17 research outputs found

    SIOR: An Egalitarian Scientific Agora

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    The Social Impact Open Repository (SIOR) has become a unique data source at the international level in which researchers can display, quote, and store the social impact of their research results. SIOR arises from the social and political needs to know and connect with scientific projects to assess their social impact, promoting transparency of science and open-access systems. This repository has been designed to allow researchers to link their social impacts with research institutions and citizens. In short, SIOR reveals possibilities for transforming scientific research through means such as developing a qualitative tool as an egalitarian scientific agora that enables assessment of social improvements derived from social sciences and humanities (SSH) research. SIOR is a qualitative and open peer-review tool that allows citizens to comment online about an investigation's impact on society

    La Verneda-Sant Martí Adult School: A Reference for Neighborhood Popular Education

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    The Adult School of La Verneda-Sant Martí, located in Barcelona, Spain, is a reference at the international level because of its trajectory and its contributions to the transformative movement in democratic education. The school was created in 1978 to address the demands of the La Verneda neighborhood's working-class residents, who needed an adult school that could reverse the lack of academic education of neighborhood adults. This school builds on the precedents of popular education developed by the libertarian movement prior to the Franco dictatorship. Since its beginnings, the school has continuously taught people to read and write, helping adults obtain academic degrees that facilitated their labor insertion or promoted their access to university. The school's success is confirmed by the current data: It has approximately 2,000 participants, 5 workers, and 150 volunteers. The key to its success is an effective democratic organization and functioning as well as broad development of activities and an accessible schedule the school is open Monday through Sunday, from 9 a.m. until 10 p.m. ¿that meets the real needs of neighborhood residents. The adult participants, together with the teachers and the volunteers, determine and organize the activities that will be conducted in the school

    Identifying the Relevance of Research Goals through Collecting Citizens’ Voices on Social Media

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    Recent debates on the meaning and use of science are focused on addressing citizens’ needs or concerns of society in different fields. Researchers have developed different methodologies for capturing the relevance of topics to be addressed by research in order to map them. This article proposes a new methodology for identifying the relevance of research goals through collecting citizen’s voices on Twitter and Facebook combing two approaches: top down, starting with already defined research goals priorities, and bottom up, departing from the social media. The article presents the results of the application of this methodology through the research goals of Sustainable Development Goals to identify their relevance and if there are some topics not covered by them. Thus, researchers could integrate this methodology in their daily work and be more in line with the needs expressed by citizens in social media

    Identifying the Relevance of Research Goals through Collecting Citizens' Voices on Social Media

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    Recent debates on the meaning and use of science are focused on addressing citizens' needs or concerns of society in different fields. Researchers have developed different methodologies for capturing the relevance of topics to be addressed by research in order to map them. This article proposes a new methodology for identifying the relevance of research goals through collecting citizen's voices on Twitter and Facebook combing two approaches: top down, starting with already defined research goals priorities, and bottom up, departing from the social media. The article presents the results of the application of this methodology through the research goals of Sustainable Development Goals to identify their relevance and if there are some topics not covered by them. Thus, researchers could integrate this methodology in their daily work and be more in line with the needs expressed by citizens in social media

    Identifying the Relevance of Research Goals through Collecting Citizens’ Voices on Social Media

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    Recent debates on the meaning and use of science are focused on addressing citizens’ needs or concerns of society in different fields. Researchers have developed different methodologies for capturing the relevance of topics to be addressed by research in order to map them. This article proposes a new methodology for identifying the relevance of research goals through collecting citizen’s voices on Twitter and Facebook combing two approaches: top down, starting with already defined research goals priorities, and bottom up, departing from the social media. The article presents the results of the application of this methodology through the research goals of Sustainable Development Goals to identify their relevance and if there are some topics not covered by them. Thus, researchers could integrate this methodology in their daily work and be more in line with the needs expressed by citizens in social media

    Plan for preventive socialization of gender violence in preprimary and primary schools

