377 research outputs found

    Kolektif Girişimcilik Yoluyla Yenilikçi Çözümler Geliştirme: Kapsayici Bir Çerçeve

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    DergiPark: 770994trakyasobedThis study provides an extensive discussion on how collective entrepreneurship strategies by multiple organizational actors both within and across sectors can yield innovative solutions to several problems. Although the emphasis in the entrepreneurship literature has been largely on initiatives by single actors, combinations and complementarities of resources through partnerships can significantly help produce novel approaches to the ongoing socioeconomic, environmental, political and institutional challenges. How such collective entrepreneurial systems are developed, what the main collaboration dynamics among actors are, how these systems can be managed, and when and where such collective action can produce innovative results are only a few of the curious questions to answer. An important aspect is to understand how seemingly unrelated actors across diverse sectors collaborate. To this end, this study provides an inclusive theoretical framework on how collective entrepreneurial action stimulates innovative outcomes for organizations by evaluating the level, type and characteristics of entrepreneurial collectives. Even though there has been increasing interest in collective entrepreneurship, this is the first attempt where an integrated model is provided to understand this essential phenomenon.Bu çalışma, aynı ya da farklı sektörlerden gelen örgütsel aktörlerin ortak girişimcilik stratejileri sayesinde nasıl birçok soruna yenilikçi çözümler getirebilecekleri üzerine kapsamlı bir tartışma sunmaktadır. Girişimcilik yazını büyük ölçüde tekil aktörlerin girişimlerine vurgu yapsa da, ortaklıklar yoluyla kaynakların bir araya getirilmesi ve tamamlanması mevcut sosyoekonomik, çevresel, politik ve kurumsal sorunlara yeni yaklaşımlar üretilmesine önemli katkı sağlar. Bu tür kolektif girişimcilik sistemlerinin nasıl geliştirildiği, aktörler arasındaki temel işbirliği dinamiklerinin neler olduğu, bu sistemlerin nasıl yönetileceği ve bu kolektif eylemlerin nasıl ve ne zaman yenilikçi sonuçlar verebileceği yanıtlanması gereken sorulardan sadece birkaçıdır. Farklı sektörlerden gelen, görünüşte ilgisiz aktörlerin nasıl işbirliği yaptıklarını anlamak özellikle önemlidir. Bu çalışma, kolektif girişimciliğin düzeylerini, türlerini ve özelliklerini değerlendirerek örgütler için yenilikçi sonuçların nasıl ortaya çıktığı konusunda kuramsal bir çerçeve önermektedir. Yazında kolektif girişimciliğe yönelik artan bir ilgi olmasına rağmen, bu önemli olguyu anlamak için ilk kez kapsamlı bir model sunulmaktadır

    Ion exchange in natural zeolite packed column

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    Thesis (Master)--Izmir Institute of Technology, Chemical Engineering, Izmir, 2004Includes bibliographical references (leaves: 91-96)Text in English; Abstract: Turkish and English120 leavesTurkish natural clinoptilolites were examined to evaluate their ion exchange performance for the removal of copper, nickel and cobalt ions by performing both batch and packed column experiments.Initial metal solutions were prepared using metal nitrate solutions at various concentrations.All of the experiments were carried out at 29oC.Before performing the ion exchange experiments zeolites were characterized and their clinoptilolite contents were determined quantitatively as 80 and 64 % for zeolites named as CP1 and CP2, respectively.The copper exchange capacities of CP1 and CP2 were determined from equilibrium studies as 10.01 mg (0.32 meq) Cu2+ / g CP1 and 8.33 mg (0.262 meq) Cu2+ / g CP2. Ion exchange capacity of CP2 zeolite was determined as 6.64 mg (0.226 meq) Ni2+ / g and 4.55 mg (0.154 meq) Co2+ / g.The equilibrium behaviour of the system was best described by Langmuir model.Experiments were designed to investigate the optimum parameters and significance of the interactions between these parameters.In column studies, the parameters such as packing height, inlet metal concentration and flow rate were investigated.The concentration of the metals in the sample solutions which were taken from the exit of the ion exchange column at specific time intervals were analyzed by using Optical Emission Spectrometry (ICP-OES).Afterwards, by making use of the data obtained from ICP-OES, breakthrough curves were constructed.By the help of these curves, breakthrough capacity and ion exchange capacity of natural zeolites were calculated.The ion exchange capacity of CP2 zeolite was calculated as 8.04 mg Cu2+/g CP2, which was consistent with the capacity calculated from batch experiments, 8.33 mg Cu2+/g CP2.Also, breakthrough points were determined. Furthermore, solid phase was also analysed for determining its crystal structure and chemical composition using Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) and Energy Dispersive X-Ray (EDX) devices (Philips XL 30S FEG).In addition to these, natural zeolite particles which have been ion exchanged throughout this process were regenerated using 0.2M and 1.7M of NaCl solutions.According to regeneration studies, it was determined that 94 and 95% of copper were recovered within the first 100 minutes for both experiments.After the experiments were performed, model equations were applied to the system in order to be able to investigate the dynamic behavior of the system.As a result of this simulation, breakthrough was well predicted

