1,749 research outputs found

    Dynamic OLS estimation of the U.S. import demand for Mexican crude oil

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    This paper estimates the U.S. import demand for crude oil from Mexico. The analysis is based on time series from January 1990 to December 2010. Time series properties of the processes that generate the data are assessed in order to specify the order of integration for each series. According to results from unit root tests, all the series under study are unit root non-stationary. The paper then estimates the cointegrating import demand regression using Dynamic OLS procedure. Residuals from the DOLS cointegrating regression are tested and found to be stationary; thus, the cointegrating regression is not spurious. According to estimation results, U.S. import demand for Mexican crude oil is income inelastic, perfect price inelastic, and responsive to changes in both U.S. stock of oil (excluding SPR) and unemployment rate in the U.S. Also, this paper points to the estimate bias from omitting relevant variables as it is common in the mainstream literature on crude oil import demand.Crude Oil Demand, Unit Root, Dynamic OLS.

    Moral hazard in a voluntary deposit insurance system: Revisited

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    This paper extends Wheelock and Kumbhakar’s (1995) test for moral hazard in the Kansas deposit insurance system (1910-1920). This paper tests and finds evidence of omitted bank-specific effects. Estimates in Wheelock and Kumbhakar (1995), as a result, are biased. This paper introduces unobserved individual heterogeneity to the test for moral hazard, corrects their estimates, and finds more evidence of moral hazard in the Kansas deposit insurance system

    Knowing for something's sake

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    Estudio de la satisfacción por edad y género del alumnado de Educación Secundaria hacia el aprendizaje integrado de Baloncesto y Lengua Inglesa a través de una Pedagogía No-Lineal

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    Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) is increasingly being researched and developed in Spain. This system is based on combining the four language skills (listening, speaking, reading and writing) in a realistic context, which makes the use of language functional, with numerous studies showing the benefits of this type of content combination. The aim of the study is to analyze the differences in the effect of this type of learning in relation to the gender or ages of the students participating in such programs. The sample selected for the study was 46 students, with an average age of 13.39 years, corresponding to the 2nd and 4th years of secondary education. The SSI-BPE (Sport Satisfaction Instrument in Bilingual Physical Education) questionnaire was used to record the degree of student satisfaction. The results indicate that the bilingual teaching modality in PE classes for the development of content related to the sport of basketball is associated with an increase in satisfaction and enjoyment of the classes. However, it appears that this motivation decreases with age.El Aprendizaje Integrado de Contenidos y Lenguas Extranjeras (AICLE) se está investigando y desarrollando en España cada vez más. Este sistema se basa en combinar las cuatro habilidades del lenguaje (escucha, habla, lectura y escritura) en un contexto realista, lo que hace que el uso del lenguaje sea funcional, siendo numerosos los estudios que muestran los beneficios de este tipo de combinación de contenidos. El objetivo del estudio es analizar las diferencias del efecto de este tipo de aprendizaje en relación al género o las edades de los estudiantes que participan en dichos programas. La muestra seleccionada para el estudio fue de 46 estudiantes, con una edad media de 13,39 años, correspondiente a los cursos 2º y 4º de educación secundaria. Para el registro del grado de satisfacción del alumnado se utilizó el cuestionario SSI-BPE (Sport Satisfaction Instrument in Bilingual Physical Education). Los resultados indican que la modalidad de enseñanza bilingüe en las clases de EF para el desarrollo de contenido relacionado con el deporte del baloncesto se asocia con un incremento de la satisfacción y disfrute hacia las clases. No obstante, parece ser que esta motivación decrece con la edad

    Experimental comparison of control strategies for trajectory tracking for mobile robots

