868 research outputs found

    Theoretical investigation of responsivity/NEP trade-off in NIR graphene/semiconductor schottky photodetectors operating at room temperature

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    In this work we theoretically investigate the responsivity/noise equivalent power (NEP) trade-off in graphene/semiconductor Schottky photodetectors (PDs) operating in the near-infrared regime and working at room temperature. Our analysis shows that the responsivity/NEP ratio is strongly dependent on the Schottky barrier height (SBH) of the junction, and we derive a closed analytical formula for maximizing it. In addition, we theoretically discuss how the SBH is related to the reverse voltage applied to the junction in order to show how these devices could be optimized in practice for different semiconductors. We found that graphene/n-silicon (Si) Schottky PDs could be optimized at 1550 nm, showing a responsivity and NEP of 133 mA/W and 500 fW/√ Hz, respectively, with a low reverse bias of only 0.66 V. Moreover, we show that graphene/n-germanium (Ge) Schottky PDs optimized in terms of responsivity/NEP ratio could be employed at 2000 nm with a responsivity and NEP of 233 mA/W and 31 pW/√ Hz, respectively. We believe that our insights are of great importance in the field of silicon photonics for the realization of Si-based PDs to be employed in power monitoring, lab-on-chip and environment monitoring applications

    Public crowdsensing of heat waves by social media data

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    Abstract. Investigating on society-related heat wave hazards is a global issue concerning the people health. In the last two decades, Europe experienced several severe heat wave episodes with catastrophic effects in term of human mortality (2003, 2010 and 2015). Recent climate investigations confirm that this threat will represent a key issue for the resiliency of urban communities in next decades. Several important mitigation actions (Heat-Health Action Plans) against heat hazards have been already implemented in some WHO (World Health Organization) European region member states to encourage preparedness and response to extreme heat events. Nowadays, social media (SM) offer new opportunities to indirectly measure the impact of heat waves on society. Using the crowdsensing concept, a micro-blogging platform like Twitter may be used as a distributed network of mobile sensors that react to external events by exchanging messages (tweets). This work presents a preliminary analysis of tweets related to heat waves that occurred in Italy in summer 2015. Using TwitterVigilance dashboard, developed by the University of Florence, a sample of tweets related to heat conditions was retrieved, stored and analyzed for main features. Significant associations between the daily increase in tweets and extreme temperatures were presented. The daily volume of Twitter users and messages revealed to be a valuable indicator of heat wave impact at the local level, in urban areas. Furthermore, with the help of Generalized Additive Model (GAM), the volume of tweets in certain locations has been used to estimate thresholds of local discomfort conditions. These city-specific thresholds are the result of dissimilar climatic conditions and risk cultures

    Regional manifestation of the widespread disruption of soil-landscapes by the 4kyr BP impact-linked dust event using pedo-sedimentary micro-fabrics

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    The co-occurrence of a sharp dust peak, low lake levels, forest reduction, and ice retreat at ca. 4-kyr BP throughout tropical Africa and West Asia have been widely explained as the effect of an abrupt climate change. The detailed study of soils and archaeological records provided evidence to re-interpret the 4 kyr BP dust event linked rather to the fallback of an impact-ejecta, but not climate change. Here we aim to further investigate the exceptional perturbation of the soil-landscapes widely initiated by the 4 kyr BP dust event. Results are based on soil data from the eastern Khabur basin (North-East Syria), the Vera Basin (Spain), and the lower Moche Valley (West Peru) compared with a new study at the reference site of Ebeon (West France). The quality of the 4 kyr BP dust signal and the related environmental records are investigated through a micromorphological study of pedo-sedimentary micro-fabrics combined with SEM-microprobe, mineralogical, and geochemical analyses.In the four regions studied, the intact 4 kyr BP signal is identifi ed as a discontinuous burnt soil surface with an exotic dust assemblage assigned to the distal fallout of an impact-ejecta. Its unusual two-fold micro-facies is interpreted as (1) flash heating due to pulverization of the hot ejecta cloud at the soil surface, and (2) high energy deflation caused by the impact-related air blast. Disruption of the soil surface is shown to have been rapidly followed by a major de-stabilisation of the soil cover. Local factors and regional settings have exerted a major control on the timing, duration, and magnitude of landscape disturbances. Studies showed how a high quality signal allows to discriminate the short-term severe landscape disturbances linked to the exceptional 4 kyr BP dust event from more gradual environmental changes triggered by climate shift at the same time

