162 research outputs found

    Twisted equivariant K-theory of compact Lie group actions with maximal rank isotropy

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    We consider twisted equivariant K--theory for actions of a compact Lie group GG on a space XX where all the isotropy subgroups are connected and of maximal rank. We show that the associated rational spectral sequence \`a la Segal has a simple E2E_2--term expressible as invariants under the Weyl group of GG. Namely, if TT is a maximal torus of GG, they are invariants of the π1(XT)\pi_1(X^T)-equivariant Bredon cohomology of the universal cover of XTX^T with suitable coefficients. In the case of the inertia stack ΛY\Lambda Y this term can be expressed using the cohomology of YTY^T and algebraic invariants associated to the Lie group and the twisting. A number of calculations are provided. In particular, we recover the rational Verlinde algebra when Y={}Y=\{*\}.Comment: To appear in Journal of Mathematical Physics. Some mistakes have been corrected in Section

    Income Inequality Rankings for Different Equivalence Scales and Population Health

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    This paper is divided in two parts. The first one is dedicated to analyse the inequality of the income distribution in Spain during the convergence process to the European Monetary Union. To carry out this task, we propose two robust models based on the quantile functions. Specifically, we use the Gamma and Beta quantile functions. The income inequality in Spain and the sensitivity of the results for different equivalence scales are analysed using the data corresponding to the first five waves (1994-1998) of the European Community Household Panel (ECHP). This survey contains data on individuals and households and the information is homogeneous across European countries. The second part of the paper is dedicated to study the correlation between income inequality and one of the most important health indicators such as life expectancy. We will try to add new perspectives to conventional studies of health inequalities. With this aim we will focus on relations between socio-economic factors and health of the individuals. In conclusion, this analysis seems to confirm the results obtained in previous researches. Income distribution has significant effects on health indicators. Although we can not confirm that the social capital is highly related with health, at least it is an important factor which helps to explain it. Key words: Inequality, social capital, health, European Community Household Panel

    Territorio, turismo y senderos temáticos: el caso de Baños de la Encina, Jaén

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    Producción CientíficaLa segunda mitad del siglo XX fue para los municipios de la Sierra Morena de Jaén, y en general para todo el agro provincial, un periodo crítico que acarreó la total desaparición de las labores económicas tradicionales y, en gran medida, de la cultura material a ellas vinculada. Se modificó así, cuando no se arrasó, un paisaje cultural modelado durante siglos. A finales de los años 50 y a lo largo de la década de los 60, la mecanización de las faenas agrícolas afectó favorablemente a las tierras con mayores rendimientos, haciendo desaparecer gran parte los modos y medios milenarios de entender la agricultura. Paralelamente, tuvo lugar una sangría demográfica que daría aún más argumentos para la pérdida identitaria de estos pagos. Posteriormente, avanzados ya los ’80 y aupado por las ayudas de Europa, se produjo un crecimiento tan desmesurado del olivar que este cultivo llegó a invadir unas tierras, las de vega, hasta entonces siempre ajenas a esta legendaria planta mediterránea. Como resultado, sus ordenadas hileras verde plata se adueñaran de manera absoluta del paisaje eliminando, con sus arados, ganchos y gradas, todo atisbo natural o humano que dificultara la homogeneidad visual y el libre discurrir de la maquinaria agrícola. Pareja y no menos invasiva, fue la inmediata y masiva introducción de fitosanitarios y fungicidas que han dañado sobremanera el orden natural de los campos provinciales. Finalmente, la crisis de la ganadería histórica y extensiva, tanto la merina como la que fuera más novedosa ligada al toro de lidia (no en vano Jaén fue y es una de las provincias que más cabezas posee al respecto), provocó una deriva que ha desembocado en la absoluta especialización cinegética de los predios serranos, erigiendo a la caza como protagonista privilegiado de su economía. Se fortaleció así, aún más si cabe, la opacidad y el hermetismo de las extensas fincas montaraces, reduciendo a mínimos su potencial uso público, tanto silvoforestal como educativo y turístico. Fruto de todo este proceso, aunque también debido a la bonanza económica y a un crecimiento urbano desproporcionado e irracional, el entorno más inmediato a los núcleos de población se fue vaciando de sus usos tradicionales, viéndose aniquilado en la mayoría de los casos el patrimonio material que los sustentaba. Baños de la Encina, municipio situado en las estribaciones serranas, a caballo entre sierra y campiña como la mayoría de los núcleos urbanos de Sierra Morena, no fue ajeno a este proceso. Localizado en la porción noroccidental de la provincia, a 52 kilómetros de la capital, su bien conservado casco histórico se eleva 420 metros sobre el nivel del mar y unos 100 sobre su vega y campiña. La variedad geológica, edáfica y natural de su término municipal ha permitido el desarrollo histórico de una economía muy diversificada, donde las tierras de calma han compaginado con producciones de viña, olivar y huerta, y donde la minería, cuatro veces milenaria, ha alternado con el posicionamiento de la villa como tierra de extremo de las cañadas merinas trashumantes, tanto de las provenientes de los Montes Universales como de las originarias de las sierras del este y sur provincial (Sierras de Segura, Cazorla y Mágina).Este libro forma parte de los objetivos y resultados del Proyecto de Investigación CSO2013-47205-P «Cultura y patrimonio como recursos territoriales: estrategias de desarrollo sostenible e impactos espaciales», del Programa Estatal de Fomento de la Investigación Científico Técnica de Excelencia, Subprograma de Generación del Conocimiento del Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad. Los coordinadores figuran como Investigadores Principales