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    La violència de gènere és un greu problema social que necessita una resposta immediata i, a més, un treball preventiu per a abordar-la. Tot i que actualment són molts els recursos i les campanyes destinades a la prevenció d’aquesta, els casos no disminueixen i cada vegada afecten persones més joves. En aquest article presentem un projecte d’innovació docent en el qual han participat tres centres d’educació infantil i primària i set investigadors/es de dues universitats catalanes i que ha pretès assessorar i implementar actuacions educatives avalades per la comunitat científica internacional amb el principal objectiu de contribuir a una socialització preventiva de la violència de gènere. D’aquesta manera, a través d’activitats destinades a l’alumnat d’educació infantil i primària així com també al col·lectiu de professorat i al de familiars, en tant que agents que intervenen en l’educació dels nens i nenes, s’ha obtingut un impacte rellevant. Els resultats han mostrat que la formació del professorat així com també la dels familiars té una forta repercussió en la socialització preventiva del nens/es i joves. D’altra banda, cal destacar que a més a més de l’adquisició d’eines i estratègies per a la prevenció de la violència de gènere, les activitats realitzades han permès a l’alumnat obtenir altres resultats vinculats a l’aprenentatge i a la millora de la convivència.Gender violence is a serious social problem that needs an immediate response, and more preventive work to address it. Although currently there are many resources and campaigns aimed at preventing it, the number of cases has not reduced and younger people are increasingly being affected. This paper presents a teaching innovation project which involved three primary schools and seven researchers from two Catalan universities. The project aimed at giving advice and implement educational activities supported by the international scientific community with the main aim to contribute to a preventive socialization of gender violence. Thus, through activities aimed at students of primary and pre-primary education as well as the teachers and family members, as agents involved in the education of children, a significant impact has been obtained. The results showed that teacher training as well as family education has a strong impact on the preventive socialization of children and youth. Moreover, in addition to the acquisition of tools and strategies for gender violence prevention, the activities conducted have enabled students to obtain other results related to learning and improvement of coexistence

    Proyecto "Extended Learning Time" : contribuyendo a generar vocaciones científicas en contextos en riesgo de exclusión social

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    El proyecto trata de acercar la ciencia a colectivos habitualmente más alejados a entornos científicos y técnicos, específicamente minorías étnicas, inmigrantes y chicas. Se implementó la actuación educativa de éxito extensión del tiempo de aprendizaje, que supone ampliar los espacios de aprendizaje al alumnado más allá del propio horario lectivo, ofreciendo actividades educativas de calidad que contribuyen a una mejor formación. Se seleccionaron centros educativos en alto riesgo de exclusión social. Se diseñó y ofreció una formación científica actualizada respecto la evolución humana, paleoecología y el concepto de naturaleza de la ciencia, poniendo en contacto el método y la práctica investigadora. Esta formación ha resultado una plataforma para acercar la ciencia y las vocaciones científicas a colectivos tradicionalmente más alejados de la misma

    Coneixement científic a l'abast de tothom: creació d'un repositori obert sobre l'impacte social de la recerca

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    La tesis doctoral té com objectiu aportar coneixement i elements al debat actual sobre com millorar la qualitat de la recerca internacional, i més concretament en l’àmbit de les ciències socials i humanitats, a partir de la creació d’un repositori obert centrat en l’avaluació de l’impacte social de la recerca. Per fer-ho s’han elaborat dues preguntes de recerques que han sigut les que han orientat la recerca realitzada per l’elaboració de la tesis:1. Recollir i analitzar experiències d’accés obert a la informació.2. Contribuir al retorn del coneixement, fruit de la recerca, a la ciutadania a través de la creació un repositori obert sobre impacte social de caràcter internacional

    Gómez González, Aitor; Díez Palomar, Javier; Ormazábal Unzué, Javier; Flecha García, Ramón; Vilà Baños, Ruth (2012) Estadística Básica para educadores. Madrid: Síntesis.

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    Estadística básica para educadores es un libro que ofrece una herramienta prácticapara todas aquellas personas que desean aproximarse al mundo de la educación de una manera crítica y seria. A través de sus páginas, los autores nos ofrecen de manera sencilla y a veces intuitiva los conocimientos imprescindibles de la estadística para desempeñar nuestra tarea como profesionales de la educación.Estadística básica para educadores es un libro que ofrece una herramienta prácticapara todas aquellas personas que desean aproximarse al mundo de la educación de una manera crítica y seria. A través de sus páginas, los autores nos ofrecen de manera sencilla y a veces intuitiva los conocimientos imprescindibles de la estadística para desempeñar nuestra tarea como profesionales de la educación