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    The purpose of this paper is to implement, test and compare the performance of different control strategies for tracking trajectory for mobile robots. The control strategies used are based on linear algebra, PID controller and on a sliding mode controller. Each control scheme is developed taking into consideration the model of the robot. The linear algebra approaches take into account the complete kinematic model of the robot; and the PID and the sliding mode controller use a reduced order model, which is obtained considering the mobile robot platform as a black-box. All the controllers are tested and compared, firstly by simulations and then, by using a Pioneer 3DX robot in field experiments.Fil: Capito, Linda. Escuela Politécnica Nacional; EcuadorFil: Proaño, Pablo. Escuela Politécnica Nacional; EcuadorFil: Camacho, Oscar. Escuela Politécnica Nacional; EcuadorFil: Rosales, Andrés. Escuela Politécnica Nacional; EcuadorFil: Scaglia, Gustavo Juan Eduardo. Universidad Nacional de San Juan. Facultad de Ingeniería. Instituto de Ingeniería Química; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - San Juan; Argentin

    Estudio multitemporal del cuerpo de agua de la laguna de Fúquene mediante imágenes satelitales Landsat

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    Este estudio pretende determinar el comportamiento del espejo de agua de la laguna de Fúquene a través del tiempo, por medio de la aplicación de imágenes satelitales obtenidas en las distintas épocas a lo largo de 30 años de captura de información. Como objeto principal del estudio se determinan las áreas del cuerpo de agua de la laguna, por medio del conteo de pixeles que representan el elemento escogido

    The Expansion of Higher Education in Colombia : Bad Students or Bad Programs?

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    Rapid expansion in the demand for post-secondary education triggered an unprecedented boom of higher education programs in Colombia, possibly deteriorating quality. This paper uses rich administrative data matching school admission information, wages and detailed socio-economic characteristics of the young graduates, and standardized test scores pre- and post-tertiary education, to assess the heterogeneity in the value added generated by higher education programs. Our findings show that once we account for self-selection, the penalty of attending a recently created program that initially appeared to be large becomes much smaller, and close to zero

    El valor del aprendizaje incidental en la toma de decisión y control motor en baloncesto

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    En la mayor parte de las situaciones que se producen en el baloncesto,el jugador debe tomar decisiones en un momento concreto de unafracción de tiempo muy limitada, mientras de forma simultánea ejecuta respuestasmotoras también inmediatas. Son reacciones motoras rápidas tomadasen situación de presión, donde no tiene tiempo para reflexionar (Kibele,2006). Estas decisiones parecen basarse en la intuición (Iglesias, Cárdenas& Alarcón, 2007) y se relacionan con el aprendizaje incidental (Poolton,Masters & Maxwell, 2006). En un deporte como el baloncesto donde eltiempo es muy reducido y se necesita ejecutar de manera simultánea unarespuesta motora inmediata, los procesos intuitivos parecen que puedenproporcionar la exactitud y la rapidez deseada (Raab & Johnson, 2008), favoreciendoque se produzca una toma de decisión eficaz en condición de estrés,con límite de tiempo y poca información. Teniendo en cuenta que losprocesos deliberados y automáticos funcionan simultáneamente y que en suconjunto forman el pensamiento y la acción (Betsch, 2008), nosotros abogamospor un modelo integrado que tenga en cuenta a ambos, pues comoafirman Sun, Slusarz & Terry (2005), los procesos incidentales e intencionalescoexisten e interactúan para formar el aprendizaje y el rendimiento

    Integration of Real-Intelligence in Energy Management Systems to Enable Holistic Demand Response Optimization in Buildings and Districts

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    Although multiple trials have been conducted demonstrating that demand side flexibility works and even though technology roll-out progresses significantly fast, the business application of residential and small tertiary demand response has been slow to develop. This paper introduces a holistic demand response optimization framework that enables significant energy costs reduction at the consumer side, while introducing buildings as a major contributor to energy networks' stability in response to network constraints and conditions. The backbone of the solution consists in a modular interoperability and data management framework that enables open standards-based communication along the demand response value chain. The solution is validated in four large-scale pilot sites, incorporating diverse building types, heterogeneous home, building and district energy systems and devices, a variety of energy carriers and spanning diverse climatic conditions, demographic and cultural characteristics.European Commission's H2020, 76861