2,419 research outputs found

    Covariance-based online validation of video tracking

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    This paper is a postprint of a paper submitted to and accepted for publication in Electronics Letters and is subject to Institution of Engineering and Technology Copyright. The copy of record is available at IEEE Digital LibraryA novel approach is proposed for online evaluation of video tracking without ground-truth data. The temporal evolution of the covariance features is exploited to detect the stability of the tracker output over time. A model validation strategy performs such detection without learning the failure cases of the tracker under evaluation. Then, the tracker performance is estimated by a finite state machine determining whether the tracker is on-target (successful) or not (unsuccessful). The experimental results over a heterogeneous dataset show that the proposed approach outperforms related state-of-the-art approaches in terms of performance and computational cost.This work was supported by the Spanish Government (TEC2011-25995, EventVideo)

    Carlos Rojas: su primera obra narrativa (1957-1962)

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    En las obras narrativas de este primer período de Carlos Rojas se encuentran ya algunos de los elementos básicos de su novelística posterior, como la temática sobre la condición humana, Europa y sus valores, el carácter destructivo del poder y el mal. Igualmente hallamos los componentes de la actitud de Rojas ante la novela: la independencia y autocrítica, el criterio personal en la manera de concebir la novela, el ensayo constante de nuevas formas, la fusión de lo cerebral y lo vital, la conjugación de los elementos de la realidad visible y de la invisible en un «realismo total» y la búsqueda de la transcendencia que apunta a niveles metafísicos y religiosos.In Carlos Rojas' first period narrative works were already some of the basic elements of his later personality, as the theme of the human condition, Europe and its values, the destructive nature of power and evil. Equally, we find the components of Rojas' attitude before the novel: the independence and self-criticism, the personal discretion in the way of conceiving the novel, the constant test of new forms, the merger of the cerebral and vital, the combination of the elements of visible reality and invisible in a "total realism" and the search for the transcendence that aims at metaphysical and religious levels

    Disparidades regionales en la Unión Europea. Una aproximación a la cuantificación de la cohesión económica y social

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    El Tratado de la Unión Europea (UE) de 1992 y el texto de la Constitución para Europa, actualmente en proceso de aprobación por los países miembros, establecen como uno de los principales objetivos de la Unión el logro de una más alta cohesión económica y social. La cuantificación de este objetivo incluye un amplio conjunto de aspectos, aunque no están bien definidos en los distintos documentos comunitarios. El PIB por habitante se ha tomado normalmente como el indicador más útil para medir el avance hacia la reducción de las diferencias regionales y los estudios de convergencia. Ha sido, asimismo, el indicador de referencia para establecer el carácter elegible de las regiones europeas más atrasadas para recibir fondos estructurales (regiones «Objetivo 1»). Este indicador se utiliza también para valorar las mejoras comparativas de las regiones, aunque sin duda es muy simple para medir adecuadamente los avances hacia una mayor cohesión económica y social. El objetivo de este artículo es proponer una vía de aproximación más completa para medir la cohesión y estimar sus resultados, utilizando métodos multicriterio y, en particular, los del tipo Electre. A tal efecto se utiliza una amplia base de indicadores económico-sociales y el análisis se centra en la evolución de las regiones que en 1987 eran «Objetivo 1» y en aquellas con un PIB p.c. comprendido entre el 75 y el 100% de la media comunitaria. Los resultados permiten detectar importantes diferencias en las posiciones y movimientos de las regiones. Esta vía podría constituir una alternativa para definir las regiones elegibles a efectos de la Política Regional Comunitaria

    Effect of size and oxidation state of size-controlled rhodium nanoparticles on the aqueous-phase hydrodechlorination of 4-chlorophenol

