307 research outputs found

    A inserção das plantas medicinais enquanto prática da enfermagem: um crescente desafio

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    Brasil cuenta con un patrimonio genético y cultural de valor equivalente al 20% de las especies de plantas en el planeta. Esta biodiversidad está siendo utilizada con fines terapéuticos desde los albores de la humanidad, donde el ser humano, a través de las plantas medicinales, comenzó a buscar en la naturaleza la cura de enfermedades y el alivio de los síntomas perjudiciales para su salud. En esta perspectiva, la Organización Mundial de la Salud, reconociendo la necesidad de combinar el potencial herbario de Brasil con la  atención primaria de salud, incorporó las plantas medicinales en el ámbito sanitario, estableciendo las políticas gubernamentales enfocadas en la transversalidad de las acciones públicas en salud. En este sentido, se propone una reflexión sobre la aplicación del cuidado a través de la inserción de plantas medicinales como terapia complementaria en la enfermería, desafíos y percepciones. Se observa que uno de los factores que dificultan esta iniciativa es la lentitud en la aprobación de los estudios científicos relacionados con el uso de plantas con fines terapéuticos, unido al escaso número de profesionales de la salud que actúan de forma comprometida y multidisciplinar, convirtiendo el conocimiento popular en saberes científicos con el fin de rescatar el patrimonio cultural valorando el medio ambiente como parte indisociable de la persona.      O Brasil possui um patrimônio genético e cultural significativo correspondente a 20% das espécies vegetais do planeta. Esta biodiversidade está sendo utilizada para fins terapêuticos desde os primórdios da humanidade, onde o ser humano, através da adesão das plantas medicinais, passou a buscar na natureza a cura de enfermidades e o alívio de sintomas prejudiciais à sua saúde. Nesta perspectiva, a Organização Mundial de Saúde, reconhecendo a necessidade de unir o potencial herbário do Brasil à atenção básica em saúde, incorporou as plantas medicinais no âmbito sanitário, estabelecendo, para tanto, diretrizes governamentais com foco na transversalidade das ações públicas em saúde. Sob este aspecto, propõe-se uma reflexão acerca da implementação do cuidado através da inserção das plantas medicinais enquanto terapia complementar no campo da enfermagem, desafios e percepções. Observa-se que um dos fatores que dificultam esta iniciativa é a lentidão na apropriação dos estudos científicos vinculados à utilização das plantas para fins terapêuticos, associado ainda, ao reduzido número de profissionais de saúde que atuam de forma comprometida e multidisciplinar, transformando os conhecimentos populares em saberes científicos, de modo a resgatar a herança cultural valorizando o meio enquanto parte indissociável do indivídu

    Simulation of Auger decay dynamics in the hard X-ray regime: HCl as a showcase

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    Auger decay after photoexcitation or photoemission of an electron from a deep inner shell in the hard X-ray regime can be rather complex, implying a multitude of phenomena such as multiple-step cascades, post-collision interaction (PCI), and electronic state-lifetime interference. Furthermore, in a molecule nuclear motion can also be triggered. Here we discuss a comprehensive theoretical method which allows us to analyze in great detail Auger spectra measured around an inner-shell ionization threshold. HCl photoexcited or photoionized around the deep Cl 1s threshold is chosen as a showcase. Our method allows calculating Auger cross sections considering the nature of the ground, intermediate and final states (bound or dissociative), and the evolution of the relaxation process, including both electron and nuclear dynamics. In particular, we show that we can understand and reproduce a so-called experimental 2D-map, consisting of a series of resonant Auger spectra measured at different photon energies, therefore obtaining a detailed picture of all above-mentioned dynamical phenomena at once

    Four Zero Texture Fermion Mass Matrices in SO(10) GUT

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    We attempt the integration of the phenomenologically successful four zero texture of fermion mass matrices with the renormalizable SO(10) GUT. The resulting scenario is found to be highly predictive. Firstly, we examine the phenomenological implications of a class of the lepton mass matrices with parallel texture structures and obtain interesting constraints on the parameters of the charged lepton and the neutrino mass matrices. We combine these phenomenological constraints with the constraints obtained from SO(10) GUT to reduce the number of the free parameters and to further constrain the allowed ranges of the free parameters. The solar/atmospheric mixing angles obtained in this analysis are in fairly good agreement with the data.Comment: 14 pages, 3 figures, 1 tabl