    Determinants of Competitiveness in European Regions: A Test of the Emerald Model

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    This study assesses the impact of the dimensions of the emerald model on regional competitiveness and contributes to the competitiveness literature in moving ahead to establishing causal links with its determinants. Data is collected from 2000 to 2011 for 97 NUTS-1 regions in Europe, and multiple regression analysis is performed. The results suggest that in the long term (eight-year time period) ownership attractiveness is the most influential dimension of the model, followed by talent attractiveness, educational attractiveness, R&D and innovation attractiveness, cluster attractiveness in technology & knowledge-based sectors, and environmental attractiveness. Cluster attractiveness in all sectors does not have a significant impact, while knowledge dynamics has a negative impact on competitiveness

    Predictors of hybrid organizational identity: evidence from the Turkish theatre field, 1923-1999

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    Being an essential concept in organization research for a long time, organizational identity has received a renewed interest both theoretically and empirically since it has increasingly been interpreted as contingent, dynamic and multiple. Although the notion of hybrid identity constitutes an important part of this interest, existing research mostly considers it as a starting assumption without investigating why there are such identities in the first place. By borrowing ideas from institutional and imprinting frameworks in organization theory, this study is an attempt to extend research by examining how particular field and organization-level factors may predict hybridity of organizational identities. Focusing on the Turkish theatre field as the empirical setting, first the identity claim categories in the field were discovered via cluster analysis by using the dataset of plays performed by professional theatre companies in Istanbul and Ankara during the 1923- 1999 period. Next, analyses were conducted by using multilevel (mixed effect) models in order to test study hypotheses. Hybrid identity was measured by Simpson diversity index weighted by category contrasts. Findings reveal that the degree of identity hybridization is largely enhanced by the identity hybridity of the organization at its birth, the transition in institutional logics and the strength of the mimetic mechanisms within the field. The results emphasize that diverse identity claims are combined more under specific institutional and founding conditions

    Comparison of Video Laryngoscopy and Direct Laryngoscopy in the Success of Intubation Performed by Novice Personnel in Patients with Cervical Immobilization: A Manikin Study

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    Introduction: Pre-hospital intubation is a challenging but essential intervention. During intubation, it is difficult to identify vocal cords when using a cervical collar and trauma board. Therefore, the success rate of intubation by paramedics decreases in trauma patients. Video laryngoscopy increases intubation success rate and has been recommended for difficult airways in studies. Objective: In this study, we compared the intubation success rates when using a video laryngoscope and a direct laryngoscope in a manikin with simulated cervical immobilization. Methods: In this cross-sectional study, the manikin’s neck collar and spine board created a complicated airway model with cervical immobilization. Inexperienced paramedic students tried intubation with both methods, and their trial periods were recorded. Students answered a question evaluating the convenience of the procedure for both methods after the trial. Results: In this study, 83 volunteers, who were first-year and second-year paramedics, participated; 32 (38.6%) of the volunteers were first-year students, while 51 (61.4%) were second-year students. All volunteers had previous intubation experience with direct laryngoscopy, but not with video laryngoscopy. There was a statistically significant difference in the first-attempt success rates of the procedure between the groups in favor of video laryngoscope (p=0.022). Note that there was no significant difference between the groups in terms of first attempt durations (p=0.337). Conclusion: Video laryngoscopy in airway management can increase the success rate of first-attempt intubation by inexperienced pre-hospital healthcare personnel

    Using bird education to promote biology teachers' use of place-based education

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    Cataloged from PDF version of article.The purpose of this study is to explore strategies and resources to support biology teachers in conducting bird studies with their students and to promote place-based education in Turkey. Different strategies and resources, including a bird education trunk, a training workshop, two fieldtrips, and a Facebook group, were implemented to motivate and prepare teachers. In addition, the researcher provided consulting services to the teachers. The instruments for collecting data were a workshop evaluation questionnaire and interviews conducted with six teachers and seven preservice teachers. In addition, during the study period the researcher used reiterative reflection to determine what data was needed to examine the effects of her efforts. Teachers participating in this study reported that the resources and strategies introduced to them motivated them to conduct bird studies with students. Barriers and challenges such as time, curricular requirements, administrative issues, iv difficulties with field studies, suitability of school ground, and student attitudes affected teachers’ sense of preparation. One of the most important findings of this study is that the place-based education approach might help overcome many of these barriers. Through this study, the researcher was able to share her bird watching passion with teachers; ideally motivating teachers to inspire their students to become birding enthusiasts. The teachers expressed appreciation for her efforts and she learned that long-term collaborations will be necessary to support teachers.Can, Özge KeşaplıM.S

    Deyimlerin Edimbilimsel Olarak Ulamlaştırılmasına İlişkin Bir Öneri: Türkçede “erkek”e gönderimde bulunan deyimler örneği