    Fusion-invariant representations for symmetric groups

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    For a prime pp, we show that uniqueness of factorization into irreducible Σp2\Sigma_{p^2}-invariant representations of Z/pZ/p\mathbb{Z}/p \wr \mathbb{Z}/p holds if and only if p=2p=2. We also show nonuniqueness of factorization for Σ8\Sigma_8-invariant representations of D8Z/2D_8 \wr \mathbb{Z}/2. The representation ring of Σp2\Sigma_{p^2}-invariant representations of Z/pZ/p\mathbb{Z}/p \wr \mathbb{Z}/p is determined completely when pp equals two or three.Comment: 27 pages. Comments are welcom

    Surgical Treatment of Obesity. Special Mention to Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass and Vertical Gastrectomy

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    Introduction: The prevalence of obesity has increased exponentially in recent decades, being one of the diseases that most affects global health. It is a chronic disease associated with multiple comorbidities, which lead to a decrease in life expectancy and quality of life. It requires a multidisciplinary approach by a specialized medical team. Obesity can be treated with conservative or with surgical treatments that will depend on the characteristics of the patient. Objective/Methodology: The referenced surgery can be performed using different surgical techniques that are analyzed in the present work through an exhaustive narrative bibliographic review in the PubMed and Cochrane databases, as well as in UpToDate. Results: Currently, those most used are restrictive techniques, specifically vertical gastrectomy and mixed techniques, with gastric bypass being the “gold standard”. Conclusions: In order to choose one technique or another, the characteristics of each patient and the experience of the surgical team must be taken into account

    Space Race: An Interactive Digital Tool in the Classroom. Are You Ready?

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    This document presents an interdisciplinary teaching experience based on Game-based Learning as an educational methodology complementary to the Flipped Classroom pedagogical approach in higher education. The tool used was the Space Race application integrated into the free Socrative software. A more active and meaningful learning has been promoted in the student with its implementation. Likewise, it has allowed the face-to-face classes to be energized, creating a relaxed atmosphere. The reflective and critical use of technological applications and mobile devices in the classroom has also been encouraged. The use of the Space Race has increased the participation of students in the classroom, their motivation and interest, collaborating in the development of skills and abilities. This tool has been very useful to obtain bidirectional teacher-student feedback in real time. As a result, a more cooperative, reflective and meaningful learning has been obtained

    On the cohomological triviality of the center of the Frattini subgroup

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    We improve the existing lower bounds on the order of counterexamples to a conjecture by P. Schmid, determine some properties of the possible counterexamples of minimum order for each prime, and the isomorphism type of the center of the Frattini subgroup for the counterexamples of order 256. We also show that nonabelian metacyclic p-groups, nonabelian groups of maximal nilpotency class and 2-groups of coclass two satisfy the conjecture.Comment: 13 pages, comments are welcom

    A case report: Acute abdominal pain caused by a mesenteric cyst in a 20 years old female patient

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    Mesenteric cysts are documented as rare intra-abdominal benign tumors, whose etiology and classification controversy still exists. They are considered the rarest variety between the abdominal cysts and both its low incidence and the mistaken belief that was a trivial process without apparent symptoms, had contributed to their scarce knowledge. This study aimed to present a mesenteric cyst case with focal acute inflammation and four lymph nodes with follicular lymphoid hyperplasia. The study was performed 20-year-old female patient, examined in emergency department for abdominal pain 12 hours of evolution located in flank and left upper quadrant, with mild improvement after analgesic treatment, accompanied with mild fever. The patient presented left paramedian cystic formation measuring 4 cm in size with echogenic content inside. Exploratory laparoscopy treatment of emergency was proposed. The postoperative course was favourable remaining afebrile, no abdominal pain and good tolerance to oral intake, so it was hospital discharged within 72 hours of surgery. The diagnosis was mesenteric cyst with focal acute inflammation and four lymph nodes with follicular lymphoid hyperplasia. In conclusion, the type of surgery depended on the size of the cyst, its location in the peritoneal cavity and the experience of the surgeon. Laparoscopy technique was used as a first option

    Desigualdad en el consumo energético en Europa: un enfoque empírico

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    ABSTRACT. The aim of this paper is to analyse gross inland energy consumption (EC) in the EU-15 - European Union countries over the period 2005-2014. The standard tools in the measurement of income inequality such as Lorenz Curve, Gini Index, and Generalized Entropy and Atkinson indices are applied. The empirical results confirm that EC inequality has decreased (the Gini coefficient falls from 44.27% in 2005 to 42.16% in 2014), that there are a small inward shift in the corresponding Lorenz Curve and there are huge differences among the four European clusters of countries (Mediterranean, Continental, Nordic and Anglo-Saxon ones).RESUMEN. El objetivo de este artículo es analizar el consumo de energía (CE) en los países de la Unión Europea (UE-15) durante el periodo 2005-2014. Se aplican herramientas estándar en la medición de la desigualdad, como las Curvas de Lorenz, el índice de Gini, los índices de entropía generalizada y de Atkinson. Los resultados empíricos, obtenidos confirman que se ha producido un desplazamiento de las curvas de Lorenz, que la distribución de desigualdad del CE en los países de la UE-15 ha disminuido (el coeficiente de Gini cae del 44,27% en 2005 al 42,16% en 2014) y existen amplias diferencias entre grupos de países (Mediterráneos, Continentales, Nórdicos y Anglosajones)