    Diferimento de forrageiras tropicais para minimizar a escassez de forragem no vazio forrageiro outonal no Rio Grande do Sul

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    A transição de estações de crescimento na região sul-brasileira compreende o período conhecido como vazio forrageiro outonal, em que as espécies de verão completam seu ciclo produtivo e as espécies anuais de inverno estão sendo estabelecidas

    Expressing high-level scientific claims with formal semantics

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    The use of semantic technologies is gaining significant traction in science communication with a wide array of applications in disciplines including the life sciences, computer science, and the social sciences. Languages like RDF, OWL, and other formalisms based on formal logic are applied to make scientific knowledge accessible not only to human readers but also to automated systems. These approaches have mostly focused on the structure of scientific publications themselves, on the used scientific methods and equipment, or on the structure of the used datasets. The core claims or hypotheses of scientific work have only been covered in a shallow manner, such as by linking mentioned entities to established identifiers. In this research, we therefore want to find out whether we can use existing semantic formalisms to fully express the content of high-level scientific claims using formal semantics in a systematic way. Analyzing the main claims from a sample of scientific articles from all disciplines, we find that their semantics are more complex than what a straight-forward application of formalisms like RDF or OWL account for, but we managed to elicit a clear semantic pattern which we call the "super-pattern''. We show here how the instantiation of the five slots of this super-pattern leads to a strictly defined statement in higher-order logic. We successfully applied this super-pattern to an enlarged sample of scientific claims. We show that knowledge representation experts, when instructed to independently instantiate the super-pattern with given scientific claims, show a high degree of consistency and convergence given the complexity of the task and the subject. These results therefore open the door on the longer run for allowing researchers to express their high-level scientific findings in a manner they can be automatically interpreted. This in turn will allow for automated consistency checking, question answering, aggregation, and much more

    Ensilagem de misturas de trigo de duplo propósito de planta inteira.

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    A conservação de forragens na forma de silagem é uma técnica essencial para a produção animal devido à sazonalidade de produção forrageira durante o ano, existindo épocas com excedente de produção e em outras, escassez

    The Little Randall-Sundrum Model at the Large Hadron Collider

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    We present a predictive warped model of flavor that is cut off at an ultraviolet scale O(10^3) TeV. This "Little Randall-Sundrum (LRS)" model is a volume-truncation, by a factor y6y \approx 6, of the RS scenario and is holographically dual to dynamics with number of colors larger by yy. The LRS couplings between Kaluza-Klein states and the Standard Model fields, including the proton constituents, are explicitly calculable without ad hoc assumptions. Assuming separate gauge and flavor dynamics, a number of unwanted contributions to precision electroweak, ZbbˉZ b\bar b and flavor observables are suppressed in the LRS framework, compared with the corresponding RS case. An important consequence of the LRS truncation, independent of precise details, is a significant enhancement of the clean (golden) di-lepton LHC signals, by O(y^3), due to a larger "ρ\rho-photon" mixing and a smaller inter-composite coupling.Comment: Revtex4, 6 pages, two tables. Typos in the text and reference list correcte

    SKG4J 2020: 1st International Workshop on Semantic and Knowledge Graph Advances for Journalism

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    SKG4J targeted contributions at the interface between Artificial Intelligence, Data Management and its implications for journalistic practice. The first version of the workshop accepted three submissions with topics emphasising the complementary requirements for delivering realistic journalistic knowledge extraction/management platforms

    Auger shake-up assisted electron recapture

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    The presence of doubly excited states (DESs) above the core-hole ionization threshold nontrivially modulates the x-ray absorption because the participator Auger decay couples DESs to the underlying low-energy core-hole continuum. We show that coupling also affects the high-energy continuum populated by the spectator Auger decay of DESs. For the K−L223 Auger decay of the 1s−13p−14s21P state in argon, the competing nonresonant path is assigned to the recapture of the 1s photoelectron caused by emission of the fast electron from the shake-up K−L223 decay of the 1s−1 ion

    Plantas medicinais utilizadas pelos agricultores ecológicos na região sul do Rio Grande do Sul.

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