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    Deyimler, asıl anlamları dışında kullanılarak bir duygu, düşünce ya da durum anlatan, anlatım özgünlüğü olan ve bir kültürün zenginliklerini gösteren kalıplaşmış yapılardır. Bu çalışmada deyim sözlüklerinde deyimlerin nasıl ulamlaştırılması gerektiği tartışılmakta ve sonuç olarak alfabetik sıralanışa göre sunuma alternatif olabilecek edimbilimsel bir strateji önerisi yapılmaktadır. Çalışmanın veritabanını Türkiye’de en çok satılan 3 deyim sözlüğünde yer alan içinde “erkek” sözcüğünün geçtiği ve içinde “erkek” sözcüğü kullanılmadığı halde “erkek”e gönderimde bulunan Türkçe deyimler oluşturmaktadır. Araştırmanın sonucunda, önceki çalışmalardaki sözdizimsel ve anlambilimsel deyim sınıflandırmalarının deyimlerin ulamlaştırılmasına ilişkin kapsamlı bir veri sağlayamadıkları; bu nedenle, deyim sözlüklerinin edimbilimsel ölçütler dikkate alınarak yeniden düzenlenmesi gerektiği saptanmıştır. Bu sonuç, hem Türkçenin anadil ve yabancı dil olarak öğretilmesi için ders materyallerinin geliştirilmesine katkı sağlayacak hem de kültür ve düşünce dünyasının birer yansıması olan deyimlerin kavramsal ulamlarının ortaya konması, günümüzde çok çalışılmaya başlanan anlambilimsel ağ araştırmalarını da kapsayan bilgisayarlı dilbilim çalışmaları için Türkçenin kavram haritasının çıkartılması için bir başlangıç olacaktır

    The {-gA/Iç} and {-(I/A)ç} Morphemes in Turkish: A Synchronic Approach to Derivation

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    Derivation processes show a high degree of variation from one language to another and in terms of the range of derivation and frequency of use. This variation indicates that derivation is a productive process, which seems to form a continuum rather than a dichotomy between productivity and unproductivity (Uzun, 2006, p. 90). This study started as a result of our observation that a certain base cannot be clearly identified in the following lexemes: BİLGİÇ, ÇALGIÇ and YARGIÇ. In order to eliminate this uncertainty, it is necessary to determine the range and the frequency of the derivations obtained by the {-gA/Iç} and {-(I/A)ç} morphemes. To this end, we examined the range of the derivations based on these morphemes and investigated their degree of productivity with respect to one another. We also aimed to answer the question whether one of the morphemes can be treated as the other's allomorph and discussed the ways in which the base of the problematic lexemes in question can be determined. Our data were the list of lexemes derived by {-gA/Iç} and {-(I/A)ç} listed in the Turkish Dictionary by Dil Derneği (2002). We discussed the data, compared the findings in the literature with the new data we presented, and thus aimed to contribute to the existing literature

    Factors Influencing Charity Shop Customers’ Intention to Use Online Charity Shops

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    With the rise of e-commerce in recent years, many charities have started selling online mainly through their online shop or their eBay shop. This paper aims to understand the factors that determine charity shop customers‟ intention to use online charity shops by adopting the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology 2 (UTAUT2). Furthermore, the study aims to identify current and future online charity shop customers in terms of their demographic characteristics particularly age and gender, and their experience with charity shops. The results revealed that performance expectancy significantly affects charity shop customers‟ intention to use online charity shops. Charity shop customers believe that online charity shops are useful in their daily life and increases their productivity in accomplishing shopping tasks more quickly

    Possible role of GADD45γ methylation in diffuse large B-cell Lymphoma: Does it affect the progression and tissue involvement?

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    Objective: Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) is the most common type of non-Hodgkin lymphoma among adults and is characterized by heterogeneous clinical, immunophenotypic, and genetic features. Different mechanisms deregulating cell cycle and apoptosis play a role in the pathogenesis of DLBCL. Growth arrest DNA damage-inducible 45 (GADD45γ) is an important gene family involved in these mechanisms. The aims of this study are to determine the frequency of GADD45γ methylation, to evaluate the correlation between GADD45γ methylation and protein expression, and to investigate the relation between methylation status and clinicopathologic parameters in DLBCL tissues and reactive lymphoid node tissues from patients with reactive lymphoid hyperplasia. Materials and Methods: Thirty-six tissue samples of DLBCL and 40 nonmalignant reactive lymphoid node tissues were analyzed in this study. Methylation-sensitive high-resolution melting analysis was used for the determination of GADD45γ methylation status. The GADD45γ protein expression was determined by immunohistochemistry. Results: GADD45γ methylation was frequent (50.0%) in DLBCL. It was also significantly higher in advanced-stage tumors compared with early-stage (p=0.041). In contrast, unmethylated GADD45γ was associated with nodal involvement as the primary anatomical site (p=0.040). Conclusion: The results of this study show that, in contrast to solid tumors, the frequency of GADD45γ methylation is higher and this epigenetic alteration of GADD45γ may be associated with progression in DLBCL. In addition, nodal involvement is more likely to be present in patients with unmethylated GADD45γ. © 2015 Turkish Society of Hematology. All rights reserved