay minerals were modified with hexadecylpyridinium cation (HDP+) in order to obtain organo-montmorillonites, which were used for retaining acid black 210 dye from water solution. This dye is frequently used in tanning industry. The retentions of the anionic dye by organo-montmorillonites were evaluated by using complete UV-visible spectrum, analyzing the concentrations of dye solutions before (50 mg/L) and after the contact with the adsorbent. The solids were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD) and infrared analyses (FT-IR). The interlayer spacing of the montmorillonites increased, after organic cation exchange, from 13.0-14.9 Å to 19.0-22.0 Å and allowed the uptake of acid black 210 dye. The most disordered arrangement of HDP in montmorillonite, deduced by XRD and FT-IR analyses, was better for higher retentions of acid black dye

    Curtición rápida de cueros para suela empleando extracto de quebracho

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    El curtido en seco en fulón con extractos atomizados es un procedimiento que reviste sumo interés ya que permite obtener una suela de calidad en corto tiempo. No obstante, involucra dificultades que no están presentes en los curtidos en baño empleando piletas y fulones, motivo por el cual el tratamiento previo de la piel para lograr su óptimo acondicionamiento tiene clara importancia. Estos problemas pueden atenuarse por el tratamiento previo de la piel con sales de cromo, curtientes sintéticos o con sulfato de sodio anhidro, este último de reciente aplicación. Este tratamiento previo o precurtido producirá en la piel una pérdida de agua y por lo tanto al iniciar la curtición vegetal, el volumen del licor residual será menor e inferior la cantidad de taninos que se pierdan. En esencia, la protección de la piel dependerá de una completa penetración de la misma por el agente precurtiente que prevendrá el severo efecto deshidratante de los extractos vegetales atomizados. De los agentes precurtientes enunciados precedentemente el más atrayente es sin duda el sulfato de sodio anhidro por la gran disponibilidad y bajo costo del mismo

    Towards a Pre-Processing Algorithm for Automated Arrhythmia Detection

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    There are a variety of different wearable fitness/cardiac monitoring devices that are currently used in many people’s day to day life. The primary cardiac function of these devices is to monitor heart rate, however we believe that they could be utilized to detect different forms of arrhythmia. In order to categorize and identify different forms of arrhythmia, we are utilizing published EKG data sets from existing databases as a basis for machine learning. The challenge that comes from the existing data sets is that the format they present the data in does not lend itself to machine learning, which requires data to be in a vector. This makes the process of converting the existing data sets into workable vectors long and tedious. Therefore, we are working to develop an algorithm that will be able to vectorize the data from multiple different data sets so we, and anyone who wishes to use machine learning on these signals, are able to quickly and accurately use now workable, prior data sets.https://ecommons.udayton.edu/stander_posters/2605/thumbnail.jp

    Hydrolysis of chrome shavings; application of collagen hydrolysate and “acrylic-protein” in post tanning operations

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    The tanning industry is a generator of liquid wastes as well as tanned and non-tanned solid wastes plus those derived from the waste water treatment plant. This situation requires the introduction of “cleaner leather technologies” and of treatment systems for both effluents and solid wastes, so that pollutant discharge standards can be reached. Particularly, solid wastes from chrome tanned leather require special attention because of their volume and of the requirements by authorities for their direct disposal in landfill sites. A technological alternative for upgrading these wastes is the detanning of chrome shavings (and wet-blue trimmings) through alkaline hydrolysis assisted oy the action of proteolytic enzymes at a moderate temperature (55°C), so as to obtain a collagen hydrolysate and a “chrome cake”, both with potential applications in the tanning industry. This paper describes experiment performed in the application of collagen hydrolysates and of “acrylicprotein” polymers (acrylic acid / hydrolysed collagen polymers) in post-tanning processes for the manufacture of bovine leather for “softy” uppers. The retanning capacity of. synthesized polymers and the positive effects attained from hydrolysates in the fatliquoring process (“nutrient and cosmetic effects”) were assessed by means of a subjective evaluation and through a statistical analysis of the physico-mechanical strengths of the leathers. Results are also shown from a laboratory test with chrome tanned hide powder aimed at assessing the “retanning degree” of these products. The test was developed to allow the comparison of die reiamiing agents under analysis and to complement the retanning test.Facultad de IngenieríaComisión de Investigaciones Científicas de la provincia de Buenos Aire

    Hydrolysis of chrome shavings; application of collagen hydrolysate and “acrylic-protein” in post tanning operations

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    The tanning industry is a generator of liquid wastes as well as tanned and non-tanned solid wastes plus those derived from the waste water treatment plant. This situation requires the introduction of “cleaner leather technologies” and of treatment systems for both effluents and solid wastes, so that pollutant discharge standards can be reached. Particularly, solid wastes from chrome tanned leather require special attention because of their volume and of the requirements by authorities for their direct disposal in landfill sites. A technological alternative for upgrading these wastes is the detanning of chrome shavings (and wet-blue trimmings) through alkaline hydrolysis assisted oy the action of proteolytic enzymes at a moderate temperature (55°C), so as to obtain a collagen hydrolysate and a “chrome cake”, both with potential applications in the tanning industry. This paper describes experiment performed in the application of collagen hydrolysates and of “acrylicprotein” polymers (acrylic acid / hydrolysed collagen polymers) in post-tanning processes for the manufacture of bovine leather for “softy” uppers. The retanning capacity of. synthesized polymers and the positive effects attained from hydrolysates in the fatliquoring process (“nutrient and cosmetic effects”) were assessed by means of a subjective evaluation and through a statistical analysis of the physico-mechanical strengths of the leathers. Results are also shown from a laboratory test with chrome tanned hide powder aimed at assessing the “retanning degree” of these products. The test was developed to allow the comparison of die reiamiing agents under analysis and to complement the retanning test