    The Catania 1669 lava eruptive crisis: simulation of a new possible eruption

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    SCIARA (Smart Cellular Interactive Automata for modeling the Rheology of Aetnean lava flows, to be read as “shea’rah”), our first two-dimensional Cellular Automata model for the simulation of lava flows, was tested and validated with success on several lava events like the 1986/87 Etnean eruption and the last phase of the 1991/93 Etnean one. Real and simulated events are satisfying within limits to forecast the surface covered by the lava flow. Moreover, improved versions have been adopted in testing other real lava flows of Mount Etna and of Reunion Island (Indian Ocean). The model has been applied with success in the determination of risk zones in the inhabited areas of Nicolosi, Pedara, S. Alfio and Zafferana (Sicily). The main goal of the present work has been the verification of the effects, in volcanic risk terms, in the Etnean area from Nicolosi to Catania, of a eruptive crisis similar to the event that occurred in 1669, as if the episode would happen nowadays. Catania has been severely interested in some major Etnean events in history, the most famous one being, namely, the 1669 eruption, involving 1 km3 of lava during 130 days. The simulation of lava tubes and the usage of different histories within the experiments have been crucial in the determination of a new risk area for Catania. In fact, simulations carried out without the introduction of lava tubes, never involved the city, proving the fact that lava tubes, played a fundamental role in the 1669 Catania lava crisis

    Development of doped-KMgF3 fluoro-perovskite nanoparticles with upconversion properties for potential biomedical application

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    Upconverting nanoparticles (UCNps) possess the ability to convert light from low to high energy. In particular, the absorption of radiation by these nanomaterials in the near-infrared region of the spectrum, and their subsequent emission in the visible region, is of great interest for biomedical applications. Conventional antitumor therapies often produce a high degree of side effects. Consequently, it is proposed to investigate the development of less invasive alternative therapies as photothermal therapy, using UCNps. The upconversion property could be achieved by incorporating dopants (rare earths and transition metals) in fluorine-based crystalline environments. On the other hand, it is important to control the size of the nanoparticles for their use in biomedical applications, for that reason we plan to obtain nanoparticles with an approximate size less than 50 nm. In the present work, the development of KMgF3 fluoroperovskite nanoparticles by solvothermal synthesis is presented, applying a factorial experimental design which consists of four factors (temperature, time and two limiting reagents) at two levels and choosing the average particle size as a variable response. The samples were characterized by powder X-ray diffraction and Transmission Electron Microscopy, in order to know the crystalline phase and particle size. As a result, KMgF3 nanoparticles with an average size between 13 and 31 nm were obtained. In addition, data obtained were statistically processed by Analysis of Variance, to determine the significant factors and their interactions, achieving the optimal synthesis conditions. From these results, a series of samples doped with Mn2+ and/or Nd3+ were obtained in order to find the optimal dopant concentrations for efficient upconversion properties. Our work is the starting point for the development of UCNps allowing them to be applied in future antitumor therapies.Agencia Nacional de investigación e InnovaciónPEDECIBAComisión Académica de Postgrad

    Fluoro-perovskite nanomaterials for photodynamic cancer treatment”

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    Upconverting nanoparticles (UCNps) possess the ability to convert light from low to high energy. In particular, the absorption of radiation by these nanomaterials in the near-infrared region of the spectrum, and their subsequent emission in the visible region, is of great interest for biomedical applications. Conventional antitumor therapies often produce a high degree of side effects. Consequently, it is proposed to investigate the development of less invasive alternative therapies as photothermal therapy, using UCNps. The upconversion property could be achieved by incorporating dopants (rare earths and transition metals) in fluorine-based crystalline environments. On the other hand, it is important to control the size of the nanoparticles for their use in biomedical applications, for that reason we plan to obtain nanoparticles with an approximate size less than 50 nm. In the present work, the development of KMgF3 fluoroperovskite nanoparticles by solvothermal synthesis is presented, applying a factorial experimental design which consists of four factors (temperature, time and two limiting reagents) at two levels and choosing the average particle size as a variable response. The samples were characterized by powder X-ray diffraction and Transmission Electron Microscopy, in order to know the crystalline phase and particle size. As a result, KMgF3 nanoparticles with an average size between 13 and 31 nm were obtained. In addition, data obtained were statistically processed by Analysis of Variance, to determine the significant factors and their interactions, achieving the optimal synthesis conditions. From these results, a series of samples doped with Mn2+ and/or Nd3+ were obtained in order to find the optimal dopant concentrations for efficient upconversion properties. Our work is the starting point for the development of UCNps allowing them to be applied in future antitumor therapies.Agencia Nacional de investigación e InnovaciónPrograma de Desarrollo de las Ciencias BásicasComisión Académica de Postgrad