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    Unsupported size-controlled Rh nanoparticles of different size and oxidation state were tested as catalysts models in aqueous phase hydrodechlorination (303-318K, 1atm) using 4-chlorophenol (4-CP) as target compound. A chemical reduction method was employed for the synthesis of the nanoparticles using methanol and poly(N-vinyl-2-pyrrolidone) (PVP) as reducing and capping agent, respectively. The size of Rh nanoparticles was in a narrow range (1.9-4.9nm) whereas Rhn+/Rh0 ratio values were found within a wide range (0.56-3.89).High 4-CP conversion values (c.a. 100%) were achieved at low Rh concentration (2.45·10-3gL-1). Phenol, cyclohexanone, cyclohexanol and traces of cyclohexane were identified as reaction products. A wide range of activity values (1.7-29.4mmolg-1min-1) were obtained, being equivalent to the measured in a previous work with unsupported Pd nanoparticles, in spite of the fact that Rh supported catalysts have generally been reported as less active than Pd ones in liquid phase hydrodechlorination. As the size of Rh nanoparticles decreased the activity increased reaching a maximum at 2.8nm, lower size values leading to a significant decrease of activity. A remarkable dependence of activity on the Rhn+/Rh0 ratio was found, thus a higher activity corresponded to a higher relative amount of zero-valent Rh in the nanoparticles samples. Regression models were developed in order to address the significance of nanoparticles size and oxidation state for the prediction of selectivity to cyclohexanone and cyclohexanol at varying reaction times. A crossed effect of particle size and Rhn+/Rh0 ratio was identified as a significant factor influencing the selectivityWe greatly appreciate financial support from the Spanish MCYT (CTQ2009-09983 and CTQ2012-32821) and CAM (REMTAVARES S-2009/AMB-1588). J.A. Baeza thanks to the Spanish MICINN a research grant (BES-2010-030059

    Activated carbon from grape seeds upon chemical activation with phosphoric acid: Application to the adsorption of diuron from water

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    The preparation of activated carbon from grape seeds was studied by chemical activation with phosphoric acid. Grape seeds were pretreated with sulfuric acid to improve wettability and impregnated at different grape seed to phosphoric acid ratios (1:1-1:4). The impregnated grape seeds were carbonized in a static horizontal furnace at temperatures between 350 and 550°C. Microporous activated carbons with some contribution of mesoporosity were obtained. The best results in terms of surface area (1139m2/g) and mesopore volume (0.24cm3/g) development were observed for a grape seeds to phosphoric acid ratio of 1:3 and a carbonization temperature of 500°C. The activated carbon prepared shows granular morphology and an egg shell structure that favors application in liquid phase. The activated carbon was tested in the adsorption of diuron from aqueous phase. The adsorption rate was measured within the temperature range of 15-45°C. First and second order rate equations and intraparticle diffusion model were checked to fit the kinetic dataWe greatly appreciate financial support from the Spanish MCYT (CTQ2009-09983 and CSD2006-44) and CAM (REMTAVARES S-2009/AMB-1588). M. Al Bahri thanks to the Spanish MICINN a research grant (CTQ2006-13512

    Osteoartritis luética de rodilla

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    Se presenta el caso de un varón de 59 años, con antecedente de contacto sexual sospechoso entre 3 y 5 años antes, que desarrolló episodios de derrame articular indoloro en rodilla izquierda con una lesión osteítica destructiva en meseta tibial interna. Tras descartar otras patologías, el diagnóstico se efectuó por la intensa actividad treponéndca demostrada en la serología específica y la buena respuesta al tratamiento antibiótico. Los derrames desaparecieron, persistiendo únicamente la deformidad residual. No conseguimos identificar espiroquetas en el material obtenido por biopsia osteoarticular.We report a 59 years old man with a suspicious sexual contact between 3-5 years ago, who developed repeated painless swelling in his left knee, and a progressive destructive osteitis in his tibia. After rejecting other pathologies, the diagnosis arrived by the high treponemic activity proved by specific serology and the clinical recovery with antibiotic treatment. The swelling disappeared and only the residual deformity persisted. We didn't find any treponema in the biopsy

    Automatic classification of new articles in Spanish

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    We apply machine learning techniques to the automatic classification of news articles from the local newspaper La Capital of Rosario, Argentina. The corpus (LCC) is an archive of approximately 75,000 manually categorized articles in Spanish published in 1991. We benchmark on LCC three widely used supervised learning methods: k-Nearest Neighbors, Na¨ ve Bayes and Arti ficial Neural Networks, illustrating the corpus properties.Eje: V - Workshop de agentes y sistemas inteligentesRed de Universidades con Carreras en Informátic

    Automatic classification of new articles in Spanish

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    We apply machine learning techniques to the automatic classification of news articles from the local newspaper La Capital of Rosario, Argentina. The corpus (LCC) is an archive of approximately 75,000 manually categorized articles in Spanish published in 1991. We benchmark on LCC three widely used supervised learning methods: k-Nearest Neighbors, Na¨ ve Bayes and Arti ficial Neural Networks, illustrating the corpus properties.Eje: V - Workshop de agentes y sistemas inteligentesRed de Universidades con Carreras en Informátic
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