    Targeted metabolomic profiling in rat tissues reveals sex differences

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    Sex differences affect several diseases and are organ-and parameter-specific. In humans and animals, sex differences also influence the metabolism and homeostasis of amino acids and fatty acids, which are linked to the onset of diseases. Thus, the use of targeted metabolite profiles in tissues represents a powerful approach to examine the intermediary metabolism and evidence for any sex differences. To clarify the sex-specific activities of liver, heart and kidney tissues, we used targeted metabolomics, linear discriminant analysis (LDA), principal component analysis (PCA), cluster analysis and linear correlation models to evaluate sex and organ-specific differences in amino acids, free carnitine and acylcarnitine levels in male and female Sprague-Dawley rats. Several intra-sex differences affect tissues, indicating that metabolite profiles in rat hearts, livers and kidneys are organ-dependent. Amino acids and carnitine levels in rat hearts, livers and kidneys are affected by sex: male and female hearts show the greatest sexual dimorphism, both qualitatively and quantitatively. Finally, multivariate analysis confirmed the influence of sex on the metabolomics profiling. Our data demonstrate that the metabolomics approach together with a multivariate approach can capture the dynamics of physiological and pathological states, which are essential for explaining the basis of the sex differences observed in physiological and pathological conditions

    Seismic vulnerability assessment of existing Italian hospitals: The case study of the national cancer institute “G. Pascale foundation” of Naples

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    Introduction: A large portion of the Italian built heritage is characterized by a significant seismic vulnerability since many structures were designed with outdated criteria, i.e., without accounting for seismic actions. This aspect is particularly relevant for strategic structures and infrastructures, whose functionalities are crucial in case of seismic events. Objective: The main aim of the present paper is to share the key findings related to the seismic vulnerability assessment of the National Institute for the Study and Treatment of Cancer (IRCCS) “Giovanni Pascale Foundation” in Naples. In particular, the main evidences could be easily extended to existing hospitals realized in the last century, with the main reference to: construction techniques, quality of constructional material, overt and convert seismic vulnerabilities and possible intervention strategies for risk mitigation. Methods: In the present paper, the assessment methodologies adopted for such a strategic hospital complex are provided, focusing in particular on: i. preliminary research of original design documents and on-site investigation for determining constructional details; ii. material tests on structural elements; iii. vulnerability seismic assessment by means of non-linear FE analyses (push-over and capacity spectrum method); iv. recommendations on retrofitting measures and cost estimations. Results: The conducted study puts into clear evidence the inadequacy of the investigated buildings to face the design seismic actions provided by the current Italian code and thus showed the significant seismic vulnerabilities affecting the Institute “G. Pascale Foundation” of Naples. Among these, particular attention has also been focused on the so-called intrinsic vulnerabilities, namely the ones not measurable explicitly and interesting non-structural elements (e.g., connection of shelves, stained glass windows, facilities, etc.). Conclusion: The presented case study highlights the strong seismic vulnerability affecting structures realized in the past century, despite their strategic functions. On the whole, the examined structures can be considered as representative of this building typology, and the adopted calculation criteria, as well as the assumptions of the assessment process, could be easily extended to similar case studies

    Work function tuning in hydrothermally synthesized vanadium-doped MoO3 and Co3O4 mesostructures for energy conversion devices

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    The wide interest in developing green energy technologies stimulates the scientific community to seek, for devices, new substitute material platforms with a low environmental impact, ease of production and processing and long-term stability. The synthesis of metal oxide (MO) semiconductors fulfils these requirements and efforts are addressed towards optimizing their functional properties through the improvement of charge mobility or energy level alignment. Two MOs have rising perspectives for application in light harvesting devices, mainly for the role of charge selective layers but also as light absorbers, namely MoO3 (an electron blocking layer) and Co3O4 (a small band gap semiconductor). The need to achieve better charge transport has prompted us to explore strategies for the doping of MoO3 and Co3O4 with vanadium (V) ions that, when combined with oxygen in V2O5, produce a high work function MO. We report on subcritical hydrothermal synthesis of V-doped mesostructures of MoO3 and of Co3O4, in which a tight control of the doping is exerted by tuning the relative amounts of reactants. We accomplished a full analytical characterization of these V-doped MOs that unambiguously demonstrates the incorporation of the vanadium ions in the host material, as well as the effects on the optical properties and work function. We foresee a promising future use of these materials as charge selective materials in energy devices based on multilayer structures

    Archaeometric approach for the study of mortars from the underwater archaeological site of Baia (Naples) Italy: Preliminary results

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    This work was aimed to evaluate the features of mortar samples taken from the underwater archaeological area of Baia (Naples, Italy), an important site, where the remains of the ancient Roman city of Baiae and Portus Iulius are submerged after bradyseism events, started from 4th century AD. Several architectural structures are still preserved into the submerged environment, such as: luxurious maritime villas, imperial buildings, private houses, thermae, tabernae and warehouses. In particular, some samples were collected from the masonry walls belonging to a building of the underwater area called Villa a Protiro. A first archaeometric approach has been applied to analyse twelve archaeological mortars samples in order to define: textural features, chemical composition and raw materials used for their production. For this purpose different analytical methods were used, such as, polarizing optical microscope (POM) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM-EDS).This work was financially supported by national national research project “COMAS” (Planned COnservation, “in situ”, of underwater archaeological artifacts), funded by the Italian Ministry of Education, Universities and Research (MIUR).Peer reviewe